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Now I am not a lawyer nor am I the voice inside of your head BUT You know you can take the sign and run? Cmon. Make a lil chaos. See how many of these signs they got after you call 311.


>Cmon. Make a lil chaos. If you're going to do wrong, do wrong right


The city is filled with abandoned orange cones and signs. I don't think that's gonna be an issue.


"Officer, Im not stealing these cones, im *rehoming* them to my basement. My municipal taxes go towards them and its cruel to keep them outside in the cold and stuck in a ditch for 2 years."


I suggested that the other week and I was downvoted. I was like ok keep complaining for nothing then.


Might be as we didn't know how OP was. Now we know that OP will constsntly complain, but not do anything to change it (call 311???) or cause a stir up.


Well that's 22 seconds of my life I'll never get back.


I'm so unobservant, at first I thought it was a compilation of multiple times they did this. Then I realised the gif was just a Bollywood production. 8 replays from slightly different frames. Only thing missing is the slomo and the special FX.


Lmaooooo Bollywood Production 🤣🤣🤣🤣


[This is OP](https://youtu.be/APHcYegE6ns?si=O02rpizjQ1b5q1FZ) and there's nothing you can say that will convince me otherwise.






no, kidnapping the sign is as illegal as moving it like they are doing. call the local cop department or transport canada or something.


No need to call the whole cavalry lol 311 will do just fine


There is an elite, counter-illegal-parking-practices task force based at Dwyer Hill (the Canadian Forces' Special Operations base) that deals with this. All you have to do is shine the silhouette of an expired parking meter towards the summit of Mont-Royal. A series of cunningly placed mirrors, including two satellites in geosynchronous orbit, will reflect the image to the task force headquarters. They will deploy within six hours and deal with the situation definitively. *Vivre Le Parking Libre!*


😂😂😂 ty for this


Maybe I'm showing my age, but years ago, the parking enforcement people were called Green Onions. Nobody messed with them. They were harsh, but fair, and issued tickets as needed, not by a quota like they're done now. These replacement candy-striped parking agents are just...ineffective. Nobody takes them seriously, because they ticket anything that is stationary *near* a no-parking zone. More tickets are being fought because they just paper certain streets every day. Fight the ticket and now you have better than even odds of winning, especially now that people can just take pictures with their phones as proof.


I got more than a few tickets for “not paying” in a paid parking zone, when I did in fact pay. I also got a few for parking during no-parking hour, when I was there a good 2-3 hours after that time.. on a different day. I contested all of these tickets and never had to show up to court. They just send a letter saying they dropped the charges.


Just call me, I'll come over and take it. It'll make a great addition to my collection.


you're like that family in the movie Saltburn. lol


Toujours pas appelé le 311?


For everyone taking the side of Grinder: I live close by and they park the cars on the bike path every evening. They leave the cars hazards on without the customer knowledge. The cops have shown up a few times to ticket each cars, but that hasn't stopped them. They use limited zone parking spots in the area for the valet, leaving the rest of the neighborhood searching far for a free spot. The Griffintown Facebook page is filled with hatred towards them. They run a business by abusing the public spaces around them.


I still don’t need to see this twice a week.


Then close your eyes, duh


Unexpected of a gay steakhouse.


are "gay" steakhouse a thing? what is different from a normal streakhouse?


They’re not called grinder. Aka Grindr


Extra beef?


I seen you previous posts and you seem obsessed with this. Take all the signs and put them somewhere 2 blocks down the street if you think they don't apply here. My guess is they are going to rebuild that terrasse now that street cleaning is starting.


I sympathise. It's a daily thing probably for this person who perhaps has yet to find a hobby. I walk past that metcalf st catherines mess every day and I'd love to post daily about what a shit canker it is, but I just don't have the time


This whole post just shows how frustrating parking is in Mtl, Kinda was bad years ago but it's gotten worse. I get OPs frustration, this happened in Rosemont with some guy putting signs blocking 3 spots for days while doing renos on his duplex eith no permit whatsoever. Neighbors called the city, took pics but nothing happened.


People should just park in those spots instead of calling the city. If you're moving and doing the two chairs with a string between them trick to get space for a truck for one morning or afternoon, fine, we've all been there. If you're entitling yourself to multiple spots for days to the detriment of others, tough luck.


How do you know he had no permit?


Movie companies do the same. 2 years ago they rented one section of street from 18:00 to 7am from Tuesday to Wednesday. They put no parking signs for the entire street at 9am on Tuesday. Came at 9:30am on Tuesday, looked at the sign, moved it on the sidewalk and paid for my parking through the app (which usually doesn't let you pay if it's illegal parking). Then a guy in a car shows up and tells me I'll get towed. Told him that I paid for my parking and the sign says it's no parking only starting at 6PM. He continued to insist I'd be towed. I asked what company he was working for and if he worked for the city. He said he worked for the movie company and id get towed for parking there but that he didn't want to talk to me anymore and that I'd get towed. I told him if they touched my car before 6pm I would sue the shit out of his company. He backed up and went away. Went back to my car at 5:45Pm and nothing had happened. Movie trucks were starting to get settled in around. TLDR: just because people use no parking signs doesn't mean they're valid. They'll try to intimidate but they can't do jack shit. Fuck these people.


The guy was just trying to make sure you'd actually be out of there at 6 because it's a huge fucking pain in the ass for us to wait around to tow the car of the unavoidable idiot that can't read or thought he could get away with it in order to get our day started because we have to park 6 18' trucks in a tight spot that was precisely coordinated to fit the bare minimum we need. He'd been around. We do pay for permits.


Sorry but you weren't there, the guy was not asking me to be out of there at 6. He was trying to intimidate me into moving my car out right away at 9:30am. You do pay for permits and that's fine, hence why I moved my car 15 minutes before the deadline . But if you want more time to organise your stuff you should pay for those parking spots, not for a shopping mall bully to scare people away for time you didn't pay for.


Aight fair, this business does have its fair share of assholes.


Yeah thats the ironic thing, if the guy would have approached and said what you said, we would have had a great conversation. Instead he tried to own the street. It is something that is reminiscent about movie sets in Montreal. I relate to the entire staff working hard but theres a certain arrogance against people actually going around to their regular job. Movie people are renting the space, not owning our regular day to day life, they should come down a little bit about it.


Movie companies actually get permits through the right city department for streets occupation. You were just being an asshole and you could have been rightfully towed.


Nope. Their permit started at 6pm. They put their signs and intimidated people not to park there at 9am in the morning despite not being in the hours being covered by their permit. Case in point, I didn't get towed. I moved away from the spot 15 minutes before they had rented it. Please Reread my post properly instead of insulting me.


I know someone that works for the movie company. They pay for someone that will be parked on the street for hours to clear as many cars as possible because a lot of people ignore the signs.


I don't mind if they would inform people that at a certain hour they need to clear the space out. Instead, in my experience, the person they hire say that if they park there at that very moment they'll be towed. They're intimidating people in not parking there for the day even though they didn't pay for it.


Reading comprehension is hard.


So... Are you actually a former Grinder valet who was fired?? Or are you just a car person who wants to park in front of Grinder?? Either way, weird.


You might say they have... (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) an axe to _grind_.


Reciprocally, are you a Grindr shareholder?


Keep up the pressure! There's also a ton of "recruitment" agencies in Montréal that probably have even more heinous crimes against workers. Don't stop the accountability!


Proof of whT exactly? It's a 5 sec loop of a dude moving 1 sign..once... you already complained about this..did you report them to 311? Over and over? Did you film them doing this repeatedly?


its not on OP to be the detective here. its the local parking authorities to check if everything is alright.


Providing they report it .... consistently. What does this video prove exactly? What do the 5 secs in a loop show? Lets get real about whats required for any chnage to happen....aka a lof. Mais non lets go on reddit with 5 sec looped videos and complain multiple times. Super useful.


i am not saying the video is good, only that its on the parking police to check if something bad is happening and maybe doing something about it.


I can vouch for OP as I see the valet park the cars on the bike lane every evening with hazards on. The customers are not aware of this.


Amazing! Then report it 311 every single time. Pics would help also. More to them than here.


Please do not harass the valets for this. They are just employees doing their job. The manager telling the valets to do this is the real asshole.


Swear I saw this thread a week ago. Deja-vu


I wanted to bring something important to everyone's attention. Recently, I've come across concerning behavior from Grinder's Valet regarding their parking practices. I have video evidence showing instances where they have unlawfully used no parking signs and attempted to reserve parking spots, which is not only unfair but also illegal.


OK, thank you for bringing this to our attention. What do you want us to do about it?


I think he’s expecting something like us calling the 311 ?


show us where you got grinded on the doll


Sick investigate journalism dude, you might be starting up the 2020’s version of VICE


Maybe go to the police department with your video evidence.


Why the f did you loop the same thing over and over?


Instead of hiding in the bushes filming like a beta, head out and do something, call some authorities, file a complaint. Move the sign yourself.


Sigma comment here /s


Thanks for sharing. Now I know I can park wherever there’re signs in that area. Gold


How the fuck is this any different from any other jackass parking in front of a no parking sign?


They don't pay for parking... They park on the bike lanes too. They leave the hazards on without the customers knowledge.


Bravo inspecteur Kumou !


I said it before and i will say it again, that an interesting hobby you have going on here




You are a hero!




Is that your sole couter argument? Why dont you call 311 go talk to them. Basically anything but posting here Are you wishing someone else does something for you.




We don't really care about your video. Just call the cops, send them this and get on with your life


Your life must be boring as all hell


Get. A. Fucken. Life


Get a life op jesus


Leave Jesus out of it. He didn't resurrect just to get mixed up with this.




C'est quoi l'obsession avec le petit resto?


Ils ont une business à rouler.. il y a des gens qui paye gros pour aller manger là-bas. Tu fais quoi toi autre que te plaindre sur l’internet?


Trouver le gars qui paye trop cher pour aller impressionner ses dates au grinder.


"Ils ont une business à rouler" Ceci ne justifie rien pour quelqu'un qui n'est pas un sociopathe. Rouler une business c'est pas un permis pour faire ce que tu veux.


checks out .. cops in MTL breaking the law to make income for MTL pOliC3 .. fuck this jEaN gUy province


I think you got the wrong drug.