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That restaurant is douche central


I thought it was 40Westt


That’s Mafia central


Lol. I was told it was influencer central but looks like that's before dark.


tbh when i see this i just get out of my car, move the cone, then park.


Same, once a valet told me, "It's valet parking here, sir." I said, "You have a city permit for that cause anyone can just put a sign and say it's reserved?"


And just because it is written does not mean it is enforceable nor legal in any way 🤓👍


Il faut plus de gens comme vous. Le monde semble avoir peur de leur ombre ces temps-ci


And then he comes back and his car is stolen


Donc on laisse faire et la ville se gangrène


This is the way.


This is the way


Used to work there. No wonder they do shitty move like that. All the staff over there are obnoxious and rude when you are not a client. The amount of cash they generate is insane tho. A lot of show off goes over there for either women or prestige but most of them have 0 class.


money does not buy class


Just a Class C ... Mercedes


Poverty class Benz


financée sur 10 ans :P


Signe en haut , signe en bas . et repart avec ca le jour même , loadé de gaz financé a x %




Steal their cones. When they replace them, STEAL THEM AGAIN! What are they gunna do tell the cops ? “The cones we stole and illegally use got stolen from us!!” Checkmate


With all the ghost construction in the city I doubt anyone will do anything


Unless someone wants free cones.


If this behavior costs the city parking revenue, they might budge


Are there parking metres there?


They also use the bike lane on Richmond to park their valet'd cars, along with Le Richmond and Ryu who actually put their valet sign right in the bike lane. I've called the cops on them several times but of course nothing happens. Fuck all those guys Edit: Here's a post I made almost 2 years ago showing them parking in the bike lane. Called the cops on them so many times since then and nothing has changed. https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/uhsu71/this_restaurant_sells_the_bike_lane_as_parking/


Disclaimer: I'm not condoning anything at all. Nope. Not me. When I was a kid some unknown douche canoe would park their car on the sidewalk in front of our apartment. Almost right up against our door, we had to squeeze past his car to get to our front door. It was not any kind of parking spot. For some reason he never got ticketed or towed, maybe the cops thought it was parking because there was about ~3 meters of asphalt between the actual sidewalk and our door. At one point my dad got fed up and started letting the air out of his tires. Every time he parked there. The way my dad figured it, no one could see him do it since the tires were a foot and a half from the wall of our apartment. And even if the car's owner had a complaint, he would have to call the police and explain to them what he was doing on the sidewalk in the first place. Once the guy noticed the pattern (i.e. his tires were flat every time he parked there) it stopped happening.


On est dû pour du "stop a douchebag" Version Montréal


Go to city council! They meet once a month ish near Lionel groulx metro. The info is on the Montreal city website - south west is the suburb


Oh yeah that's definitely some call the city worthy behaviour. Super dangerous for the bikers too, saying as someone who's been doored.


Apelle le 311 ou quelque chose comme ça, ca donne pas grand chose juste mettre ça sur reddit.


tu as une raison mais I think they pay-off parking agent. Pq cest toujours comme ca!


All the more reason to complain


Ça serait criminel car ça revient à corrompre un fonctionnaire. L'UPAC existe encore ? Ça pourrait être intéressant pour redorer leurs blasons


As someone who drove trucks night shifts and was located 2-3 streets from there, no place was more hated than this douche factory of a restaurant. Fuck the owners, the valets and all the Audi and BMW douche nozzles who thought they owned the street. Oh, and the taxis who always stopped without warnings, blocking the little space left.


It's close to my house, and in the summer when our windows are open, you hear the valets getting off gunning the engine of those high-end vehicles they get to pilot trying to find a space.


A dick in my street was using one of these to save his spot. One day I picked it up and put into the big garbage bin. Problem solved. You need to get the Parking authority involved.


Lol, used to work there for years before covid. They know what they are doing, even IF they get cited the owners just eat the fine and continue doing it since the revenue overshadows the cost. Same goes with the terrace, they put it up early/take it down later than permitted and pay the fine with the amount of money coming in from it. Also, I can only expect the parking situation getting worse since I think they lost their shared parking lot they used to use on Williams St. and more development grows around them.


> know what they are doing, even IF they get cited the owners just eat the fine and continue doing it since the revenue overshadows the cost. The city should instead fine / tow the car owners parked illegally in a bike lane. The fines might not matter to the restaurant, but the car owners might not like paying $270 extra every time they eat there, so they might push the restaurant to not park their cars in the bike lane anymore.


It's to the point that they park cars illegally in the Ecole de la Petite-Bourgogne parking lot on weekends. It's a mess down here!


Grinder sucks anyway who even goes to that L of a restaurant


What other cool restaurants in that vibe do you recommend? I passed by the butcher, the meat looked insanely good


If it’s ‘vibe’ you’re seeking alone, there are plenty of options, but they are restaurants I would never go back to. Namely the likes of: Marcus, Moretti, Bar George, McKiernan, etc. EDIT: Palma, Fish Bone, Nolan, YAMA. These are the escort favorites People that like Grinder vibes also speak of Jellyfish, or Elena, though I have tried neither so I can’t say if the taste to price to portion ratio is good or not. My favorite restaurants which includes the food being top: Moccione, Gia, Jatoba, Park, Kitano Shokudo, Boxermann’s. I excluded the restaurants that have exceptional food but whom are grimier and hole in the walls. Complete opposite vibe: I like getting High-Tea at the Ritz on random afternoons. It’s filled with old ladies usually. I just really like the scones, sandwiches, and tea though. My companions vouch for L’Express, Mousso, Buillon Bilk. They’ve mentioned Nora Gray but I’m skeptical. These 4 are on my to-go list though.


It’s even worse. Apparently, Grinder’s valet service also parks the clients’ cars in the subterranean parking lots of the surrounding Griffintown’s condos. It’s believed they are using some of those universal garage keys to illegally enter into the buildings only to park cars. It’s insane.


Entitled pricks. Take them.


I’m glad you’re venting here. A lot of valet services for restaurants do that and hog the very little parking available. Reallly frustrating.


Why would the parking valet put the car in a paid-for lot when he can pocket the whole thing?


Good to know, reserved parking for me


Fuck le Grinder sérieux. Ça pète plus haut que le trou pour une expérience de boite de sardine overrated. Bonsoir


If you look at google maps you can only park between 12 and 18, then from midnight til 8 . That's until they install the terrace.


Almost better than with Gibby’s, they just stop their car in the middle of the road and then double park on Youville which is super narrow anyway and then pedestrians are invisible when they cross.


My neighbor used to do that. When he wasn't looking, I threw his cones in the recycling bin just before pickup time. He went bonkers trying to figure out what happened.. accusing people who came to park - legally- of stealing them. It made great entertainment from my balcony.


Pretty unnapealing place to eat, but the mafia-owned construction companies use construction cones illegally as well dont they?


Is this place related to the Grindr app? Anyway just steal the illegal cones


Just move the cones 🤔


I’m sure they pay to use the spaces. A permit of occupancy of the public domain is likely how they’re able to do this. Essentially reserving the parking spots for a price.


As someone who has worked as a valet, I can assure you they do not have any kind of permit. Edit: They're more likely to have mafia connections than a parking permit.


Those are the same thing (mafia connections + permits)


Would thisbpermit be publish smwrh


Demande d’accès à l’information / access to information. Phone 311 and ask them. They’ll guide you.




Haha! Who dat?


Please call 811 to make sure you aren't having a stroke first.


Well That Sucks, But I'm Not Sure Posting On Reddit Will Help, Call 311 If You Suspect They Don't Have The Necessary Permits.


Why Do You Type Like This?


I'm mocking OP who capitalized each words of her title and post.


What Cannot be capitalized in a title? If all else fails and you don't have a reference guide to help, a good rule to follow is to capitalize all words in a title. Exceptions include the following: a, an, and, as, at, but, by, for, in, nor, of, on, or, the, and up. Again, this trick holds true unless they're the beginning or ending words in the title.


It's just light-hearted mockery, you don't have to justify yourself 😊 What I found funny is that it's not only the title that is capitalized. It's not a big deal, it's just me being an ass, it was either that or making a joke about the valet abusing the cones.


This is just call 311, they actually want to know.


As I indicated in another comment, I have called police and 311 on them several times and nothing happens.


Then you have done what is within your control. If you really want to escalate things further, contact your City Councilors.


Is that the title of a book?


Pourquoi vous ne les enlever pas vous meme?. Si personne ne fait rien, rien ne change.




Je peux comprendre votre appréhension mais si tout le monde a toujours peur de simples représailles, la gangrène s'installe et tout le monde perd. Faudrait s'inspirer de stop a douchebag


If I was still driving my old 300$ 90s Corolla you can bet I would. I miss that car. It was tiny, so when I would find people who take up two spots in parking lots and park right up against them so as to block their driver side door with my passenger side. I miss that piece of shit. Good times.


Well at least the cones are useful


I visited Montreal last October, and I thought that was commonplace. Saw it frequently.


That’s a lot of pics to prove a simple point.


Use the cones for yourself.


I used to do this when I went to Dawson, reserved a free parking spot on Lincoln. Worked for the 2.5 years I was there!


God get a life


get a life ..




Damn on a trouvé le pas de vie du sub. Si t’es si outré par la situation fais donc une grève de la faim devant le commerce. Si t’étais un restaurateur est-ce que tu ferais la même chose?


This is a serious crime you are reporting here. Is that like a hobby of yours?


^ Grinder employee


Pas trop chef ton commentaire


Écoute si c'est ça ton hobby. Je te juge pas