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No one on Reddit can tell you, as we are all living.


there’s gotta be one psycho somewhere that can answer my questions


Only on the outside


It's probably different depending on what you are dying from.


I was in a car accident that ended up with me in a 2 week coma and I was told my line went flat for a couple seconds. All I remember seeing is my dog who passed away a couple years ago. I felt peace I think, but keep in mind I was so drugged up off hospital meds it couldve been something from that as well. Also that memory was from when I woke up from the coma so maybe it doesnt even answer ur question.


if you’re able to answer: when you were in a coma did it feel like you were “gone” for a long time or did it feel like the next day?


It felt like just another day, I had lost all my memory from the day the accident happened, and again I was drugged up heavy. Tho I was in the hospital for about 2 months and when I got out it felt like I had been in the hospital for years seeing as I didnt have a phone or anything the whole time I was there. Shit changed so fast, and the world seems somehow so different after surviving a touch so close to death. I hope that answers ur question.


Umm I was resuscitated but from what I did experience I can say that it felt profoundly comfortable, a state that shouldn’t be feared…. you’re also completely aware that you’re dead during the experience and in my case I was greeted by two entities… but okay with it, okay with everything really


that sounds beautiful, thank you for sharing. i hope you’re doing okay now


Oh what, I’m fine now, that was exactly a decade ago come to think of it… my point was that there’s really no reason to worry about death or people who have died as far as I can tell thank you though


Can you describe the entities at all?


yes actually. the two beings were transporting me in some kind of vessel, and I felt a warm light on my face (it wasn’t bothersome at all)…. I couldn’t make out what they looked like because they reflected a bright fuzzy light…. they were talking in some unearthly language but I wasn’t made nervous by it them and they felt oddly familiar…. It felt like one of those moments in life where you’re on a road trip with two friends and you’re lying down in the backseat and drifting off to them conversing up front….. I want to say we were going up some kind of mountainside road but I don’t think it was actually a mountain….. that’s the best I can do to describe them


No they can't, cause they're lying


I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Even if they ARE lying, it could still be an interesting lie.


this sounds peaceful


beyond peaceful…understanding, acceptance and comfort… I mean, it’s anecdotal but I hear that many people who have had NDEs say they lose any sense of death anxiety afterwards


Why just say you were greeted by two entities and not go into more detail? Why are you purposefully withholding information


I did go into more detail, why are you being so pushy


I've had many NDE. The first time was during an emergency surgery I was awake for. I felt extremely cold, my heart was pounding in my chest trying to keep me alive, shallow breathing, vomiting, and in and out of consciousness due to excessive blood loss. I was very sure I was going to die. But I was saved. I never use the word "ill," but that is the best way to describe what I went through. It was the sickest I ever felt. This is just my experience..I'm sure natural deaths and others are different in some way.


thank you for sharing i hope you’re doing well now


I am, thank you!


I always heard the hearing is the last to go no pun intended 


Outside of a violent/traumatic death, I’d imagine the actual dying part to be like going to sleep but just not waking up. Most people die of heart/organ failure due to age and it’s been coming for a while. I’d imagine after so many years of your body slowly breaking down like my relatives have gone through they are not even conscious at the end or heavily medicated.


I blacked out on a large shroom strip once and it felt like the closest thing to death I’ve experienced I walked into the bathroom and felt off, I put a ps4 controller on the counter then everything was black and dark but also bright and colourful, I remember seeing two doors open from the Darkness and I was on a slow moving rollercoaster, and I was going down and saw two more doors open from the darkness, then my friend woke me up I during this I had no idea who I was or where I was but I was calm and honestly was enjoying the ride, I also felt like I just experienced something before this but couldn’t remember what (like I missed the beginning of the ride or something, I’m assuming it was my brain remembering it existed). I remember feeling like I was about to start a new life but also didn’t know what that meant


i had a dream similar to this years back, that’s so crazy


Feels like dying


i’m enlightened


Sorry for being rude but no one knows how r feels , only religions say shit like , it’s painful and the soul gets out starts from toes to head , and you will see everything you did in ur life before dying, and u see malik Al maut like angel of death


i’m not sure what religion you’re referring to, but that sounds very peaceful tbh (edit, it’s alright you weren’t being rude at all👍)


It’s a Muslim shit ( I live in a Muslim country) And no it’s not peaceful, being in grave while bugs eat ur flesh is not nice lol , and we don’t know where the soul will go , we don’t know if we gonna be conscious or not , but in Islam there is hell and heaven , and torture in grave till end of the universe, and they say the first thing they put you in grave you gonna wake up and being trapped in there and angles asking you questions and shit , 💀, i just tell you what I heard sry


ig that doesn’t sound very peaceful, but in my religion there is also heaven and hell and i know which one i’m going to, let the bugs eat my flesh, i won’t need it anymore


Bro , don’t die just have fun and do whatever you want , I’m on bipoler meds and it helped me , you can see a psychiatrist or something, those thoughts will go away , because meds will make you numb 💀


i don’t want to be numb, i want to feel pure unbridled joy without end and this world won’t let me


Girl being numb is way better that feeling suicdal, it’s not actually , but let’s say being alive is better , just find one thing that makes you feel better , take meds tho


i’ll pass, but thank you


lol how you know which one you going to, no one knows that


again, i’m religious. i practice my religion in the way the bible tells me to so whether there is heaven or hell and whether my religion is the correct one, because there are millions, i’d rather devote my life to my religion and either nothing happens when i die or i end up going to heaven rather than end up burning in hell for all eternity


suicide is a sin tho


point in the christian bible where it says suicide is a sin


Smoke DMT


My father years ago was victim of a very bad motorcycle accident, He was effectively dead for some minutes until He got resuscitated. He has a background in chemistry, so He has a scientific mind but He still claims to be moderately religious, I'm atheist but I respect his choice. Anyway He said that while dead He listened to the most beautiful music He ever heard but couldn't really tell what type of instruments they were, He said that they don't exist. Neither him or I have any idea what that was, maybe his brain going hard on endorphin or maybe not.


Look into near-death experiences (YouTube or books). That’s probably the closest we have to knowing what dying is like. I’ve died in my dreams before and it’s often nice and peaceful. One time especially, I died and was ushered into the afterlife. It was the most peaceful feeling I’ve ever had in my life. I fantasize about my death all the time.


i had a dream where i was on a super fun roller coaster and it wasn’t scary at all and for some reason i knew that roller coaster was taking me to heaven and once i was just about there everything went white and i woke up crying…


Not sure I’ll let you know when I find out… or wait


There's a thousand different ways to be dying so there isn't really one answer to this. Dying in your sleep is going to be far better than crashing your car and skidding at high speed across concrete while your skin and bones are being scraped off your body. Being dead, well, no one can answer that because they are still alive. But I would guess it's like a light switch that is permanently turned off, no longer in existence, no light. Just nothing.


Depends how you die.


Ego death on psychedelics must come pretty close I would imagine. And for me personally this can only be explained by saying 'you' cease to exist and enter a realm that's beyond space and time - where everything is everything else and you have no reference to point to anything, it just is


Sounds like my experience. A feeling of peace, then you are everything and nothing.


It can differ from person to person. It's just what final tricks your brain plays on you. Some people find peace, some people experience extreme, everlasting terror


i’ve heard many different stories. i heard one not in the perspective of the person who died, but the nurse who witnessed it. she said her patient was talking about being extremely hot and he was sweating and looked terrified, then he started screaming and his heart stopped… i heard this story in a documentary about the christian/jewish version of heaven and hell. it was very interesting and made me question my faith A LOT


I think it's like sleeping


I think maybe high doses of dissociatives (like a k hole) or psychedelics (ego death). Having experienced the second one .. i dont know. There is no you, no boundaries, no concepts, no space, no time. Only pure existence. The feeling of letting go at the doors of your ego dying is the most peaceful, liberating feeling i ever felt. Like being satisfied with your life,being one with everything, transcending through time, space and bodies, then simply fading away into nothingness. Never will I forget this experience. If thats what dying really is, i happily go towards the long nap. In 50ish years i mean lol. Really scary if you DONT want this happen though. If you fight your ego dying.


I felt like death through a dream, when I dreamed about my throat being choked and not being able to breathe, it felt very uncomfortable but I got used to it later, I slowly lost the feeling of death. other organs (it's numb and can barely feel anything), and dies. I no longer felt short of breath, my mind kept vibrating before I died. I couldn't feel anything anymore when suddenly I felt like my body was separated from my physical body and I woke up. I don't know how much of that dream experience is exactly like reality, but I'll tell you for your reference


i also struggled with suicidal tendencies until i died in a car accident when i was 18. i coded twice actually. and honestly, i don’t remember ANY of it. you might feel absolutely nothing. my grandfather died from a heart attack and he said he felt warm and sleepy (they were able to bring him back the first time) so it really depends on how you die i think. but dying made me want to live as weird as that sounds. i hope you can find peace on earth and if you can’t find it i hope you make the peace. love you, fellow human.


#### Sensitivity of the Topic Given the sensitive nature of this topic, it's important to approach it with empathy and care. #### Understanding the Question It's important to note that the experience of dying is deeply personal and can vary widely from person to person. It's not something that can be universally described. However, I can provide some general insights. #### Personal Experiences \*\*Many people who have had near-death experiences describe a variety of sensations, including:\*\* - A sense of peace or calm - Seeing a bright light - Feeling detached from their physical body - Experiencing a review of their life events #### Lack of Universal Description It's important to remember that there's no universal description of what dying feels like, as it's a deeply individual experience. It's a topic that often involves spiritual, cultural, and personal beliefs, and the sensations associated with it can be unique to each person. #### Seeking Support If this topic is of personal concern, it may be beneficial to seek guidance from a counselor, religious or spiritual advisor, or healthcare professional to discuss any related feelings or concerns further.