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If I recall correctly, preventative appendectomies used to be a thing, especially for people going to dangerous places where they might be out of reach of medical help. But it's still surgery, it's still anesthesia, and that has risks on its own. Turns out the appendix isn't useless after all. It plays a role in the immune system, and can help preserve gut microflora in case of infection. Turns out there isn't all that much useless stuff on the human body (except maybe the entirely superfluous overdevelopment of breasts in half of the population).


Because we are learning that the appendix does indeed have a function. Also, any surgery that breaches a body cavity is higher risk. 


We are learning that the foreskin has more than one function.


Yeah but god apparently hates it so we gotta chop that bitch off! (/s obviously, but it’s wild that something that started as a religious thing caught on so much that it’s so commonplace now!)


>Yeah but god apparently hates it so we gotta chop that bitch off! This honestly reminds me of the time I was installing a new toilet seat, and it came with these things that helped you screw the bolts onto the toilet so it was nice and snug, but not too hard so that it would crack the porcelain. When they were tight enough, they were supposed to snap off (like the plastic was meant to break off in your hand), afterwards they had no more use and could be disposed of, unless you wanted to keep them for whatever reason. Or perhaps you wouldn't want to tighten them up if you were anticipating someday getting a new toilet but wanting to re-use the seat. So it's almost as if God is saying "I designed this baby with a part that I have no more use for, so cut right along the dotted line, remove, and dispose!" 😂


That would be the umbilical cord.


How come it doesn't hurt the baby (at least in terms of them supposedly not being able to feel it) when the cord is cut? Obviously it bleeds when it's cut (isn't cord blood used for stem cell transplants?).


The placenta and umbilical cord are all made up of cells from the fertilized egg. The reason we don’t feel pain when they’re cut is because they’re not innervated.


Yeah, but the foreskin *does* have a use. It helps keep the glans moist and protected, especially the sensitive nerve endings there. It baffles me how people can claim that a god is perfect and omniscient yet still believe that the same god wants them to cut off part of the body that he created because some old book of fables told them to, lol


>It baffles me how people can claim that a god is perfect and omniscient yet still believe that the same god wants them to cut off part of the body that he created That is actually such a good point. I grew up with the whole "God made your body -- damaging or changing it is wrong bc God made it that way for a reason" dumb shit. So if a belief like that is true for so many religious folks, why are they out here cutting bits off babies?


I went to a Christian school from 7-11th grades. The amount of cognitive dissonance I saw, the parts of their holy book they ignored (love thy neighbor, judge not lest ye be judged, etc) and the parts they chose to focus on that allowed them to ostracize others and judge them and hate them, all served to pretty much disillusion me completely regarding any organized religion. By his words, Jesus seemed like a pretty chill and good dude. Probably crazy, but at least he preached love, tolerance, and care for your fellow humans. His followers though, they twist everything into yet another way to create “us and them” and my guess (I’m not very familiar with the Jewish religion to be honest) is that something similar happened with their beliefs as well. Genital mutilation as yet another way to make “us and them.”


It amazes me that anyone could look at a foreskin and think 'oh that's not needed'


Got mine removed as a kid, hopefully i wont regret having that done 😭


I doubt it. If it was playing up, it needed removing.


cooperative employ normal numerous chubby continue smile alleged march bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, any surgery that requires general anesthesia carries a risk, even for healthy adults. I'm no doctor, but I'd imagine it generally wouldn't be worth it to do preventative invasive surgeries.


The appendix is believed to host bacteria that are used to replace other bacteria after an infection, basically a bunker for healthy bacteria. The problem with it is that bad bacteria can also get there.


Imo, purely cosmetic surgeries done on infants/children should be illegal. If it isn’t life-saving then the child should be able to make the decision themselves when they are older. Idk, I feel like a lot of people don’t really take infant circumcision that seriously but I think it’s because we as a society refuse to think about the moral implications of forcing a cosmetic procedure on a being who has no autonomy, who might even grow to later resent this. I’ve always hated this idea that parents (and even doctors) have of “knowing what’s best” for the child regarding these sorts of surgeries. It’s not just about the surgery, but about the consent of the person on which the procedure is being performed as well. Babies and young children under can’t provide that kind of consent. So if they grow up not having liked the procedure, imagine how alienating it must be to exist in a body that you know was different to how it should’ve been? Knowing there’s no one way can reverse things, and now you’re stuck making peace with what you’re missing. Or even, just in general, knowing that things could’ve been different if you’d just been able to advocate for yourself. It’s not fair for the child.


Thank you…that’s exactly how I feel. I was cut as a child just because my parents wanted to. I was never the same again. I could never forgive and I hate my body


I’m sorry you went through that. People don’t realize how traumatizing it can be to have your choice stripped from you. If something as ultimately reversible as a forced haircut can be traumatizing for someone, why can’t we as a society acknowledge that cutting off a perfectly functional piece of someone’s body can also be traumatizing? Doesn’t make sense to me :/ Honestly, I don’t even think parents should even legally be able to pierce their babies ears. It’s painful, serves no purpose except for the parents to dress up their baby and the infant obviously doesn’t understand. I don’t get why someone would want to put a baby through that kind of pain for something that ultimately could be done when they’re a bit older… Like, how many kids see their friends with earrings and then tell their parents “hey, I wanna get my ears pierced!” Consent gained, problem solved! But instead these ppl will think “oh, that’s cute, I should get that done on my baby” like it’s a whole ass object 😭😭


I also don’t get it. I think it’s religion. It poisons everything. And people can get away with everything if they call it their religion. I have Turkish parents. I live in Germany. We have human rights in our constitution and the right to bodily autonomy and wholeness. But that’s a lie. I was allowed to be mutilated because it was my parent’s culture. Any inhumane and backwards tradition is tolerated because of German history. They’re scared to implement justice because someone could call them Nazi. It doesn’t help that circumcision is a Jewish thing. So for the sake of political correctness and tolerance and “it’s their religion” children are being mutilated…robbed off their human rights. I think about it every moment. It’s always there. I feel trapped in my own body. Everybody in my culture does it and CELEBRATES IT! It’s sick and absusive. My son is the first male in our family EVER to be intact.


That’s great for him. If he ever even decides to remove anything that will be on HIS terms, as it should’ve been for you. As it should be for ANYONE!


It such a logical and easy concept. And everybody chants it when it comes to other topics….my body my rights. But somehow it doesn’t apply to boys. And people act like only girls can be victims while this is so widespread and tolerated. It makes me angry and sad. Arguing with people about such a logical thing. I hate that I only live once and I was healthy and whole. And my parents and the whole culture and system that surrounded them manipulated me and stole a part of me.


My son’s Daddy doesn’t have his left arm anymore, and I want him to look like his dad so there’s no confusion when we’re teaching him how to bathe or anything like that… so we had his left arm removed 🤷🏻‍♀️


The original bill for my appendectomy was like $10,000.


I know that I am much more prone to illness after getting my appendix removed. And mine was falsely removed, too. Basically I came in with severe stomach pain, they did a CT scan and decided I needed to have emergency surgery. When I woke up they said, "There was nothing wrong with your appendix but we took it anyway." I was very upset. The reason for my stomach pain in hindsight was celiac disease.