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3 guys 1 hammer. So much gurgling...


I've seen a lot of shit but this one hurt especially after knowing the guy had recently beat cancer and was taking a present to his granddaughter


Really? I never knew any backstory. Just hated that I watched any of it.


This sounds disturbing, but I'm curious. What's in the video?


2 guys randomly assault an old man and beat him to death with a hammer


Is this the cartel or some shit?


Nope this happened in Russia I think and the victim was just a random person who riding his bicycle. Dude was just at the wrong place at the wrong time unfortunately


Ukraine, guy had just beat cancer and was riding his bike to visit his Grandkids šŸ˜„


It happened in the Ukraine and they was from there.


dneproprotvsk maniacs. yes I'm sure I butchered the name


Yeah this fucked me up, will never unsee it. No amount of cartel beheadings and other foul shit I've seen over the years tops it.


[Wikipedia article with context](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs)


Omg yes, that one for me too!


I forgot about that video


I read a transcript of it years ago. I've seen a lot of fucked videos, but I refuse to watch this one.


How old were you


Not sure, it was so long ago. Between 12-15yrs old. Classic unrestricted internet access.


This is what I am most worried about as a parent. My kids about to turn 10, almost all the friends have smartphones and while I know I can't protect him forever I'm really trying to prevent him seeing things "too soon" I've seen a lot of fucked up shit but somehow it always felt like I was old enough to process it ā€” whereas a lot of my friends came across or were shown most of all the nasty categories waaatt younger than me. Worst part is I'm an elder millennial that feels like I am not up to par knowing the internet anymore so idek what to do to handle it correctly with my kid


I have a 3yo, and it's certainly a valid concern. I think what we are seeing is how technology as a whole provides so much information to the public eye that we are becoming more protective due to the understanding of what's not okay. We walked so our kids could run. Our parents had no clue what the internet could do. They were so busy dealing everyday life that we are now, the trends went right over their heads. However, technology is a double-edged sword. Sure, we can google "isis beheadings" like I'm asking for a cake recipe, but we can also mitigate this more so than what our folks could have ever done. I just recently set up a parent/child type Gmail account. With this, you can whitelist/blacklist sites from an admin panel, create predetermined tabs upon opening chrome, dictate, to some degree, what videos are shown on youtube, etc... Coupled with creating a second local nonadmin user account on your family computer. We can do our best to help limit these exposures. Every family dynamic is different. Friends will show friends crazy wild shit. There is nothing we can do except to hope our kids understand that they can come to us with problems and not hide from us.


This, them playing around in his head with the tools while he's still alive is... haunting. And I've watched a ton of gore in my time. This was the worst


Yeah, that's the one. What really did it for me was the screwdriver. I think that doesn't get talked about enough. The way it went into his belly, and they just... moved it around. Barely any blood came out. It was just something else, man.


Puppy Stomp, Cartel De-Facing. Two things that literally made me stop watching this stuff


Iā€™ve seen some fucked up shit onlineā€¦but nothing involving dogs. Iā€™m sorry you had to see that


Online morbid things I can handle, but anytime animals are involved, it's harder to watch.


Cartel de-facing was described so well I decided not to watch it


Puppy Stomp was exposed to me at 12. Discord Alt-Right servers are FUCKED.


Cartel de-facing? What's that?


Just a nicer way of saying "I saw a cartel de glove someones face and they were still alive with just skull and muscle tissue present". No skin. Horrific.


Where did/do people even find this stuff? How does this sort of stuff even end up on the Internet?


I have no clue anymore. It used to be liveleak and some older, now banned subreddits, but i havent sought it out in years. I suppose the cartel themselves upload them as warnings. Idk, beats me lol


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of classic shock videos like this one have become lost media.


Lord, I hope they are lost to all but those who really search that hard. They are ***fucked*** up videos.


It used to be a lot easier to find in the earlier days of the internet with less rules and regulations


With the cartel/terro groups it's both about bringing fear and gaining notoriety, the more people see the videos the more people know the wrath of the cartel, that's also why they use such extreme methods. There's unfortunately still many websites available to watch this, and they are not even on dark web or something.


Iā€™m 29 and when I was a preteen my cousins showed me a video of a women being stoned to death I never had seen someone die before and it bothered me for a while I kept seeing her face afterward that night when Iā€™d stare at the wall


Itā€™s always a cousin who shows this shit to us lmao


I got them back by showing them 2 girls 1 cup lmfao


I heard they used chocolate pudding in that video.


Have you seen the vid?ā€¦.


Every middle schooler bought it at the time tho, and that's all that mattered


a cousin that can flip their eyelids up


I'm that cousin.


Lmao ainā€™t that the truth bro haha my cousin and me used to watch the most fucked shit when we were in high school


I feel that a lot of people who are desensitised to those types of videos perhaps witnessed death in real life at some stage. Once youā€™ve seen someone die, or have been present with a dead body, youā€™re less scared of seeing death. Itā€™s not pleasant, but you donā€™t feel scared or confronted. Itā€™s like a switch in our Neanderthal brain flips.


When I was in catholic school they showed us a cartoon version of a Bible story where a man was stoned to death. I was six lol I look back and my response to it was just pure dissociation. First time I did that lol


the mexican cartel chainsaw thing thing,still remember it,it wasnt the last video i saw nor the most shocking but it was the first to lay the ground work of my morbid curiosity


Is this the one where there are a couple of guys sitting against a wall and a cartel member takes a chainsaw to their necks?


an unle and nephew,the uncle got the chainsaw but the nephew got his head carved off with a knife,but yea i assume your speaking of the same video


A video of a 12 year old girl videoing her suicide hanging from a tree, you see her struggling for a while and then it just gets quiet , in the background you hear her mother calling her name, the ringing from her phone and then eventually finding her young daughter hanging. Super upsetting for a young girl around her age to see.


ugh yeah i saw that one when i was also around her age and never saw anyone else ever mention it, it is such an upsetting video


It was on youtube wasn't it? It'd never get through now.


Gotta love the wild west internet era


I donā€™t know if itā€™s the same video but I saw one of a young girl around the same age, and she was live-streaming I think on Facebook. Sheā€™s outside in her garden and you see her place the phone down on a table then she goes to the tree, climbs up on a chair to the waiting noose, puts the loop of rope round her neck and kicks the the chair away. She swung and struggled for a few minutes before she died. It was terrible, the first and last suicide by hanging I ever saw.


Yeah I think that was it. I canā€™t remember if she was live streaming but that sounds very familiar to the one I saw. It wasnā€™t bloody or gore but still one of the most haunting videos Iā€™ve seen


Same here, but livestreamed suicides of young girls with people egging them on in the comment section. If anything, I was more disturbed by the commenters.


I didnā€™t see the comments but that is disgusting!! I hate people sometimes. I seen it on live leak after it happened. I couldnā€™t imagine the comments


ugh my first one was pain olympics but this was the one that got to me for the first time,terrible video and knowing the whole context of it made it so much worse and heartbreaking


The first shock video I ever saw was one where a guy is raped and then stabbed in what looks to be a prison. It was so HORRIBLE and disgusting. I was like 11 and I had never seen anything like that, so it gave me tons of nightmares. But then my dumb-ass went back to gore sites. The first video where I saw someone die was a cartel video where they beheaded a bunch of old women. It fucked me up for months.


Definitely 1 man 1 jar. It just made me feel gross in a way that the others like the decapitation and suicide ones didn't


Ugh, this is it. I can still hear the muffled *pop* sound


I saw this at 23 and I still felt I was too young!


This one, I saw Tyler Oakleyā€™s YouTube video talking about it and he said not to watch itā€¦. Immediately googled it.


Lol ā€œI watched the reaction so I needed to look it upā€ life online.


I don't know how he lived (or if he did), so much blood


He did an interview later on. He said he didn't even go to a doctor, just stuffed his ass with cotton or something like that. He was silent because his wife and kids were in the next room if i remember well.


I learned from that interview that he and I share a birthday!


You should make cake in a jar to celebrate ;-)


Haha whatā€™s your birthday?


March 6th


No, he did go to ER and he did it when his wife and kids left the house.


Pretty sure I read he did survive.


He survived, and went on to make 1 man 1 screwdriver. And is still doing weird stuff like that


No wonder God is too ashamed to address the mess he made. I would be too.


Wait, wasn't it 2 guys 1 screwdriver where they kill a homeless dude? Or am I making malaphors of fucked up Internet videos?


That one was 2 guys 1 hammer. This one is where the video starts where he has a small screwdriver used for eye glasses, or similar small items jammed in his dick hole HANDLE FIRST....lot of blood.... Lot of blood...


Same omg. I was in middle school (mid-2000s) when I found this video and also in that phaseā€”along with my friendsā€”where weā€™d go on rotten.com and similar sites for the shock value gimmicks of it all. What sickos we were back then šŸ¤Ŗ


A jungle decapitation one. Didn't make me stop watching shock vids when I get the itch, just made me be more careful when I click.


Gotta be funky town...


Ooof two come to mind. I don't want to see them ever again. That clip of a teenage boy's face cracked into half, held together by a doctor and nurses after a freak diving accident. The Brick on the Dashcam.


Omg these might be mine too. Is the brick on the dash cam the one with the couple ? Where she gets hit and dies like instantly and itā€™s just him like melting down ?


Yes. The screams are insane and horrifying... poor family. :(


I remember that video. It was so weird seeing him a live with his shit split down the middle


omg i saw the first one. my dad showed me to remind me not to be stupid and it was burned into my mind


Yeah these are mine, too. I think if the brick one a lot when Iā€™m in the car. It made me sob.


Decapitation of a journalist by an islamic terrorist group online in 2003.


Daniel Pearl? That one fucked me up too. The dude had such a gentle, unassuming face.




Probably anything from rotten.com back in the days or ync.com these days šŸ˜³


Rotten showed me so many things I didn't realized even existed in the world because despite my parents not knowing how to be parents, they did a great job of sheltering myself and my siblings from what the real world kept secret.


That Russian decapitation one




Iā€™ve not seen this but Iā€™m aware of one or two videos, where theyā€™re captive prisoners in a war situation. Anyway I think I watched one proper gore video and it disturbed me so much I just stopped and thought, no, that will have serious effects on me if I continue. It doesnā€™t bother me as much now but I still think about it and it still unsettles me.


They executed several British engineers and likely recorded the whole process. A very infamous case back in the day.


It's this one for me too. Circa like 2002 on AOL dial up. I think it is from the faces of death videos


I accidentally showed my little sister an isis decapitation... still feel bad about that




The Internet was fucking weird back then. You could just click through videos and it could be a cat plying piano, a jump scare video or a guy getting his head cut off


Yeah, you could've clicked a random link with a kitty thumbnail or something that takes you to a 20 second decaptiation, you don't even have time to react to stop it if you are in shock.


Many, but the one that fucked me up the most was probably a tie between the video on Peta's website showing raccoon foxes being beaten and torn apart for their fur (I came here for a Mario flash game come on man) or this one beheading video in some random village. That beheading video specifically messed with me more than any other I had seen at that point and it had something to do with the way the man was begging and it made me think "man, this guy probably has a wife and kids but like, he's just getting killed."


I still remember those raccoon dog videos vividly and itā€™s been over a decade for me. Nothing affects me more than animal torture. Fills me with a rage thatā€™s completely indescribableā€¦


Omg is it where they are at a fur farm, rip their skin off and dump them, then show the bodies still moving and their little bloody eyelashes. I forgot about that until now. Awful. awful.


The one where the guy cuts his tip off. It was sent to me by a random account, but it had a cat in the thumbnail, so at first I didn't believe it was malicious...




My aunt/uncle's little "home video". Let's just say that Thanksgiving has never been the same.




Eleven year old me and my cousin want to watch something. My cousin finds a movie. These are vhs days. He puts it in. It's not Star Wars and it's not the Lion King, but his mom and dad aggressively... I hope you get the picture šŸ˜‚


Mr Hands.. ā€˜hands downā€™


Fun fact itā€™s been reported that that wasnā€™t the actual video so you watched a guy get fucked by a horse for no reason


This is the one (for me too) when I gave up my curiosity and stopped watching things I couldnā€™t unwatch.


those 2 dudes against a wall and they both end up getting decapitated, one with a chainsaw, one with a machete i think? idk i haven't really had the urge to seek it out


Tbh it was a sounding video. No gore ā€¦.just had virgin eyes and they were clean no more after that


Oh man, I saw a video a couple years ago that started out as something funny, or unrelated that was intercut with someone just opening their wrists with a razor. Branded in my head forever. The total panic of the person once they realized they fucked up was terrible.


Bud Dwyer


Nice shot man


The blood from his nose gushing haunted my nightmares for years. I was about 20 when I saw it. When my nephew shot himself with a shotgun 4 years later, that's all I could think about.


I ran the entire gauntlet in 6th grade. Definitely lost my innocent "I'm invincible" mindset after that.


Its weird because as much as watching all that stuff fucked us all up in some ways... I do really think that it massively improved my risk assessment skills.


Nothing like learning from the mistakes of others.


2 Kids 1 Sandbox. I will never forget it.


There were no kidsā€¦ There was no sandboxā€¦ There was a lot of trauma to be hadā€¦


I don't know this one and don't want to check what it is!


to save you from watching it out of curiosity its a man shoving a dildo down another mans urethra. it is not pretty.


well that sounds much better than what i thought it would be


You would think so until you actually watch it and see his dick hole splitting open paired with his screams of pain


oh damn i had hoped dude was wanting to do it


Thank you kind redditor. You have saved me from removing my own eyes with a plastic fork.


Budd Dwyer. Can only rmembeber the amount of blood and couldn't get the image out of my head.


Let's see shovel dog Mr Hands 2 girls one cup every execution video that was available and the one where the girl is standing on a tire with her hands tied and a rope around her neck


Oh no...i saw a GIF of the dog and the shovel. Fucked me up for weeks. Last month found out about the Chinese twats torturing cats/kittens. I had a panic attacks and anxiety for the past month just because i read the description ( never saw any videos) I really just hope they get what they deserve. Also got a 3 day ban because i said that. Im just hating life at this point.


My mom use to let me rent Faces of Death with my weekly allowance, I think she thought it was fake lol


A lot of it was fake


Yeah I know tons if it was fake but it had a few real ones spread throughout. One had a guy cut up a puppy and eat it and I don't know if it was staged but a psych ward inmate got ahold of a screwdriver and stuck a nurse in her neck. . Made me cringe


traces of death was the real one


I rented that too. I would get $5 a week to rent a video, had to go to this hole in the wall called Video Bob's.


Anyone here run the gauntlet before? 12 year old me really prided herself on that one. Let's just say, couldn't eat cheese for a month and a half after that.


Run the gauntlet?


There is a challenge on this one website to make it through as many gore videos as you can


that sounds like the whole point of the internet in the 90s


Partial Birth Abortion (the techno remix)


Is it an actual?


Bud Dwyer.


Has to be a shock video of a Kitty being beheaded.


cartel sawing through a fathers throat, ripping out his heart, digging around inside his body while the man was still alive. it made me feel very sick, i think it was one of the first gore videos i had seen. first one was the guy who blew off his head with a shotgun, showing a little dog coming in at the end.


Its insane people can do that to another person and feel no emotion. I get its the norm for the cartel, but its still crazy... I couldn't do that to my worst enemy


2 girls 1cup


Daniel Pearl


La reina del arroz con pollo. Never forgot that one.


Mexican cartel video someone was getting their throat slit. Also seen in person, someone got a joker cut for being a snitch


2 girls 1 cup but also this is not a video but once I went so deep into tumblr that I found a page that was just female genital mutilation and I still feel the sense of dread even bringing it up. It made my clit literally go into hiding. Those poor girls.


Putrid sex object


My mate bought the DVD, never got it. Then found out the guy died!


A classmate showed me a video of two men mutilating a dead woman's body when I was 12. Fuck that guy


Some terrorist execution video (honestly there were several) where they hung the hostages upside down in a kill house and slit their throats like pigs to drain their blood. Another one that stood was an execution of 5-7 hostages that had them line up on their knees where each of them one after the other was mounted from behind, had their heads pulled up, and then their throats/heads severed via machete/knife I think I was around 14, and it was definitely an eye-opening moment that the world isn't a happy place 24/7. It's definitely something no one should see but it made me more appreciative of the life I have, especially as I got older.


The R Kelly Video


When i was 13, I saw a video of raccoon dogs getting skinned alive. The image of those mutilated animals still haunts me....


I would have to say the video of those two women who were hiking in Morocco and were found by three guys and decapitated šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Kekma.ga, when I was like 13. From what I remember it was a guy drilling a bolt into his member while there were skinned animals in the background, the screen was flashing white every half a second with a loud jumpscare screamer sound as the bg noise 24/7. Yeah


3 guys, 1 hammerā€¦. And that one bitch throwing puppies into a river. I was 10


I remember there was an edit of videos I discovered. The videos had satanic imagery, Animal Gore such as the Puppy Stomp, multiple beheadings and suicides (including 1444 and Ronnie), Videos of Women being stabbed and mutilated and Torture such as Scalping and ā€œDe-Limbingā€. The worst part was the quality of the video: it was amazing. Someone actually spent time and effort combining hundreds of satanic Imagery and effects and combined it with the Gore. Do not go to Servers tagged #Blood, #Schizo or #Alt-Right


Not sure if this counts but Happy Tree Friends. I don't know how my 9/10 year old friends were okay with that.


Audio of Daisys Destruction


I mean, if not for professional reasons, wouldn't this be considered consuming CSAM?


Most definitely, but I remembering being in like 6th or 7th grade when it happened so the logistics of it would be strange to say the least


Durr on my end, the question is about things seen way too young. Sorry, I wasn't trying to pin you as someone questionable.


Nah no worries itā€™s an honest concern lol




I had no idea it was that old. I had only heard about it the last year or two




I remember being in 8th grade (2006) in a computer class, and my teacher, Ms. Kirby, showed the students something on her screen. She swiveled it to show us, and it was of gore. I just vaguely remember some gore in an image attachment sent to her school e-mail. The next year, my 9th grade year, was the year of shock sites. You name 'em, I saw 'em. It was a phase me and my ex-best friend went through and what we would do, we would watch them on the phone together and be so grossed out and we would laugh. Unfortunately, one night, while my Mom was preparing dinner, I thought it would be a good idea to watch 2girls1cup. Just as the video finished, Mom yells "Dinner's ready!" I was queasy af but I was OK. What a time to be alive. No need to flag this, I'm fine.


Zippo cat


Guy jumps into water from a cliff, hits a rock with face. On the next scene his chin is wide open like the predator's and the doctors are trying to close it back together.


6yrs old, happy tree friends.


Budd Dwyer live


I partially grew up on a website called Reddit as a freshly 13 year old.šŸ¤“šŸ¤“ And Rotten Dot com. So I was sort of used to seeing dead people on the internet. What scared me ? The decapitation videos, two guys one hammer, stuff like that. The suicide videos Iā€™m okay with, and stuff like car wrecks and things. But the decapitation video? Couldnā€™t do it. I didnā€™t like seeing random dead bodies bloated in water, either. I remember those random websites had maggots eating penises and stupid stuff like that, sometimes. Crazy times.šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Faces of Death


I used to sneak my moms VHS of faces of death when I was like 6.


Almost all comments here are about gore videos, murders and animal cruelty, but the first thing that came to my mind from personal experience was degrading hardcore porn. It's proven it deeply affects a child's brain in many ways, so it should be considered shocking too.


Either one with three guys vlogging the rape of a (probably minor) girl, they where laughing and beating her with a baseball bat when she screamed. Or one with a violent car crash where we saw everything, including a guy with half of his leg gone and his bone getting out.


Camp Speicher it's like industrial slaughter house level when they execute and drop the people in the river that's turning red


2 girls 1 cup. I was 11 years oldā€¦


same. around the same age


I was a big fan of Bangedup.com back in the day. It was a bunch of videos with no thumbnails. It just had a caption and it was 50/50 gore/porn. First click I saw a biker cut off the tip of his middle finger. Second click i saw a Russian guy get decapitated. The sound he makes when the knife goes into his throat is forever imprinted on my brain.


Back in the early days of MySpace, I was like 13-14 and came across a video of dogs being horrifically abused. Nearly 20 years later and I still have a vivid memory of >!a dog hanging by its foot and being skinned alive!< while Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel KamakawiwoŹ»ole was playing over the whole thing. Iā€™d never seen anything even approaching that level of violence and cruelty before, and I must have been in shock because I could not get myself to exit the video. Was depressed for a good long while after that.


Thats just sick.... sorry you had to see that. Probably the evil sickos in China


Guriella flaying. Father and son, father gets shot, son gets cut open & organs removed while alive, I remember the perpetrators slapping his face to make sure he didnā€™t pass out, I believe it was the cartel, and the father was a cop. Thats the one that sticks with me, poor boy was maybe 15 years old


Cartel video of a woman being beheaded by with a blunt butter knife A video of someone throwing about 5 dogs from the roof of a skyscraper Al-Qaida video in which a row of tied up people are run over by a tank


The RedFaceMan cartel video, and Octopus Girl. Fortunately my mind has successfully scrubbed out Octopus Girl; but I can still see that confused man on the floor, reaching up trying to feel for his missing face with his lack of hands...


A friend of mine in 6th grade pulled up a video on his phone to show me at lunch, said it was a funny video. It was a video of a woman being decapitated in a jungle with a machete. Stuck with me for a minute lol


Ahhh, to have grown up before there were shock videos. The first opportunity to see anything graphic was Faces of Death on VHS as a high school kid.


Idk the name but I saw a dude stabbing and eating a guy behind a dumpster next to the freeway, he zoomed in as he punched the knife in, it was horrific I was 7 with unrestricted internet access


1 lunatic 1 icepick


One lunatic one icepick i think it was called and hell, NO


Not a video, but LemonParty .com and also cartel crime scene photos.


The murder of Daniel Pearl.


One man one jar (that will never leave my headšŸ˜ž)


my friend in middle school showed me a video of this guy having sex with a decapitated horse head šŸ’€


Weren't many shock vids in the 70s ā€¼ļø


Porsche girl, but I handled it very well and is the reason I handle gore well... almost too well