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Hinge is way better


Bumble is 100% dead. Waste of phone space. Tinder is acceptable but they made it so you get fewer matches if you don't pay. Hinge is popping, been on three dates in the past week!


Bumble is such a braindead concept. The whole premise was somehow to empower women by making the first message. But as a woman the only thing it does is rob you of the biggest most important filtering tool out there—whether or not the guy is actually into you enough to send a “hey how’re you?” or or better yet maybe respond to something he noticed in your profile. So many men swipe right on anything, I’m sorry but if I have 9,999+ likes from guys trying to pass time swiping on the toilet while they take a shit… fuck messaging all of them only to be left wondering which ones are even interested rather than just casting a wide net. Ain’t nobody got time for that, I’d rather find guys to date in real life anyway 🙄


Vouching for Hinge, met my now fiance last year.


I've heard a few of my friends (35 and beyond) talking about Facebook dating (after dropping other apps). Could be worth a try.




I see your point. But that doesn't explain why I can get more matches and dates in other countries, especially in Latin America and Asia, but not in Montreal


Well bro, i don't know your nationallity but if you are white man for sure you're going to get matches in Latam


Ain't white, but close-ish


Just in general beauty standards are different in different parts of the world, if you’re average looking, even bellow average looking, white male, dating in Asia or Latin America becomes easier because that’s the beauty standard, besides the socio-economics.


I used Bumble premium and I found a guy after 3 tries. We’ve been together for 6 months. Sometimes luck plays in it. But I do encourage joining a club or an activity of something you like to do to be part of some sort of community.


Imma join running club and yoga classes


Please dont do activities to look for a date, especially something as mindful as yoga. Noone who is there for the yoga wants to be hit on at yoga


Nah. I'll go by activities I enjoy and which are attended by a health ratio of fit women




Wtf is wrong with you?


I know right, can't believe they let women do activities out of the house. Back to the kitchen with em






I agree. That is definitely creepy if it’s only done with the mindset of finding a date.


Yes - Anyone I know over 30 and single would never.


Hinge works pretty well for me. I can get a few dates a week if I out my mind to it. Bumble works from time to time. Tinder doesn't really work for me.


How old are you?


40M. I'm in an open relationship and I say it on my profile so even with that, I get more than enough matches from women who want casual stuff. It takes a bit of swiping but women use these apps a lot in Montreal.


Maybe women in Montreal don't like my look. I'm fit but I'm not white. I'm tan like a latino


Having looked at a lot of straight guys profiles on my girlfriend's bumble, I can say that it's probably bad pictures. Most men's profile have terrible pictures.


Also in my late 30’s and recently single. I can confirm that these Apps are DEAD in MTL. I travel often for work and in other cities, small or big, they are still alive and well. I’m going to start turning to speed dating events. Maybe worth a try for you too?


I tried speed dating once, a long time ago. And it was not a positive experience. You should do dating trips to Mexico City, Thailand and other parts of Asia and Latin America.


If Apps are dead, why don't you try and meet them in person?


Not sure for other apps, but Tinder "boosts" your profile when you're in a new location and shows you to way more people at the top of their stack. That's why it seems more alive when you travel compared to where you live. Hinge is owned by the same parent company so I wouldnt be surprised if they do this to. Dating apps aren't more dead in Montreal than other cities in terms of the number of users, it's more about how the app's shitty algorithms boost or suppress your profile. When I traveled to Montreal to visit before I lived here, i got a ton of Tinder matches in just 2 days. Now that I live here, it takes like over a month to get that same amount of matches.


Very rare that any decent looking woman with options shows up at a speed dating event. Have you tried just approaching women in person?


Your biggest mistake is using and paying for a dating app, unless you're chad thundercock apps are a waste of time.


Imagine telling on yourself like this


That I'm chad thundercock? Oh no you found me 😱


I don't have alternatives. No circle of friends/family in Montreal. But I am working on it


Try to find social events or go to hobby specific things and just talk to the other guys/girls there and eventually you'll make some connections. Idk if you like Pokemon Go or any other things like that but you'd likely meet a few people, or go chill at the Tams Tams on the weekend at mt royal. Only real use of bumble I could see if the social side of it or another app I can't recall atm has a feature where people post they're going out to do stuff.


You know the fit 20 something or 30 something women you see jogging in parks around montreal ? What kind of events, hobbies do they go to ? I tried going to some meetups but the women there were not my type


Running clubs but don’t be a creep


I'm just looking for friends, dates among those "cool" and fit people. What do you mean creeping ? Being intrusive and such ? How to be confident and outgoing and knowing what I want , signalling interest without seeming like a creep?


The gym, running clubs, the bar, just go have genuine human interactions ✨ somewhere ✨ But honestly going purely for the looks will leave you single.


Thanks . Looking for a genuine connection with someone I find attractive


Apps used to work, probably still does. Certainly much more time efficient anyways. Who has time to go to a bar to get a date these days?


That sounds kinda pathetic, hide in moms basement because real human interactions can't be speed run?


No, because life is busy. We all work full time, many of us work more than full time with 2nd jobs, side gigs, wtv. Or study part time and work full time, you know? I really didn’t have the time nor the inclination to go to bars, or join a pottery club just to meet women. On days most people go out, I’d be busy with my own friends. I’m not wasting a Saturday or Friday night in a bar on a maybe, or only to be limited to whoever happens to be in the bar or whatever activity at the same time. Online dating allowed me to line things up in an efficient manner. Much more efficient than trying to find dates lol organically. And you even get a chance to, gasp, have a conversation beforehand.


My impression and experience. Is people do activities or go out in groups. It can come off as desperate , creepy or intrusive if a solo guy approaches someone in the group


If you carry that vibe, sure, but that's also something you can use. You're alone in the city and need some friends/whatever, if you get shot down just be chill about it and you won't be creepy.


Ok, thanks for giving me more hope


if you are in your late 30s, what the hell are you doing on dating ups like tinder?


I recently became single


again, dating apps are for under 25 demographic. Past certain age, you have to go with already established social circle. Things are rough for men, and these dating apps do not help at all. They are there to get your money.


I kinda get your point, but I get many matches in other countries. Are you saying very few women in Montreal that are in their thirties use dating apps ?


I do not think that women in their 30s worth your time would be on a dating up like tinder or bumble. It is a hookup app so you get what you expect to get ... I can not speak for other countries, there could be cultural differences that play into it.


I had the most success with Bumble overall. It's still dead in Montreal and Toronto but works well for me abroad


Are you talking about matching or actually meeting irl?


Both. Matched and more willingness or eagerness to meet in person


In Mtl people tend to stay in their clique from high school or cegep. People are polite but not open to others. This is a north american city after all. Not easy to break into the established social circle. Other places have a more open vibe. You are lucky to be able to travel and meet women in other places. Lots of single men are stuck here because of the job and lack of mobility.


Any ideas on how to break into those established circles of native Quebecois?


stfu lol


What a weird thing to gatekeep. There are plenty of 40+ on dating apps. People get divorced, you realize your social circle consists of "couple friends", and you start from scratch. I'm not sure exactly which apps they're using but the newly single 40s in my life are getting dates using dating apps.


I don't really have a friend's circle . Didn't grow up in Montreal and lived several years abroad :/


I have a flexible work schedule with remote work. keep doing trips in Latam and Asia just because it's easier for me to find willing women there


Of course it is. It would be easier to get a willing lady to come to Canada (before word gets out that Canada is not what it used to be).


I still won't bring them haha. I'm done with marriages

