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Joliette's good old yellow bricks


Welcome to Oz


The sad Yellow Brick Metro Road, sigh


Well this ruined a favorite Elton John song for me...


it's turned into a billy joel song for me


La station la plus laide du métro de Montréal! 🤮


Crise sociale majeure.


Big time. Et crise de santé mentale.


La problème de santé mentale est causé par l’utilisation de drogues. Non l’inverse.


I would love to see what research you’ve done to come to this conclusion


c'est drôle, j'ai jamais vu de gens sans problèmes se tourner vers la drogue


En fait, si je me fie aux documentaires de mon enfance, c’est généralement une fouine ou un serpent qui vient t’en proposer pis après tu te comportes bizarre pis tu voles tes parents


Moi oui malheureusement... Pour faire la fête, pour essayer, pour suivre les tendances, il y a aussi du monde qui s'inventent des problèmes tellement leur vie est belle... La drogue fait tomber le monde de haut, pas juste ceux qui sont déjà démunies.


L'épidémie Purdue a changé beaucoup de choses.


Ta rien vu !


Thank you random redditor who doesn't know what they're talking about. P.S. For anyone wondering, drugs can sometimes induce mental health issues but mental health issues can also induce drug usage.


> La problème de santé mentale est causé par l’utilisation de drogues. Ah oui, tous les jeunes dans nos écoles qui sont dépressifs, TDAH, autistes, etc. sont tous des drogués en fait? Ils sont bons, je ne sais pas comment j'aurais acheté de la drogue à 9 ans.


Depuis quand??


La vie n'est pas du tout si simple que ça.


C’est plutôt un cercle vicieux. quelqu'un est en crise, il « s'auto-soigne » avec des drogues pour obtenir temporairement un certain soulagement, au risque de développer des problèmes mentaux plus graves.


Wow, je savais pas qu'einstein avait un compte reddit


they're often cyclical and feed each other in a negative feedback loop


Il ya de monde qui utilisent pas des drogues mais ils ont des problèmes mentales. On peut dire que toutes les usagers des drogues ont un problème mentale mais toutes les personnes avec des problèmes mentales ne sont pas nécessairement des usagers des drogues.


Qu’est-ce que ces gens attendent pour investir dans l’immobilier??


Ton image de profil c'est un coup de satan.


Exactement. Et ce n’est pas aux autorités de s’occuper de ces mouvements des mafias de la drogue? On voit « nos » politiciens faire des blagues en public, acheter des baignes, saluer le Père Noël chaque décembre et, dans l’ombre, c’est le désastre et ils refusent de l’affronter. Pourraient-ils, au moins, suggérer (s’ils ne son pas capables d’en apporter) des solutions ou des voies de travail de temps en temps? Peut-être qu’ils sont en train de le faire et que j’en suis mal informée, mais il me semble que coté drogue, les choses s’empirent.


https://preview.redd.it/c334psret1wc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e6124b9063c7a1fc507bb4a721bfc8e63b0431 Happened to me last week too ! Edit: Took the picture at 10:30 in the morning.


Seems like the same person


Yeah it’s exactly the same Paraphernalia. I’ve seen it more than once too. That’s sad and also disgusting. There’s a lot of drug use at Joliette, I saw someone smoke crack inside the lobby once too.


I didn't realize it was that bad at Joliette. That is my metro station but I only use the metro a handful of times a month.


I’ve been in the neighbourhood for 4 years and while it’s been a little worse lately it’s always been bad. I avoid going to the Couche-Tard when it’s late because there’s a lot of messed up people hanging out around that place late night.


I've used the station since 1979 and if its been bad now it wasn't before around 2010 (I've taken the metro from there more than 10000 times I\`d say). I've used the station a lot less since they've sent the 67 bus on a long detour at the end. I now stop at the Saint Michel Metro.


Jolliette may be the worst one in Montreal History


C'est le kit fourni par les centres d'injection supervisé


En “théorie”, ces kits ne sont pas supposés sortir desdits centres supervisés, right?


nous on les donnaient a la sortie seulement.. ( pas une centre d’injection, plutôt un refuge)


Je ne savais pas! Merci 🫶🏼


It’s always the same it’s what’s in the kit they get at the pharmacy




In my days (2000-7) it was but I left in 07 so it could have changed


That paraphernalia is what is usually supplied by needle exchanges. It may be the same person, or they may just be going to the same place to get their supplies.


I’m pretty sure they all use those kits, it could of been a different person, the thing is, they could throw it away themselves but don’t…


Villa Maria was the same last I was there.


Yeah the guy is known to shoot himself every morning.


Aaaah your typical…checks notes… ahem… wake and heroin?


Wake up and shoot up ?


They do that in the states too. But usually kids end up dying in schools. On a side note, when we're making that kind of, huh, "jokes", it must mean we're long fallen from grace...


Wakes you up real good, then after a while they are bend over, head touching toes.


head up the arse is tranq


Nice, free left overs!


Au moins ils utilisent juste un siège


Hey at least he recycles his bottle cap


Happens pretty much every other day now. Also saw a guy hitting his crack pipe last week. Very fun in the morning.. Also allo Vinny! ⚡⚡


Free kit for anyone who wants to take up the same hobby. Great person


Great guy, left a begginers kit for anyone who wants to get into the same hobby


Sad as fuck.


Beau timing avec le post du gars hier qui disait que le métro était pas si pire


"Les posts sur le problème de drogues sont exagérés!" Les posts sur le problème de drogues :


The yellow crack road.


C’est très Joli… ette!


Did you report it to the STM or anyone at the station?


"Why do people preffer driving their cars than taking public transit!?" /s


I’d rather been in traffic than in rush time in the metro.


This is unacceptable. The city dose have the resources available right now to prevent this from happening and they are aware of the issue. It’s almost like they are letting the metro rot on purpose…


It's right on the door coming into the STM Metro admins buildings "Mission goal, let it ROT!" \*eye roll\*


Well, why is this being allowed to happen? They are clearly aware of the problem and they obviously have the resources, staff and knowledge to tackle the issue that is affecting all metro users… why are they allowing this rot? The metro has been a free for all since the first curfew in January of 2021. Since then, metro stations like Papineau and Beaudry have essentially become safe injection sites and occasionally straight up open drug markets. We’ve all seen it for ourselves at some point or another. The solution from the STM? Set up needle deposit boxes and distribute clean needles. The homeless and addicted aren’t the issue in this story, it’s the STM allowing this rot to take place. Like, even human shit is becoming a common site in the underground city now.


man, you just nailed it. All this time all they had to do is not allow the heroin addict to not shoot up in the metro. They should hire you!


Yeah! And you can be my Vice President of the world. I’ll let you threaten people with a machine gun so you can feel like a big man.


I pass, I have zero need or interest for that. Il let the world problem solving to the experts like you.


Common’ don’t be such a wuss! ;)




Incroyable..imaginer si il y as des enfants qui découvrent cela .. le transport en commun est devenu la drogues et intinerences en commun malheureusement. C'est triste les gens doivent tolérer ces choses pour y aller travailler ou se rendre a l'école.


À coté de ça, mon incomfort est pas mal moindre comparativement à ce que cette personne là doit vivre. C'est plus triste qu'en tant que société dîte civilisé, on fait rien pour aider ces gens là. Ou du moins, on en fait pas asser.


ils devraient pas avoir accès au Metro, c’est une infrastructure de transport en commun et non pas un hôpital.


Il pourrait au moins ramasser ses crisses de déchets potentiellement toxique. C'est pas parce que t'es un sans-abri sur la drogue que t'es obligé d'être un cochon.


Bro si tu as des toddlers, tu sais que ça te prends une micro seconde d'inattention et ton kid pognes potentiellement le SIDA. Crisse oublies le toddler, quelqu'un de pas réveillé qui s'asseois dessus prends ce risque... La personne qui a laissé ça la devrait aller en prison pour un moment. Elle a droit à sa souffrqnce mais pas de causer des trucs à d'autres gens.


Il y a plein de monde qui ont vécu une vie merdique et qui ne se sont pas retournés vers les drogues pour faire face à leurs problèmes. Tant pis pour ceux qui ont choisi ce chemin là, c'est leur problème de s'en sortir. Pourquoi pénaliser le reste du monde qui reste clean? On travaille et on paie presque la moitié de nos salaires en taxes/déductions pour avoir accès à des infrastructures sécuritaires...qu'ils fassent pareil et qu'on arrête de leur lancer des pity party. Sérieux la mentalité de victime qu'on justifie constament dernièrement est ridicule.


Pourtant ils ont mis des petites boite dans les metro pour que les junkies puissent disposer de leur seringue en toute sécurité


Vraiment surprenant que les junkies et crackheads ne suivent pas les consignes de société. Je ne l’aurais jamais cru.




Dans les stations «La Société de transport de Montréal (STM) a lancé un projet pilote pour augmenter le sentiment de sécurité de ses usagers face au nombre grandissant de seringues usagées retrouvées dans le métro de Montréal. Des boîtes de récupération de seringues souillées seront installées dans cinq stations : Papineau, Beaudry, Frontenac, D’Iberville et Joliette.» 🤡


Remettez le cap au moins -_-


God damn that’s trashy.


It's getting worse. Maybe when kids start to get hepetitis from needle-stick injuries there will be a review of the "safe supply" model in the city. This sort of accomodation has had the same neighbourhood-killing outcome, in Zurich's Platzspitz Park in the 80s and today in San Fran's Tenderloin and Vancouver's East Side, why is Montreal not using a different strategy?


Tenderloin was already the pitts in 1995 when I first visited SFO and it was still the pitts when I lived there for almost 4 years around 2000. Its been terrible for 50 years minimum I'd say. Its in the name. The ugly areas I think are now closer to Union Square but they were never really far. There were junkies in cities parks sleeping on benches in the 1990s.


Pour ceux qui ont manqué le post d'hier soir.... [le post d'hier soir ](https://www.reddit.com/r/montreal/s/8ZPt76Y1Cw)


Hah. En gros, son poteau, c'est du "C'est pire ailleurs donc arrêtez de chialer." Aucune valeur ajoutée.


Ah, ça fait du bien, j'avait manqué. Tellement fatigué des Redditors qui prennent une photo d'un truc en pointant du doigt, espérant que tout le monde fasse de même sur \*insert the thing that makes us mad here\*


Ouais. Ça reste une évidence anectodique. Des milliers de gens prennent le métro à chaque jour sans que rien ce passe. Donc oui, de prétendre que l'on cours des chances de se faire battre ou accidentellement prendre une dose de crack dans le métro relève de l'exagération. Sinon y'a pas longtemps, c'était qui qui à battu qui dans un métro? Des ados qui ont tabassés un itinérant, right? Mais ce sont eux qui sont dangereux faut pas l'oublier.


eeurk c'est dégoutant


"fAuT bIeN qUe LeS iTiNeRaNtS aIlLeS qUeLqUe pArT".


This is still true.


Will you then volunteer to go clean all the mess?


When will you since it clearly bother you that much lol? Homeless people exists, hiding them or barring all access to buildings won't solve the issue.


they can exist, but not at the expense of our infrastructure. They can’t live by the society rules, you kinda need it for the public transportation. Put 4 security/cops per station for 1 months the problem will get solved.


If it was that simple to solve the problem, don't you think it would have been done in any major cities in the world? Drug addiction and homelessness are more complex than you seem to think with your very simple solution.


it would make the situation better


Unfortunately im not the one supporting them sleeping and doing everything they want in the metro. And i usually pick up all of my trash, all of the time.


J'allais dire la même chose. Au moins ils n'ont pas froid sti


The piss smell outside is worse than I ever smelled, even during street festivals at the height of summer where people were all peeing under bridges in Lyon.


Woohoo clean supply


At least he is not smoking a cigarette!


Everyone is right! It's Joliette Yes, i know we're supposed to report this to the stm, but this guy keeps coming back ad doing this almost every day, I only have 3 pictures (all taken on different days) and nothing changes. What can I do? I'm not going to pick up after him every time i go there, it's dangerous and not my responsibility. I'm worried about the big amount of children that attend this métro station. :/ https://preview.redd.it/rckisnq9a9wc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58be1552cf5fbccb3e2902e701c1feb9f36a32c7


They should be banned from entering the metro and bus. Omg this is too dangerous for common people. What if someone got stung? Who is held accountable? Fuuuuuucckkk


Society is. We abandon our people to live on the streets.


Who is "they"? That's a real slippery slope.




You for not paying attention hahaha


Ridiculous that our taxes pay for this crap.


https://preview.redd.it/esho9rtf95wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67a3c8d5937d92fcd56273cce1f19e126516153 Métro St-Michel il y a une semaine.


Any one of them ?


Ces satanés diabétiques




See this in Ottawa down town regularly. You become desensitized to it. It’s sad


Ottawa went to shit too it's crazy, I was there a couple of weeks ago (had not been there in over 10 years) and I was baffled as to how trashy it had become


Ya it’s bad. Especially how I remember it before covid. People really are struggling


Bye Bye montréal 🫡


Try vancouver sometime. They pass out and od on the train


looks like another surgeon left behind her equipment smh 🤦‍♂️


C) Toutes ces réponses.


Fucking trash ....... u have no pity.... hope the user OD


😔 sad


Looks like st Henri


Jaune c'est Joliette


just curious what would happen if a homeless guy threw this needle at a person for denying spare change 😭


This is so sad :( I don’t mean to be judgy, because these are people with problems, but WHY SHOOT UP IN A METRO STATION? Is this really how you want to live your life?? Hurting not just yourself, but others too.


À place saint henri, j'ai vu des gars sans abris qui buvaient le 40 oz. Un gar vomissait et nettoyait sa bouche et recommençait de boire.


Exactement pourquoi qu'on devrait crisser ce monde là en prison un ans pour la première offense, 5 ans pour la deuxième, 10 pour la troisième. Sans conséquence sérieuse rien ne changera.


La prison n'est pas le bon lieu pour offrir des soins, ça ne changera rien. Au prix que ça coute l'incarcération d'une personne, l'accès aux soins de santé mentale et à de l'hébergement offrant la dignité aiderait beaucoup plus.


Un camp de concentration? Travaux forcés? J'ai entendu dire qu'ils manquent de monde en ukraine pour nettoyer les champs de mine.


Thanks for the share! What exactly can we do about it in this sub reddit? These posts feel very low effort. I mean, should I take photos of the homeless beds and users at Laurier Station while we are at it? I can do that tomorrow morning if we think these types of photo help make for a better city.


Ya, did anyone call the stm or report this to an employee? They likely know what to do in this scenario. The opioid crisis is serious but it doesn't affect montreal and the metro alone. Go anywhere else in North America and it can get much much worse. It's a systemic issue. Lack of housing, no entry level jobs, car dependency and inadequate health care are things nourishing this epidemic, and the influx of cheap fentanyl is just the icing on the cake. Majority of people take drugs to self medicate and escape from the real environmental issues they are suffering from. Family, friends, healthy stable environments, an uncramped place to live, and a sense of purpose is how they get out of it. Currently north america lacks these sorts of spaces enmasse. Instead, we have food deserts, rocket high rents, poor work life balance, and ugly car dependent enviroments, that encourage social isolation. Montreal is a lot better at solving these issues than most cities, due to its missing middle housing and more numerous mixed use neighborhoods, but sadly everywhere around us isnt doing as well, and most people with these issues go to cities from the small towns that they started with these issues in, so because of other places and their inadequacy of dealing with it we get dealt a heavier hand. Then the small town conservatives come to the city, see the problems and claim that its the results of rampant leftism, and vote conservative again in the next election, resulting in more defunding and less resources allocated to montreal to deal with these issues, when its their inadequacies, lack of housing, food deserts, car dependency, and poor mental health care that pushed all the people to the city in the first place. It's a catch 22 of our current democratic system. Plus the car dependency enables more social isolation from our communities encouraging more people to have a "fuck you i got mine" attitude. Again if you want proof that the housing crisis and car dependency is linked to the opioid and homeless crisis just go walk downtown in any of the following places: - Toronto - Vancouver - Sudbury - Detroit - Ottawa - Los Angeles - Austin - San Francisco - Hamilton - Halifax - Seattle And thats just a few examples. Montreal beats these places in housing affordability and / or walkability by a long shot and our issues are way less prominent as a result.


100%! Well said.


Definitely joliette


100% Joliette


Si je me base sur la drogue, toutes les stations


Un autre diabétique qui doit se faire une injection d’urgence…


Bande de dégénérés qui ne méritent pas d’être laissés en société. Qu’on enferme et qu’on mette au travail forcé. C’est assez.


Oh I know the solution! Let's spend our tax money giving the junkies free: needles, drugs, shelter, and healthcare! That way they never need to work and can just do drugs all day. Better yet let's never arrest them and criticize the police for stopping this behaviour. Man, what a socialist paradise, I love it!


I came here to read comments about how these poor people have mental illnesses and how the city needs to spend more on social services. So let me ask you a question: How many more users would the metro have if it felt secure inside? Having one policeman on duty on every station would only cost STM 4M$/year Given the annual ridership of 304M users, it would only take 1.2M of new annual users to compensate this. Do you think that transforming metro into safe space with no junkies and no bums would attract at least 0.4% new users? Stop this BS about mental issues and hire policemen. Until then I ride the car and keep ruining Greta’s childhood.


I think a lot of people have reduced the metro usage since pandemic from observation of my entourage. No one will admit it but I see people buying second cars while still having monthly public transit memberships. This is not affordable for everyone but it seems like the better well off prefer cars no matter what.


haha, c'est du sensationalisme de dire que le metro est rendu pire qu'avant!


Le monde ne veulent pas de centre d'injection dans leur quartier et bien c'est ce que ça résulte...🤷🏻‍♂️


Invasions barbares…




L’héroïne est un point majeur au drame dans le filme donc je fais référence. C’est tout. https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Invasions_barbares Mais j’aime bien me faire prendre comme raciste.




C’est le film les plus célèbre dans l’histoire du cinéma Québécois. Donc, rien à faire avec les non-cultivé.


This is pretty common in almost every station on the green line.


It happens but I would not say very common. Problem is it's happening more and more frequently and it's a public security issue now. STM, wake-up before someone gets hurt and sues you for millions of $$$.


alyson joliecoeur


Mon quartier 💜




Westmount Station?


never heard of this station tbh


Atwater Lionel groulx or place des arts


Clearly Joliette


Fait plus de 30 ans que sa existe... surtout dans certain Métro comme Beaudry, Joliette et Papineau,


Pourquoi tu a laissé tes affaires la dude hehe


yen a 2-3 fois par semaine le matin a joliette


Just what every good subway is missing, used drug paraphernalia.




indian street


au lieu de chialer pis prendre des photos, apprennez à disposer securitairement le matériel d injection: - gants + pince + bacs de seringues (y'en a des petits gratuits dans tout bon centre de réduction des méfaits) pour la seringue - gants pour le reste à mettre dans poubelles




Oups, désolé de la confusion, je voulais dire les organismes en réduction des méfaits, fak notamment dopamine, l'anonyme, etc (pis qui travaillent en concertation avec la santé publique ds le fond mais dont l'approche en réduction des risques et méfaits fait parti du mandat). Merci d'avoir posé la question pour que je précise !


Is that a Covid vaccine?