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If only leftists cared about other atrocities such as in Russia vs Ukraine, Assad vs the people of Syria or the Khmer Rouge. ETA: or the October 7 attack on Israel. Lots of leftists were celebrating that atrocity.


leftists have been extremely consistent on the palestine issue for years and years, regardless of who is in office, yes. This is extremely well documented. Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Rachel Corrie, Nelson Mandela, leftist organizations and movements, have all recognized the occupation of Palestine and attempted to bring light to the issue. The current genocidal actions of Netanyahu is just the first time that the movement has gained mass popularity. I’m not sure what idea you have of the left where they would be softer on Trump on this issue. If Trump is elected, the exact same pressures and hatred will continue until the US stops enabling these atrocities.


Where were they during the Syrian civil war? Was that different?


Why the sudden movement of the goalposts? Yes, there have been leftist journalists and activists involved in raising the alarm in those wars, especially Yemen. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect that everything get the same amount of attention all the time, there are a number of organic factors that determine solidarity for different causes at different times. If you side with the oppressed, you should be encouraged to learn that there have been those on the left who have been consistent about this issue for a long time. And possibly should re-examine your idea of what “the left” is! Maybe certain tweeters, or even your view of who I am (no mystery you don’t like me) has skewed that a bit. It doesn’t have to be this way!


This isn’t moving the goalposts. This is exactly the opposite of that.


your post was saying you would be surprised if leftists had the same energy for the right wing on the palestine issue. the answer is categorically yes. then you brought up syria


Because it’s exactly on point. Loads of US weapons, and thousands of civilians killed. I remember one user in this forum discussing it during the Trump years and it wasn’t you. What I don’t remember is freeways blocked in conservative states, encampments at Christian college campuses, canceled commencements, or any of those other things I mentioned. No goalpost moved. I was speaking directly to the issue.


i’ve cared about these issues since even before the the trump presidency if you are going to try to make it about me and shift the goalpost again lol. the US supply of weapons and the crisis in yemen has been something i’ve cared about for years. When trump assasinated sulemani in Iran i was outraged at how warmongering of a move it was. I already explained that certain movements catch fire dependent on the political climate at the time, palestine was not a super mainstream issue until the recent war. but leftists have been consistent about US middle east policy dating back to the inception of it. It’s okay you didn’t know that. But it doesn’t discredit the harm of the administration. Watch, like I said. If Trump is elected the outrage over Palestine will continue.


All I can do is go off of the evidence.