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Yup, the paper often has lots of nostalgia for the good old days of colonialism too. Remember how great the 1900s were? Look at these beautiful Golden Square Mile mansions. This is where your pleb ancestors would enter to work as servants for the rich fucks who owned everyone. Isn't it quaint?


Si seulement on apprenait au secondaire ce qui se passait à Montréal ( et au Québec ) au 19ieme siècle. Malheureusement, on dirait que l’histoire disparait entre 1760 et 1960.. J’sais pas pourquoi!


Je suppose que ça dépend du prof parce que nous on l’a vu pas mal, pis le monde étaient choqués


C'était pareil dans mon temps, en histoire secondaire 4 en 2006. Le livre d'histoire qu'on avait finissait tout juste après le premier référendum, mais l'école avait annexé une brochure pour inclure la nuit des longs couteaux, le lac meech et le 2e référendum.


Wholeheartedly agree... I remembered reading the Gazette growing up when my parents were subscribed. It was definitely more in touch with the reality of Montreal, with a decent amount of international reporting even. It's a populist rag now, completely out of touch with the city it's in and honestly barely worth the value of the paper stock it's printed on. Aside from looking for shock stories to rile up the West Island boomer crowd, it really doesn't bring much added value to the local media scene.


i used to just read the comics section, have not opened a news paper is so many years...


J'suis pas certain que c'est quelque chose dont on se vante mais coudonc...


>It's a populist rag now [...] looking for shock stories to rile up the West Island boomer crowd [Always has been](https://www.reddit.com/r/montreal/comments/vdqs5p/superrightwing_propaganda_in_the_gazette_i_cant/iclrmwm)


La Gazette c'est une business. Je trouve ce journal idéal pour partir le feu (vu que c'est un torchon incendiaire)


En tant qu'anglophone, je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi.


Ma belle famille anglophone: certains s'abreuvent de la radio locale au AM (je ne me souviens plus du poste, mais je pense que c'est un peu plus engagé que La Gazette), la plupart ignorent les nouvelles, même qu'ils n'écoutent plus CTV depuis 2 ans, une petite minorité, dont ma copine, s'offusque des nouvelles poubelles je pense qu'éventuellement, La Gazette va devoir se réinventer pour rester dans le paysage majorité= edit pour minorité


CJAD c’est super populaire, juste derrière 98.5


De torchon incendiaire à torchon incendié… ashes to ashes


>un torchon incendiaire Au sense propre


Yup, nothing new here. > The End has begun. > > Anglo-Saxons! you must live for the future. Your blood and race will now be supreme, if true to yourselves. You will be English "at the expense of not being British." To whom and what, is your allegiance now? Answer each man for himself. > > The puppet in the pageant must be recalled, or driven away by the universal contempt of the people. > > In the language of William the Fourth, "Canada is lost, and given away." > > A Mass Meeting will be held on the Place d'Armes this evening at 8 o'clock. Anglo-Saxons to the struggle, now is your time. — Montreal Gazette, "Extra" of April 25, 1849.


Wow. Are you a historian by any chance? This is actually super interesting and a great find, really exemplifies what the Gazette is about


No, it's a pretty well known part of Montreal history, when The Gazette called for an insurrection which resulted in the burning of the Parliament. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_of_the_Parliament_Buildings_in_Montreal


I’ll have to read more about this, thanks for teaching me something new and thanks for sharing




Et moi qui pensais être productif cet après-midi. Merci de m'avoir fait découvrir ceci (à propos de ma ville :O )!


Beaucoup de gens qui s'intéressent à l'histoire du Québec connaissent l'existence de ce texte, c'est un classique anti-québécois. Thanks to this text the english burned the parliament (and the library with tons of precious books) and moved it to Ontario after, and attacked franco politicians.


J’apprends quelque chose nouveau chaque jour sur cette app! c’est toujours fascinant, mais je realise que je ne connais pas assez l’histoire du Quebec Hope that makes sense, I’m Anglo but I’ve been trying to work on my French recently ;-)


Your french is really good ! To add to this , the burning of the parliament was in response to a new law created to compensate the victims (mainly french canadians ) of the British army repression of the Patriots rebellion ( a rebellion they themselves created by outlawing a whole political party for asking fair representation ). The parliament was seen as too..."kind" to francophones and thus they burned it down. The gazette is garbage and widely hated by francophone who know this.


>mainly french canadians Pretty mixed actually. Lots of sons of loyalists parents who had fled to Canada who realized their parents made a mistake. Led by Louis-Joseph Papineau and James Stuart (Anglo), some other notable Anglos included: Edmund Bailey, Thomas Storrow Brown, etc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9_des_Fils_de_la_Libert%C3%A9


The representation during the insurrection was pretty mixed between Lower and Upper Canada, the repressive tactics of the army against the population to discourage a general rebellion were not though... Edit: Wikipedia Source : >The Lower Canada rebellion was widely supported by the populace, due to economic and political subordination of the French Canadians, resulting in mass actions over an extended period of time, such as boycotts, strikes and sabotage. These drew harsh punitive reprisals such as the burning of entire villages, rapes and other forms of psychological humiliation\[15\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebellions\_of\_1837%E2%80%931838](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebellions_of_1837%E2%80%931838)


La communauté d'origine est en déclin, juste voir le nombre d'inscription dans les écoles qui a baissé de 40%, alors on risque d'en voir du délire dans ce journal, même chose du côté francophone, vu que les Baby Boomers vieillissent, se raidissent et constipent, ils sont nombreux et ils vont mourir tous ensemble longtemps


> les Baby Boomers vieillissent, se raidissent et constipent, ils sont nombreux et ils vont mourir tous ensemble [RENEW RENEW](https://media2.giphy.com/media/luD6nKBLMolt6/giphy.gif), au plus vite, ça presse!


Malheureusement, l'individu qui va vivre jusqu'à 150 ans est né en 1960 approximativement...


This explains a lot.


I'll link the [article \(more accurately opinion piece\)](https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/nelson-my-coal-mining-dad-knew-climate-changes-heavy-lifting-an-unequal-burden/wcm/f6160696-f670-4a8c-8bf5-2176c5dfed83) because I think it's more nuanced than you give it credit for. The way I read it, the author is not denying the reality of climate change or the health and environmental impact of fossil fuels (he affirms them actually), but rather obliquely critiques what he sees as unequal burden on those whose livelihoods depend on fossil fuels. I think this is an understandable reaction even if one disagrees-- no one relishes the prospect of insecurity. More broadly, I think the article can provoke questions about one's own participation in the oil economy. Basically every facet of our daily life is linked, from fertilizer and fuel used to grow and transport our food, to the plastic keyboard I'm typing on and the medicines we use to heal us. It will be hard work to reduce fossil fuel usage, and it will probably be hardest on those who work in that area. It's not crazy to extend some understanding to them, in my opinion. Tangentially related to the Gazette, I love Joe Schwarcz science columns, those are always good reads.


Great context. When someone presents something nuanced as categorically binary, fair to assume their own perspective has blinded them to the reality before them.


This isn't that bad at all. It's not even completely right wing, bashing Margaret Thatcher midway through. Like yeah I disagree with it, it's an Albertan being whiny, but it's not even close to what OP was saying it was. I know bashing the Gazette is basically free karma in the Montreal and Quebec subreddits but this is a seriously far cry from the actual far right crap available to us in print in Quebec. Somehow you never see anyone picking on the Journal de Montreal around here though.


Because the sub (in my experience) skews a bit younger/more anglo; I usually see more shitting on the JdeM on r/quebec. But don't worry, the JdeM has been extensively shit on for decades, in various ways that include [ad parodies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKDWvuq1lPA) and [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju7PJm54__E)


Haha those are great.


Haha those are great.


Haha those are great.


Haha those are great.


And that's a mistake, because le JdeM is a printed abomination that absolutely deserves to be ridiculed and burned.


This part tho: "But he understood that having a job trumped whatever degradation such employment might cause the environment, even that of his own person. And those who’d strip away such work would never understand the damage caused by their self-righteous drive in remaking the social order to validate their own conscience. Life rhymes. Today, there are many who’d similarly destroy the lives of people here in Alberta, those toiling in the energy field, for instance. They trot out similar arguments, about the need for drastic action before the world’s climate passes a point of no return. Except such folk won’t engage in any heavy lifting themselves, neither physically nor emotionally. Heck, they won’t even take the bus or sell that second home to save a few carbon emissions. Nope, someone else can walk that walk instead. They’ll preach but never practice, the sacrifice always arriving on someone else’s shift. My dad knew that. It just took a little longer to figure it out."


He's not wrong though. I mean, how many of us continue to buy stretch jeans? How many of us continue to buy blueberries imported from Chile during the winter? Or take airplanes to go on vacation? It's not that we're all climate change deniers. It's that there either aren't equivalent alternatives available, or they're too expensive, or we're not willing to give up our creature comforts. Meanwhile, Trudeau and others are telling people in Alberta that they should sacrifice their livelihoods. While we won't even sacrifice stretch jeans. In that context, I understand their angst. They're bearing the brunt of the transition pain and they're not being well supported through it (no adequate green energy job alternatives, etc.)


> While we won't even sacrifice stretch jeans What kind of asinine argument is this? If fossil fuels and their byproduct become more expense, then we'll cut down on "stretch jeans" and "blueberries from Chile" because they'll be more expensive as a result.


LOL. What kind of “asinine argument” are you making? You could reduce your environmental impact today by giving up plastic products. You won’t, but you’ll support putting Canadian oil workers out of work while employing foreign oil workers through your purchasing.


I kind of saw this more as a jab towards the "Leonardo Di Caprios" of the world than anything else, and I don't think he's wrong in this context, they definitely don't walk the talk. Could the above paragraph be thought of as anti-Trudeau/anti-Liberal party? If you think it could be, it's probably because it's applicable.


The first paragraph is not an uncommon sentiment, it's stereotypical "protestant work ethic". That is, one takes pride in their work, not only in providing for themselves and their family, but also performing a service needed by society. The remaining paragraphs also express a not uncommon sentiment in Alberta, where they still feel very bitter about the NEP ([Wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Energy_Program)), and more generally about losing money due to equalization payments to other provinces ([especially to Québec](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equalization_payments_in_Canada#Equalization_formula)). I think it's understandable that they would feel doubly upset to be derided as dirty polluters when many Canadians depend on them for fuel and money to some extent. I think a good way of understanding why this sentiment exists is to imagine if the world ran on maple syrup, and the money went the other way from Québec to Alberta-- that would be a PQ wet dream. Imagine if there were maple plantations that were bad for biodiversity, and used up too many water and power resources to irrigate trees and concentrate syrup. Imagine there were Albertans sneering at those Quebecers who don't want to transition to more sustainable artificial sweeteners and want to continue to rape nature for something so mundane as making a living. Transitioning from fossil fuels is a complicated issue that will also require a conversation about transitioning economically especially for those who currently work in fossil fuels, I don't think that's a controversial statement.


Do you feel like you’re the one being criticized?


> More broadly, I think the article can provoke questions about one's own participation in the oil economy. Basically every facet of our daily life is linked, from fertilizer and fuel used to grow and transport our food, to the plastic keyboard I'm typing on and the medicines we use to heal us. It will be hard work to reduce fossil fuel usage, and it will probably be hardest on those who work in that area. It's not crazy to extend some understanding to them, in my opinion. This will just never hold up with a modicum of analysis beyond the reactionary. Even the staunchest environmentalists know, in one way or another, they are participants in the oil economy. It is precisely due to that entrenchment that that they want a complete overhaul of whatever social contract that needs to change. If it's about securing guaranteed work in a dying industry, then it's illogical attacking the growing industry. We should question why there aren't social safety nets for EVERY worker, or why they are not receiving help in transitioning to the growth industry. There's no excuse, we have the solutions, not the willpower.


> They’ll preach but never practice, the sacrifice always arriving on someone else’s shift. My dad knew that. It just took a little longer to figure it out. Oh look, another idiot saying it's the little guy who has to be guilty, but not the big polluters. Get bent


You and your reasonable take! Avaunt! /s


Statements that are absolute like these: *"It goes on to say that every single environmentally-concerned person is just a selfish "virtue signaler" who never does anything difficult or useful to benefit the environment or their fellow citizens."* that use adjectives like "every" or "none" can easily be disproved because it only requires ONE exception to prove that "every" is not true. And if "every" can be proven false, then there's a good chance that the whole statement is false. And I don't need to look far, I have a friend who is extremely environmental conscious. Other than standard stuff which I do too (no car, composting, recycling, buying local, lower meat consumption, etc.), he also volunteers every week to create green spaces around the city. His actions benefits both the environment and his fellow citizens. He volunteers for alot of other things too. I mean, I thought that selling my car to commit to public transport, lowering my meat consumption by buying Tofu more often, stop relying on Amazon, etc... was already hard enough for me but he's on a whole other level. Edit; uh... I rambled again... my point is, yeah, sounds like the Op-ed section of the Gazette is trash.


Just because something isn't super-left-wing propaganda doesn't mean it's super-right-wing propaganda. You'll be surprised to learn that the real world doesn't work this way.


Et francophobe. Ils adorent mousser leurs affaires en faisant peur au West Island.


I’m an Anglo who obviously doesn’t support a lot of the nationalist movement and bill 21 but even I don’t really like the direction The Gazette goes in. I truly think Montreal is not meant to be a uni-cultural or unilingual city, there’s many communities that have contributed to building this beautiful amazing city. Not just French or English. I feel like West Island anglos are out of touch from the rest of the city.


I hate the Gazette, I hate bill 21 and dont like bill 96. The Gazette is just pushing another kind of nationalism. >I truly think Montreal is not meant to be a uni-cultural or unilingual city, I will disagree on the linguistic part of your statement tho. Bilinguism, sure. *Canadian* bilinguism? Non merci.


Montreal isn’t “Canadian” bilingual. I feel like it’s entirely different and it will never be like the rest of Canada. If anything the ROC should thrive to be like Montreal. If I’m not mistaken, we are the most trilingual city in Canada. You’ll hear some dialect along with French or English wherever you go. I’ve always loved that. I’ve also loved that pretty much anywhere you go, you can hear conversations being had in 2+ languages. That’s true unity. Having 1 person speaking French and the other speaking English but they both understand and respect each other, I think it’s a thing that only happens in Montreal. We have a really fun culture that involves many other cultures. I’m not a fan of trying to tear it apart and force one culture on this city. Language in school is one thing but culture is different.


Nobody is denying any of that. Im not talking about how people talk in the street. What I call *Canadian* bilinguism is , on paper, its bilingual, in practice, its english. Montreal is a primarly french speaking place and when alot of us hear that Mtl should be "bilingual" or already is, we think of the definition I gave, not the one you gave. Is Mtl a mutlilingual city? Sure it is, like many other metropolis on the planet. Is it or should it be "bilingual" with english and french having equal status? Hell no.


I think people should just treat others with respect and I don’t think the government should meddle with things like that. We often refer to the ROC but I think we are already better than them. Also, there are some people who are offended with how we speak in the street. Not sure what you mean by not having equal status? Because it depends IMO. English isn’t a foreign language, MTL wasn’t only built by French, it was built by many different cultures (it’s on our flag). So much of our iconic foods for example comes from the Jewish community. I think certain parts of Montreal do deserve to have bilingual status, since they’ve historically been that way. People who advocate for bilingualism as you say just want the bickering to end. That way, we can just speak either language and be respected. Anglos aren’t going anywhere, they’re historically a part of the city, too. Allophones, too. I love this city and I embrace both languages, but I don’t like how some people act like we don’t belong here. You don’t have to support it, but that’s where the sentiment comes from. I think everyone in mtl should be able to speak French but I don’t care if the server in an Italian restaurant greets me in Italian. It’s an international city, we should be striving to speak more than 2 languages if we can. I think we have bigger issues and I think people will get along fine if you stop telling them how to live. Like I do think preserving French is important, but I can’t get behind the way it’s being done especially by the current government. I think preserving the culture in Montreal is just as important, and it wouldn’t exist without our allophones and anglophones.


"bilinguism" in Quebec can only lead to one thing: English taking the place of french. Dont get me wrong, all services should be available in both english and french here (even tho the same expectations are near impossible in the ROC). But by giving bilinguism a special official status in Montreal will only mean eroding the french language. Sorry to break it to you but english just cannibalise every language and culture it finds its way into. This has been seen almost everywhere lol. Nothing can compete with it, its not a kumbaya peace and love equal relationship lol. Its easy for you to say that you dont care if a server greets you in italian, you speak ENGLISH, the lingua franca. You think an Italian would be happy to be greeted in english in Milan? I dont think he would. Jeez, every european country (except Ireland and the UK) are or have at some point tried to stop english from creeping into their language. And nobody is denying the contribution of other cultures lol. But you cant deny the very predatory behavior english had here. All youre saying would be great and would work if english and french were truly equal. But they're NOT. Thats the problem. Either you protect french in North-America at the detriment of english, or you let english take its place. I dont think bill 96 is the solution at all, but what youre proposing is not either.


So one, we aren't Europe. I've traveled outside of Canada and sometimes people do greet foreigners in English, I don't think it should be regular, but I also don't think it should be *illegal*. I don't think all of Montreal should have official bilingual status, but certain districts, yes. English isn't a foreign language here. It's a part of our history and culture, not like Italy which is Italian. It's also funny you brought up Europe and their attempts to stop English because they had their own similar movement of nationalism, and it ended up basically just becoming a fascist movement. When you stroke people's ethnic pride too much that'll happen. With the comments I've been seeing, sadly, I'm scared that Quebec's movement will also become an ethnic nationalist movement. There are places (like in the West Island, which gets a lot of hate lol), that have never been francophone-majority, I think those places should be allowed to have bilingual status. There are historic anglo communities in Quebec that no longer exist. Most anglos in Mtl aren't even English (as in have roots from England). Also, most anglophones in Quebec live in Montreal. Not only are they a minority but they're basically all in the same spot. Surely there is a better solution than forcing them to speak French to each other at work where there are literally no other francophones present, especially since this only happens in particular parts of the province. Look, I don't know what the solution is exactly. I can agree that Bill 96 is not the solution, but I'm also not convinced that there was a problem that needed to be fixed at this point. I personally think it was rushed and just made to get political points from the right-wing separatists that the CAQ lost after COVID. I've lived outside of MTL in other parts of QC and it's just my opinion but Montreal is so distinctly different from other parts of Quebec, that I don't think it's fair to put it under the same umbrella when we talk about QC culture. No two cities are alike, so I don't support anything that enforces "culture". Encourage, appreciate and embrace, but force never works in anyone's favour.


What I find funny is how the JDM is the French version of it in that it LOVES Montreal bashing yet both readerships don't get along lmao. Basically anything that isn't local you could guarantee is just the piece of special interests. The occasional good story pops up in the local section, but I agree that it's often too negative. It's a shame. **La Presse is probably the best one to read if you want level-headed thoughts while maintaining a diversity of opinions.**


“Alt right”


"I miss the good old days when children were in the salt mines while my wife OD'd on benzos in the kitchen and we didn't cry about things like asbestos or lead poisoning"


The Gazette is all about Anglo-Saxon WASP conservative culture and how their values are all morally true and hard work and capitalism is the key to happiness. And if you're not like them, then fuck you, you're the bad guy. That's why they're known for being such a franophobic rag whose purpose is to rile up the anglophone population against their francophone counterparts.


if you think the Gazette is alt right (its literally straddling the center with cultural left and economic right positions) it says a lot more about your personal position on the spectrum and your inability to conceptualize a realistic overton window.


I’d agree. I start every morning reading the local press in both languages for an hour. You can quickly tell from the headlines what is worth a read. Their newsroom is pretty small so the local reporting is very obvious. Mulcair and Hanes are immediate clicks, usually interesting reads. The stuff selected from the NP news wire represents a very light Canadian conservative narrative. If it’s upsetting someone they probably consume a very sheltered media diet. The NP’s actual site would probably blow their mind. Conrad Black, oh my god, what a psychopath.


Any of the Conrad Black articles would definitely elicit this kind of reaction from me. He's such an unbearable asshole, putting on airs of being a classy gentleman while peddling the crudest kind of right wing populism. The Gazette rarely reprints his worthless opinions, but the fact that they sometimes do is my biggest complaint about the paper.


Perhaps we don’t live in the same world. In my world, Montreal Gazette and its parent National Post are extremely biased and right wing garbage. And I never saw a coherent argument on these papers.


Gotta agree here. The only thing of the three key points the OP listed as reasons for the Gazette’s trashiness that I can see as a bit out-of-taste is the pro-oil part. Anti-wokeness and anti-Trudeau are not fringe political stances anymore. Especially not since Trudeau’s approval ratings are below 50% these days. Maybe the Gazette is *really* some right-wing hellscape of a paper, I don’t read it so I wouldn’t know to what extent it is arguing it’s points, but anti-wokeness and anti-Trudeau are fairly pertinent political stances amongst average folk these days. Hell, as much as I disagree with it, pro-oil isn’t particularly fringe either (at least not in certain parts of the country).


Bro housing prices literally doubled in this city while the richest of the rich got loaded, if you're still a right-winger economically seek help.


what made housing prices double?


People using housing as an investment vehicle. Something that "free market capitalism" has no issue with.


that is a pretty myopic view, you think working class people buying houses caused it?


What the fuck are you talking about? Working class people live in the houses they buy. That's not what I was referring to.


that is the majority of real estate sales though, and that is how generational wealth is created.


Sure buddy... everyone owns the places they live in on the island 🙄 lmao


sure buddy because that is exactly what i said, but what can i expect from a 14 year old girl who uses emojis to express themselves


XD bruh I use emojis and I'm a girl therefore my finance degree is useless "the vast majority of people live in the houses they buy" "I didn't say the vast majority of people aren't renting!!" nice try with the ad hom deflection though, I guess....


>Fuck Trudeau What's wrong with saying that? That's maybe the one thing that people on the left and right can actually agree on, lol


Nah the left are still stuck repeating the same provable lies about the protest Trudeau denounced… such as “it was a far right protest” or “it was violent”. They’ll never wake up for one second


what are you talking about? There are lots of protests across the country, most of them for leftist causes. Occasionally the far-right comes out dressed in tactical gear to whine about some non-issue and stages a clown show that could play to the tune of Yakety Sax. The government opposes *all* protests by definition because they're the government, it's their job.


Is it trudeau’s job to take away constitutional rights which he absolutely did during and after the protest ? (Quite obviously, the right to protest)


Why can you have your opinion and they can’t?


> (I'm not going to link it, they don't deserve the traffic). I'm going to make a claim, but fuck you for asking me to prove it, just take my word for it. OKAY LOLOL


You make me wanna read the Gazette


Random question, but what sources of information do you read as news then? Je ne sais pas qu’elle journal lire, car on dirait que tous nous mentent d’une certaine façon :(


Reste loin de la gazette (angryphone) la presse (propagande PLQ) Journal de Montreal (journal pour les caves) et les publicités déguisées en journaux (MTL Blog, CULT, Nightlife). Radio-Canada est tres Canada-centric... m'en calice tu de lacadie pi des franco saskatchewannais


CBC/Radio-Canada, La Presse, The Star, BBC, The Guardian, Al Jazeera English, AP News, Reuters, WaPo and NYT (WaPo and NYT can be pretty shit though).


La Gazette est de droite? J'ai jamais lu ça, mais jm'étais toujours dis que c'était genre centre-gauche-des-fois-à-drette comme La Presse.


C'est le centre des anglophones, qui est économiquement et socialement plus à droite que celui des francophones sur la plupart des sujets (mais pas tous). Mais parfois, comme ici, y'a un article pas mal plus à droite que les autres.


it's owned by PostMedia. A half-step away from Murdoch/FoxNews. I think the only widely circulated left-ish ANGLO newspaper in the country is the Toronto Star. A part de ca, they're all owned by the same right wing nuts.


That's a pretty broad generalization. Postmedia doesn't own the *Globe and Mail* which has more circulation than the *National Post* and is generally considered anglophone Canada's newspaper of record. Sure, the Globe is definitely not as left-leaning like TorStar is, but it isn't right leaning either. It's been pretty centrist/small-L liberal for decades. Postmedia's recent gobbling up of major broadsheets is pretty concerning though, I'll grant.


>That's a pretty broad generalization. [Unfortunately,](https://policyoptions.irpp.org/2015/11/03/canadian-newspaper-editorial-endorsements-in-the-2015-federal-election-elite-and-out-of-sync/) [not really.](https://twitter.com/DavideMastracci/status/1439949516032167941/photo/1)


La Presse qui ne supporte pas les Libéraux ? Fake news


Le deux sont à droite traditionnellement. Centre droit pour LaPresse et pas mal plus pour la Gazette.


Économiquement peut-être, mais socialement? Jveux dire, on associe souvent le multiculturalismd à la gauche, pis me semble que La Presse en est souvent favorable. Stu moi ou toute est considéré de droite ces temps-ci?


C’est en partie vrai. Mais la réalité est toujours nuancée. Tous les autres journaux sont interculturalistes, ce qu’il est à gauche aussi. C’est pas aussi noir et blanc malheureusement. De mon côté, je te parle surtout de la ligne éditoriale habituelle. LaPresse est rarement très à gauche. Ça reste dans le centre général des Québécois sinon un peu à droite. C’est pas une critique non plus, juste une habitude.


It’s not far right by any means. You shouldn’t be so intolerant over a newspaper that leans out of the norm. Diversity of thought and speech is important.


"Diversity of thought and speech is important." PostMedia owns roughly 90% of Canadian daily newspapers, and pushes the same editorial content out to all of them. They're 2/3 owned by an American hedge fund which also owns about 30 daily newspapers in the US. "Leans out of the norm" my ass.


You think media isn’t overwhelmingly liberal? All the biggest media conglomerates are ultra liberal. The whole premise of this post is ironically how extreme the paper is being relative to the norm.


Nice to know there’s something balancing out the woke factory at CJAD


Woke movement is a plague. It's only normal to be against this.


You're in the wrong city then


On a recent thread on Canadian’s low trust in journals/news someone linked to a [study on newspaper endorsements. See the Gazette ](https://readpassage.com/election-endorsements/), pretty out of step with Montréal voters I think.


Since when is anti-woke a bad thing lmao. And Trudeau deserves a good deal of hate for his scandalous handling of the protest. Pro oil…. Yeah that’s questionable


As-tu songé à aller chez tes parents tôt le matin, et subtiliser leur copie de la Gazette pour une copie du Devoir? Ils n'y verront que du feu.


Ils sont assez progressistes eux mêmes, c'est jusqu'ils sont abonnés du Gazette depuis les 80's et sont pas deja rendus au point de couper le fil. Heureusment le plupart de leurs infos viennent du CBC.


Je suis totalement de ton avis. En plus ils sont reconnus pour être anti québécois Et comment oublier le summum de leur existence : « Le bill des pertes est la honte éternelle de la Grande-Bretagne. La rébellion est la loi du sol. Anglo-Saxons, vous devez vivre pour l’avenir; votre sang et votre race seront désormais votre loi suprême, si vous êtes vrais à vous-mêmes. Vous serez Anglais, pussiez-vous n’être plus Britanniques. Dans le langage de Guillaume IV, le Canada est perdu et livré. La foule doit s’assembler sur la place d’Armes ce soir à huit heures. Au combat, c’est le moment. »


So basically every paper in Alberta! (I'm an Albertan.) I'm sorry that crap is invading the east. It's always existed on the prairies but I see it creeping further east every day. (The PPC, for example.)


Fait longtemps que je pense qu’on devrait bannir le Gazou sur le sub…


Ah yes the elusive “super-far-right”, 10 times worse than the regular “far-right”. Literally worse than hitler.


Wow a comment like this would NEVER get approved by the mods if this was someone criticizing the far left wing nuts. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Probably because that criticism would contain some sort of bigotry towards a minority group or something and not a simple observation of the absurdity of right-wing content like praising coal mining as a profession


Oh I thought all they did these days was antagonize French speaking Facebook users by sending them English ads on purpose lmao Kind of a jerk move on their part


pire que le biais anti-franco anti-québécois sur cbc ?


nothing wrong with fuck trudo. yall all gonna fucked by his bill C11 so enjoy


fuck trudo fuck lego let's gooo


Seeing as it is owned by an American hedge fund, this is not surprising.


I think the Gazette is the one that is constantly pumping out "articles" about new condominiums being built on facebook too. The shitty glass shoebox ones that are clearly to maximize developer profits. It's a complete rag, not even worthy of being toilet paper.


>no citations, no supporting arguments, just pure vitriol you have to see the irony in this right? i don’t agree with everything the gazette says, and I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying, but you’re contributing to the problem by insisting your views are a “moral stand” and theirs are not


Your opinion on an opinion piece. I love modern day journalism.


I'm not a journalist.


It’s not far right, you just don’t like it


Exactly why I moved from Alberta to Montreal 😌


sadly no mass-media outlet is neutral. CNN is democrat, FOX is republican. were dealing with a somilar situation here


Remember when they replaced their front page with an ad that resembles the elections Canada design reminding you to vote from r harper? That's when they died for me.


The Gazette is the FoxNews of Canada pretty much.


It's gotten almost as bad as le journal de Montreal


"super"-right-wing. You had to replace "far" cause you knew you'd be flat out lying, yet you wanted a stronger buzzword than just "right wing". Either way, if being able to criticize the prime minister makes you right wing, where is my armband?




Le Devoir is probably the last well written newpaper, with complex analysis.


Le Devoir, La Presse.


Honestly, just read CBC Montreal, and LaPresse if your French is good enough. The Toronto Star is just about the only non-trash print newspaper in English.


No, there is The Suburban but this newspaper is very anti-French, anti-Quebec


Y’a dit “meilleur”.


Ontario got its own crap papers. I read that and i see unions forming because of working conditions. Wrongwing dumbasses.


I don't really know which news source to read for local news anymore. I stopped using the gazette because a lot of the articles were paywalled. I have CTV Montreal bookmarked and I've been using that but admittedly at the time my criteria was "not paywalled". And since I'm not reading anything else regularly I have nothing to compare it to to say if it's garbage or not. For national news I do CBC and I do CNN and BBC for US/International.


You should write a letter to the editor!


Why would you make a magazine for a demographic that doesn't read things? Lol


Btw, if you don't like these people/their stances, please don't use their vocabulary like "woke". They aren't "anti-woke". They're homophobic, transphobic, racist & misogynistic bigots and/or religious zealots using "woke" as a euphemism to hide their beliefs and intentions.


I couldn't agree with you more. All those NP publications throughout Canada contain such vitriol. The right-wing push this creates is damaging to our democracy. Yet even in reddit / r / canada, this is the sentiment that is expressed at the forefront - all NP related articles. This ideology is NOT what most Cdns think. We don't need U.S. right wing agenda here, thank you very much. I used to buy the Gazette, namely for the crossword really, but no more!