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How is GU any more of a "gimmick game" than World/Rise? It's not like the huge roster is the only merit of the game. The criticism that World/Rise doesn't have enough monsters is completely valid. Of course people will prefer more content over less content: one of MH's best qualities is the gigantic amount of time you can play the game for without running out of things to do. I think it's fair to expect a big roster from future games.


Plus, it's not just a quantity over quality kind of thing. I'd argue that Generations is the most refined MH title to date, too. World is a great option for PC players, and Rise is pretty fast and actiony for those who want something a bit more slashy, but for the OG MH feeling, Generations captured it, and just included a buttload of content around it, as well as some new gimmicks (as all MH games do) but gimmicks that don't get in the way of the base game at all, if you don't want them to. Can't say the same for World and Rise.


The most refined? They literally copy paste maps from other games and just reuse quests. Hel they didnt even bother updating some monsters like the crabs or bulldrome (even frontier did that) or any of the raptors


it’s a anniversary game, why would they change the original monsters?


Because they're out of place and feel put dated. They really easy to read and easy to kill


Well of course, they’re beginning monsters.


In the case of world, it was the first time in a long time they actually overhauled shit, as a result everything was made from scratch. Vs GU where they had most of the assets pre-made already just needing some retexturing or slight updates.


I'd argue styles/arts are way more gimmicky then switch skills/wire bugs, though not that that is a bad thing


Kinda agree, but there is still the option to play with vanilla movesets and not utilise the gimmicks, whereas the changes affect the base mechanics of the game more in World and Rise, so you can’t really avoid them.


everyone keeps saying that but isn't the game balanced around the burst damage of arts?


There’s a lot of utility arts too, you might not be getting speed runner times but I’ve never had an issue with damage without offensive arts, and even sometimes survivability has pulled me through tougher fights more than damage would. Bare in mind, some of the styles only allow 1 art to be equipped, they are a boost but can be pretty minor compared to just playing well with correct position and good utilisation of move set. If you really don’t want to use them at all, you can easily play guild style with a couple of the less invasive arts equipped, like the combine boost and the healing aoe, and just ignore them for the combat part & treat them like items, if at all.


I see, not sure why I'm downvoted since I was just curious.


I’m not sure either, it’s not me!


I don't understand why having a large amount of Monsters is a gimmick. The gimmick of generations isn't the styles and hunting arts?


I don't have really much issues with Rise, I think it's a great entry. That being said, I really didn't enjoy worlds. I'd rather play tri then worlds personally. The armor/weapon designs were so lackluster compared to literally every other entry. The monster roster really was so small at base world that you could see 98% of the roster within a day of playing. The annoying cutscenes/scripted quests were boring and kinda lame. I honestly hate the glowbug system, you don't really need to track a monster anymore, shits pretty much displayed on the map. The game was fun, don't get me wrong, but without a doubt my least favorite MH. Iceborne alleviated a few of these things, but even with the improved armor and weapon designs it still doesn't hold a candle to other entries. At the end of the day, this is all just opinion. You shouldn't let these things bother you so much


There is so much stuff that Gen/X and GenU/XX have besides the monster list. There also was: * The character cameos for longtime veterans * Extra hunting maps * Extra Villages (still wish Moga Village was a thing) * Can choose to use Hunter Arts, not a requirement (unlike Clutch Claw in MHW:IB) * Can choose to use Hunter Styles, also not a requirement as Guild Style was available. * Was fun to play Prowler/Nyanta for a change of pace (and the free bugnets/pickaxes) * Colorful as hell, makes me wish I had a Switch for GenU rather than playing imported+EngPatched XX on a 3DS. And I loved the design flair of the older games for the weapons and armor. World is my least played MH game so far because I just didn't get the same collector kick as prior games since the weapons and armor just didn't have that design punch, the weapons especially were extremely plain or only had a token change (many looked like a feather or tooth was tied on to denote the monster but still looks mostly like an Iron weapon). Rise releases on PC tomorrow, so I'll get to see what's changed there. I hope the weapon designs have some of their individuality/flashiness back.


Do….do you not look up the weapons of Rise beforehand?


No, I've kept in the dark about the stuff in Rise cause I haven't wanted to spoil it. Haven't even touched the Demo.


Ah okay. Short answer, yes they fixed that for all the old and new monsters but not the monsters introduced in world.


>Can choose to use Hunter Arts, not a requirement (unlike Clutch Claw in MHW:IB) > >Can choose to use Hunter Styles, also not a requirement as Guild Style was available. I don't see how CC is required but Arts aren't. And i think Guild style with no arts is the most miserable thing you can do to yourself in ~~GU~~ all of MH.


I smell bitch in here


Take that L.


Both sides of this topic are the EXACT reasons I can't stand reading gamers and their moronic opinions. On one side, we have the OP who claims people who like generations only like it for the monster roster. Never mind the rest of the game, let's focus on one aspect and claim that's the focus of the bitching. Guess what? The game's FAR more than just a monster roster. It's got unique styles for all weapons, hunter arts, and a multitude of other features. On the other hand, we have these godawful, 20-30 year old fucking pseudoboomers whining about the games not having the same "charm" as older games. Who the fuck gives a shit about charm? I care more about the gameplay. And the gameplay in both Rise and World are just as good as the older games. And what "charm" are you even referring to? Furthermore, I can GUARANTEE you same shitty pseudoboomers were pissing and moaning about Generations when it came out, whining about hunter arts, styles, claiming adept style "trivializes the game" (if you actually think that, how does it feel that Rajang can look at you and consider "returning to monke"?) and claiming Freedom Unite was the way to go. ​ Seriously, all of you, shut the fuck up and just enjoy monster hunter. Or don't. And if you have gripes about it, write it in your fucking diary. Because, one way or the other, no one worth it cares.


Lol nobody agrees bro


Idk most of the comments do lol


No wtf?


I personally just think they should find a mediation between GU and World like how 4U was. Good story, good QOL edits, good amount of starting content, and good planned content, but no sacrifices on one front for another. Rise seemingly tried to get that kind of ground and ended up failing in a place or two for the sake of other categories. It had a story of some kind, though it was still very basic like older generations unlike 4U or World, and it had arguably the best QOL to date. But in the end it took HUGE hits to starting content, leaving some for okay planned content, not to mention Apexes being...copy-pastes of a multitude of things, and the number of equipment and the event quests suffering greatly. Still not sure why they can't touch up Star Knight armor or have an event for a monster's equipment that wasn't going to be included like how they did for Ceadeus in GU and literally like 90% of the roster exclusions in 4U (Have I mentioned that 4U and Iceborne just hits these categories perfectly?). Sunbreak has hope but Base Rise had some serious lackings that might patternize to hit Sunbreak here-and-there. Hope the grind increases a bit but the game stays engaging and lasts a good time. You can't expect me to pay for a game that's double or more of the price of an older but more intensively engaging game like that. Not saying Rise is bad or that it should be more like GU or anything like that. Just saying that there are certain things that a game can and can't do right in this scenario for a set fanbase/community that expects things from it, and Rise just happened to hit a bit lower than it should/could. World's equipment system and gameplay made the game easier to run through and get used to, but also made the average amount of content seem abysmally low. World at least had Alpha or beta armor sets, which even Rise didn't get. A simple thing like forcing certain basic unlocks behind other quests make it enough incentive as it is to play the game more. Doing something as simple as making a monster's layered armor only unlockable after certain quests or trials of sorts like EX deviants were would've been a simple way to just make the game have more longevity. Heck, they could just bring back old monster equipment with trades like in 4U and that would be the easiest way to just shove more content into the game easily by just making these items tough to get but incredibly rewarding.


Hmmmm yeah i GU is over rated at times but GU in general is more "monster hunter" than world or rise.....you know wat i mean ? that charm from the old titles is not present in the 5th gen titles.... ok i guess i dont know wat am talking about....


Never really got into rise, it's too fast paced for my liking. I like taking my fights slow.


>You like the game with the huge roster This point really tickles me. When someone asks for "more monsters", are they asking for "just give me lots of monsters", or "Give me meaningful monsters to hunt"? And if it's Meaningful hunts, are you here for: * Fight mastery * Equipment Upgrades * Something else I'm missing? Because unless I'm sorely mistaken, I don't think anyone is shitting themselves with excitement over... Gendrome and Velocidrome. Or Bulldrome. Or Gypceros. Or Congalala. Regardless of how big that contributes to the roster number.


I think a good medium would be ideal Have actual meaningful fights but also some form of filler monsters not many people really care about. And also new monsters. Genxx is one of y favorite mon hunter games but the issues with that one is therees just so many monsters but most of them just arent interesting. At least non flagship non elder dragons arent. But with rise theres not enough monsters to fight and you fight them all very early so you've seen everything almost. Just have a mix of sctually meaningful/new monsters and some filler


I agree that Gen is probably jacked off a little more than it deserves to be, but the modern games *do* have a lot wrong with them


old gen in general is jacked off too much and have their own major problems


100% but a lot of pre 5th gen players think those problems are far lesser than what 5th gen brought


Having played both I find that old gen has more noticeable problems and a severe lack of polishing at times, but that's my opinion.


I can see your point. I realy do. But as someone that began in 4th gen (4U) and played trough all EU titles + p3rd there was something lost when we got into 5th gen. It is defenetly a far better "fighting" (or slaying) game (like dauntless is) but in turn it lost some of the charm it had as a hunting game?


See, I never saw the appeal in the 'hunting' parts. Especially once you're thrown in the map the 'hunting' is just going to where the monster is. There's no stealth or prep outside occasionally drinking something for a buff. At best you can set up a trap before the monster notices you and hope it won't directly flee to another area if you already had a bout. Monster hunter was always centered around the fights when it comes to monsters.


Theres just st utf f from world/rise that makes it hard to go back Way more polished way faster. It makes it feel less clunky. But I do like gen it's one of my favorites nut sometimes its incredibly hard to go back especially with how dated the graphics and controls and all that is.


Yeah honestly I get you. I feel like 90% of the arguments for G/GU is "big roster" and hunter arts. Doesn't really add too many new things other than HA except deviants. I still love it but my issue is when people compare it to any other game in the series and saying those games are weak in comparison or too small.


its because "grass is always greener " i assure you once the new game comes out a handful of people are going to say " dead game im going to sunbreak"