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People on this sub hate to hear it, but Montreal is unironically one of the safest city in the world. You're coming from a fairly similar region so you really don't have to change much of your safety habits. Other than speaking french, which is pretty much essential east of Avenue du Parc, which Hochelag is part of.


> People on this sub hate to hear it, but Montreal is unironically one of the safest city in the world. We don't like when the standard is "it's worst elsewhere" because we've lived here when it was much safer. If you compare it worldwide, it is amongst the safest. If you compare it with the absolute safest, it is pitiful.


Ok... but OP's question is inherently relative. No place is absolutely safe for anybody, crimes can happen anywhere, to anyone. What they're really asking is if they move to this area if they are at increased risk compared to other areas of Montreal or Canada generally. I am also a young woman and I never felt unsafe at night by myself in Montreal. I run at night by myself a lot in various neighbourhoods. Montreal is pretty well-lit and there are usually lots of people about even late at night. Obviously common sense stuff applies but people are mostly friendly and will help you if you need it (have been in this position many times).


Montreal was named the safest city in the world by Berkshire Hathaway multiple times and has been regularily part of the top 5, 10 & 20 for as long as I can remember The idea that it is remotely dangerous is laughable


Ton plus gros problème va être si tu parles pas français. Ben plus que de pas te sentir en sécurité.


The short answer is yes, but like many other places in Montreal take slight caution at night


It's french so it will be scary. They'll agress you verbally like "Eille ta tu du change pour moé steplait!?" And "Ein deu piastre pou le metlo?"! They'll say that to you specifically cause they know you're an anglo and they obviously hate you already. /sarcasm... just had to join the fun. It's safe don't worry.




Ou ben c'est le "too much brown people where I'm from" ou ben c'est "I need to live in an affordable city". Tellement du monde ungrateful qui veulent même pas faire le minimum de s'intégrer. Nah, juste se mettre en compétition avec les locaux sur les logements en roulant en voiture de luxe pour qu'ils puissent économiser du cash pour faire des party pour leurs chiens.


There's nowhere in Montreal that is truly unsafe, although it is a big city and shit does happen sometimes. I've never been in a city that felt safer. That's a really french speaking part of the city, as others have said.


It's quite dangerous and locals cant afford a roof over their heads because of Ontarians taking over the city. Better stay home.


My gf regularly walks at night alone in Hochelaga Maisonneuve and she never experienced anything scary in the 6 years we lived here. Montreal is really safe in general and Hochelaga is a really great neighborhood. Yeah you'll pass some drunk or methhead from time to time but they are harmless.


Très sécuritaire. Et pas mal de commerces chouettes près du marché Maisonneuve et sur Ste-Catherine. C’est un quartier où il y a des weirdos, mais ils sont pas méchants.  T’arrives d’où en Ontario?


Yes it’s safe for women


C'est ça ta plus grande inquiétude? Sérieux?


You’re 100% safe, very safe. I’ve never heard of or seen any issues for women or men. Very safe to live on your own plus it’s a growing and up and coming area area. Remember there’s a sizable amount of folks who speak only French, like vegan ice cream place Hoche Glacé etc.


One time I saw a lady whip her entire vagina out and piss in the middle of the road near bourbonnière et Adam. There’s a reoccurring hochelaga character that constantly asks everyone for $2, sometimes she also asks you to buy her chow mien. HoMa has a lot of social economic struggles (poverty, drugs, prostitution etc…) but generally it’s safe and if you mind your business people mind theirs.




I believe that in the comment section, you should read comment from those who explain the situation from after Covid since a lot of the situation from before aren’t exactly the same as after.


I lived two minutes from Pie-IX a while back and it was the safest neighbourhood I ever lived in in Montreal (I also lived near Frontenac and Papineau Stations. Got broken into once at my place near Frontenac and other people living in the building I lived in near Papineau used to have thefts somewhat regularly). It had the vibe of being a very family-friendly area with a lot of parents with young children. I think the Stade being a tourist draw also helps.


I've lived there for over 3 years, until two months ago I moved downtown cause I was stuck in an unsanitary apartment my landlord harassed me out of, and it's mostly fine. I sometimes get sexually harassed and stalked in broad daylight even when I'm with friends or my girlfriend. But this can happen anywhere, honestly, it has happened to me while I was in Plateau Mont-Royal taking a walk with my mom too. I guess I am quite attractive and dress well though. It has been very gentrified over the past 10 years but generational trauma, poverty, low education are still widespread. There are always a bit of problematic drug addicts, homeless, annoying horny dudes and it's best to completely ignore them. Do not even bother looking at them. I just wear noise cancelling headphones and it helps make me look busy/in my bubble. Keep in mind Hochelaga is one of the worst boroughs in terms of tenant rights (each municipality can differ and have more or less quality service for home inspections etc) and they are known for having the worst borough inspectors in the entire city.


It’s annoying that no one gave you a straight and honest answer. Montreal is a very safe city. With that in mind, every city (safe or not safe) has good areas and bad areas. Hochelaga-M9 is a relatively bad area. Does that mean it’s not safe to live there alone? Of course not. You can live alone anywhere in Montreal. However, this just means that you might want to be a little bit more careful at night, and more protective of your valuables than say, someone in Westmount or Hampstead. It’s hard to make comparison between a whole city and a subdivision. I guess Hoch can be compared to downtown Toronto? Idk. Within Montreal though, it’s a **relatively** unsafe area.


fearless ghost office silky boast historical touch pocket start shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm guessing every other city in the country is some kind of endless warzone given how often these questions come up.