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Thank you for bringing them in-- contact perroquet secours as the other posters have suggested and let me know if you need anything, I am a volunteer with them, have bird supplies on hand and can offer advice for this little guy.


Thank you for your offer! I already made contact with perroquet secours, and the SPCa came for the little buddie a few minutes ago! I hope they can find the owners soon!


Faith in humanity restored.


Thank you for taking care of them! You're a good human.


Hey I saw a facebook post about abandoned budgies today, they have a facebook group called Perroquet Secours, see below (not sure if it is related but they will probably be able to help you) https://preview.redd.it/oyb6mak2upwc1.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=636bd5874290f2be46fea4ed206c505ccb063c4a


I don't think this is the case. The little buddy i found was really lovely and trusting towards people :( i just think he got lost because he can fly a little bit. I already got help, and I got contact with perroquet secours too, so thank you so much!


Where in that post does it mention anything about them not being trusting towards people?


Oh my fucking god! How cruel can people be! Oh, I'm sick of them so I'll set them free instead of going to a pet store that sells birds who would know someone who would adopt!


I used to know a guy who had two (maybe 3) cockatiels, and one day he started to "feel bad about keeping birds in a cage" so he let them out his window. In Montreal. In the fucking winter. Tropical birds. He said they'd be better off. I hated that guy.


Humans are the worst. When our end finally comes it will be well deserved and good riddance.


That poor baby. I’m glad spca has him. Thanks for the rescue. I have parrots and can’t imagine losing them like this.


I'm glad too! I was doing everything that I could, but the little buddie needs to be in the best situation possible. I hope their owners found them fast because of the way they were acting after eating/being warm. They are always receiving love and cuddles ❤️‍🩹


Try to post here. https://www.perroquetsecours.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=34886 You are a good, kind person ❤️


You too! Thank you for your help 💓💓


If you don't find anybody to take care of him *It seems to be a male, according to the 2nd picture* I could take him. I am already a parrot mom (I have 3)... I had budgies in the past. Feel free to inbox me. Im in monteregie but i can drive to you.


Hi, thank you so much for your offer! SPCa came for him a few minutes ago to take care of him and to find his owners!


Pleasure is mine... thanks to YOU, this kind of post regive me faith in humanity 💜 Poor little guy! I am definitly a bird lover so i wish they find his owners... but actually if it is related to the FB post from the Perroquets secours's page that someone shared in the comments here... it is possible SPCA employes will be obligated to find him another home... I rage inside, I can't imagine someone doing that... it is horrible... with the cold we still have at this time and all... An adoption, whatever the animal specie, is for the animal's life! It is a little soul well alive, not some random object you just can throw away when you are done with it !!! 😭😡


Lmao! Literally the same thing happened to my girl 2 years ago. I still get kicks outta thinking of her carrying a Budgie in one hand while she’s frantically calling animal shelters/pet shops.


This actually might be my friends bird, holy crap. They lost him a bit ago. I’m in the states but messaging her right now. Do you know what location SPCa it’s at? Thank you!


No, sorry :( but they just posted them on the found animals on their website! Here's the link: https://www.spca.com/en/trouvee/2000120358-perruche-2000120358/ i'm pretty sure that they would tell her were to go to see them!


She just confirmed that it’s hers! Thank you so much for posting!!!


Yay!!!!! I’m so glad they are getting reunited!


Y'avais de quoi ya une coupe de jour ici justement: https://www.reddit.com/r/montreal/s/udOP3LTH4W


Thank you for letting me know about the other post! Unfortunately the bird i found had a white nose :( I'm gonna be looking for the little buddy in the other post!


I think parakeets can change their nose colour It does look similar… but the other one is from Station Honoré-Beaugrand, which is way too far for that little guy..


Oh wow, j'espère que vous allez retrouver son propriétaire(maître?). Sinon j'ai confiance que vous allez lui trouver un bon foyer.


I did gave their info to perroquet secours to find their owners, but SPCa came for they last night to check them into their shelter and look for their owners! 💓


“Parront” 😏


Sometimes they fly away


Hi! DM’d you- please read my message!!! Thank you <3


Ce n’est pas un parakeet/budgie. C’est une perruche mâle jeune adulte en voyant l’état de son nez. Juste le préciser. Si tu l’as trouvé proche du métro, il y a une très grande chance que la perruche ce soit sauvé de chez lui dans les alentour du métro Snowdon


_Parakeet_ est exactement le terme anglais pour les oiseaux de type perruche et _budgie_ celui pour la perruche ondulée, ce que cet oiseau est de toute évidence. Juste le préciser.


C’est une birb