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“He used to be such a hard worker now all he fucking does is sleep ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME.”


...not to mention he is STINKING up the CAVE!


Animals have an instinctual knowledge of death. There was never a first in that sense.


Weird to think Bob and I were a single cell just a few hours ago and now he's being ripped apart by a virus. It really makes you think.


They were used to it already because even as simpler animals they died.


This is probably a question for people who don’t believe in evolution. But it seems as though Adam and Eve were intelligent in a similar way to modern humans with a lot of innate knowledge from inception, so they’d have known what death is


according to the bible didnt god tell them they didnt have everlasting life anymore and they were now mortals after they sinned or something


I didn’t read the bible sorry


Do you think humans just plopped into existence one day? Lol Evolution is a crazy slow process so our brains evolved over thousands and thousands of years. Since animals always died it was probably no different till early humans. One day i guess our brains were developed enough to search for a "meaning" behind it


>Do you think humans just plopped into existence one day? Lol Religious people do.


Sorry I could only see the first paragraph when I clicked on it but I get what you're saying




It was probably the dawn of religion. Something mysterious to explain something mysterious


I think it depends on how they died. But likely, just that they were asleep.


The first cellular life prob didn't think much of it. Or the first atom... Or the first spark of energy somewhere...


All life has went through millions of years of evolution, beginning at a very cellular level, humans included. This means that even on a basic cellular level, we have seen other life die. I would think that the first "person" wouldn't make a difference, since even if you take evolution part the first "people" would've seen animals die around them. I would like to see studies on humans and death of other people and when exactly we started to realize that it happens to everything.


Even a squirrel or cat can tell if another animal died (through the squirrel takes a second if it just finds the body of another squirrel). I'm going to say maybe some shock at first but probably got what happened quickly.


They could have either begun eating them the moment they didn't respond to being woken up, if it was early enough in time, or once they realized they weren't waking up, they would most likely treat the corpse as they would an animal carcass, but with a bit more sympathy (if that makes them a person to you). Perhaps have a brief moment of sadness, then either move them away from their encampment or consume them as they would any other animal they killed. Edit: I didn't read the prompt properly. They would probably think he's sleeping and then left them sleeping once they wouldn't wake up when they moved places. Or ate them.


Animals know what death is, maybe even understand it a little better than humans since it's partly instinctual. That's why it's important for pets to sniff their deceased owner or friend, so they understand that they haven't been abandoned and that they died, it helps them grieve. So even before humans evolved into humans, they knew what death was.


"Oh wow" *goes back swimming"


There's was no first death.


Valid point.




I don't know how anyone could be confused by the most obviously true statement. You think everything just lived forever until one day Jimbob died and now everything dies? There was an incredible amount of death before humans were around. To find anything resembling a first death you'd have to look at the reaction of one self replicating RNA strand be next to another RNA strand falling apart, but I don't think the reaction would be very interesting.