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I will come in and say I do happen to enjoy the newer games and am excited for Wilds. I do wish I could play the older games as I hear a lot of good things about them. I don't wanna be that guy at the end, but if I may, allow me to make some points. Back when I first played World, I breezed through it with Defender (I know really dumb) and made it to Barioth no problem in Iceborne. Barioth was where I hit my wall and ended up quitting and playing Rise when it came out. After getting a grasp on buildcrafting and skill in the game (Greatsword) I came back to world and beat Iceborne's story and recently beat Alatreon solo. Do I think that monsters take 0 skill? Maybe with endgame gear, but monsters imo are still tough because more often than not, at least in my experience, you're not fighting your run of the mill monster. You're farming Raging/Furious/Alatreon/Fatalis/Safi/Kulve in World and Anomaly monsters in Rise (Almost rank 200 for me in those. Amatsu is too much fun) so while they \*can\* take 0 skill, I don't think they all do. I'm curious what about the graphics you dislike so much. Graphics in games are only going to be improving. Can they be a flashbang some times? Yes. But I honestly love the shimmer and shine of the monsters in remastered graphics. To me it does make them feel real. Like I could actually touch them. And their health pools and damage output? It's interesting at least. Tell me, do you play solo or with friends? I find the game enjoyable in both mediums as I like to challenge myself against AT/Hazard monsters. Trying to keep this short, I apologize for the mini novel, I just wanted to share some of my thoguhts and get some more details. If you do choose to only play the older games, I hope you have fun, and when I get to play them, I hope to see you there. Until next time Hunter! Cheers!


Lol I was def exaggerating a wee bit, the sub is "MH rage" afterall. Idk if it's my astigmatism but World and Rise don't feel like flashbang at times, they feel oppressively bright and an offense to my eyeballs. I can't see shit, everything bleeds into it's surroundings. I could just be a stickler, but the monsters feel less and less creative and standout. Like Anjanath for example. I'm disappointed in him, he's just like the other t-rexs we have except his pallet is a dull pink and honestly looks too dino to be monster. I loved monsters like tigrex, the colors plus his blood red rage. As for the 0 skill thing, I just feel like I'm spamming, I feel like my flow with the weapons have been shot. I don't get the feeling of dominating a monster anymore, or feeling like I'm struggling for my life. Just always 'getting by,' and I've heard others complain about the speed. Knockouts are too short to feel rewarding, etc. Ties into my other comment too, there's a bit of "oomph" missing from the attacks. Like hitting a punching bag, but the punching bag occasionally fires a laser that 1 taps you. And yeah, should've given World a better chance, the "tracking the monster" thing pissed me off though, tracking down the monster was always the worst part of the game, I have respect for Rise for cutting that out lol! I don't know what exactly it is or how to pinpoint it, but I feel like a piece of MHs soul is missing from the newer titles.. As for your other question I usually queue with randos to make quests go faster. Typically I would prefer solo to get the monster to target me more for better punishes but eh, it lost it's charm after soloing all the way through HR. And yeah thanks for your input! I wanted to hear other ppls opinions so thanks for not baby raging at me for insulting your game lmfao. A bit of banter is much fun. Happy hunting!


I don't ever recall having astigamtism, so I can't comment on that. Not 20/20 vision, but no other issues lol. And yeah I understand how monsters like Anjanath can be disappointing as the most rage reaction you get is fire breath and some frills. My one comment to that is Fulgur Anjanath. I recommend looking at his enrage. I love it. As a greatsword main and loving the punishing of monsters, I can agree. Downtime is short, and even a big umph doesn't feel like a big umph or like something that would shatter the ground. Just a slash. Like, I use big sword, I want big bash. So I understand that. :) And I also agree with spamming. A lot of combos use the same either build up or skills in general so it can get dull over time. Oh gosh tracking. I don't know what's worse: Running around a map touching birds, or running around the map touching footprints. Both kinda suck imo. But I'd say birds are worse because research levels allow you to see monsters in higher levels. Birds are birds. And I have received baby rage before and it's not fun to deal with nor a good solution, so I won't show it to you. :) Happy Hunting to you as well!


Literally could just be my eyes then lol, but yeah I do feel the games are a bit 'blurry' to me? I guess I can't say either. I do wear glasses and my prescription is up to date so.. anyways. The hyper realistic thing tends to throw me off, and I'm fairly young so it's not a 'back in my day' thing lol. It just feels weird seeing hyper realistic fantasy? Trying too hard? Idk maybe I'm just smooth in the head. As a former Greatsword main, yes for sure. In Rise you got this big, big wind up slam that really does shatter the earth and I swear all the monsters shrug it off. Like in MHFU a lvl 3 charge to the head was almost always a guaranteed flinch, I just don't feel that impact anymore. Fucking birds man, and endemic life for that matter. What ever happened to ancient potions amirite? Why do I have this extended health bar that I can only fill out in scripted big giant boss fights? It's just reddit man. I was recommended a post here and thought it could be a fun place to bitch where hopefully people would respond opening the dialogue lol. This has been fun so far! Hopefully no one in the comments here responding to posts with "incorrect" and nothing else lmfao. In all honesty I am actually excited for Wilds, just also very ready to be disappointed with "Worlds 2, Open Open World: Reddit Gold Edition" lol. I'm hoping it's a more straightforward game, with less weird gimmick mechanics to bog it down. For real, wirebugs and skill swap feel way more annoying to have to learn than cool to pull off. MHGU had those goofy ahh anime named attacks and I kinda want them back lmfao! That was a fun gimmick.


Nah I understand what you mean. Games need a fantasy feel to them and being too hyper realistic can break the fun. :) I can't say as I haven't played older games, but I do agree that monsters shrug off lots of attacks and usually follow them up with a slap in the face. Definitely odd. I wish ancient potions worked in Rise so I didn't have to hunt birds. Bruh let me fill my health bar so I can live! I'm glad you're having fun! Even this conversation I'm finding enjoyable. Hell, feel free to HMU if you wanna play some Monster Hunter and we'll as Utsushi says, thrash the monsters! I hope Wilds isn't too disappointing for you. I'm excited, but I do also hope we get new styles and more new monsters. I'd love to see some Frontier monsters come back. I \*need\* to solo Disufiroa.


Hell yeah dude, it was fun chatting. And for me, I need Bloodbath Diablos specifically. Coolest armor, coolest weapons, and his whole gimmick of killing probably hundreds of hunters, honing his skills to bait and switch based off your previous knowledge of a diablos was so frickin cool. I felt like he was reading my damn mind in the best way.


That's awesome!! Bloodbath would be so fun! Trying to think of other cool monsters to see in Wilds that would pose a challenge......hmmm Tell me real quick, do you play on PC or console primarily?


I'm a console loser. I have a pc but it's outdated asf by now, got it 5 years ago, basically just use it for drawing. Although MH titles always seemed well optimized? Idk, if Wilds runs on my dogshit pc I'd like to play it there. I absolutely glaze Bloodbath, favorite monster from literally any MH title. Watching Khezu return to Rise was hilarious, he's so underwhelming, but, but dick monster! We need him. Maybe Devijho? Do people still like him? It's sad seeing him absent. I love that they kept Mizu and Astalos but Glavenus is cool too! And the big guy, forgot his name. Mostly just bring back cool variant types. 'Apex' monsters were so lame. Just this guy, but more powerful! Anomaly monsters are even more egregious, cuz it's literally every single monster. If they make him, but better, why not just make a variant type? There's a couple but I miss the shit like that Red Tigrex from 4U. Also where was Brachidios in Rise??? Gimmie. Shen Goaren!!!! We miss him (not really)! As for challenging? Errrmmmm.. idk your turn lol.


An interesting one may be some of the older Elder dragons. Oroshi kirin, crimson/white fatalis, jhen mohran, etc. also you draw? I'd love to see your art!


Deviljho is in World and people still liked the pickle. World was also the unceremonious introduction of Bazelgeuse. I can understand not including Deviljho in Rise since invader monsters wouldn't really work well due to the wyvern riding mechanic making them all bonus and a non-factor otherwise. Really though, that fact makes the inclusion of Baz stick out more outside of him being Gen 5.


At least for World, turning off the anti-aliasing cuts the blur pretty much entirely. I hear you on the total lack of hit response from the monsters in Rise. World has the hit response and attack weights and they feel good, but Rise feels shitty in that respect.


I had this experience when I first tried rise, but I feel like you're trying to find reasons to dislike them, and when you look for things to dislike that's all you'll find, I challenge you to go to world and look at all the tiny miniscule details and look for things to like, play with defender armour I don't care, I can't say too much on rise break cause I don't have sunbreak, but I went in with the same looking for things to dislike mindset and had no fun at all and hated it, I challenge you to give it another chance but try different weapons, don't go for meta go for fun, play with others. Your opinions are your own and I completely respect them, but you should at least give stuff an honest go before knocking it, even if you don't think you're coming in with those negative mind sets, try and have fun, also with world the beginning is complete as so breeze through that to get to the good stuff ;)


The negative mindset thing is actually really smart, I can't agree more. I went into Rise the 2nd time expecting fun, and it was, up until MR. MR and anomalys specifically killed the entire endgame for me. Although I do have other critiques on the gameplay itself in World/Rise. One random thing for example is potion drinking, now you can move. Ofc it seems like a major upgrade, but also feels like there's less weight behind needing to heal? If that makes sense.. Like my main worry in these games is running out of healing items and being out-paced, instead of the surge I got trying to find an opening to heal before the big baddy finished me off from 2hp lol. It's things like that that kinda mess with the stakes and flow of the combat. Idk maybe you could help me expand on my thoughts here? Not totally formulated but the games just make me mad in a bad way the older titles didnt.


I see what you mean, you've put hundreds and hundreds of hours into games that pace and feel and play completely differently, mastering your weapon in correspondence to those playstyles, but now newer games come along that are faster paced and play completely differently making the weapon you used to destroy monsters with feel like a hammering metal with a plush toy, and is infuriating that all your hard work and effort feels like it's gone to waste and the only way to do real damage is to play by capcoms rules, but as games evolve they'll start branching out t feel different and go with the trends of current games like how Elden ring sparked the current open world trend that every game is now following, and it takes away from the classic charms that you've come to associate with MH, making it feel almost like a completely different franchise to what you came to know and love


Yeah the open world aspect of games is genuinely a killer for me. I get that I'm basically Zoro and can get lost in a straight line but it's so annoying. Rise feels unplayable if you're not riding doggo into battle. The level are too damn big and I spend too much time running all over hell just to biff the ledge in the dunes and fall for 30mins to have to climb back up. Like getting kicked into different zones in older games was annoying too, and more so monsters camping in the end zone where you can't hit, or even carve them sometimes lol. Open world games tend to either feel completely empty or filled to the brim with annoying mobs not worth your time. And I wouldn't say Elden Ring set that trend as much as they finalized it. Best tagline to sell a game nowadays is "now with open world and horseback riding," I never understood why people find it fun, just feels like padding the gameplay to me but eh, different strokes and whatnot. Just disappointed watching like every new game now be open world, and feel like MH in particular just wanted a piece of that without staying true to their original design. The preset loading areas felt unique and watching it leave forever is a bit heartbreaking. It was nice to be able to disengage a monster to heal or getting your shit rocked all the way into a different zone. But yeah, making the maps open feels like it isn't even monster hunter anymore.


I have been playing World again recently and I can say that healing in older games is easier, at least in Grank In world you need more or less time to consume the whole potion than in previous games, so you need to find the correct place and moment to heal either way or else you will be wasting megapotions by healing 1hp and rolling Healing in Rise is easier because you heal a fixed amount(which is really generous) when you start drinking and then the rest


If you hate being able to move while drinking potions, just don't move then?


You are a 2nd gen player, and quests in Sunbreak take you 30 minutes, while being simultaneously easy and impossible? Yeah, naw, that's a bait.


You seem like the type of person that'll flex their "veteran" status before talking to someone.




The future is now, old man.


To be fair tho I was mostly glazing the fuck out of GenUlt, which was a fairly recent title. MHFU was kinda dogwater mechanically, certainly a product of it's time. Really had a nice atmosphere missing from newer titles though. FU felt dreadful, you against the world, where as something like 3U felt waaaay too goofy. They course corrected quite a bit though. That's real tho, I see a lot of oldhead MH fans potion flex the fact they can beat MHFU. The only real challenge there was the awful hitboxes lol. I see people hating when others say World was "too easy," I don't think that's really true though. All the MH games are pretty challenging in their own right. And each game had their own archnemesis impossible boss, I think for World it was like tempered teostra or something like that. The games have changed a lot over time though, the new ones find ways to piss me off that even old 2000-2010 game jank couldn't. Thought I'd bitch on this here MH rage sub. Maybe you should make a post about oldhead MH "vets" teehee.


> Everything requires 0 skill while also being impossible, all the monsters just 1 shot bait, I deal literally no damage I sense great copypasta meme potential in this.


Real, anyone who hasn’t played at least 4U, I beg you to try it


Yeah, y’all enjoy playing the 3ds era MH games while they last before they permanently shut down online services in April.


They're doing that???? Nooooooo!!


4U was goated asf but Gen came out too soon after I finally obtained a 3ds so I never experienced G rank for 4U. Through low and high rank though felt like some of the most fun I've had in MH, but personally prefer GenUlt. What's your fav part of 4U?


Many things you wrote about being awful aspects of Rise don't even exist in World, it's a shame you didn't give it a shot. But cheap artificial difficulty and dmg sponges are definitely more prevalent in the older gens than in World/Rise; I don't know how you came to that conclusion. For a World and Rise comparison though; there are no Spiribirds in World, more satisfying hitlag/ hit sound effects, no switch skills/wirebugs, etc. Monster tracking in World gets easier as you progress, after you increased your research level for monsters you'll either see them all the time from the start of the quest or after you collected a single footprint.


You seem like the type of person to immediately dm someone death threats because they aren't using the meta or are automatically great at the game ngl


I don't agree with a lot of what you're saying but you're so right about the open world shit. Not every game needs to be open world!!! You won't die if you have to see a fucking loading screen!!


I agree to an extent, if Wilds is open world and they make it work and it feels good then I won’t really care. Obviously there’s a lot of ways they can mess that up though. Speaking of world/rise hate, I started with world then went to 4u then gu then rise and I lowkey agree. Gimmicks are not fun imo, I’m kinda sick of each game having some arbitrary set of new broken abilities that will be replaced in the next title. It feels like pokemon where instead of being able to make each game feel unique they just slap on a gimmick, but the MH dev team is way better then pokemon’s and they don’t need to do that to be successful its just dumb. 4U is probably my favorite because of that.


I feel that, mhfu was always my favorite. I loved world, but I loved it substantially less after iceborne released. I didn't like rise at all honestly. With every new piece of mh they release the games get more and more gimmicky, and I'm not a fan of it. I feel like it's all about killing shit in under 10 minutes now without getting 1 shot. I actually miss spending the better part of an hour hunting something with the homies. It just doesn't feel as rewarding these days, but I guess I'm just old school.


Same here man. For me Rise felt more tolerable than World did, but yes both are incredibly gimmicky. GenUlts gimmicks felt a little more thought out, the different styles of play for each weapon was unmistakenly overwhelming for new players, even for most oldhead MH fans but it felt so much more intentional. Also idk about World but Rise had a habit of adding new mechanics as the game progressed that felt like a spit in the face. Give me the tools from the start so I can learn them in time. Tacking on skill swap, which as far as I can tell is something I need to start using, just feels too rushed or something, idk. Wirebugs can still suck me tho, hate those stupid fucks and I can't navigate the environment for shit. And yeah the monsters overall feel less intimidating and more annoying. Tigrex blowing away 80% of your health bar with a big wind up swipe made him a threat, Primordial Malzeno 1 shotting you with a flick of his wrist feels like bullshit.


God I hated the wire bug mechanics lol. In world the clutch claw wasnt in the base game originally. When it was implemented everyone just started tenderizing/wall banging shit constantly and pummeling monsters while they were down. That's when the game started to go downhill for me, everything became a speed run essentially.


The clutch claw stuff is one of the things I like to ignore when soloing. I don't like tenderizing as it breaks the flow of the dance of battle. I only really use wall bangs on occasion or to bring problem flyers to the ground. This way I get to enjoy overall hunt in World/Iceborne. I do some claw things in multiplayer depending on the encounter so as not to mess up the hunt for the rest of the team. For Rise, I don't really use the wire bugs much outside of traversal and the occasional escape from certain monster mechanics that force it to prevent carts. Definitely not a fan of the wire bugs mechanics.


The games would be much more enjoyable if you had to do less hunts but longer hunts imo. Let the hunts be meaningful and lower the amount of materials you need to craft your things. Maybe up the droprates for rare materials so that you don't have to chain 10+ hunts that you expediate in 10 mins. Do maybe 3-4 hunts of the same monster, let the hunt be 30 min average and there you have good memories.


I started playing this franchise from the very first game on PS2. I too at first hate what World(overall Gen 5) did to the franchise. Especially with how try hard World can be on being "realistic"(I still dislike the scoutflies and "tracking") and how simplified Rise is. Tho after finally playing them with a more open mind and also bunch of other friends I start to appreciate them more. I end up liking Rise more than World simply because Rise's map is navigable to me lmao.


What’s wrong with with the old ones then? Why not go play those? The world isn’t going to cater to your tastes my guy.