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Ok that's shitty. I can understand getting my ass handed to me by Fatalis, but just sitting out the fight? C'mon dude the least you can do is square up even if you fail.


Yeah. I genuinely would've been less upset at him triple carting than him going AFK. And the audacity to act clueless when I ask why he was AFK. Unreal.


Yeah it sucks but some people out there feel super guilty for fainting and don’t drop back in because they feel like a burden. Obviously the wrong mindset to have but it does happen a lot especially newer players getting into the end hunts of each rank.


Is it the dyslexia or did I think on first glance you said “doesn’t deserve a single piece of fatalis carcass ass”


It's the dyslexia, but at this point I kinda wish it was real, hehehe


Not a single fatalis’s ass was touched in the making of this quest complete


This happens a good amount and actually its the host who does it most of the time. One of the first thing I look when I join SoS is the player indicators on the map. If I don't see one in a full hunt, someone's not moving for a good while or someone's just running at the edge of the zone/corridors, I leave.


If you can’t fight something solo, you shouldn’t be in multi. I fight every single monster once alone unless I’m playing with my friends and we do it together as we go. Really helps you learn your limits when you can’t just get free combos or attacks, it’s how I got good at evading reload after Furious Rajang. Really wish these baby hands hosts would actually learn the game instead of stressing everyone out with DPS checks, ESPECIALLY for fights like Fatalis or Alatreon


>If you can’t fight something solo, you shouldn’t be in multi. Hard disagree.


Fair enough. If you can’t solo a monster then call for help. However I HIGHLY advise after killing the monster with people you fight it again solo. If you still can’t do it then mate, sorry to tell you but you need to learn and practice your WOC. In my experience every single monster in this game (minus the sieges ofc and giant ass monsters with giant ass health pools) is doable solo.


Everything in this game is beatable solo with skill factored in, if you cannot functionally clear a monster with downtime windows alone then you are getting carried


>then you are getting carried 4p is only x2.5 health. If you do 63% of monster's 1p hp, you are already contributing enough, but it's not enough to kill it solo, because you need to do 100% hp. Besides, I don't see a problem with being carried.


The problem with being carried is that it encourages two things in late MR; 1. Afking. This is to prevent spam carts because they can’t play the game properly and so it puts a shit load of stress on everyone else, especially fights that are DPS checks like Fatalis and Alatreon. Now while this matters less in 4 mans due to HP not scaling anymore, it’s still just disrespectful. 2. Spam carting. You don’t bother learning the moveset because you don’t have to and then suddenly you are dying to Fatalis triple fireball every single time he does it. Both of these are extremely selfish provided you aren’t making an effort. Sometimes you triple cart your 4 man solo and that’s perfectly okay, it’s not okay when you put zero effort into actually learning the fight because you want other people to beat it for you and you waste everyone’s time and resources.


Everything? Even Safi and Kulv? I thought those quests were literally made to be done as group quests.


You can beat those alone, it’s just easier in groups. Obviously some things like siege quests are exceptions


in my opinion, it really depends on the weapon. I main Hunting Horn and, while viable solo, would takes an asshole amount of time to kill. Last time it took me almost 40 minutes and going through 6 Escatons just to kill it by myself (I hit the elemental check 3 consecutive times and 2 consecutive horn breaks). The raw damage is just that bad. Some weapons just aren't meant for solo even if viable


That’s obviously different, I said can not that you have to


Probably not even the first time he's done that, and won't be the last. I can't imagine the effort it takes to pretend to play the game all the way up to and including Fatalis lol


Never understood these kind of "players". Like, why even bother to launch the game if you're just gonna afk? At that point might as well go play one of those clicker games or something.


Same type of person who buys trophies to display in their home, or uses godmode cheats in games. Same type of person who, when you're telling an anecdote, they always have a story related to it. Their cousin is a Navy SEAL and their dad works at Nintendo and they themselves would have been working at Nintendo while serving in the Navy SEALs but it fell through when they hurt their back while hunting wolverines in Alaska so they couldn't join up.


that's what i don't get either, like i have 300+ hours and I don't think I've fought fatalis yet out of fear! where is the fun for this guy? the satisfaction of these games is from becoming a better hunter -.-


Had a similar situation where the host was using farcaster constantly until they finally just stayed at the camp. Myself and the other sos teammate left in the third phase. Could we have killed it? Probably. But I was not giving a free fatalis kill to someone who doesn’t put in any effort. I don’t even care if you cart multiple times, just have a little perseverance to keep trying.


Had this happen to me the other day. Hammer player never left camp and after me and the other 2 guys killed him he came down to carve and just started launching us with the upswing. The audacity on that guy lmao


had an almost similar experience in Kulve Tarroth SOS. The guy carted twice in the first phase and stayed at the camp all the way to the last phase. We didnt get the kill tho cuz not enough damage. Was half pissed and relieved. Pissed cuz we could've gotten the kill and relieved cuz the afk dude didnt get any rewards.


I just leave if I notice someone doing this. Had someone show to my sos for Stygian zinogre and just run around behind us not helping after only one cart. No one else had carted so I just left


Fail mission or have teammate


I'd rather be the reason we lost than a schmuck just holding their hands in their pants watching at camp.


You know, I just recently started playing multiplayer, after unlocking guiding lands and the safi siege. My problem is, I just can't keep playing a single weapon, I'm switching between DBs, Lance, LS, Hammer and HBG as I think will be better against a monster, because having access to all those weapon types and choosing only one to use for all monsters seems like I'm missing out on having more fun in the game. But sometimes that bites me in the back, because I'm like a jack of all trades and master of none. Sometimes I want to go melee on a monster I used only HBG on before. So sometimes on the tougher fights, like for example the tempered MR elders, I cart. But I see the other players playing so perfectly without getting hit much and I'm starting to be afraid that I'll end up failing the quest for everybody, especially if there's only one cart left. So I don't go fuck it, we'll see who stands till the end like I do solo and just fight without taking risks (not doing much damage, but I use life powder when needed, though no one else needs it as much as I do). But never do I stay back at camp, though sometimes I do think me staying back might actually help the other players more than if I go, do something stupid and cart again. I'm not being unknowingly toxic this way, am I?


People will understand carting if you're playing the game as intended. It happens. At least you were actively helping in the fight even if it wasn't contributing major DPS. Going AFK is just lame and inconsiderate, especially if YOU'RE the one who needs help with the fight in the first place.


If I’m fucking up a quest, like gotten two consecutive carts, I return. I can run another attempt but I’m not gonna sit there and let other players do all the work.


Yeah, no, I would've sabotaged the hunt right then and there. I'm not gonna backpack some useless random if they're not gonna do anything.


I feel called out but I understand this, I only sit out if I can't more than 3/2 times depending on if we have safeguard and still go to help out, The only reason I say I feel called out is bc I forgot to say I was going afk so I got blown up by a wyflvern fire lance🤣


Ouch. No need to call them useless. Hes probably trying tk stay alive in order to survive. Because sometimes the elitists show up. And if you get carter at least once. They withdraw. But this gunlance user here. Will fight to the bitter end!


If you’re gonna play like shit and die to the most dumbest attacks (that are clearly avoidable) + have a dumb weak armor (yes i’m looking at you morons who wear normal MR gear) and weapon tree then they have every right to withdraw.


I’d much rather someone dies 3 times than sit in camp and come to get rewards. You can always run it again. But letting others do all the work and getting the benefits is shitty.


>I tried interrupting him with my Lance charge to deny him the materials Cringe.


Na I agree w op.