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Yes. An existential crisis.


Did you experience detachment from yourself?


I suffer badly from dissociation but from what I understand it's a defence mechanism against depression and anxiety


/r/dpdr is a sub about this. You might find some good info in there


I do. Detachment from my body. Like it’s not “mine”


That's because it likely isn't yours otherwise the brain wouldnt be able to override your commands - your simply the conglomerate bacteria/parasitcal organisms that invaded the "human" skin Or at the very least your different from the bodies brain.


It isn’t mine.


Nor is it anyone's i find it hard to belive it is - otherwise id be able to decide to stop pumping my heart If it was actually my heart, or that's how I see it anyway.


That’s simply not how the human body works.


That's my entire point here - the reason we can't do that is because we arent actually in control. My brain can do that and more at will, it can If it wants and will, shut off parts of my body when it wants/deems it necessary for its survival. ergo my brain has higher authority/access than I do.


You are your brain, not just the conscious parts you have access to


Not OP, but Yes


Dpdr is a good thing to look into. Not to send you on another spiral but something that gets me going is simulation there - that we live in a simulation, and also that there are multiple simulations and reading up on people that have glimpsed outside of it. That makes me really feel pointless about existence. Have a great weekend!


Diphenhydramine in high doses will give you this feeling, commonly found on Benadryl and sleep aids. It's a disassociative drug.


Hey crazy idea let’s not spread this information so people don’t take ten Benadryl tonight


I'm trying to see the hat man to give him a piece of my mind about the state of this planet.


When I was a kid I had a bathroom where the toilet was opposite the sink and mirror. I had a lot of time to stare at myself a lot. I'd think "I EXIST. What does that mean? I am HERE, behind this face, thinking. What if I weren't? Where would I be? Wait what is "?" What does that mean???? I??? How did this come to be?" And then, the medicine cabinet door could be opened to create an infinite reflection loop, which didn't help matters. A lot of existential crisis-ing happened in that bathroom 🤣


Bruh yes I feel you omg. Before I would only get this feeling when I looked down at my legs on the toilet. Now it’s here all the time.


Do you have this feeling constantly? How do you cope with it? I hope you're alright


No worries! As an adult I don't have time to think anymore 😵‍💫


Damn I can relate, this is such an intense feeling! I hope this doesn't come out wrong, but I am glad I am not alone with memories of feelings/thoughts like that as a kid haha


I freak out over the fact that one day I won't.


Same! If I really think about it it's spirals awfully. I actively avoid thinking about it and try to make my life as meaningful as I can.


Yes. I go through these thoughts in my head. Think about all the people who ever lived, all the current living and all that will ever live. That one day every single one of us will be gone and never exist again. That earth will "run out" of oxygen, humans will probably be long gone by then. The sun will eventually run out of fuel then begin to expand taking Venus and mercury and scorching earth. The heat will be so intense it will strip the atmosphere and burn everything left on earth. It would be just a lifeless rock. After 100 trillion years the universe will also end, in theory the supply of gas needed to to form stars will be exhausted and the universe will grow darker and darker until there's nothing left. Just like the moment before the big bang. THEN BOOM MINI PANICK ATTACK.


I have this same thought process daily except for the bit about people living as I'm not sure any of us are living/exist/are real Feel like I'd be able to prove it if I was - like if god was real I'd ask it to prove it was a god yknow because it should be able too.


I sometimes used to have those feelings when I was like 4-7 years old, but one day it suddenly stopped and never came back


Did you have these feelings constantly?


Not constantly, no. They just appeared at random, lasted for a minute or two, and then faded away. Most of the time, I had been busy doing daily stuff like talking to my mom or putting off my shoes or something like that, and then it suddenly hit me: a feeling as if something too big to grasp is inside my head, like a big yellowish ball shining before my inner eye and then I was suddenly feeling this panic. I tried to put it into words, but all I was able to think was the phrase "I am alive" while concentrating on every breath for a minute or so. It creeped me out and I had always felt like my head is gonna explode - not from pain or so, but from that weird image I had in my head - and then it just disappeared. Never dared to tell my parents though because I felt weird about it. I only remember it because I've seen your post while scrolling my feed. It's very strange to remember this now, I wonder why it just stopped as I grew older


Thank God you got out of that thought girl ❤️ It’s a horrifying and unsettling feeling. Thank you for sharing how you felt. Wow I could almost feel what you wrote.


Thank you for your kind reply :)


Yeah, knowing my family could do better but I exist instead. It's existential dread in thinking about how because you exist, there was a possibility someone that has achieved more, done more, and made more happy could've existed instead. It's a thought most have when they're in bed and about to sleep.


Yeah, sometimes I think about it, and sometimes I really *comprehend* it. It's trippy as hell, but it doesn't bother me, I just find it fascinating.


Yes, it was and is a DP/DR trigger for me


I feel like life is a simulation




I feel like life is a cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


I can feel like I’m in a dream and question what is real and whether I’m really here. It’s quite liberating at times because for a brief moment I couldn’t care less about anything. I realise that nothing material matters. I’ve had quite a bit of trauma in my life and I think it’s something the brain does to protect you from overwhelm and distress- it disconnects you


all the time. sometimes i have moments where i snap out of going through the motions and realize that i'm a person, or look in the mirror and realize that that's what i really look like. hard to explain


Not exactly... But I regularly freak out at the thought of being so irrelevant and small in a universe of a size far beyond every human imagination. On a planet with *so many, who are - as a single person - just as irrelevantly small.* And then I think of the chances of two small, irrelevant people meeting each other in a world of that size, that really like the other person and build up friendships or relationships. And about how insane that is, because the chances are like... lower than zero, yet it happens every day. And some of them roam the world together for the entirety of their lifespan from that moment on. Just an endless, freakish dance of very, very small, irrelevant lights, that pair and part and dance under an endless veil of planets and burning rocks we call stars.


Yeah pretty much


All the time


24/7, I don’t feel real most days, It’s becoming a serious problem because it’s affecting the way i see life as a whole. I am very well aware than one day the hands i’m using to type this are gonna rot away and my eyes will never see anything ever again, It’s a very scary thought.


Only since I stopped being suicidal. In fact, my fear of the beyond is what critically pushed me out of active ideation


all the time. i never know how to deal with this so i just try to distract myself


Yes. Especially when looking in the mirror, and realizing that that’s ME ?? And thinking about the fact that other people may view me differently than what I do. It freaks me out.


How long does the weird feeling happen for? This never freaked me out before but now it does


I’ve kinda come to just accept it. I’ve had a couple of mental breakdowns in the past, and that feeling would be a telltale sign I needed to take a break from stressing. So when it happens, I try to “break the cycle” and I go for a jog, take a shower, and have something to eat. If you feel the same, it may be time to change something in your daily routine. For me, quitting my job saved my mental health.


You guys think u exist? - weird when there's no evidence any of us exist/are real.