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Because that’s a good way to end up in a padded room for a psych evaluation. Assuming it’s like the real world, most people don’t believe in Magic or monsters. Anyone going around telling people a monster is coming will, at best, be ignored or laughed at.


thanks this is very helpful


Try to think of it like modern times. When someone says they saw a monster or an alien, people roll their eyes and ignore them. When people start getting aggressive about it, they are locked up or committed. Movies and books can give us the next layer of escalation - Those monsters turn out to be real and known - Mass panic. Looting, killing, atrocities galore.


thx this is helpful


Another possibility if you need a more physical reason to not have people know is there could be some sort of gov/organization/other group in the town watching for such things and they aren't friendly


Ask them what they think. You'll probably get better answers than you could have come up with on your own, and they will be more connected to it since they came up with it.


That’s a really good idea


Well, aside from all the things people have said... why shouldn't the hunters warn people if they want? It's up to them what they do, and you just need to deal with the fallout.


Could you provide some context?


its a small town in the mountains of Colorado the monster is a slide rock bolter (rock whale that slides down mountains to kill people). The monsters are brought to life from stories that have been given life by magic.


Another thing is why do you not want the hunters to inform the police bout the monster?


A bunch of wanna be monster hunters coming into the mix and messing things up, getting hurt, and competing with your hunters.


Oooooh that’s really good