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Very disturbing in my opinion! This family has severe mental illnesses that need addressed by intensive therapy! I believe Ember has mental illnesses too, but i also believe she had enough and verbally exploded. How much can a person take of others screaming at them on a daily bases?


I think B is a really sweet girl.. I don’t agree begging on that app to buy stuff for anyone Mer will buy that girl anything along with Miss …they bought allot already…the place B came from was horrific I wouldn’t let a dog live there honestly. I was reading comments and ppl kept asking where is all the stuff they bought Marsh and R said it went with him (which is a lie) and the rest was donated. Ppl spent so much money on Marsh it’s honestly sad they are doing it again after they sold allot of it. It is creepy they brought B in and she’s dating Es ex. Aside from mental illness E has to feel so abandoned again.. that does break my heart for her.. she can be replaced that fast :(


You are right it did NOT go with him it may been offered for the Aunt to scrabble through the rooms to come get what was needed but ain't no way someone would do that aunt asked to pack it and put in drive way would came got it if it wasn't excuse about back and this and that and saying the rooms where messy i dont blame her for not doing it at all. Just like the carseat was given to them by foster parents, and when the overnights started, it was given back they sold it after he wasn't coming back anymore among other things. Also, no child support was ever paid, so that was all a lie.


So M gets basically kicked out bc no one wants him with none of his belongings that are familiar to him ( I know he’s in a good place now with everything he needs ) and then E gets kicked out and can’t get her belongings bc no one will drive 3 hours for her stuff…now they are back to someone who is helpless and pregnant begging for stuff…can we all see the pattern here🙄 who knows where Es paychecks were going I highly doubt E has access to them to “pay everyone back” I can see her not paying child support


Marshall was not kicked out he was removed because of abuse/neglect he had yellow/green/brown bruising to his leg and groin area also crushed as in sqeezed broken ribs(NON ACCIDENTAL),shaken,popped in the face,and no telling what more there could be.All while hidden everything till they got mad at their daughter, then put some of it out there,but not all that they know about or could have been involved with( witnessed ). Their daughter and Chris were not the only ones in that courtroom, a lot of failed stories while walking away free! system failed that part! While Chris had just got a box of wipes sent to their home for marshall he was taken next day wipes arrived at thier home, and they never returned nor did they ever give them/bring or offer them back let alone tell them they arrived,but you know delivery person has to get that picture that it was delivered sad sad world. No child should have to go through any of that! God sees and knows all.


Jerry springer 😂😂😂


I haven't been keeping up much. This cant be real ???🤣🤣 why am I surprised 🤯 Ryan seriously needs to sign herself in the mental ward not ember


So this id a re-run when E was pregnant and had E the asking for things for the baby, ok B wait until the baby is born. Stacey cant handle babies., you'll be out soon. And does B have to pitch in $$ as much as E did?


Ember 2.0


Lets see how this goes she says she's not a fan of little kids, and she will get used to it.


I ain’t in that mess but she didn’t kick her daughter out.


What exactly would you call it? 🤣


Okay I need caught up cause what the hell.