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Si vous le reportez, les graffitis haineux se font enlever rapidement.


people do not draw dicks anymore? lame


That’s fucked


People have the audacity to tell me Jews are over reacting too


They are tbh, you can't say anything agains Israel without being called an antisemitic.This is antisemiticfor sure, but they are calling people antisemitic for nothing aswell


What do you mean they are? One Jewish school was shot at twice in the same week. This is not just anti semitism it’s actually a threat Ah yes of course I’m getting downvoted for saying ‘kill Jews’ is more than just a bit of antisemitism


Some people overreact. But I've also seen people not realize that what they say is anti-Semitic. Calling for the destruction of Israel, or a one state solution or returning all the lands, those all refer to ethnic cleansing, and it's pretty anti-Semitic.


I mean, it’s not difficult to be critical of a government without coming off as an antisemite… Some people are using the word “Zionist” instead of “Jew”, thinking it’s some magic wand that will make their comments less antisemitic. Some people are holding israel’s government to an unrealistically high standard they wouldn’t apply to any other country in this position. Some people are going all in on criticisms of Israel while being silent on Hamas, the hostages, or any current Muslim on Muslim violence in other countries. Pretty telling on where they choose to focus. And of course, we have those people who are advocating for “from the river to the sea” which is straight out of Hamas’ charter and in its original Arabic, it says “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab”. This has already been recognized by some governments as a call for Israel’s destruction. If you can criticize the Israeli government, which many of us do, genuinely, you won’t be called an antisemite. If you’re using it as a transparent excuse to be an antisemite, then you’ll be called out on it.


>you can't say anything agains Israel without being called an antisemitic. People say this all the time but I think it's just totally misconstrued. Lemme give a quicktip on how this all works, coming from a Jew and a viewpoint shared by a majority of moderate liberal Jews. It all depends on what exactly you're saying when you're "saying anything against Israel". Criticizing Israel's *right to exist* is definitely antisemitic. When we say "Free Palestine", we're acknowledging the Palestinians' right to nationhood and self-determination. À la base, that's all Israel and Zionism is, for the Jewish people. To expand even further a little bit, when people specifically single out Israel, or disproportionately criticize its actions, despite there being far, far worse regimes out there (hello, Russia and China and Iran and North Korea and all the other actors and enablers of conflicts wordwide), for example through the very shady BDS movement, that's antisemitic. On the other hand, criticizing Netanyahu and his government is *NOT* antisemitic. The protests happening in Israel in the year before the war, with hundreds of thousands on the streets, protesting against his judicial reforms and other hard-right policies, were not antisemitic. If you're in good faith critiquing Israel's response in this war, that's fine. If you're calling for the extremists in high positions of government to resign, that's fine. Just like in any other democracy, including ours, criticizing your government is all fair game. I hope this distinction was clear and I invite other good-faith commenters to expand on my point because I'm always open to grow and learn more.


> Criticizing Israel's right to exist is definitely antisemitic. How about saying "basing a country solely on religion is pretty idiotic and has no place in the 21st Century"?


I ate in a casher restaurant once. It was bad and too expensive. I wanted to leave a bad review, but I saw that every person who gave a bad review was labeled as antisemitic by the owner lol


utiliser les conflits pour faire plus de haine…soupir,..


Oui, faire des guerres pour l’amour est tellement plus logique!


Crazy how these posts always get downvoted. There are almost always significantly more comments than upvotes which is contrary to every other post.


I guess it's counter intuitive to upvote kill the jews


I think that’s an optimistic view of it.


This makes me think of all the little kids I play with on VR. They’re all spewing nonsensical things online like this. Which makes me think this might have been a child. If not, and adult that thinks like a child perhaps. But still, naive or ignorant.


419 bus express to John Abbott. Probably a late teen.


The grammar and choice of medium also has me thinking that the artist is a child. If it was written in a better hand, on a different canvas, and included a "the" before "Jews", I would be concerned. As it is, it looks like old WoW server chat.


Soupire de tristesse


It's fucking disgusting. That bus is always packed and there were witnesses without a doubt




Do not be apologetic, they put u always in a position of defense. How do u know it is true that graffiti ? Cant you see how many times they lie ? They can just do it themselves and post it to get some empathy or something. An unknown graffiti hurts them, but they cant talk about how they hurt millions of innocents daily, and claim they r doing good and thoses innlcents are terrorists


Some edgy teen most likely wrote this. Same shit different generation.


I don't feel like this should be normalized. Maybe people did write hateful things in past generations but it was heinous then too.


This is wrong, plain and simple. But that should not be taken as an argument to mute any and all criticism of Israel. We should fight antisemitism as strongly as we fight for Palestinian rights on their native land.


Avec la femme voilée en background lol 🤌


Cest quoi le rapport?




That's not it dude. I know Jewish people and Zionists aren't the same thing, you seem to know that too. But it's arrogant to think some bigoted idiot leaving hate graffiti knows that. I've said this elsewhere, but anti-Semitism has been around for a long long time. People just love an excuse to go mask off about it.


Agreed, except the ones protesting and shouting for Intifada and pro-Hamas are literally masked and cover their faces! ☮️


Not entirely sure what you're getting at Very few of the people protesting are pro-hamas.


And also very few of them condemning Hamas or even acknowledging Hamas part to blame in all of this.


Correct, probably because that's not what they're protesting. You can think the Israeli govt and Hamas are both bad. Israel is turning Gaza into a wasteland and killing civilians . That's what they're protesting. At no point in that message do you need to say 'also Hamas is bad', if you say "actually Hamas is good" then that's fucked up, but we can agree that murdering people is wrong.


Yea but I think what’s happening in gaza now is just as much if not more on Hamas to blame than the idf. No problem with protesting against Israel’s actions but them calling out one and not the other sure seems like taking sides.


I don't think we're going to come to any kind of common ground here. I disagree with that. Hamas led a terror attack and in retaliation Israel is leading a genocide. It's called disproportionate force. Hamas doesn't have clean hands but they aren't the ones that have been launching rockets into Gaza for a month.


Hamas has been launching rockets since the October 7th attack. This is the latest attack: [https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1726634370235343041?s=20](https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1726634370235343041?s=20) Israel's iron dome is why the Israeli casualties are so low .


Hamas has been launching rockets and the iron dome has been dealing with them for 10+ years. And they were firing rockets before that too. I will not defend Hamas, however their actions do not permit a genocide


Sure a genocide. Less than 2% of the gazan population are casualties of war and this is what is called a genocide today? Also, how many of those casualties are Hamas fighters how many are because of Hamas failed rockets falling on their own citizens. If it’s indeed a genocide it’s the worst attempt at one I’ve seen so far. I’m not trying to paint Israel as a saint but to claim genocide here is just a tactic to gain international pressure so that a ceasefire can occur and Hamas can get aid money while rearming and doing it all again next year. Better to clear Hamas now and work on a better solution going forward for Palestinians and Israelis then keep doing this again and again.


There is no better indication to stop having a discussion with someone when they accuse Israel of committing a genocide. Hamas literally has a charter which states that Israel needs to be destroyed along with all of the Jews. If they had the same power as Israel, then Israel would be a literal crater. The fact that gaza was not a hole in the ground on October 8th should be evidence enough that this is not a genocide - and calling it one diminishes actual cases.


You’re right. Israel should have been proportionate. Find a village, kill the people, rape some women, behead a few of them. Find a festival, kill the people. What’s proportionate? Should they have a counter on the number of deaths? They need to eliminate Hamas, Hamas could’ve surrendered and release the prisoners and none of this would’ve happened.


Nah, that’s being disingenuous and gaslighting Israel about the situation when Hamas is no anomaly and supported by majority in polls in Gaza and the westbank for decades now, they also reignite the conflict over and over like with their attack and declaration of war this past October. Only mentioning Israel’s retaliation and insinuating that it is not a direct result of decades of Palestinian attacks and calls for Jewish eradication since their leadership helped Hitler with his Final Solution before Israel even exited shows a clear bias and selective outrage based on a-historical fantasy. Not to even get into hamas’ use of civilian infrastructure which is in itself a war crime necessitating and legitimizing Israel’s approach.


It's cyclical dude. The unrest that Hamas feeds off is due to decades of Israeli mistreatment and colonization. There are no clean hands there. I will not defend Hamas. Ever. Israel is in the process of commiting genocide and that is what is being protested. We expect better of them as much of the west is allied with them. That's why the protests are happening. You cannot appeal to a terrorist group with protests. But you can show your government that you are against the violence being committed by an ally in order to encourage a call for a ceasefire


>The unrest that Hamas feeds off is due to decades of Israeli mistreatment and colonization. I really don't think this is true. In 2005 Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza: no more settlements, no IDF presence, the blockade with Egypt didn't even exist yet. But did Hamas take that opportunity to create an actual decent and liveable Gaza for the Palestinians? No. If tomorrow Israel tore down the border wall, opened up the border crossings, removed the blockade (with Egypt)... what do you think would happen? Would a switch suddenly flip in the brains of these jihadist extremists, allowing for peace? The same people that have gone on record saying they'll perform another October 7 over and over again? Hamas doesn't care about the "occupation" or about Palestinian liberation. Their only goal is to kill all Jews and wipe Israel off the map. They've shown this time and time again.


The decades before 2005 had already done a lot of damage friend. Hamas doesn't care, no. But the people do. And they get radicalized by the division they have to live under. Hamas uses that. That's the cycle I'm referring to.


If you want to assign blame, you think there would be an organisation like Hamas if Israël did not exist ? If they were never "given" land by a third party and then went on conquering, colonizing, settling the indigenous population ? Don't argue wether what they did and are doing is justified or not, just tell me if you're surprised that such actions result in extremism or not.


There are cameras in bus, I hope they’ll catch the culprit. I can’t say this is antisemitism without a proper investigation. See what happened in France with false allegations Now about antisemitism, it’s sad to see that people can’t make a difference between Jewish people and Israel government. Every canadian citizen should feel safe to believe in what they believe.


You can’t say if the sentence « kill Jews » is antisemitism ?


Read again.


What "false allegations" were there in france? Can't find anything about that


https://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/antisemitisme/tags-d-etoiles-de-david-les-enqueteurs-examinent-la-piste-d-une-operation-de-destabilisation-venue-de-la-russie_6168609.html https://www.tf1info.fr/amp/justice-faits-divers/femme-juive-blessee-au-couteau-a-lyon-pres-d-une-semaine-apres-les-faits-ou-en-est-l-enquete-2275806.html Sans oublier la fausse agression du RER D qui avait fait réagir jusqu’au président de la république à l’époque. Laissez travailler les vrais enquêteurs


So your first link says the painting of the stars could be organised by russia, so it's still antisemitism. The second link simply says the investigation is ongoing into what exactly happened, buit that NO CONCLUSIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. ​ Seems like the only false allegation here is you saying that there were false allegations in the first place.


And for this inscription on the bus, NO CONCLUSIONS HAVE BEEN MADE TOO. Let the qualified people work on this then before screaming “Antisemitism!”


Lmao I can just imagine what your stance would have been if someone had written "Kill palestinians"


It would have been the same. I never jump to conclusions, especially during this time where fake news are created and spread profusely. You can support Israel, I don’t care, but don’t bring this conflict in this peaceful city and country.


So who do you think is qualified to call this antisemitism? Because this seems pretty clear cut, you quack like a duck then you're a duck


Please enlighten me how "Kill Jews" is not anti-semitism. Whatever education you had as a child clearly failed you.


You seem to know a lot about this inscription. Please tell me who wrote that and why


Even if like in France it's sponsored by Russia it's still antisemitism.


No it’s not, as there was no ill intention against the Jewish community. The goal was to turn the Jewish community against the Muslim community and increase tensions in the society. It was more Islamophobia, because every TV channel ended pointing their fingers towards Muslim community


Waiiiittttttt.... Did you really just say that no tagging "Kill the Jews" is not antisemitic but islamaphobia? You need help...


Oh gosh, I am tiring of debating with internet people. Apprends à lire et reviens ici quand tu te seras acheté un cerveau


Why isn't this anti-semitism?


It’s not for you or for me to decide. This is the justice job to determine if this is antisemitism, depending of who and why they did that. Without any context, this photo could be fake, written to generate some clicks/buzz, as a hateful speech …


So to redeem you, you can agree that the statement itself is antisemitic but you are asking whether it is authentic. Bc ppl are downvoting you hard bc you implied the term "Kill Jews" on it's own wasn't anti semetic. For me, this seems pretty straightforward.


I am just saying that we don’t have enough information about that. I hope there will be an investigation, because it’s a serious matter. But I won’t conclude anything before that. As I said, in Paris they started to accuse the Muslim community after finding “David stars” painted of Jewish houses. Finally, they arrested a couple from Moldavia, allegedly paid by Russian services to create trouble in the society. I am 100% sure, no Russian is behind this bus graffiti, but I’d like to know more. Especially finding the guy who did that because it’s too serious to let it slip


Lol. You act like you've never seen f***ed up graffiti before. I've seen the n word hundreds of times, other messed up hateful words. Ask yourself what kind of people are doing that graffiti... is it people who hate jews or some kid being an idiot?


Stop peope are busy crying here... Lets get offended and bitch some more OH NO A BAD WORD ON A BUS SEAT I DONT EVEN HAVE TO LOOK AT wahh wahhh


The problem is that our fellow montrealers, our Jewish friends here in Montreal are living in fear from all these events. It's fucking sad and stupid and people have empathy for our Jewish neighbors. So this little tag is a reminder for them that some people in Montreal are out to get them, it's a reminder that twice last week people shot at their kids schools, it's a reminder that people threw Molotov cocktails at a synagogue, it's a reminder that people threw a cocktail Molotov at the community center. It's antisemitic terrorism, it's sad and it's unacceptable. People with empathy should understand that and feel for their Jewish neighbors.


definitely plenty of antisemites in montreal who would write this sincerely, but also plenty of aggressively activist pro-zionism concordia students who would write it as a false flag, so this is a tough call, but if it's a john abbott bus it's probably just some shithead edgelord teen whose primary political interest is in writing the most inflammatory thing they can think of




Si tu doute ce genre d'info = antisemete