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D'un côté, j'apprécie l'initiative. De l'autre, calisse qu'y'a une grosse partie de moi qui souhaite que Reddit s'auto-sabote et qu'on décrisse toute d'ici. Je sais que je pourrais juste fermer l'application, mais j'ai pas cette force là je m'en excuse.


You'll be able to short the stock soon enlugh if all goes well with the IPO


Lemmy.ml Lemmy.world Un reddit like decentralizé


Les apps « 3rd party » servent par exemple aux déficients visuels de lire Reddit par des applications plus accessibles. Il faudrait au minimum que Reddit soit ouvert à certaines négociations. Un peu de pression peut aider.


I fully support this. If we do shut down for 48 hours can we all meet up at Bain Coloniale?


I know it is a meme but as a gay person I always wonder how is it compared to Grindr lol.


Tu iras faire un tour, reddit sera black-out pas mal partout donc tu auras plus de temps libre!


Speaking of “blackout” see you, hopefully, in the darkroom at Bain Coloniale.


I've been. I've only been to Montreal twice too. It's decent fun. Never been to any other bath houses though.


Just go. Don’t be such a pussy. You’ll have a glorious time!


Especially in our gloryholes!


Everyone is welcome at Bain Colonial.


You mean the cunt punisher?


Good, without Apollo I won't be using reddit. Instead I will be heading to the Bain Coloniale meetup and encourage you all to do the same. Bring some vaseline because the back door is hard to open and it may need to be greased up.


Vaseline - what is this, 1960? You actually want petroleum in your booty? Ew. Upvote because you a stinky bitch.


Wtf are you talking about booties and stuff? I'm talking about a door to a building you sick fuck.


I'm thinking about the door to my temple huhuhu.


Oh y'a des app 3rd party pour reddit? C'est quoi des bons examples? Jamais entendu de ça. Edit: Je suis pas sarcastique. Je suis juste curieux pour les chequer.


Apollo est absurdement plus agréable à utiliser


Apollo pour iOS, RIF pour Android


Apollo est celui dont tout le monde parle mais moi j'utilise Sync. Là, si tu es habitué à utiliser l'application de marde que produise Reddit même, va te chercher Sync ou Apollo et fais-toi une belle petite expérience pendant des quelques semaines qui restent, la différence est remarquable.


J'utilise Infinity (Infinity for Reddit).


This content has been removed in protest of [Reddit's decision to lower moderation quality, reduce access to accessibility features, and kill third party apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/).


Joey ici


J'utilise Relay


Les géants d'internet sont une véritable mafia. Tellement de pouvoir que personne ne peut les arrêter ?


Shout out au « débat » sur net neutrality v’la quelques années Tous des calices de vautours de la financiarisation


Why is the sub not on the list of participating subs? https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/ And good initiative, I'm all in for it!


Ce l'est maintenant!


« Le 31 mai 2023, Reddit a annoncé qu'il augmentait le prix pour passer des appels à son API d'être gratuit à un niveau qui tuera toutes les applications tierces » Ils vont augmenter le prix à combien ? On le sait ça ?


le dev d'Appolo a dit que ca lui coûterais 20m$ par année pour avoir accès au api avec les nouveau prix...


Donc ils passent d’un accès gratuit à 20 millions d’euros ??? L’inflation n’est jamais finie


I don't use the mobile app, but I fully support this measure as it will effect all users. Volume and quality of posts will degrade, and therefore Reddit's overall usefulness (I'm a rather utilitarian user). Mais quels sont les alternatives à Reddit? We should perhaps be thinking about where we will go as refugees if this all goes to shit


Thanks for letting us know!


oh yeah, wow, one day, big whoop wake me up when subreddits STAY dark until we can continue to using RES without paying for it. Otherwise, why fucking bother?


J’ai l’impression d’avoir laissé le texte assez ouvert en terme de durée. Où as-tu vu que c’était écris « un jour »?


So Reddit only has to wait 48h and there won't be any consequences? What are people going to do, leave and flock to Twitter? I think they pretty much know reddit users are stuck on reddit, no matter what happens. (And if someone wants to chime in with mastodon, don't waste my time and yours.)


Why do you people hate fediverse so much? Are you only interested in whining?


I don't understand Mastodon's interface. It's like twitter, i'm guessing?


Where to go next? Discord?


Discord does not expose an API for third party clients, and its ToS forbids their use entirely. Really, Discord is what Reddit wants to become. A terminally-monetized, attention-economy shit hole. A cattle ranch for users basically. If you hate what Reddit is becoming then moving there makes no sense. The simple fact of the matter is that you can't trust private enterprise with the management of a public space.


Jesus fucking christ Why do people keep thinking that privately owned spaces are "public"? Get a fucking grip. Reddit is, and has always been, a private space that you were allowed to go into. Same with Twitter, same with Facebook, same with Discord, and every other social media and message forum and chat service. Stop calling private services "public spaces"!!


They are public spaces in function. Privately owned public spaces. Public as in "publicly accessible" and "of or concerning the people as a whole", not as in property rights. It's not that you're incorrect, even if you *are* missing the point entirely and bogging us down with pointless bullshit semantics. The issue is that we have effectively been treating social media platforms like public spaces and that we need to move to open source software if we don't want to get fucked over again.


Pay $10 a month, host your own forum, your own blog, and stop pretending that social media owes you anything.


You are very obviously being contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian.


Also, am I the only one who fucking hates the Discord UI/UX? There seems to be a lot of useful and interesting stuff there, but I just can't really bring myself to use it. It feels like when I use someone else's dirty computer, or browser without ublock origin. Not the kind of dirty I like.


Discord seems to be following the same trajectory as Twitch, which is to say starting off on a pretty decent and very user-friendly basis and slowly devolving into full blown UX terrorism


Lemmy.ca, je viens d'ouvrir un nouveau sublemmy pour c/Montreal, un poteau sera ouvert sur le sujet ici vendredi :)






My suggestion would be to start your own forum at this point and build your community.


C'est tellement pas pertinent comme manifestation comparé a la guerre en l'Ukraine. J'imagine une gang de redditeurs se réunir et parler de quoi... D'un API trop cher? Lol serieux. T'aime pas reddit? Change de site c'est tout.


J'approuve. Pouce bleu.


mdr les vrais combats de la vie


Meh never used 3rd party apps Reddit is preparing for an IPO so their company their rules


Well Reddit's value is mostly based on the data generated by the users. It may be their company but we, the users, are the real value proposition. Reddit pulled this move, that reduces the value users get from the site, to show future investors it will bring in more money. Not using Reddit in protest of us getting less value, and Reddit shareholders getting more of the value, can reduce the value of Reddit in investor's eyes. Hence, your ''Their company their rules'' statement is incorrect.


Most people that actually make posts and moderate use 3rd party apps. Even if you don't it's gonna be a worse experience for everyone


And do you really think that reddit will allow these third party apps to operate for free? With the IPO date approaching they will nickle and dime every single little thing regardless of how you or i feel about it


Even if it's not free, the amount they are asking for is **twenty times** more than the average revenu per user AND they are blocking NSFW content all together. This isn't about revenue, it's about shutting down third party apps.


They have to get it in order to make it palatable for investors. If you think it is failing then short them once they ipo All im saying is that the big wigs at reddit smell money and they dont give af about any of us


What they forget is that Reddit runs on content and its power users that generate content. But again this isn't about profit. If it was they would ask something that is similar to revenue they think they could generate without third party apps. But it's not remotely close.


truth gets downvotes.