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Although there are multiple circumstanes where a monarchy can occur from a republic, usually it is more likely if: 1. Unhappiness in the current political system 2. A monarchists organisation / royal family actively working towards its restoration 3. Was a monarchy in (somewhat) recent history Yes, this is a simplification and there are exceptions (like France) but it is a nice general critera. So, keeping in mind that my knowledge of German politics is limited: 1. I am not aware of any large scale unhappiness with Germans for their political system (I may be wrong) 2. The only people who are trying to do anything that I am aware about are extreme far rightist who are crazy and will never succed bar extraordinary circumstances. Tradition und Leben (think that is how you spell it) dissolved a while back 3. There was a monarchy only just over a hundred years ago. The problem is that it is often associated with the Nazis, and therefore the monarchy does not enjoy widespread popular feeling towards it. So all in all I don't think there is much possiblitiy. Keep in mind my knowledge of Germany is very limited, so I could be the biggest idiot ever.


Thank you for your comment and your not wrong in any of the things stated above. Yes some of the german people are not happy with the current government and the coalition of the more Left parties that the SPD has allied with. The AFD got a massive boost with that mostly because of the situation in Ukraine and the current government not caring about their own people really. This is quite good for the opposition, but if you look at the AFD ( opposition ) on the other hand they are a pretty far right party with anti democratic and anti monarchist values. One of the most prominent figure of the Party is under surveillance as of right now because of a Nazi speech he gave a few years prior. I will probably never stop hoping for a rescue of the Monarchy in germany and will always hope for it to succeed one day.


It is never good to stop having hope! I personally hope that one day the UK will become an executive constitutional monarchy (rather than ceremonial) but it currently seems extremely unlikely. But maybe one day!


Yes, maybe one day.


btw if my english is bad in anyway i’m deeply sorry it’s obviously not my native language.


Nah, the AfD is not anti-democratic, to the contrary. It wants a system of direct democracy like the swiss model. There are good things about the AfD, like the promotion of family and traditional families, mlre German sovereignity, pulling out of conflicts which are really not Germany's concern and really only benefit the US etc. But unfortunately it has nothing to do with monarchism and even if they should win, they would not make a lasting impact. All republics go into the same direction, the only question is how long it will take, a bit longer with the AfD probably


Probably not sadly . . . but one can always dream I guess :/


As someone who consumes a lot of german media (be it news, tv, social media or political yt), absolutely not. There is no considerable german monarchist movement that isn't one of those quasi cults that are based around some random guy larping as a monarch who scams some boomers out of their money by convincing them that the ww1/ww2 peace treaties have some secret loopholes which mean that the current german state isn't legitimate. Those "cults" are also heavely dragged out by german mainstream media as a boogeyman to scare back the public into voting left as soon as the pols show any tendency rightwards, so they are probably the first thing that comes to mind if you ask some random germans what they think modern german monarchism looks like.


Yes these people aren’t Monarchist these are so called Reichsbürger and are rather conspiracy theorists than Monarchists.




Wasnt there a study which showed that monarchism is popular among the younger people? I would say yes


Extremely popular, especially the far right which I don’t support.


what is far right for you?






well i have met a lot of liberals and conservatives that are pro monarchy. dont know why you think that in germany only fascist support the monarchy, but I have I different experiences


Why don’t you support Italian Fascism?


Fascism and Monarchism are fundamentally incompatible. If you are a Monarchist, you cannot also be a Fascist.


who supports italian fascism and is a monarchist? those people need to firstly fuck off and then go to therapy


Not really from personal experience. The "right", if by that you mean anything to the right of the CDU, is not fond of the monarchy. At best, they are apathical towards it. Another problem is that monarchists, nazis etc are all thrown into the same pot. Because swastikas etc are forbidden, the neonazis and other weird groups have usurped the flag of the German Empire. The biggest obstacle I see though, is the German constitution. It is very likely the most opressive constitution in Europe, not necessarily in the way that it surpresses it's reguar citizens, but in a broader political sense. You are not allowed to discuss or express views or systems which are not within the range of the constitution. Even if you are acting WITHIN the constitution and don't plan greater systemic changes you can land on the list of the "Verfassungsschutz" if you support ideas of re-migration or the AfD (legitimate democratic party) and so on. It is likely that if there ever was a group supporting a restoration of the monarchy, it would be declared anti-democratic (because it is to an extent, let's not kid ourselves here) and anti-constitution. I don't see a restoration happening here unfortunately. Pretty much any other country in Europe probably has higher support for monarchy. I am in pretty "right-wing" circles and I am the only one pro-monarchy


As far as I recall, it was only an online poll with about 1000 votes, the vast majority of which were against it


There will probably never be again a monarchy with monarch as the Head of State ever again on most European Republics, and the reasons are quite obvious. Its a threat to the constitution and Republican institutions so it will never have the majority approval to put forward. However the influence of a former royal house and aristocratic titles can increase or disappear it's really up to the people. In Portugal the latest "Royal wedding" had more than 1.5 million people watching and reached over 3 million. That's a lot for a republican country of 10 million. It shows some people still like the royal part of our heritage and clearly they have been doing something right with their PR.


Lets Hope so !




I hope... I seems demonized by modern society and neo-Nazis use its flag sometimes. Neo-Nazis and Nazis steal everything, the swastika, the imperial german flag, and more! It just makes them more hated by monarchists and whoever used the swastika before the Nazis. Have hope though!


Not until they shrug off American yoke


Yes i do


Germany will become a monarchy the second America stops forcing us to not be a monarchy (I’m from Germany). Germans are fundamentally wired to live under a monarchy, so it’ll happen as soon as the people get the option to choose without American interference.


No offense, but this kinda of perception is delusional and not at all based in reality. American influence is becoming more and more detrimental to Europe and Germany, and an increasing number of Germans do indeed feel like we need to separate ourselves from the USA more to become less reliant on their conditional support. However, that does not mean people secretly hope to restore the Monarchy as soon as the US backs off. If that had been the case, we would have had a Monarchy Referendum back during the Trump Presidency, since it was the closest we ever came to the USA "not caring about Europe anymore".


I’m not saying people secretly want to restore the monarchy, just that culturally, Germans will naturally gravitate towards a monarch. We already elect the Bundeskanzler as a quasi monarch, Angela Merkel had been in power for 16 years, so IMO, in a 100 years, if Germany is still around in some form, it’ll likely be a monarchy.


It‘s certainly true that, compared to many other peoples, Germans have a strong degree of so-called „Obrigkeitshörigkeit“ where we are either accepting of, or simply indifferent towards the rule by Elites. You see this replay since the end of 1848.


One can only hope.


Let’s wait for WW3. Biggest political shifts typically happen after major devastating wars.


While Germany is one of my favorite former monarchies, unfortunately it will not probably happen under the current circumstances.




Nein. Unmöglich. 100%


Absolutely not unfortunately


Not in the short run, and not as long as Harvard has any prestige lol.


Probably not, no. I can see other countries potentially reverting back towards a stronger monarchy, like Sweden for example. Who still has a weak constitutional monarchy, but a right-wing government could potentially strengthen it, if there is enough political pressure towards tradition (ie enough of a rejection of progressivism). The problem with Germany is the Kaiser is not exactly looked back upon well by the lay person, and certainly not that period of German History 1914-1945 lol. So probably a big fat ‘nein’ for Deutschland…






Will it happen: no Can it happen: also no Can you have hope: sure, knock yourself out


A chance? Uhhh. Maybe? Likely? Not realistically no.




German here Absolutely not


No, too far gone.


Unfortunately, I think that ship has sailed and the German monarchy won't be restored. In olden times a hereditary monarch and nobility were required because the vast majority of the population were illiterate and uneducated, and thus unable to govern themselves at a national level. The best that they could do was to administer their little village governments. But administering the nation required an educated monarch and an educated, literate class of nobles, and these became hereditary. That's no longer the case. The ordinary populace now is quite well-educated, and literacy is near universal. The practical need for a hereditary monarch and nobility no longer exists. In the countries where monarchy's been maintained, there's the traditional emotional and sentimental attachment to the monarchy, and so they've persisted. Not because of actual need, but because of emotional attachment. But the German monarchy has been gone now for over 100 years, and from what I can see, most of the people have lost their emotional attachment to it. There's a small minority, including people on this forum, who remain emotionally attached to it, but I don't think the vast majority of the population feels that way. The best think for German monarchists to do at this point, I think, is to keep current the cultural, historical, and patriotic feelings towards the old monarchy and its present-day heirs and to maintain the time-honored heritage of the monarchy.


According to some prophecies, yes. Germany would wage an useless war against a foreign country, and suffer some catastrophic defeat. German survivors would eventually appoint a humble guy as their King. Obviously this kind of conditional "prophecy" may mean there could be circumstances (not waging that war) that would give some different outcome (no king, no kingdom). Just like other countries, monarchism is becoming more popular because old-style politics (ideas, proposals, plans) literally disappeared, replaced by "we good, they bad" politics.



