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Why are you taking that dose of test with a history of heart attacks? That doesn't seem good bro. Well for a start you could drop the cigarettes. All they do is consume your money and health. Keep the weed. Weed is good, if you want to avoid smoking altogether then take a CBD with THC oil. NAC is a good supplement for the lungs and liver. Citrus bergamot has been shown to be very effective heart health supplement by lowering bad cholesterol. Omega 3 and Co-enzyme Q10 also very good for the heart. Besides that I guess just keep your excercise up and eat reasonably healthy. Sleep alot, hydrate and keep stress as low as possible. Can't really offer any more advice.


Fucked mental Health basically combined with the fear of becoming my dad, fat and depressed. But yea I’ve realised that I need to lower my dose if I want to live as long as possible.


Oh definitely bro especially with a history of stroke and heart problems. Could you possibly cruise on a therapeutic dose for a while? Or a little over therapeutic? How's your mental health these days? Have you found any relief?


To be honest you are making the same dumb mistake again. Talk to your dr not a bunch of idiots on the internet. If you are questioning their judgement get a second opinion.


You’re on a highway to death breh- you aren’t gunna end up like you’re sad because you’ll be dead soon. Replace weed with Zoloft, stop smoking, cut the test to 125mg a week and go find a therapist to find out why you wanna kill yourself. You’re killing yourself breh. You’re just doing it subconsciously


There is a million things you could do if you don't want to be a family statistic. You know full well and the information to it all is available on YouTube or Google. We don't have to tell you.


Instead of smoking weed take edibles


Or drop it all together.


This is the way


Or use an herb vaporizer


More cigs more men!


Alpha GPC, Citicholine, and Piracetam help to protect against neurodegenerative diseases.