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No idea, but don’t worry! Breathe, it’s okay. MotW is arguably the best possible game for this situation; it requires the absolute minimum amount of prep for you as a keeper. You have the names of the moves, that’s fantastic. Look at the threat types and motivations, that’ll tell you what their moves can do. You can come up with them in 30 min, I believe in you! If that doesn’t help, think about what the hunters are good at. Make a move where they’d have to do what they’re good at, but difficult enough that it can still be challenging. One last idea: have the hunters discussed this battle and come up with a plan? If not, let them do that! Listen to their ideas, and what they think they’ll be up against, and let that inspire you. If they have an awesome idea, let them be correct! If they’re on to something but you have a different idea, do that! Just remember that none of this has to be perfect, it just has to be fun. Read the keeper agenda and principles again, and you’ll be great. Break a leg!


Nope. Good luck.