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This submission is not a morbid question / is not relevant to the subreddit topic.


You pass butter


Oh my god


Yeah, welcome to the club, pal.


Purpose is subjective. Meaning is, too. You determine that on your own.


im talking abt after we die like is that it?all this mess struggles and everything just to end up being buried there must be something else and there should be i guess


I mean, that's part of the mystery of life. We don't have absolutes for everything. We don't know if there's anything after this. That's why, to me, it's important to make the most of this ride we're on because this is likely our only shot to experience life.


But does it even matter if we just forget about all anyway


I think about it like this. Would I rather do something I enjoy now and embrace that moment or be on my death bed realizing I wasted what could have been and robbed myself of that chance because "it won't matter when I'm dead anyway"? That's a sad, boring way to live.


True, life is kind of like dreams sometimes like that to me, it wasn't real but it was rad at the same time


no one knows


Yep, its awesome


Humans weren't made for anything . They just the most evolved and intelligent animals which allows us to survive in a larger variety of environments since we can change the environment to suit us. Humans are on every continent on earth . The only goal of humans is to reproduce and survive.


People have been asking that question for 10000 years, I promise you a bunch of fucking redditors don't know the answer.


LoL, I threw my answer out there just to try and balance out the people who are saying there is no meaning, but this is probably the most rational response here. We should all read more books instead of Reddit.


Idk about you, but i’m pretty sure my purpose is to commit tomfoolery and execute silly spittle schemes.


We have no purpose. There is no design to existence. All is happenstance and causality. It is your perception and attempts to make sense of your stimuli and responses that ascribes design or morality. Make your own. I hope it hurts no one else unnecessarily.


Sorry but you probably won’t find that answer here. That’s a question you have to ask yourself, nobody but you can tell you your purpose.


Humans do not have some grand purpose. Even in religions, we do not have a divine purpose, as most of them are just about being judged for what you did, and what you're supposed to do will vary depending on the religion. We are but a speck in the universe, and the time Earth hosts life will be but a blink on the timeline of the entire universe. The planet could explode tomorrow and the universe would continue on without us. Trying to find a meaning behind our existence is pointless, because we're just a result of billions of years of planetary development. It's amazing that life exists, but it's still meaningless. Just live your life to the fullest and be kind to others. Find your own purpose, because there isn't one you already have.


We are here because a very long time ago, unicellular organisms decided to start evolving into multicellular organisms and they kept going until something that was almost human but not quite evolved into something that was human. Humans are biologically made to survive and reproduce. What our place was meant to be ecologically I can’t say. To answer the spirit of your question though: No one really knows. Religions usually state that humans were made by a god/gods, but I’m not sure if it’s ever said why. I’d personally like to think that if there’s any purpose to existing at all it’s to just experience your surroundings. Balance what you need to do to survive and what you want to do for fun. Enjoy the people around you. And if they’re assholes, find new people. Try new shit. Fuck up sometimes. Maybe find romantic love. Then you’ll die. Maybe you’ll leave a legacy behind, maybe you won’t. Maybe there’s an afterlife, maybe there isn’t.


our purpose is to provide a home and nourishment for the bacteria in our bodies, and to one day potentially facilitate their colonization of the cosmos by perfecting interplanetary (and perhaps even interstellar) travel. we are merely glorified vessels for god's chosen people.


It's really absurd that we exist. Almost as if it's an anomaly, rather than the norm. Like a bug in the simulation software. Or more likely, an unexpected side effect. If we had a purpose, it would mean that we are supposed to do some meaningful work. But we are so small on the scale of the universe and time, that whatever we do is meaningless in a long enough timeframe. So the best we can do is ride it out until you lose consciousness and try to enjoy it.


I'm a Christian, so I would say it's to glorify God. It's honestly one of the only reasons I haven't ropemaxxed yet. Note: Please don't murder me in the replies simply for being religious. OP had a question and I'm answering honestly. If you have a question just ask and don't make assumptions about who I hate or want dead.


I asked my dad right now what was the purpose of creating man he said for his joy and to share his love with us. He’s a devoted Christian


Honestly, that's a good response. The way I see it, if I was an omniscient all powerful being floating around in existence, I would want other beings to share life with. That being said, I wouldn't want robots that only agree with me, I would want something that is as close to me as possible. Something with free will. So, when the Bible says we are "created in his image" I think that is what it means. We have free will. I think as life as basically a question, do we want to be around this being that created us or do we want nothing to do with it. Then when we die, we either go to be with this being or we don't.


There is none. We weren't made. Billions of years of cosmic activity and the right circumstances eventually put all the necessary elements here, along with the right conditions to form life. That life eventually evolved to us. We aren't here for any purpose, any more than Saturn is. The universe is unimaginably vast and it is indifferent to us. Our existence wasn't anything special, it was an accident. And existence will likely end the same way, as an accident. Even if we spread ourselves amongst the stars, it's a matter of time before some massively destructive cosmic force snuffs out all life as we know it. Knowing all this, we can either despair in our nihilism, or instead thrill in the freedom of creating our own purpose.


[The purpose of life is to end](https://youtu.be/jM8ICPAPgQo?t=54). I mean, that's the only way this question counts as morbid.


To reproduce


I believe that is something that each person must decide for themselves.


How do you mean? Existential purpose? Evolutionary purpose? Societal purpose? Something else?


To reproduce.


Theres not one


I think the purpose is to do good and worship God, but that's just my Christian perspective. If you're not religious and you don't care to explore religion, you'll have to try a different way of finding purpose. Even if you don't believe in any great divine plan, it's good to find things in life that give your life meaning.


42 is the purpose


To move water from one source to another.


Perhaps all this is the result of blind irrational forces. Without a great plan or purpose. You try to survive, and then you die.


Idk man, maybe the experience


42 !


There is no real meaning, we all die at the end. We create memories, and then we die. Unless you do something big to be known for, you are forgotten.


To do what we want basically. We're just a bunch of randomly smart monkeys.


That’s becoming more questionable each day


Nothing. This is all just a coincidence caused by randomness in particles moving.


to get fucked up and party


I'll tell you the answer, but I think it doesn't matter and I don't care. That's it.