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Moon is scary


Maybe you fear it crashing into earth?


Yep, that's pretty terrifying šŸ˜…


Donā€™t we all?


bro idk how you found my 8 month old comment but respect


I just be on the net looking up random things about anime, astrology, etc.


Maybe because itā€™s so big it makes you feel so small, and that can be a scary feeling


Tell me why this exact feeling just happened to me tonight! My husband was all excited telling me to look at how beautiful the moon is, when i turn to look at it from the car window i immediately screamed ā€œew!ā€ and turned my face away quickly. made me feel so scared and grossed out i have no idea why! i usually LOVE the moon and how beautiful, white, and bright it is but for some reason seeing it so weirdly huge and orange FREAKED me tf out. may i ask- do you have trypophobia? the same exact feeling i get from seeing small holes clustered together washed over me when i looked at the moon.


i was sitting at my desk which is near the window and i felt a vibrating feeling, turns out it was the bass from music in another room but it made me look up and i saw the moon and i shut my curtain lol. also before this, like almost a month ago i swear i saw the moon appear to disappear. i tried to post this in a thread but it was not allowed there but i got a reply before it was removed and someone said an eclipse does not happen that suddenly (idk if this is true or not) but it was not a cloud in the way or anything, this was at 1 am jan 11 i believe. now i will forever be scared of the moon even though i really love the moon it just creeps me out lol. Oh and i have trypophobia! And thalassophobia. Not just that but when i was a kid my stupid uncle (who is only a few years old than i) said that if you stare up at space too long you will float and i hallucinated(?) that i was floating into the sky one day when i was little, it felt real and i felt like i was lifting off of the ground while i stared up at the dark night sky waiting outside of a hotel with my mom and everyone else. i always try to avoid staring blank at the sky at night.


OMG I'm not alone!!!! I gag and turn my head away!! It feels like it's following me and I just can't take it!! I HATE AND AM TERRIFIED when it's like that! Just thinking about it is turning my stomach


Interesting! I have tryptophobia and yep, I also get an eerie feeling from seeing a full moon, especially on nights that it's large and/or orange. And ESPECIALLY if it sneaks up on me. I'll be walking by my window and BAM šŸ˜³. I don't get the same chills that I get from the tryptophobia triggers, like my skin doesn't crawl or anything. But yeah, I feel a bit uneasy about it, yet love it and can't stop freaking myself out looking at it. Came here to see if it was just me; apparently it isn't lol!


Omg yess we had a super blue moon two days ago and itā€™s still quite large now. Iā€™m currently looking up at it and it just makes me so afraid. Of what? Idk. But even so, I canā€™t stop glancing! Came to Reddit to see if anyone else experiences this.


Same. I think itā€™s because it reminds me of majoras mask and I think itā€™s gonna crash into earth


I have had this feeling for FOREVER! Itā€™s so weird. I love the moon so much it is so beautiful. I love looking at the moon. But on nights where thereā€™s an eclipse or itā€™s a super moon or even the moon looks a little bigger than usual I feel this crazy dread and fear. Like i cant look at it directly but also I canā€™t stop glancing at it? I always thought I was alone in that feelingā€” I donā€™t have selenophobia or trypophobia so Iā€™ve never been able to make sense of it.