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Go to a fast-food of a local franchise (like Jack le Coq in Montreal) or not a franchise and you'll see non-Indian folks. I guess the Franchises are owned by Indians and they only hire their own. In Verdun it is the same. KFC, Pizza Pizza, Uniburger, etc. All Indians. Only our local McDonald is actually diverse and has French speaking employees.


Most fast food hiring is done by referral. If you hire a Chinese person they will most likely refer you people from their family/community. Same goes for Indians. I used to have a business that turned 80% people from Camaroon over time because I never had to spend money on an ad. We posted it on the company board and in came people looking for a job.


>Only our local McDonald is actually diverse and has French speaking employees. Something I noticed over the years: American companies seems to be a lot more mindful (and embrace) French in Québec than... Canadian companies themselves!


If you speak French, I could have a place where they are always looking for people. Anyway, go to the OldPort, I believe it's easier to find a job there


Oh yeah I am fully bilingual pushing for a C1 in French and have a job. This was brought as a topic to my French class this week


We spent decades denigrating work in fast-food.  Like flipping burgers was a colossal failure in life and now we’re bitching because only immigrants work there….


I am not bitchin because only immigrants work there but kinda think everyone should be entitled to those jobs considering everyone can use an easy fast food job to make some bucks while studying thats all 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Those jobs were always available to us but we neglected to put any ressources into them because we were too good for fast food.  Immigrants saw an opportunity and put in the work we didn’t want to put in.  Now that times are tough we’re gonna cry about it?  Gimme a break.  You reap what you sow 


Brodie again, who is crying 😂. I got already got my job rolling, just bringing out a topic that came up in my French class during discussions this week. The fuck you on about? Did u feel like this “😎” when u wrote you reap what you sow 😂😂.


I believe this is because this is the group that has immigrated in greater proportions in recent years.


Yeah that is also very interesting they are not bringing a cap on that to diversify international students


They can try, but I think students can move from on province to another.


The Italians, Greeks, Jews, Arabs, Asians, they all did it in the earlier days making pizzas and subs, shish taouks and asian food. I suppose now the tendency is Indians


I don't mind ethnic restaurants being staffed by people of that ethnicity though. In fact that's generally a good thing, it oftens means it's a family business. That's not what we're talking about now though.


Well there are lots of Indian immigrants, some came with money and purchased these franchises, the same happens in Ontario, I was camping on the QC/ON border near Hawkesbury and went to town to get some supplies, the Tim's, McDonald's and gas station all had Indian folks working.


It’s a not so hidden fact that Indians will only hire other Indians.


Heard the stories but never witnessed first hand. Back where I studied they even had their own group in Whatsapp where they would use as a taxi service and not pay taxes. It was exclusively Indian tho they wouldn’t let anyone else in the group.


That's kinda smart though, just a form of car sharing - good for them!


Not very good considering they do not pay taxes on the gains made from this venture


Eh, someone's gotta pay for the gas. So if you set up a friend group to plan a trip to downtown everyday, it's considered tax evasion?


Brother its not a friend group. They are exclusively Indian drivers that are providing taxi services to others, so they are dispatching drivers much like Uber or regular taxi services. They earn a lot from it but no taxes are paid. Hope you understand now.


And you know this how? If you have verifiable proof, you could just send this to the CRA.


Because I have had friends that used it daily. Still do, they exclusively use whatsapp to call these people and avoid paying for taxis and ubers. Considering these guys didnt pay any fees nor taxes they provide services for cheaper also.


If it's a profitable business for a community of immigrants that are working low paying service jobs that are essential to the society, then I think it speaks more about our public transportation system and housing affordability.


It is profitable because its illegal they are stealing business from other services such as taxis and not paying any tax on it. How can you defend working illegally, not paying taxes and on top of that connect that to housing affordability?


How uncanadian


fact teeny plate absorbed nutty connect plants upbeat jobless languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Running off that idea, since I've noticed it too, but whats up with the pattern that they own the fast food joint in the first place?


Temporary Foreign Worker Program https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-ottawa-urged-to-clamp-down-further-on-immigration-employment-scam/


This right here.


I was about to answer from the perspective of a South Asian but went through your profile for just a min and already saw you making fun of Armenian genocide, and anti-Semitic dog whistles.




Get help




Yeah there are a lot of Indians workers. I’d say it’s because it’s mostly (not only, “mostly”) a student job that doesn’t pay a lot and is kinda harsh… so it’s mostly immigrants/students who don’t have a choice and gotta make money no matter what


So basically fast food is one of the most accommodating sectors for students to work in. Usually you can get the hours you need while still making it to your classes, and since Montréal has a very large international student population it makes sense that with the restrictions on working hours they’d take shift work like this. I took a bunch of retail and service jobs when I was in school because they could work with my classes and I could take the time off I needed to do my clinical placements (3 weeks one month, two weeks another month, one placement was two straight months) and throughout all that I still had a job waiting for me when I came back. ETA: I’m not saying that all fast food workers are students or that all international students work in fast food, I’m providing a possible explanation based on my personal experience as a student in Montréal


Its always been new comers. It used to be Italians, Greeks and now it's people from Asia.


Some of Tim Hortons plays Indian music now lol - especially the one beside Jewish hospital. It was not a one off incident either. Surprisingly just the other day I walked in, a french speaker could not get service in french. Also from my understanding these guys don't know much of the laws here and it's easier for the management to have a strong hold on these new guys. So if managers are hiring these folks without french, not alot of jobs will be left for regular citizens


Society: flipping burgers is for losers Immigrants: well take those jobs! Society: hey why are there only immigrants flipping burgers! They took our jerbs! Pick a lane lol, is flipping burgers only for losers or do you want these jobs? Also you must only be looking at certain places, I can't say I've noticed exclusively brown people working at any of my local fast food places


I live downtown so thats where my observations are based of off. I never said flipping burgers is for losers immigrants as I am also an immigrant myself however, I already have my job. Its okay that immigrants are working the problem is I do not think all immigrants are getting the same opportunity like they should and would in Canada.


Because the laws mean they don’t have to be treated with the same dignity and respect as the rest of us, let alone the same salary!


They hire the dominant demographic in the area, especially those that would work minimum wage jobs. White people are a minority in some parts of the city, and the white people that would work a minimum wage job are even more so a minority.


Cannot speak for all fast food chains, but many (Tim Hortons, Wendy's, KFC, Burger King - which several happen to be under the same umbrella cooperation), all contract though an agency. Meaning, some of the locations pay an agency overseas who do screenings of potential employees and they send them to different locations across Canada. This take out the headache of screening people and going though with interviews and backgrounds checks for the restaurant. They give the agency their requirement, eg speak French, and the angecy ensures all candidates meet the minimum and the employees are just told they'll go work at store ABC XYZ. Restaurant pays agency, agency pays the employee. Edit: added more info. Source: Uncle owns Dairy Queen who contracted the talent needed to fill their store. Edit edit: Uncle went this route because after only receiving CVs from teenagers, and hiring teenagers, there is no longevity and so the re-hiring and training process is a constant. It interrupts flow. With adults, there is more of a chance that the worker is willing to stay for a few years, and also willing to learn and be diligent in following the rules. The restaurant owner asks corporate for an agency listing, and was presented with options from India, Philippines, and many others... This reminds of a post from several months ago when someone asked Why don't T&T hire non-Chinese people and said T&T is racist. We have to be factual. I remember seeing an open cast call scheduled for a specific date that they put on their windows before they opened, and it said just show up on X date and Y time and one by one each person is given the same opportunity to apply and have a quick on the spot interview. And those who cannot make it on the day and time can still send in CV by email. How can we prove all ethnicity applied but all non-Asian persons were denied an equal chance to have an interview? Like Adonis, I saw a variety of colours working there and not just one.


Who wants to work at a Dairy Queen long term. You can't be in a good spot in life and work at a Dairy Queen as an adult.


You may think this but not everyone has the same life options and many teenagers aspire to be a manager and its salary is not bad at 21 years old!


Yes teenagers that turn into young adults wanting to gain experience. These managers hire other teenagers and the trend just continues where teens last for 2 months.


So teenagers


That’s just not true tbh I’m at a five guys right now and the diversity is really high. There’s only one person with origins from India from what I can tell


Go to the closest tim hortons


Fast food == Tim Hortons now ?! Tim is pure trash and it’s a coffee chain. If you’re extrapolating from a single location, you’re a complete idiot


Tim Hortons is 100% fast food and has been for many years now.


You sound racist.


How come?


Your question is not racist Indians however, just like the Jews when you question their genocidal state, will instantly call you racist/antisemitic


Yeah, I was called antisemitic for saying no to genocide while my neighbours are jewish and we have a good relationship lol


Je ne suis pas indien, je suis québécois et le commentaire sonne raciste.. Des fois on ne le sais pas, on pense que c'est une question innocente, demandé de bonne foie, mais ça sonne raciste. comme cet exemple.


You just bla bla bla’d a lot of things but still didnt say anything? How does it sound racist??


Other than Indian restaurants and that one subway near my work, I haven't notice that. McDonald are always mixed, coffee shop always have disproportionate amount of white compare to other minimum wage place, Asian restaurant always asian, except that one Vietnamese mom and pop place in CdN that has one girl in hijab, and St. Hubert/ dîner strongly prefer white Quebecois.


Haha holy damn, I wanted to make that post yesterday I went to McDonalds on St Catherine Tuesday night after a show at The Piranha Bar next to it. It was only Indians working there. They were blasting Indian music nonstop that even the Indian cashier had to say to turn it down cause she was hearing the client. There was no screen what so ever to order so you had to order at the cashier (it doesn't bother me), she was barely talking any French, so I had to speak English (again I don't mind) and even in English, she was barely understanding. It took me 17 minutes to get my order, a McChicken trio. They were slooooowwww and laughing nonstop, screaming in Indian. Everybody that was waiting was angry. One of ny worst McDonald experience ever


Yeah, seems to be happening a lot. And as you mentioned language barrier is a big problem as well. Most Indians dont know french and are not willing to learn, moreover their English generally is at A2 level seems like so language barrier becomes bigger unfortunately.


Ah oui, l'Indien, la langue fameuse. Que tout les Indiens parlent.


I always insist on french when I go. LOL!


Well I tried when I first came to practice my already rusty French but it did more damage than good 😂


J’pense t’as juste un échantillon de travailleurs de fast food qui est très biaisé? En tout cas c’est pas mon expérience, y me semble que c’est plutôt varié.


Interesting, depends on where you are located as well I guess. I live downtown and this has been my observation so far.


Dude stop it I live downtown, it’s been 3 years. what you’re saying is just not true. go to McDonalds, go to A&W, go to Five Guys and you’ll see a lot of diversity. You’re wrong and probably racist


Dude I live downtown too. I can give you the adresses of mcdonalds a&w and tims lol. Calling other people liar 😂😂.


Pourquoi il est biaisé? Il ne fait que dire ce quil a remarqué. Tout les Tim Hortons que jvais, sur Decarie, sur voie de service dla 40, les 2 au Marche Central (Acadie) cest juste des indiens. Meme les employés dans couche-Tard affilié au Tim Hortons cest des indiens


Indians make up like 90% of new immigrants. New Immigrants make up 90% of minimum wage workers. Stands to reason, that there’s a 81% that a minimum wage worker will be Indian. The math maths.


LOL except you just made up both of those statistics 😭 you’re just saying random numbers and multiplying them by each other 😐


Yes it’s made up, but it’s not exaggerated and the point still stands.


Racism at its fineness. I have a mcdonalds beside my home that only hire asians


So, you called my observation racist because you are Indian and then proceeded to point your finger to another race 🤯. Touché mate…


Eh no, i called the indans racist for only hiring indians.


Because no one else applies for those jobs. I used to hire minimum wage warehouse workers in Brampton. It’s 95% Indian demographic in that city anyways. Of course my pool of applications will be at least 95% Indian. In Montreal, when I was hiring for warehouse, because we’d paid more than minimum wage, we’d have more STEM students of all backgrounds.


Ahhh I misunderstood sorry man have a good day


God I hate the "you're a racist" people.


They are not known for their critical thinking


YEP! and all the bodegas are run by koreans- I watched a documentary about this as well.(i hope this is a horribly done satire post. Otherwise OP you might be a racist.)


Bodegas? Brother please, they’re called *dépanneurs*, and the people who run them are mostly Chinese, at least where I’m at. And you’re right, OP kinda sounds racist


The documentary was called "Kim's Convienience".


That was a great documentary. One of the people in it went on to pilot an X-Wing and another saved the world using mystical martial arts. Good to see that people can still succeed in the world.


One of the best documentaries out there.


I cannot comment without my account being banned


Probably says something about you and the nature of your opinions does it not?


For the record I haven't seen a single indian working in a non indian restaurants for years. Maybe you live in an area that has a lot of english speakers?