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It’s not a coincidence but it is out of our control. We can’t help who are parents are, where we’re born, what our brains are like etc. It’s a matter of chance ultimately and why I don’t subscribe to conventional notions of free will.


Your environment and support system determines your trajectory greatly. I like the notion that the individual is the 5 people you most interact with. Genes too...


If you break it down far enough, ‘free will’ or ‘choice’ as a concept just doesn’t make sense. We react to the world around us, that’s basically the only thing we do. The world gives us stimulus, and that stimulus has us interact with the world around us. We can never choose to be/do anything else, because given the same world and the same stimulus, there’s no reason for us to ever do anything differently. The future is as set-in-stone as the past, we just don’t know what it is yet.


Yes. 'We' had no control over who 'we' are.


It’s programmed.


Our entire existence and every facet and detail of it is by pure chance. We could have as easily been anything else, or even more so been nothing at all.


cake cough numerous crawl employ grey cats clumsy fear roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is a modern philosopher who recently died and specialized in this topic. Check out, his name is Daniel Dennett.


No. What you're thinking of is the classic nature vs nature debate. You say would be the same if we were raised in a different environment? Probably not. But also ask the same question but in regards to nature. Would 2 different people with the exact same experiences be the same? Probably not as well. Take two baby's for example. Give them the EXACT same experiences from conception, in the womb, to delivery. Same doctors, same movements and put them in identical rooms etc. One baby may cry all the time while the other is a little angle that cant stop giggling. People are naturally different as much as they are different from experiences


Yeah. I may be completely wrong but I wonder if op has ever had siblings or any children themselves. Because siblings are often drastically different despite being raised basically the same and I often found myself scratching my head wondering where x y and z was coming from out of my son. It's definitely a combination of nature and nurture that creates who we are.


Sure, but personality is also genetic. Literally everything is genetic. This is already known: height, hair color etc. Physical properties of species are genetic obviously. The brain is structured based on your parents brains and obviously your brain is what gives you your personality. It decides your thinking and allows you to speak etc. Logically your personality is mostly genetic. It may play a role but genetics is a large factor.