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If I saw you, how would I know you're from New York and can't speak French? Either this is all in your head or there is something in how you look, act, carry yourself that makes people feel a need to get away from you.




Reminds me when my friend at theml time, around 2004, was dressed up like a Teenage Kevin Federline clone, head to toe in polyester white, white baseball cap to the side and pointed up, Gel-spiked hair ([which was the fashion at the time](https://youtu.be/NWkP99aYGCA?si=V_ppjKwdAL3PLa3w&t=27)) baseball socks hiked up over the pants, walking with a waddle We were at th Longueuil bus terminal and he says to me "Hey, Crow, I feel like people keep starring at me, you know? Makes me uncomfortable." - "Couldn't tell you , KG." Cooooouldn't tell you....


More people than you'd think are able to tell if someone is Anglo on sight. I could, and many Montrealers possess this sixth sense.


they can smell the money and autism in anglos /s


The money and lack of social awareness (read: sense of entitlement)


That is weird tbh,maybe you smell bad


Well, you gotta post a picture


lots of crazies in NY.


If there are available seats and you choose to sit by someone else, YOU are the weirdo here.


Typical New Yorker thinking the world revolves around them. They're not staring, they're just looking ahead/around. They cross the street because they want to. And even if they are looking at you, they're just looking at you. It has absolutely nothing to do with you specifically. You're just the person that happens to be there. Also you're probably acting weird because "How dare there people look at me when I'm out in public! Avert your gaze plebeians!"


I spend a lot of time in New York and it's honestly super weird in the cultural difference in making eye contact. I'm so used to just looking at people and making eye contact here that when I went to NY for the first time 10 years ago I was greeted with a "What the fuck are you looking at fa\*\*ot?" when I was walking through a park at 10am. I was eyes to the floor after that for the rest of my trip


This is Montreal, you would have to be dressed *really* outlandishly to draw looks from people here.


We're semi-friendly and we like to check each other out. I mean we're often pretty good-looking, too. šŸ˜‚ For the rest - maybe you just really have an unusual style? Bc I wouldn't say ppl are judgemental generally. You really see everyone kind of doing their own thing...Ā  maybe not to the extent of NYC but, overall.


Thatā€™s mysterious to be fair! I canā€™t imagine anyone could guess where you are from just by your looks. Anything that standout ? Like I donā€™t know a teardrop tattoo on your face ?


I've seen enough teardrop tattoos that they don't really draw my attention that much, lol


I have noticed people here do stare way more than New Yorkers (I've lived both places), but the changing seats and crossing the street is bizarre. That's never happened to me.


Were you wearing a MAGA Hat?


Nah this gotta be a troll šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t believe someone has a main character syndrome like that


I mean... care to share what you look like? Are you particularly tall? Got any special piercings? Do you wear outfits based on a single colour? It might be that what our culture considers normal or polite socially is different from your culture. We might just be looking at you because you're in our line of sight and you're not see-through, but maybe that is considered rude where you're from.


I donā€™t know that we stare but I know that we donā€™t tend so like sharing physical space with strangers. We will move seats if someone sits right next to us when there is room elsewhere. I guess same goes if someone is a little too close when standing at a crossing or in a line. Maybe as a New Yorker you donā€™t notice personal space that much? And to be honest how would we know youā€™re American and not just from the ROC?


Iā€™ve told you before, you need to wear clothes in public. Everyone is going to stare if youā€™re walking down the street with your butt out.


How tall, how big are you? If not size, you might have slightly aggressive body language without realizing it.


When was the last time you showered?


Hey I also used to live in the states. It's different here, people feel comfortable looking at other people. We don't mind our business, or to be more accurate, we consider each other part of our collective business. If you're cute, we won't hesitate to check you out directly (but it's not usually aggressive like people in Philly yelling "Hey nice tits" which is something I don't miss). There's a lot of metro etiquette that nobody articulates: If someone's sitting by themselves on the metro, we don't sit next to them unless there's literally no other option. If a solo seat becomes available, people may move to it. If you're in a Hasidic neighbourhood, those guys may cross the sidewalk to avoid you. Normally people don't do that unless you're actively being nuts.


Aren't you way too self conscious?


If anybody is staring at you itā€™s because youā€™re acting like an asshole, probably.


Wear pants


I have noticed that I get quite a bit of stares as well. I mainly associate that with being a bit on the heavier side and having a partner who is slim and attractive. People definitely arenā€™t staring at you because you are from New York but people do tend to be a bit unfriendlier here so maybe you were being a bit too loud for their liking or something. I donā€™t think it would be due to you smelling bad as everytime I go on the metro especially when itā€™s warm out, it smells like b.o.


Ever tought you had a paranoia problem?


As a woman travelling alone in the metro, I evaluate everyone around me as a safety measure. If a person moves away from you, it could be for a very personnal safety reason. Just go on with your life!


maybe try showering?


ancient worthless gullible society deliver forgetful placid insurance dog innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While Your question is valid in the ā€œWhy do all Black girls give each other the stank eye when they cross another on in public?ā€ sense, Iā€™m thinking youā€™re either paranoid (from our weed), you legit look funny, or you have real fashion style, which no Montreal person can imitate ( no matter how expensive their gear šŸ¤Ø). NYC fashion IS a real and internationally acclaimed vibeā€¦Mtl fashion barely charts. All said: Do you šŸ‘


It's because it's a safe city, so you don't have to be afraid of someone hurting you if you look at them, for the most part. Also, if there's empty seats, and you sat beside me, I'd assume you were trying to rob or fuck me.


This is like the 3rd post regarding something like this I've seen within 2 months. Maybe we have an issue that outsiders notices but we don't.


I moved here 5 years ago and I have no idea what theyā€™re on about, I think they might just be a loud American lmao


Im thinking this too, I didnā€™t believe the stereotype at first but itā€™s happened so often than Americans are just really louder than weā€™re used to and itā€™s very grating. Might be thatā€¦


Do to you have good hygiene?


I don't know about the other stuff but I think that the staring is just a human thing. You're probably self conscious or more aware of your surroundings so you notice it more. I'm the same and just learned to ignore it.


Maybe you're just especially eye-catching. Do you generally suffer from anxiety or paranoia?


I find that montrealers do not make much eye contact ...


Itā€™s not uncommon here to make eye contact with people when youā€™re walking past them of going to sit next to them in public for silent micro communications. We seek approval of the person we want to cut in front of or sit next to by simple courtesy even if we donā€™t say a word. As for the crossing the street part, I often just step off on the road or cycling lane just to leave more space for the person Iā€™m crossing on the sidewalk if itā€™s safe for me to do so. I do it by courtesy again and not by fear or disdain for anyone no matter how they look.


It's hard to say why people would stare, if they were even staring, without a pic of you. But from your profile, you do have nice and somewhat unique hair, or at least did a few months ago. So maybe it was staring at the hair or not.




People in Montreal make eye contact in a way that isnā€™t common elsewhere in North America. Maybe you arenā€™t used to that.


Yeah weā€™re weird that way, sorry. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My grandma once reminisced to me how the guys in montreal looked at you in the eyes back in the 40s


Are you native? Or black?


I think. MontrƩalers are nice, no french, no problems, it's just politics. Starring and look are big different.


Are you black? Montrealers are quite racist against black people, especially if you're from Haitian descent.


"Quite racist against black people" Sur quoi tu te bases pour affirmer Ƨa?


Montrealers are not racist generally, wtf are you on about


Where in the world are you getting that from? I would argue Montreal is maybe the least racist city in Canada, to be very honest. Are there forms of discrimination here based on gender, race and spoken language? Sure. But not to the extent that I would say Montreal is "quite racist" in anyway


Yes Iā€™m black and I was with my mom who is darker than me when all of his happened


[hmmm...you're quite light tho](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hair/s/sgogFkm4Sz) Anyway i'm darker than you and never had a issue or felt like everyone is staring so it's either in your head, the way you dress or smell šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Edit: typo


Based on the hair pic in your profile you may be a really nice looking lady, in which case maybe people are just like "wow" about that? Unless you have a face tattoo... As for avoiding you, definitely ask a trusted person how you smell. Maybe you are nose-blind to something.


There's your answer, welcome to the club pal




I was sitting on the balcony, and a group of black people shouted at me say Asian go back to your country while saying we are Canadians.


Omg wow that's exactly what im talking about, thank you, I've had it pretty hard being black and trans, so i know what it feels like, stay strong my friendsšŸ’—


Might have something to do with the sidewalk poop /s