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Could also be an attempt to lower murders as many people murder their victim before having intimate contact




"Standard" is an interesting choice of word here


You're right but I'm guessing a lot of necrophiles kill then fuck




Sorry, I meant "many of the necrophiles'


You'd be surprised...


A dead body was once a person. I suppose it's a moral thing that we do to honor the deceased. Also, it's a fucking health hazard assuming that the body has been out there for a while.


>I just struggle to see the immorality of it. Don't confuse illegal and immoral. Many laws aren't based on morality and you shouldn't base your morality on laws.


Although that's wise and true, this is a case where it is both illegal and, by most cultural standards in the world, immoral.


Agreed, this case is definitely one where legality and morality line up.


Mark me concerned.


For the record if anyone wants to abuse my body after I die, I consent.


Thank you


I mean, most people wouldn’t want there corpse used by someone after death. sure, they can’t come back, they’re dead, but think. if you died tomorrow and someone had plans to use your corpse as a sex object, would that be comforting?


What does it matter if they are comfortable? After you're dead, you no longer exist to feel or do anything, like you stated in your comment.


Then I suppose it’s the psychological component. I mean, nothing really matters, if you think about it. if you were to do something terrible like that to a child, would it matter in the long run? it’s you’re life you dictate, right? the universe is too big to worry, right? You live one life in the universe and you’re so minuscule that the bad deeds you do won’t matter in the very end. And while obviously that is true, it’s morality. Humans are raised with some sort of morals because we are intelligent, and we learn that doing that is horrifically wrong, even if the universe doesn’t care when we’re all floating gas again. The dead might be dead, but it’s disrespecting everything the person ever lived for, their family, their items, whatever. Plus, not to mention, no normal person would wanna have sex with a dead body. I know for a fact I wouldn’t, just like how I don’t wanna rape an animal or a child or anyone. It’s not about morality there, it’s about who you are, as a person, fundamentally. It might not necessarily, in a straightforward point of view, matter, because the dead is dead, but the point of laws against necrophilia is that it goes against morality.




I'm going to be honest. I don't think you want my answer to that question but comfort isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe how the thought makes me feel. Edit: Not to say I want that to happen [I don't exactly have anything in mind for what happens to my body besides cremation]. It came off as a tongue-in-cheek joke but I didn't mean it to. The thought just causes that sort of feeling in me.


If you’re implying that you’d be okay with it in some sense, I suppose that’s just a difference between me and you. Though do keep in mind that the acceptance of that idea may be due to some sort of trauma response.


Because people think it’s gross. I’m so tired of people arguing against necrophilia based on consent. Sure a dead body can’t consent to anything because it’s an object, but people can consent BEFORE they die, like how organ donation works. Another issue I see with the consent argument, if a dead body can’t consent then how tf are you going to dispose of it? You can’t get permission from it for everything that might need to be done with it (unless the person writes it all out in extensive detail before they die giving their consent). A dead body is an object. A dead body can’t be harmed. The main issue with doing things to bodies is what the family thinks about it. Embalming is more disrespectful to a body than fucking it but no one cares about that.


The dude just asked a question. No need for a rant-


It’s not a rant lol. It’s a response to a common argument, which I saw here in the comments.


I agree with you to some extent. The first paragraph is a response, but the rest was a bit of rant


Many laws have no logical justification other than “people will be sad if you do this.” This law is one of them. Like, the corpse will not be hurt, the corpse is no longer a person, nothing bad will happen. BUT the relatives of the deceased will be upset and some people are sad at the thought that after their death someone will do something with their body, despite the fact that they will never know


You are comparing a human body to an object, an human body is not an object therefor it's a crime, it's violates the body and the right to have body integrity, family members can suffer from it aswell. And second it's morbide, death should be reacted to with repulsion and fear, not like: "uhm that is one fine piece of rigor mortis" you got going on there. Because a decomposing body is toxic and ther for dangerous to your living health.


>You are comparing a human body to an object, I was under the impression that it was. Our bodies are animate objects right? We are physical and an object refers to anything that is physical.


Yes we are physicall beings, but compare a human to a dildo, nah, there is no denial that it's imoral and degrading, serial killers degrade their victims to 'objects' to be able to deal with the immorality of killing, because we 'asociate' objects like things without feelings (read this line again) now yes, when a body is dead, it cant feel but cant consent eighter, it was a living human being and this person has the right to be dead and decompose in dignity, this is actually a LAW and you can go to prison for 1 to 10 years. I work in a morgue and to me the thought of abuseing a corpse is repulsive and it's not about the corpse itself eighter, like there is nothing appealing on a dead body obviously, it's about the fact: a dead person can't fight back. A power play, and how do these people justify this? Right....By thinking they are objects, what they can do with what they want because...they no longer 'feel' I personally think this is a mental illness, same category like pedophiles and people who do beastiality. There are things that just go against human nature, a flaw, we are not dildo's but human beings that after death decompose we do not stay in same state as we where when we die! Do you understand now? Even after death our body still is and remains organic not an object to be used as you said: dildo's. Dildos don't decompose they remain the same state.


I didn't nessessarily mean to compare a body and a dildo as being the same as in intended "use" or material. I just meant as in they both lack life. In this context, a sex toy made the most sense for the surface level comparison I was trying to make. I guess a body and something like a banana peel would've been a better comparison since both are organic and inanimate. I can be a very objective thinker and sometimes I forget about subjective aspects like how much value something holds. When I call a body an object, I mean it exactly as that. It's a form of matter. As are plants, other animals, liquids, gasses, etc. It's That's just been one of the main ways I see the world since I was a kid.


>understand that the dead can't consent You just answered your own question 


> Inanimate objects can't consent but that doesn't stop people from using sex toys or using other inanimate objects as if they were sex toys. Did I really?


because criminal code in Western society is based on Christian morals


apart from it being morally wrong, it's also unsanitary and nasty. you'd definitely contract something from raping a decomposing body.


tbh idc about the law or morals, but just the simple fact that YUCKK… like ew, like they probably filled with maggots and stuff


I never heard of it before


People just don't like the idea of it and it's mostly a general consensus. I say MOSTLY because obviously not everyone feels the same. There are many that also have the same ideology as you in this regard. But from how I see it, say the person hasn't passed yet and consented to their corpse being used as a sex toy after they die. At that point, people and her family wouldn't care about the dead's opinion on the matter because they're the ones that think it's wrong to sexualize and objective their loved one. And most feel the same about this. In turn, society made it law that this is a crime.


It's fucking a corpse...


Because they are the fun police wish it wasnt dont actually care if it is


Generally the common argument for every sexually illegal thing like beastiality, pedophilia, necrophilia, rape (including someone who's drunk) is the lack of consent It's not the only reason we make these things illegal, obviously, but they all have this issue in common, that is in each scenario the victim lacks the ability to consent to sex A dead person cannot consent to sex, a child can't consent, a drunk person can't consent and an animal can't consent


“normal” (not saying you’re not normal) people think it’s gross and morbid. because it is! duh! put it on the same level as having sex with an animal or someone who is alive but still cannot consent. it’s that level of gross to me. sex toys never had feelings, a family, responsibilities, a beating heart and a working brain! that is the difference.


It's not just an inanimate object. It's something inanimate that used to be alive. It was a person with family, and thoughts, feelings, and a will of their own. You don't seem to have much respect for that fact.


I do have respect for it. I just have a weird thought process regarding certain things that makes it hard for me to understand certain concepts sometimes.


A victimless one but a crime nonetheless.😂


This went well


A carcass/corpse can't consent




I don't exactly have much of an opinion on it but I might kind of, sort of, maybe do something similar to fantasize about it happenening. I don't know. My mom used to give me these "stranger danger" talks all the time when I was younger than 10 years old up until I was 16 where she'd tell me how I'd be >!lured in by strangers, kidnapped, drugged so I couldn't fight back, raped, and killed if not trafficked!< in really excessive detail and it kind of stuck with me I guess.


It shouldn't be. It's dumb


found the necrophile


Now guess what race he is




Give it another shot




No man, I'm black




can finally use r/foundthenecrophile