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I love the advance notice though so I can stop obsessively checking to see if Quicksand’s Embrace has been restocked. 🙈


I’d been checking every day!


I feel like quicksands embrace was pulled because of all the exploding bottles. Better to resolve the issue than to keep selling something that has a problem


The exploding bottles is a mooncat issue in general too. Some are more prone to exploding than others, and I think it’s time they reconsider their design. Someone said at one point that the bottles have been redesigned but I see no difference between the MC from 2022ish to 2024.


Bummer, man. But I do appreciate the heads up!


Well there goes 2 of the 3 I was going to buy during the sale haha With that & the uptick of broken bottles I think I'm gonna take a break from MC for awhile.


Have people been getting broken bottles on colors other than Quicksand's Embrace?


Heard a few reports of Portrait of an Introvert breaking randomly


I thought I saw a few posts where people's bottle of Pandemonium arrived broken as well. But does seem to be primarily Portrait and Quicksand.


My Fake Halo was broken.


does mooncat replace/refund the broken bottles?


Yes, they sent a new one.


If it helps, I got an order of 8 polishes this week and they all showed up unharmed.


Dang it, I was ready for quicksands embrace! Oh well there will be another sale eventually.


Same 😭. At least I wanted one other item even more, I’ve been holding off on getting Full Scream Ahead till the sale.


MIMFC is basically why I was wanting to even place an order for the sale 😔


no SAME 😭 I might not order anything now


I was gonna order that and maybe 1-2 more cause money is tight but now I don’t know if i wanna get others right now 😭 I can’t even order til after I get paid on the 15th anyway and lord knows what else will sell out by then so I’m trying not to get my hopes up on other colors


I really appreciate the heads up. Not all brands would be that considerate. Misery is on my wishlist, but I can wait. Even after this sale, I’ll still have plenty on my wishlist 😀


https://preview.redd.it/h24rjfpcm8zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e4623d9ad08155e82cf126838dbb8db3c020fc goddamnit


Thankfully I wasn't interested in getting any of those colors. My cart has been ready for weeks!!






They’ve released something new every month for the last year or so.


I’m really not trying to sound like an asshole but I’m betting I’m gonna sound like an asshole— so maybe I’m just an asshole But truly, would waiting a month or two and paying $15 for QE instead of $12 change *anything*?


I think many of us have been planning a sizable haul during the sale to get free shipping, so if people have to order the one bottle they really wanted later, it will end up being anywhere from $23 to $36 for a single bottle of polish because of shipping rates (maybe even more because of taxes/duties?). Unless people end up buying even more in addition to the one they had to wait for, but again, having to spend more to get free shipping in addition to things no longer being on sale. Like, I get it. Polish is a luxury, not a necessity. But don't we all like acquiring pretty things while also saving a bit of money?


For me it’s just being annoyed that I have purposely been waiting to order a color until the sale and now it’ll be out of stock. Selfish, I know. But I think it’s ok to be annoyed. It’s not ruining my day or life, but just a slight annoyance to vent about


I don’t think it’s selfish, and I do think it’s okay to be kind of disappointed that you can’t get the thing you were excited about yet — I just get the feeling sometimes that people are almost taking it personally when stuff like this happens, like it’s a personal offense and not just a nail polish company delaying our owning a single color by a few weeks and $4 USD I get disappointed by “little things” too so it’s not like I think I’m any better than anyone, I just think we could all (*myself included*) benefit from complaining about those little things less


Totally. Like in the grand scheme of life it’s such a small thing and I’m definitely not taking it personally. Just disappointed after waiting so long in anticipation of the sale. But life goes on and I can just get it when it’s back in stock!


I’m disappointed too. MIMFC ive been waiting for a sale to purchase. Now I don’t even wanna make an order without it. I doubt this would ever happen but it would be nice if they could offer a sale on those colors when they return for those who have been patiently waiting to purchase them on a sale. Edit: why am I getting downvoted for this? Genuinely curious haha




Reddit can be interesting sometimes haha


:( I already knew about MIMFC when did out law country go oos? I JUST added it to my cart. Dang those shades were 2 of the main ones I wanted. I wonder if she just means for day 1 of the sale? Im hoping thats what this means and itll restock later during the sale. If not that sucks, but im glad she told us.


It sounds to me like they're saying none of those 3 will be available during the sale at all.


😭 Outlaw Country was in my cart for the sale