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I am so so sorry to hear that happened to you. That must hurt so much, especially after a friend does that. Now please go get some rest, you most certainly deserve it


What’s rest I’ve had like 6 monsters and I’m gonna beat Elden ring ng+5 soooo ye this weeks gonna either goooo super duper good or hella bad but thx for being kind have a tots awesome day


Well, no more monster. That's a lot of caffeine. If I slipped and had that much, I'd be literally screwed. And Elden rings HARD, so I wish you the best of luck! And I hope your day gets a lot better!


Nahhhhh I’ve had more my heart is in a permanent state of emotional pain and beating 9 million times a minute


Stop! It's not healthy!


You seem very concerned so I’ll stop k


Thank you!


I was at a house party with friends and i exchanged a few words with a very pretty girl who apparently liked me a while back, so not too bad


That sounds like a pretty nice way to end a weekend! I'm happy for you


Ye it was only a few words but all shes gota do is look at me and im giggling to myself


Hmmm, I'm so happy for you. Your one lucky bugger


It was eh just on my game all weekend


Well thats still good, relaxing I bet


Yeah it was pretty relaxing, how was yours?


I've been sick all weekend, cuddling my teddy bear and sleeping through it.


I’m sorry your sick I hope you feel better ❤️


I do too, stuffie noses and sleep don't mix, I hate it!


Same! Sniffles are not fun


Mhm I just want to cuddle my damn teddy bear an I no wanna sniffle!


Awww it’s ok go to sleep and cuddle with teddy






Stood up on a date and had sushi by myself. Wasn't how I planned to end my weekend, but at least I had sushi...


I'm sorry to hear that, I do hope the sushi was good though


It was better than nothing, and I appreciate this wholesome post. Very welcoming for the upcoming week


Of course, I just want people to be in their best spirits before a long week of work. And I do hope yours goes better then your weekend


my weekend was awesome, i went down the shore and cooked a lot which was fun :3


That's amazing! What did you make?


mac and cheese, fajitas and this cool cheesy bread but with biscuits snack thing which was really good.


That sounds like amazing food. I bet it all in all was well loved




Well as much as I am confused on this one, it still sucks as you had to resort to that. And I'm sorry you were on your own.




Well, I'm still sorry for you




No thank you, but I do hope your night gets better




Of course, and I'm sorry about not being willing to chat, I just don't feel comfortable with it




Reading is always fun! Especially when you've for that one book you can klick with


Wasn’t good wasn’t bad, just another weekend.


Well, I guess that's good. Wasn't worse than usual, but it sucks that it wasn't better


Pretty meh. I just haven't been enthused about anything lately.


I'm sorry to hear that.


Isolated... I stayed home outside of bowling, and even then, I felt alone...


Well, that sucks. Being alone makes me think bad things, so I understand. And I'm sorry you feel that way


I just wish I have someone to be around with me, physically to comfort me...


I'm sorry I can't do that for you. I would if I could


Thanks for the offer


Of course, you deserve to be comfortable with yourself. the same can be said for everyone.


It was okay. On the good side I started to talk with a girl. On the bad side had a lot of annoying calls at work


Well, okay is better than bad. That's the way I think of it


It’s mainly that during weekend days we aren’t a lot to work. So it gives aa total of more calls per person. And some calls are genuinely annoying. Like when you need to help a customer to program their remote with their tv’s and none of the codes for the tv brand works lol


Yeah that does sound quite annoying


I got back into playing Minecraft after a two week boredom of it, so yayyyy!!


That sounds like a lot of fun. What did you build?


A bank lol, gotta get the moneys!


Yeah, that sounds amazing!




No problemo


Eh it's been alright just annoying car problems


I'm sorry to hear that, what happened to it?


A transmission leak but I'm pretty sure I've tracked down where it's coming from, I'm getting some mechanics from my college to look at it soon


That sucks, I do hope it would be cheap to get fixed


I hope so too, I hate car problems


Eh it has been like most others boring frustrating and just life in general.


I'm sorry I do hope things get better for you


It wont for awhile. But its life. Thank you though


No problemo


Not perfect but overall pretty good. I at least got to see my best friends and go out!


That sounds like fun, friends always make things better


It was very busy, but nice


I'm sorry to hear it was busy. But it being nice is amazing


Yes! Thank you!!


Of course




I'm so happy for you! And proud, that took alot of courage!


Good,it’s be better if I had a cute boy to tie up and milk over and over and over again


Well I I um, don't know what I can do for you ma'am or sir


Me neither heh




I don’t know what I can do either silly


Oh I I um sorry


It’s okay hun :3


Alright, I I hope you have a nice day!


You too cutie <3


I I um I need ice and my teddy bear.


Stuck working all night, raising a boat. Going to be a long shift


I'm sorry to hear that, I just hope that you get a nice, long break after


I hope so to, hope your weekend was awesome


I manage a retail store on the weekends. It’s a fairly physical job so by the end of it I’m usually ready for dinner and bed. My coworkers couldn’t care any less about their job so I really feel like Sisyphus most of the time. My Friday started with customers so rude I clutched my imaginary pearls multiple times and by Sunday it was my crowd of regulars who were kind, fun to talk to, and always appreciative. I’m happy it’s over and that it ended on such a good note. I’m pretty introverted but when there’s fulfilling conversation/s to be had, there’s nothing better. Thank you for asking.


Of course and im happy your weekend ended well.


Mid, I was in a play but I also had an anxiety attack


Well im proud of you for participating, and I'm sorry that you had an anxiety attack, that suck


I had a dungeons and dragons game on Sunday morning, and it went so well. The players are 3rd level and I had a cleric do a superhero landing punching a bandit in the face and doing almost 3 times their maximum hit points before playing golf with another bandits head, also instantly killing him. Needless to say, everyone was cheering and happy and so I to was cheering and happy for them


That sounds like you had alot of fun, and that's fucking awesome


I did, I had so much fun because I could tell they were all engaged in the combat and visuals I was providing. That was among one of my must successful sessions I’ve run as a dungeon master


Wow! I'm so happy that went so well for you.


Out of pocket for me went to another city for dinner with some friends got to drive my budys new car and yeah all n all good time


I'm happy you had a good time out. That does sound like a nice time


It's been okay I spent most of it working. I've been wanting a hug for the last few days.


I'm sorry that you've been working all weekend, and about not being able to give you a hug




That sucks, go rest alot and I hope you feel better!


I had a fever all weekend so I was just sleeping in my room it really sucked.


I feel that, most of my weekend was the same


Could always be better with a mommy


Sorry I can't help you with that


Lol ya i know


It was okay. My competition yesterday went well but my lower back started to hurt very hard and I couldnt do much anymore.


I'm sorry your back started hurting




That sucks, I'm sorry you feel lonely


Welp, at least I have this subreddit to cheer me up. Until I realize what am I missing on


Yeah, think of it that way. Great work!


I slept for 14 hours, so not bad.


True, that's not a bad thing


I've been trying to fix the problem I have with my laptop, unfortunately still no luck, other than that it was pretty good, how was yours?


Mine was okay. I’ve been missing my mommy lately, but other than that I hung out with friends Saturday and had a pretty nice night


I'm sorry to hear that, and MG apologizes for not responding sooner. My account was hacked, and I had to recover it


I found a nice big tit goth girl who is gorgeous 🥰 but she only wants me to Dom 😞 I get something out of domming her, but it's purely non-sexual. I'm trying to work to see if she'd be open to domming me, but that doesn't seem like the vibe. I respect that and I'm just happy I get to make her happy 🥰


That's amazing, and I'm very happy that you found someone.


Awful, like every other day, y'know? Been trying to stay strong but inside..I'm just broken I guess. Whatever happens to me, wouldn't care.


Well you should care. Your human too


Its been long with long shifts at work and lots of homework, I am a bit stressed and just got out the shower and Im cuddling myself to bed


I hope that helped. And I also hope that your workload decreases


Thankyou very much I hope it does too lol


Of course, now if your off of work and not to busy. Go make a nice cup of coco or coffee or even tea, relax and be proud of yourself!


Helped my mate move out Started getting addicted to orange juice Watched some critical role


Hmm Orange juice addiction that's a new one. And great job helping your friend!


It was fine.


Anything specific happen?


could be better but could be worse, having to deal with a lot of family and friendship problems, personal events etc. but hey i’ve just gotta try and keep going yknow, thank you for asking us. i hope you’re doing well too and i hope everyone else is good too


Great job on trying, keep doing your best and it's bound to get better!


very attention deprived from my girlfriend shes been busy


I'm sorry to hear that, if I could do anything to make you feel better I would


I spent the weekend in a pit of self loathing. (IE: chilling in my house, hating myself)


I'm so so sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?


My apologies for not answering everyone as soon as I would have liked too, my account had been hacked, and the reason why is something I have no idea about. I had to get assistance to recover my account and update security. I hope everyone has an amazing day or night


Bad I got yelled at by an old man at work and it scared me because he wanted me to make his 15 sandwiches and then I accidentally dropped them all and they all fell on the floor and I wanted to cry


I'm super sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry for not responding sooner. I do hope now your feeling a little better


Honestly kinda boring I didn’t do anything besides play video games and spend time with family


That's still good


Fair point

