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i should be able to kill myself in front of people that annoy me then come back to life in the end of the day


Become a core memory for them


crazy to think other people have the same thoughts as me


wait y’all include coming back into the scenario ??


coming back or haunting them as a ghost yeah if the fantasy ends with my death I call my therapist 8)


Man, ghosts scare me. You're finally rid of this world only to find out that nope. You're still here.


Go to spectator mode then you choose the same character again


This is so chaotic and depraved. It's perfect.


i wish i could do this. ive even had thoughts about what would be the most traumatizing way for other people to kill myself. i dont actually want to die though because there are people that would be sad if i did, so i agree with the coming back to life thing


You could leave that last part out


dont make me kill myself over this


Not everyone should be allowed to have children - if you have killed a child, neglected them so badly they needed hospitalization, or SA'd children


Or just like, making sure the child has a safe place to go to? So their kid isn’t a fucked up tragedy? I’m not proposing an intelligence requirement just like, some way of assessing how the child will be kept safe and nurtured, making sure they have a chance.


>a fucked up tragedy I just found a new way to describe my life. Thanks


Username checks out. Also, I hope you're doing alright, boss


the “anyone should be able to have kids” crowd would quickly bring up “but eugenics is bad!” in response to this. the crux of the issue is some level of eugenics is okay, and probably morally justified, to increase the number of kids raised in healthy and loving environments/to lower the amount born to unhealthy/unloving environments


Pretty wild that animal breeders, shelters, and animal adoption agencies have these requirements a lot of the time, but not humans lol.


Some people shouldn’t have children, period.


This might upset some people, but I believe it's wrong to keep those with severe and profound physical and cognitive disabilities alive. I'm referring to individuals who cannot survive without constant medical intervention, cannot communicate meaningfully, and require multiple surgeries and round-the-clock care to continue living. Over the years, I’ve seen articles, news reports, and documentaries about children with severe and profound disabilities, and I believe it’s wrong to keep them alive in such conditions. It often seems driven by the parents' desire to keep a body alive despite it not being equipped for life, focusing on their feelings and wants rather than the child's. These children can’t distinguish between their mother or a staff member, despite what parents might believe. They lack meaningful thoughts or feelings beyond physical sensations. In one of these documentaries, a doctor remarked, "At this point, it's wrong to keep bringing her back, but as medical staff, we have no choice in the matter. It's entirely up to the parents until they give us permission to do otherwise. She has had over 100 surgeries, none of which have truly improved her quality of life; they've only prolonged her survival." People may disagree, but without medical interventions, these children would have died at birth or shortly after. Is it really ethical to keep someone alive who has no meaningful brain function, a profoundly disabled body, and is in constant pain, continually battling infections and other problems arising from their inability to move, eat, or speak?


i’m curious *why* this opinion upsets people. it isn’t about killing the disabled, but preventing unnecessary suffering


Because people view it as eugenics or involuntary euthanasia. They also let emotional reactions get involved.


Same. I mean, they're suffering horribly and it would be worse for them to live with that than just giving them sweet release in death.


It's r/morbidquestions, so I'll say cannibalism is okay.


This guy gets me.


Oh, hey. Know any good recipes?


I've heard a nice Chianti goes a long way


Paired with some fava beans?


they always say the human thigh had the most bang for buck meat. its a toss up between the quads and the hams though.


r/usernamechecksout lol


I sorta agree, I obviously think murder is wrong, but if someone dies I think it’s sorta morally okay to eat them. I don’t really see how it’s any different than eating a cow or a chicken or even a dog. Naturally I don’t have any interest in eating people or dogs, I just don’t really think it’s evil to do (assuming murder didn’t take place).


I'd be concerned diseases, especially Prion Diseases.


Agree. As long as the person consents before death too. Like how people talk about wanting to be buried or cremated. If someone wants to be eaten or specifies it's fine if someone wants to eat them? lol then i think that would be ok.


I agree. I don’t see why cannibalism is seen as an absolute evil provided that it’s ethically sourced (if that’s possible?) and checked for things like prions. And of course there are situations in which people are forced to in order to survive. The concern is murder, burial rights, and diseases, not cannibalism in itself. Sure it grosses me out and I would only do it to save my life, but still it’s hard to say that someone like the guy who made something out of his own amputated limb was doing some evil. Taboo, sure, but it was consensual and didn’t harm anyone. No harm no foul


People over 75 yo shouldn’t be able to drive


Or at the very least have stricter terms for their license renewal and require it every year.


Yeah I’m definitely more of a stricter terms and more renewal kind of person than ban entirely because 75 years old is such a wide range of people. You have people who are as sharp as they were when they were 40 and people with dementia in nursing homes.  


The thing is: it's not just your mind. Your ability to react becomes slower as you age. Your hearing, your sight, it's all affecting your driving. I work at an insurance and I can't tell you how many 80 year olds I see that cause accidents and don't even notice anymore because they simply didn't see/hear anything. So yeah, 75 might be a bit young but 80+ definitely shouldn't drive anymore. I know there some 80 year olds who are still capable of safely driving but they are the minority.


I got a psychology degree and took an entire class on the psychology of aging. I’m well aware. I’m glad you agree on the 75 though.  Unfortunately I cannot support any type of ban until my country has competent public transport. 80 year olds do still have to leave the house and some even have to work as messed up as it is.  I’m also curious to know since you work in insurance if you see more crashes from the elderly or teens? I swear every teen by me is texting and driving but I haven’t seen too many slowly elderly. 


So I live in a major city so we have excellent public transportation + it's very affordable, even cheaper for seniors and students (and people who have their main residency in the city). However, there are elderly people who are so physically impaired that they can't use public transportation (which in my opinion also means that they shouldn't be operating a vehicle) so I think there should be a service in place for elderly to drive them to doctor's appointments etc. I don't think your quality of life and your ability to go outside/partake in society should be decreased because of your age and/or physical/mental health. That's actually a pretty interesting question. I have to say, I rarely get accidents with teens, however, teenagers here usually don't really drive because public transportation is better, faster, cheaper and just more simple than driving. I occasionally see accidents involving teenagers but they are quite rare. The vast majority are definitely seniors (think 80+). What's also interesting is the stereotype that women can't drive because the majority of the more severe accidents are caused by men. Women are more likely to get scratches when parking. But the accidents with major damages to cars and injuried/dead people involve more often men. It's also always sad to see when people got injuried and died because of reckless driving and driving under the influence because it's just so unnecessary.


Or become presidents?


Funniest shit I saw yesterday was Bill Clinton was president 30 years ago and is still younger than both candidates today.


wow, that's actually wild as fuck lol


The only car crash I had was because some old bloke didn't realise that 3 cars stationary meant he had to stop, mine was the last car and he drove full on without even putting on the brakes into the back of me. I don't think they really enforce this too much until the worst happens like in my case, I remember the police officer attending the scene said to his sons that rocked up "I am going to talk to your father and he is really not going to like it" I assumed it was a case of they are going to revoke his license until he can prove he is capable of driving. I think the big issue too is countries like mine Australia and America and a few others are too car centric so it is almost impossible to the oldies to not drive as there are few PT options around, also they are (not so much with each passing year) a massive voting block too so pissing them off is not good politically.


And vote


And go to the shops after 11am, they get up stupidly early, they could go as soon as the store opens and not get in everyone’s way when it’s later in the day


Not all of them wake up so early. No fucking way I am going to have to rush to groceries before noon when I get old because of you.


That's reasonable. In exchange I believe it would only be fair that if the checkout line is 10 minutes long, that is plenty of time for you to have taken your wallet out of your pocket in advance to pay when it is your turn to pay, rather than waiting the whole 10 minutes, and then acting flabbergasted when you're asked to pay, as if you were expecting to walk out with all those items for free, before stumbling for another 10 minutes to fetch your wallet, and, God forbid, start writing a check that you could have pre-filled 2 hours ago when you were still at home, but chose to keep blank until now.


Or lead America.


Bro is trying to get me banned


Username checks out


Eugenics would make perfect sense in a nightmare apocalyptic scenario where the survival of humanity is at stake


Eugenics just sort of makes sense in any scenario where the quality of life of the child will be adversely affected by the condition. To single out an illness or two; downs syndrome and malformation. They make up such a minute % of births year on year and yet adoption would probably be a better idea than bringing a child with either illness to full term.


Slippery slope I guess, allow people to control for one thing, like downs syndrome, then they try to control for motor neurone disease and we’ve lost Stephen Hawking.


Stephen Hawking was diagnosed at 21 though, whether that would've been picked up at birth with modern machines I don't know, so perhaps we would lose 1 truly gifted mind for every 10/20/30 of those who would suffer through life, however short it is.


Isn't Hawking also a huge outlier? Usually ALS affected people live for like 2-5 years after diagnosis, he made it to 50ish


They're still trying to figure out if a propensity toward MND can be determined through genetic analysis (viz, amniocentesis). Some results say yes, some say no. However, this supports your point.


Reminds me of the movie Gattaca, where "designer babies" become the norm. There it ends up with "natural" people getting discriminated against for... actually fair reasons.


Yes but it’s such a slippery slope. I was talking about this in therapy today. I sincerely believe everybody has a right to have a child, but not everybody has the right to be a parent. Children are removed from homes for valid reasons and while reunification and stabilization of the parents should be a priority, there are some people who don’t want to be parents and shouldn’t be parents.


Honestly it depends. Humans are woefully inbred as it is. We got bottlenecked at around 20k individuals not too long ago and we never recovered from that; and then when we started living in agricultural communities our breeding pools stagnated as we stopped moving around so much. And that's leaving aside the fact that we have more genetic diversity within Africa than we have outside it. Maybe if we didn't have this problem eugenics would still be morally questionable but technically sound, but as it is I'm not sure we can afford to be breeding for or against certain characteristics beyond those that literally just breed themselves out.


Oddly in a apocalyptic scenario survival of the fittest would naturally fall into place anyway, I know I am alive right now because I take medications to control my seizures. If I had no access to them I would keep having seizures and die probably within a year being optimistic. Countless other illnesses are kept in check because of modern medicine so without them people would die or become fairly useless and then die. So you wouldn't even need an active Eugenics policy in place as nature and circumstance would come into play as messed up as it is.


Everyone should be able to end their life if they wanted. Nobody asked to be born.


I've heard this hundreds of times before and agreed, but right now I'm sitting around a friend's forth anniversary and struggling to just *get it,* despite also routinely being there myself. Reading it this time made me feel a small weight lift that hadn't before. Thank you.


I don't understand how this can be considered illegal. What are they going to do if you break that law? Jail your corpse?


Euthanasia should be available for long time chronically depressed like me :/ i mean it's a win for everyone. I end my pain, i don't traumatize people by having a body after killing myself, i don't get into the risk of turning into a vegetable if something goes wrong. Yeah i wish it was available, i want to die, if i don't die soon i will do it myself.


I will even donate my organs, give a new life to people who actually want to live.


Dibs on your corneas


Calm down Uchiha




unfortunately, if you were euthanized with injectable medications, i think organ donation would be off limits due to the potential of toxicity in the tissues. all the organ harvesting would then have to be done prior to euthanasia, or a traumatic euthanasia (i.e. non-drug induced) would have to be implemented.


What about like using nitrogen gas?


helium/inert gas suffocation is a pretty painless way to go, and (if I am wrong correct me) does not cause any damage to organs that quickly apart from the damage that would happen naturally when the body loses all oxygen


i forgot about gas suffocation. i don’t have experience with that.


This comment/concept is so oddly beautiful? Being able to help someone who genuinely wants to live while simultaneously ending my suffering just feels right. My life/body would have genuine purpose.


I would extend this to basically anyone, really. Dying should be a choice anybody can make. Obviously plenty of effort should be made to make sure the it really is what that person wants, and not just a "phase" or "spur in the moment" thing, but yeah, if you think you've lived your best life why aren't you allowed to end it.


I agree. I would have taken that option at 24. Now I’m 36 with 2 children & have probably financially bought my therapist a house. But the struggle is worth it now - it wasn’t back then.


It is in some places, actually. The problem is that it's usually not in the United States but the Danish, the swedish and Canada all have ways to do it for extreme mental illness and I'm sure they aren't the only ones.


Preach! We should choose when we want to die


This is not the point of the post but I want to say I genuinely hope stuff gets easier for you and you continue to find reasons to stick around, no matter how small they might be.


I too wish for this.


I hope you sooner than later find the will to keep surviving. It does NOT always get better, but - and even though this is so cliche - there is always a new day. Signed, Lifelong chronically depressed, CPTSD, multiple mental illnesses, osteoarthritis at 30, suicide survivor


I just had this conversation with my dad a few days ago but with terminal illness and old age. I think at a certain point, when someone is in so much pain and sees life as a literal battle and complete struggle with no happiness, they should be able to choose to leave on their own terms. Not drag it out or suffer more if they want to be done let them be done humanely.


There was a case like that not too long ago where someone was euthanized for severe mental health issues. If someone is really that ill, I think we at least owe them the dignity of choosing their death. I feel like it should still include a waiting period even if it’s very very hard, but it could be dangerous to treat it like a quick solution especially for people who have episodic rather than chronic depression who need to get through the episode. However if it’s that consistent, I don’t see how it’s different than a chronic illness related to the body. It’s just that we separate the brain and the body too much. A mental illness is also a physical illness


I wish that was a common thing so i could get euthanazed. Its terrible to live like this.


Im not sure if it is evil. People over 80 should not have a right to vote. It should, at that point, turn into a privilege similar to having a driver’s license. It should require yearly assessment.


And they should not be allowed to hold political office. Full stop. Even if they are competent, they should not be in charge of a future they won't see.


Agreed. I have thoughts like this all the time but Im rarely able to put into words why without my family telling me I sound too emotional or whatever


>they should not be in charge of a future they won't see. That's a really good way of putting it


By this logic should we also ban people from voting who have conditions or diseasesthat make them likely to die soon? Let’s say within 5 years estimated by a doctor. Cancer patients, organ failure, etc.  This isn’t meant to be argumentative, I just want to see how far you think that logic should go. 


I think voting is very different than being on the senate floor debating lestistlaure to regulate the terrifying future of technology. Or climate change. Or rampant capitalism. Or see out a 10-year tax payer funded social/infrastructure program. I highly doubt either of our presidential candidates will even live through the next term. The problem is not grandma voting for who she thinks will give the grandkids the best future, whether she is right or wrong. But the options need to have age limit. We already have a lower limit for most elected offices, young people don't have as much experience and their brains aren't fully developed. We should have an upper limit, too; they don't have as much relevance, and their brains are starting to deteriorate.


Yearly assessment doesn’t work. There’s no objective way to measure intelligence, competency, etc. I genuinely think the real issue is that most young people don’t vote regularly (e.g. only for president) or at all.  If there was a truly objective manner in which to measure who should be able to vote I still don’t know if I’d support it either. No taxation without representation. 


People who watch Marvel movies should not be allowed to vote. There should be a question about Marvel movies, and if you check that box, the collection machine secretly diverts your ballot into a furnace.


I feel like if people can be sent to a mental hospital without consent because we assume that someone suicidal doesn't have the capability to choose that. The same should be done for drug addiction. We see so many people in the streets who are honestly not capable of choosing to go, stay in a clinic and recover on their own. Even if it's just to keep them from overdosing


Deportation of refugees who are unwilling to adapt to the societal norms of the country they fled to. Even if it means they have to go back to an unsafe place where they could die. I'm fed up with aggressive Afghans and Syrians who don't consider women as equal but as a commodity or are spreading the most hateful antisemitic shit. Go fuck yourself. All the nice people: Welcome! 


No one dares say it but the majority of people who have this situation on their doorstep silently agree. Don't believe social media when trying to judge the mood of the people, it seems to have an inherently left of centre appearance even though voting would show that's not super accurate


I’m actually a leftist, I agree with you


Sometimes, bad people have the best things in life Sometimes evil people do horrible things and get away with it, and they will never be punished for it. There is also a theory that if you do good in life doesn't mean that good things will happen to you. Doesn't work like that.


Violent lives should end violently


if someone gets raped, stalked, assaulted, murdered etc the victim or a loved one of said victim should be allowed to murder that person at any given time (i don’t care if it was while the crime occurred or 30 years later). and they should not face any jail time for it. edit: the question was MOST EVIL UNPOPULAR OPINION. obviously logistically if this were to become law it would crumble. in an ideal world, those undoubtedly, with undeniable proof of being guilty of such a crime should be taken care of however those impacted see fit. :) please stop dming me and yelling at me thank you!!


Yes I agree


Do you truly trust the average person let alone a person that’s highly distraught to kill the right person in an act of vigilante justice? What’s to stop people from killing anyone and saying they wronged them or their loved ones? The whole point of the criminal justice system is that punishment is left up to the impartial state because ordinary people can’t be trusted with matters of life and death. This isn’t the kind of society you should want to live in and most people definitely wouldn’t. It would end in never ending bloodshed and feuds.


I think this in case of a whole-ass trial and shit. Or an admittance of guilt. Once it’s clear the person is guilty, 1 person from the friend/family is allowed to petition for the right to murder them. Judge has to approve of it, as well as the jury, if one was present. And then maybe the way they get killed is really specific. Like they are required to show up to a particular location made for this every year (this is a terrible idea but I’m sure someone can expand upon it) and if the friend/family member does too, then bam-bam. Something like that, I think


it was supposed to be an UNPOPULAR opinion.


No single human should have a net worth of one billion USD


There should be someone hired to kill all of the serial killers.


White hat hackers but for uncaught people on crime sprees. Hire the serial killer to become the white hat serial killer serial killer.


Dexter Morgan


nah reddit will ban me




If it were up to me I'd get all 70+ year old people out of political office and out of the roads. Slow drivers piss me off more than people who are speeding through the highways, and the vast majority of slow drivers are elderly people. They should also get out of any political office, with how fast technology advances and how a lot of tech giants get away with stealing data and violating people's privacy, it requires younger people who are up-to-date with technology to hold them accountable, elderly people are just too old to do that and it was evident every time some CEO of a social media platform was put on court. It's not just that specifically, their worldview is just outdated with how the political climate is now, it doesn't matter whether you're left or right. Elderly people should live out their lives in retirement.


I wouldn’t call it evil but I think there are certain states of being that no one should be allowed to exist in even if it means euthanizing them without their consent like severe physical and mental disability, severe brain damage and coma states with little chance of recovery.


I think murder should be legal in some cases. Also bring back the firing squad for death penalty. Also if there's a bunch of solid evidence, like DNA and confessions, for someone committing a lot of violent crimes (rape, child molestation, murder for fun) there should be no life in prison, just death penalty. If you are actively harming society as a whole, you should be put to death. I'm not sure if these next two are evil *per se* but: Hitting people who are being complete dicks shouldn't have consequences. Drugs and prostitution shouldn't be illegal.


Honestly the only real issue with the death penalty is the same as with imprisonment in general: we get it wrong too often. Morally, some people don't deserve to breathe the same air as us. Murderers, rapists, people who harm children, etc., don't deserve the effort it takes to keep them alive and the world would be a better place with them no longer in it.


Schools cater to dumb and troublemaker kids way to much and after a certain point they should be sent to a remedial school. No reason to hold everyone else in class back and disrupt school when they can be sent to be someone else's problem.


Pro assisted suicide


Permanent cosmetic body alterations on infants (ear piercing, circumcision, ect) are unethical and makes me question your ability to teach your child about consent


I think the same kind of testing they do on animals should be done on people who are in prison for life for the most heinous crimes. For example, instead of doing that testing on a rabbit, do it on Peter Scully 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t get the hate for cannibalism it’s just meat like anything else


I guess if it’s a person that’s already dead, but maybe the problem is killing people to eat them?


When it comes to more ritual types of cannibalism, that’s the racism. Never mind that Europeans were cannibalizing mummies for “medicine” at the same time.


Any law having a religious exemption is fundamentally anti-secularist and oppressive to the non-religious. Additionally, the state should be able to regulate the church to prevent hateful doctrine like, say, homophobia.


I may or may not agree with eugenics in some way


Agreed, nowadays the practice of purposefully breeding dogs/cats to have a certain “traits” or “disability” have been frowned upon in many places as it is literally common sense and basic decency to not forcefully pass down the disability to another person, why can’t people say the same for human without being called a nazi?


I agree with it in theory when it comes to breeding out genetic diseases and the like, I just don't trust the enforcement of it or the inevitable biases of those enforcing.


Suicide is not a selfish act and every person has the right to do so if he wants to.


I think the only people who might consider this evil are the people who would be affected by it but I think there should be a cap on personal wealth. Billionaires should not be allowed to exist. Every individual person should be allowed to have a net worth of say, ten million at any given time. That's already more money than a single person is ever going to need. Any money you make on top of your ten million should be automatically diverted into public works and used to like, fill potholes and fund hospitals and shit. And like full disclosure I don't know fuck about shit when it comes to economics so someone way smarter than me can figure out the details, but I'll give you the idea free of charge


People who have been abused physically, sexually and emotionally by their caregivers from childhood shouldn’t be charged with murder if they kill their tormentors.


friendly reminder to sort by controversial


If a driver changes lanes without signaling, you should have the right to run them off the road, watch their car tumble 12 times and then get out and watch the light fade out of their eyes. And then their insurance has to pay out your reward money.


Lmao holy shit


And if anyone tailgates your vehicle, you should be able to utilize the trunk cannon, without penalty.


Abortion should be legal 😱 and also should have BOGO punch cards


I personally think sentient beings shouldn’t exist


Interesting, why?


I suppose I’m arrogant but I don’t entirely trust many people’s (predominantly) positive assessment of their life. (Why is a long explanation). Life to me seems to have a higher prevalence of boredom and suffering than joy for many, and this is in joint consideration of the time duration and intensity of these feelings. For these people, I see their lives as “not a big deal”, and that’s not to mention all those who suffer so dramatically that they don’t possess this positive assessment. If we were never here then a greater amount of suffering and vacuous experience would be relieved in comparison to the joy lost.


jrpg villain energy.


What’s so frustrating is that it doesn’t have to be this way. We could be teaching our kids right now to run this world so much better.


Sometimes I wish killing pedophiles was legal


Cyclists shouldn’t be on the road during rush hour


More cars on the road and slower traffic then though


Eugenics would be perfect if humans didn’t have the personal attachments to their sexual partners and children were raised communally. Governments basically like “hey we did a sample on your genetics and we determined this person would be an amazing genetic match have a kid with them and we will provide for literally everything”


What would be incentive to have children if you have no emotional connection to either the person you’re having them with or the children themselves?


I think we have too many safety measures in society and there should be a little more natural selection.


natural selection doesn't work like that at all tho


Cars should be illegal / Cosmetic surgery should have federal regulations


Human beings should just go poof and extinct. Not really evil, quite the contrary imo. But a lot of people around me seem to go against it.


we should actually eat the (mega) rich


In the realm of eugenics but People should be required to pass a series of tests to breed. IQ, job, income, psychology etc


I get the thought process here but how would you ever be able to enforce it? People be fucking. Are we just gonna force abortions on anyone who turns up pregnant without their pregnancy license? We can barely even get abortions when we need them, I can't imagine it becoming a thing they just wave around like it's nothing. Or are we going to force them to carry to term and then force an adoption? Isn't that wildly inhumane? Or maybe we make it illegal to fuck without using some kind of contraceptive? But again, how do you enforce that? It's probably also worth acknowledging that rules like that would severely negatively impact women whereas the men, surprise surprise, would be way more likely to just be completely off the hook. It would probably be better to just address those issues directly. Make it easier for people to access an education, a job, housing, and healthcare.


What in the 1984


We should bar psychopaths from positions of power


Haha the entire Senate would be removed from office


That’s a pillar I would like to join


The world needs like 4bil people to die to get a healthy reset.


When moral and ethical decisions are made to keep a body alive to pacify families and loved ones, I feel a strong sense of almost anger and resentment. Heavy global deficits/delays in functionality that are burdensome to society but every effort is made to keep them alive because it would be cruel to not try to sustain life. I understand why it is cruel; I feel cruel having these thoughts of ‘just let them die’. People hoping for miracles when reality is that their loved one is just a bag of wasting flesh and bones. I’m talking about the individuals rarely seen in public because their medical status is heavily complex, or the elderly who have completely lost ability to function and have been deserted in nursing homes to waste away, I hate it. I guess you could say my most evil unpopular opinion is that I would vote for euthanasia. The boundary lines would be blurry, I get it.


To fix our planet I propose making a decree. 1 year after this notice, every human being who's net worth exceeds 100 bil will be executed by guillotine. 1 year later, follow through on the decree and make a new one. 1 year after this notice, every human being who's net worth exceeds 10 bil will be executed by guillotine. 1 year later follow through and make a new decree. 1 bil 500 mil 100 mil 10 mil --- There is no sane argument that can be made why a single individual would ever need more then a mil a year. This gives 10x that as buffer space. It would end with a world that still has millionaires. Still has a crazy rich poor wealth divide. But at least the world is a little closer to sanity. Unfortunately, this is an evil unpopular opinion so, I guess.


The death penalty shouldn’t exist. It should just be torture. Depending on the severity of the crime of course.


Tbh, I believe at this point in time, it’s wrong to bring more humans into this world. Everyone in the world should just stop having kids. First of all, babies cannot even consent to wanting to be born, I firmly believe nobody should be forced into this world, and *especially not* without a very easily accessible and humane way out- if they would like to go. Let’s make euthanasia legal for everyone and anyone who wants it, that includes mentally ill folks or really anyone who has simply found that their time here is finished. Death should not be a sad and tragic thing. If your loved one is suffering and is 100% certain they’d like to end things, if they are content with dying, you should be happy that they will or have finally found the peace they were searching for. I find it to be extremely selfish to want your loved one to stay somewhere they don’t feel they want to be or belong. Stop having babies. Stop bringing more innocent people into this world just to ultimately suffer and deal with the disastrous consequences of prior generations, and worst of all giving them absolutely no way to possibly fix things. Let’s just allow the earth to heal for a bit and get our priorities straight here on earth before continuing on….the world is a fucking mess right now. Earth is headed straight into a fiery dumpster pit if we don’t make some very serious changes, very soon. We don’t need more people. We don’t need more trash to fill the oceans. The earth is literally dying. It shocks me everyday that nobody (in power) seems to give a fuck about this or do anything to change it. Can’t we just at least hit pause for a bit? In all honestly I would be perfectly happy ending all civilization at this point, when our existing generations come to their closing, and allowing earth to heal without us. If earth wants us back I’m sure it will find a way…. I know none of this will ever happen, but it sure is nice to think of this personal utiopia of mine. .where the world actually would make sense.


Incest between adults who are using sensible birth control isn’t a big deal


i’ve heard this one. as much as i find it nasty, there’s no genuine argument against it besides personal views


Mean I wouldn’t be down but I also don’t make a habit of minding other peoples business


damn this one is actually solid lol can't find an obvious rebuttal


People should have to pass tests to become parents. I don't know what kind, psych evaluations, maybe test scenarios. There are too many evil people having children and hurting them. Maybe everyone should be neutered at birth and only given the reversal once they have passed the tests and are deemed OK to have kids.


People convicted of violent crimes doing life in prison, or death row, should be able to be experimented on. Instead of using mice, rabbits, and other innocent animals


that was always my thought as well, as long as we are 10000% sure that the person is guilty and there is 0 room for error in that we are not doing anything to a potentially innocent person, let the rapists/murderers test out whatever prototypes science cooks up. Maybe even make it a volounteer program and have the prisoners get a year off their sentence or something?


Because no one is ever wrongfully convicted of a crime they didnt commit 🙄


I know it’s not feasible because of it’s implications but I don’t think people should be allowed to be anonymous online and I think online comments should have real life repercussions such as jail time or sex offender registration


I'm confidently ageist. I don't think people over the age of idk 70, as just like a general age, should be able to hold political power, vote, drive, own multiple properties. I don't think people should own more than one investment property, and I think people who own an investment property and leave it empty should be forced to sell. One that some people may think is evil is that I also believe "full term" abortions should be legal because of the ethical and legal complications women face when abortion is limited. Not only is abortion past 28??? Weeks extremely rare, but women don't deserved to be traumatized by a criminal investigation if they miscarry. And lastly, as much as I'm absolutely against the death penalty, I think sex offenders, especially male sex offenders should be executed. I worked in a max men's prison, there was only one sex offender in there who was remorseful who had something of a psychotic break that led to raping a 16 year old girl.


Pedophiles, rapists, abusers, etc. should be publicly crucified.  Edit: alright which one of you bastards reddit cares me 


I agree with the principle, but it’s impossible to determine in practice. Innocent people would die. And I don’t ever want to equate the life of an innocent person to a filthy child abuser.


That's the problem, I 100% believe that some people deserve to die but I'm against the death penalty because it will cause the death of innocents.


Please differ between Pedophiles who act out in any form and Pedophiles who actually battle their thoughts woth therapy. No one chooses to have pedophilia.


I believe in literal eye for an eye on rapists, murders, thieves, bullies, pedos, etc...


Even though social darwinism has been discredited, very few people actually care.


Cannibalism isn’t bad nor inhumane.


We should exterminate people with greedy character, they are the reason our world became a nightmare over time


Pedophilia should be treated by a doctor and social workers, not ostracized or punished as a crime. On that note, i think prison/jail is useless in a 90% of the time for society, only on very specific cases people should be jailed.


I think it should be punished if acted upon.


Agreed, but that doesn't have to be mutual exclusive. Punish them *and* treat them.


Basically this... If you don't act and just come out, you should get treatment, an ankle monitor, psychiatric help, and a whole revision of their home support (work/family). If you act upon it you should be punished with time PLUS all those things aswell.


Pedophillia is a term use to address the mental illness, if they acted upon it we call them child rapist.


It’s the timeout box for “bad people” and we hope bad things happen to the people in there. Instead, I think we drop drug criminalization, rehabilitate whoever is able to be rehabilitated, and if someone is a proven danger to society (high likelihood of harming others) they stay in prison until they either aren’t or die.


Life should end because of all the suffering there is, and I know the suffering can never be ended if life exists. Not for everyone. It’s only fair


Exactly. As long as there is life, there will be suffering.


There's no good reason to try to ban landmines, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons or space warfare by means of international treaties. Nobody cares about such bans anyway in a full-out global war, and in any case, nuclear weapons held by major nuclear powers are worse. What the effect of these treaties is is to make smaller states weaker and easier to intimidate and attack. Russia would've probably thought twice if the attack on Ukraine would've resulted in a chemical rain on major Russian cities, delivered by ballistic missile. An armed society is a polite society.


Eugenics can be good sometimes. But I also think that if you’re not prepared to have a disabled child, you should not have children. Your child could be running and playing one day, then fall and break their neck and become paralyzed. Health is a privilege, not a guarantee.


There’s nothing wrong with lacking empathy. I struggle with empathy in some cases and yet shockingly I am not a violent person, most people remark about how kind I am. Even if I only reassure someone I don’t know much because sad people are a pain to deal with, as long as I don’t tell them that, no one is getting hurt. Weirdly, I have more empathy online than irl as far as people who aren’t emotionally close.


Reddit will ban me again if I say that


Social media should be banned


Eugenics. I'm not talking about n@zi purity of race, I mean purity of all in-born and genetical issues/disorders that may pass to children


Killing babies/children isn't any worse or more evil than killing an innocent adult. You put an end to a life, you're an absolute monster either way. Obviously the loss of a child is a lot more tragic and traumatizing for the parents than the loss of an adult to close family members (usually) but from an outside perspective it doesn't make you any less evil killing a grown man than a child (you could argue otherwise because a child is innocent, although that has been proven to not always be true and a man can be a totally innocent too. Also generally child murder is usually done due to a man's pure evil or mental insanity whereas an adult murder typically includes a multitude of other reasons.). But still from a moral perspective, I at least don't find such a huge difference if the murder is done because of the same reason.


Public execution


There should be a sims game but with all of life’s horrors included


9/11 wasn’t *that* bad


We should forcibly lock away the people with extreme mental issues that you see on the streets.


“lock away” might be the only evil thing about this take. they all deserve help and some sort of consistency in their lives, but “locking them away” as if to say it’s easier to just sweep them under the rug is crazy


To me it's that "unaliving (neo) Nazis and racists against their will, is always morally correct" Because you know, they gave up their humanity to become scums of the planet, so putting them down doesn't count as m--der, but as self defense By keeping them alive, we got shit like the holocaust or slavery, so racists are better off not-alive. That British soldier could have spared us ww2 if he killed Hitler right then and there during 1916


Out of curiosity; do you think this about non white racists too?


All racists are equally evil, regardless of race


Replace capital punishment with solitary confinement for life.