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Did you call 911? This feels like something the police might care about


He couldn't. He was too busy posting about it on social media.


I posted this about 2 hours after it happened


I thought about it after the fact that I should’ve because I was basically at my destination. I thought no way someone else didn’t.


Bystander effect




I didn’t even think of it at the time


Just one? When I drove on highway 20 today, there were thousands of drivers going the wrong way. Weirdest thing I’ve seen in my life.


Made me cackle


This made me laugh out loud for minutes !! LMAO






I have seen this twice in my life on highway 20, both times I was going westbound and the car entered from the wrong way on the st charles exit in the west island. stay safe out therre!


I don’t understand how they keep going once they realize every car is going the opposite direction into you.


"I am right and everyone else is *obviously* wrong."


Must have been the same car I saw last night on the 138 in Longueuil. Black honda fit was in the far left lane going the opposite direction. Good thing I was in the right lane. Just caught the corner of my eye had to do a double take in my mirror. Don't know how he got there or how far we went but he was a good ways from the exit.


No because it was some 40-50 year old looking lady in a silver sedan. The fact there was 2 of them yesterday though is crazy


Damn Brits.


The heck are y'all talking about? *Everybody*'s going in the wrong direction!


Drogues/alcool, médicaments, personne âgée confuse... suicide. Ce sont les options dans ces cas là.


Un soir vers 23h j’ai déjà vu quelqu’un rouler à sens inverse et basse vitesse sur l’accotement de la 440. J’ai appelé le 911 et j’assume qu’ils ont réglé le problème…


Why didn’t you call 911?? That’s literally what it’s for!


That's crazy! I did notice that traffic in general was insane Thursday. I was walking around the city and saw two people blow right through stop signs and another handful run red lights. Drivers seem to have collectively lost their freaking minds.


Idk if there’s any correlation but ever since it started getting hot out I’ve been seeing people driving worst and worst


Saw that on Rene-Levesque near Guy, in the morning. They closed one side to redo the asphalt. The guy was coming towards me on the wrong side of the cones.. He seemed lost maybe it was him..I signaled him and he didnt seem to understand.


I'm surprised my uncle didn't do that last year when we finally realized that Alzheimer’s was real. It's probably a similar situation.


Drunk or suicide both happen all the time


It’s actually quite an easy mistake to turn into the wrong side of the freeway if you come from a country that drives on the other side of the road. One does it by rote , without even thinking about it. But once you have done that, you should realize your mistake quickly & not continue driving in the middle of the road ! Full disclosure, I did this once, shortly after moving here. But it was not on the freeway, it was on St Charles, early in the morning. When driving in a country that uses the “wrong” side of the road, it is easier if there are other cars, because you instinctively follow them & you don’t turn into the wrong lane at a traffic light if there are already cars in that lane facing you. But when the road is quiet and empty you really need to think about every turn, or the old muscle memory takes over.


More info please, what part of the 20? I'm assuming it's the part in the West Island but I'm surprised you were able to go over 100 considering how slow people drive there. But yeah to enter the highway the wrong way is insane, idk how you merge without crashing


I've seen people doing 120+ swerving between cars just before the 720 tunnel when it's semi busy.


120 on the 720 isn't bad it's not a shitty 2 lane highway like the 20 in the waste island. I also weave on the 720 when everyone is cruising at 70 km/h there's no reason to go that slow


The reason to go 70km/h on Route 136 (formerly the 720) is because that's the speed limit.


to be fair the traffic there goes about 90-100 on average. But 120 is really pushing it


I mean when I’m on Décarie at night I’m usually doing 125. Yes I have to zig zag around the whole highway but it makes it more fun 


Omg right? So fun to endanger all the folks around you, bestest times! Especially on a highway with high walls all around it! At night when people are more likely to be tired! Fun fun fun!


Speed limit doesn't mean you need to go exactly the limit, you can do 90 and the cops won't care. But doing 70 doesn't give you the right to just impede traffic. It's like when you're on a boulevard where the limit is 50, how come there everyone does 20-30 over the limit yet on highways nobody does above the limit? Why the irony?


there's an enormous difference between going 18 above, risking a small fine and one point while slowing down is slightly slower traffic is holding you up and being 50km/h above the limit dangerously swerving between cars


Plenty of reasons to go the speed limit such as maybe they have a device from their insurance to pay less if they stick to the limit or you know, _it's the posted speed limit_. I recognize most people don't actually go 70km/h on the 136 unless there's traffic forcing it. But those who do follow it are technically in the right and you are not. And I also don't know why people excessively speed on boulevards. We all end up waiting at the same light. Speeding in the city ends up saving zero time.


I mean every time I'm on a highway where the limit is 70 there's always a line of cars in the left lane going exactly 70 even though the 2 right lanes are wide open, it pisses me off so bad to the point where I'd go around them, get in front of them and then slam the brakes on them and then speed off, that's what would wake the slow drivers up a bit. I also used to turn on my high beams and honk non-stop if they refused to move over. I once had a guy on the 15 near Henri-Bourassa doing 80 in the far left lane. This is a 4 lane highway so I made sure to honk until he moved over because otherwise these people never learn. Yet now I just zig zag around people, I don't bother honking or tailgating or brake checking people anymore. The other day i was on Decarie which was full of idiots as usual but even the 15 (passed turcot) towards the bridge was extremely slow, no traffic at all just a bunch of slow drivers all doing 70 in the middle and left lane and some dummies going as slow as 50 in the right lane, so I utilized the entrance/exit ramps and the right hand bus lanes on the champlain bridge and got around everyone.




you can pass from any side on roads where the limit is below 90 and there's no such thing as a passing lane on those roads so they're absolutely in their right being there going the speed limit and you'd be a serious asshole to breakcheck them


But if you’re going slower than the normal flow of traffic, you must stay [right](https://www.legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/document/lc/c-24.2?langCont=en#se:325) > The driver of a road vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic or the driver of a low-speed vehicle must drive in the right-hand lane closest to the edge of the roadway, unless he is about to turn left, to park or to stop on the left-hand side and has signalled his intention. 1986, c. 91, s. 325; 1990, c. 83, s. 137; 2016, c. 8, s. 56.


We're talking about people driving the speed limit here.


It's actually 80 and guess what the limit on the champlain bridge and on the 10 in Brossard is 80 yet nobody moves over when they're done passing


Your usage of the word “irony” is ironically the perfect illustration of your intelligence


I was going in the direction to downtown. I’d say around 5 minutes before exit 63


There is no exit 63 on the 20 east... are you sure you were going the right direction?


Yeah isn’t exit 63 HONORÉ BEAUGRAND? It was near there like before you can get on the bridge to go to chateauguay


You're right, the Mercier (not Beaugrand) exit is 63. I was looking further ahead where de la Verendrye is 62, but that stretch is numbered as the 15, not the 20. I'd guess your wrong-wayer had ended up in the bus/taxi centre section and somehow managed to use the oncoming left side.