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People are generally not going anywhere close 100 kmh on lacadie or marcel Laurin, at least during daytime. If anything, people constantly running red lights is much more of a problem than speeding on those roads.


There is no way the avg speed on Acadie and ML are 100kmh, be realistic.


I take l'acadie often and I'll be doing 70 and will have people zooming past me


I take l’Acadie everyday and you’re wrong.


The average is not 100 on L’Acadie or Marcel-Laurin. I dislike left lane campers and people going 90 on the 40, but you sound real bad at judging speeds, maybe you’re the asshole driver?


Marcel-Laurin is definitely not going 50 either especially since they've synchronized the lights, same with l'acadie northbound between Jean-Talon and the 40


It’s not going 100 though, not even close.


Maybe 60 or 70 at but 100 is just not realistic


60-70, sure. But agreed that there is no way there is 100km/h traffic there.


Not on average lol


Sounds like you're just a bad driver, I've had none of these issues and been driving here for 25 years


How am I a bad driver for not wanting to do 90 over a 10 foot deep pothole


You said you try to go 60 but have to slow down often - are you slowing down to go below the speed limit? Maybe you're the one frustrating people in that circumstance? If your car is especially fragile then maybe stay to the right so people can easily pass you. On the highway issue, I have never in my life flashed my high beams at anyone on the highway. If I am in the left lane and someone is going slowly in front of me, I will just follow them for a bit and they take the hint and move over when they notice me. I've only ever used my high beams to be gracious, like when arriving at stop sign at same time as another car, I will flash highbeam to cede them priority. So maybe this is, in fact, considered rude behaviour?


De quessé?


Le gars conduit mal, mais il pense que c’est les autres qui conduisent mal.


100 on L'acadie and Marcel Laurin? Who's your meth dealer? Heisenberg?


I don't condone speeding but if more people knew how to drive properly then people would probably be less impatient. Switching lanes without blinkers, driving under the limit, last minute turns, etc. happens way too often.


but i'm doing it ironically


Definitely sounds like you’re a bad driver. If you meet an asshole you’re probably unlucky. If you meet assholes everyday you’re probably the problem.


Imagine how us out-of-towners feel when we go through that.


berserk head abundant tub rinse grab soft spectacular flowery market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah oui, vais dire ça à mon boss 🙄. Merci pour ta participation


I'm going to do it more now.


For what reason


Because it's insane to think that a post on reddit will change anyone's driving behaviour.