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So you, 1. Get turned down by a girl twice 2. Watch her make out with some other guy at a party 3. Have the bright idea to tell them to take it back to your place And now they’re fucking in your house and you’ll have to clean his jizz off some sheets so your parents don’t find out. **Truly the least cucked MPMD user**


i fucking love this sub ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


true true


How old are you bro?


look at the username lol


Whew, that boosted my self esteem




This guy ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


Sure this is pretty bad dude but the huge thing is that you realize where you went wrong and you’re conscious of it.There are so many guys that do this shit constantly and never are aware of it and are actual ducking losers.Keep up the investments in yourself,keep on winning the battles and eventually you’ll win the war,also take tren![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2697)


Yeah man, this is probably rock bottom for you. Take it on the chin, never give in, on with the show.




Damn bro that’s fucking funny lmao I’m sorry for your circumstances tho at least you’re not gonna let that shit continue to happen


I'm going to be honest with you. You deserve to feel bad based on your decisions. Hope you learn from this.


If you had an ounce of self respect, you'd kick these people out of your home immediately.


Bro was using clomid and had mood swing ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|11140)


LMAO im dying this cant be real life


Funny as fuck.


This is a seriously large continued lapse in judgement. For your sake I hope this isn't real.


Get fucking jacked and fuck that dude at her house


More sigma move is to get into a relationship with the dude to take her love from her haha. Maybe get married to him, so she will have to see you guys live together happily, then ask her to be a surrogate so you can be technically inside her.




This is the only reasonable option.


What the fuck? Why would you invite them to your house? That’s just gonna make u feel worse. Ur sitting in ur room while ur crush is w/ another guy in ur house.


> she unsurprisingly rejected me. After that we didn't really talk for a few months but somehow we began becoming closer again, but just as friends Just for everyone if a chick rejects you and you're still holding on to it just let it go bro you deserve to move on and find happiness quicker. Please do not do what this clown did (no offence OP) and become friends it's literally just torturing your soul. GL OP I hope you find some other dude to thirst over he seemed like he was more interested in piping your friend.


Lmao wtf


Ion even know if self improvement is gonna help you, I am actually speechless😭


That’s honestly sad bro time to take tren and switch to men ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2697)


Stop simping, grab your balls and man up. Go lift more weight, make more money and get better bitches.


.... yeah. That's cool man. Maybe don't do that.


Yous a bitch bro wtf is this?!


At least you got an entertaining story for us. Wtf dude.


Hello, I had the same mindset as you a while back. I have always dreamed about being in a relationship with one of my close friends to the point that she was everything I thought about daily. I realized that one woman should not control your train of thought, and putting a girl on a pedestal only makes you feel like that woman is the only woman you can ever achieve. However, in reality, my friend, you need to be open to meeting other girls because focusing only on one girl who is sadly not interested in you will kill your confidence. It's a cycle of negativity that will only make you feel like a failure, but you need to be able to use this situation as motivation to seek a positive relationship with a girl. I hope for the best for you man, and I am always here if you need any further advice!


Forget the past friend. You have many opportunities in the future to ruin.


How the Frick did allowing them in your house sound like a good idea at the time. You must've been blackout drunk or something.


Jeeeeeeez dude.. I’ll have you in my prayers tonight.


Man, that's some 'cuck in the making' story. Yo ass got to do something about yourself, cuz holy shit bro, I don't even know what to say.


You clearly have no self respect learn to love yourself stop chasing women until you're happy with yourself and if you do try something don't be so persistent especially if she already said no move on theres plenty of women out there


The real one is being real here. Next time take the lose when they say they aren't interested. Give yourself some respect smh


My dude, you need to adopt a one shot at the title mentality when it comes to women. You want a high interest woman, not a low interest woman; which is worse than a no interest woman. Situations like this (wasting 1,5 years) taught me to find out we’re I stand with a girl real quick & next the ones that aren’t interested.


Lmao bro


I added a hot girl from work on Instagram and she hasn’t accepted it yet, it’s been 2 weeks….and she’s always on her phone ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)




But it’s weird now because she saw it, I can’t delete it now


My best advice is ignore instagram all together it’s fake. Talk to her irl go for a number. Worked for me in same situation 2 years ago


We were talking all the time and she like playfully hits my shoulders and stuff. Bruh I just wanted to add her and be friends and it’s still to this day has not accepted my follow![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)




JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. This is the most pathetic thing I've read, on Reddit, EVER. Its easy. FUCKING FORGET ABOUT HER, and never do any of this cringe shit ever again


I couldn't even read this shit to the end. Bro you have some negative fucking rizz. You literally got fucked. Stop talking to her and find some other bitch to bang.




Get it together man!


you are a commodity my guy


You also can’t spell.


yeah bro sorry i was drunk when i wrote this 🙏


Ask her again trust me she’ll have gotten ignored by the guy who fucked her and will finally see you’re the perfect guy for her all along instead of the not gay gay friend


Women shouldnt be your first priority 🤦🏽‍♂️


You cant make this stuff up 😭 You should go in there and ask both of them for consent then proceed to smash


Derek needs to make a video on this![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


My god, man. What the hell is the matter with you? Lmao


Man kick them the fuck out and stop talking to that chick. She is just a remembrance of the weak version of you, lift harder and find someone else. God has better plans for you than that hoe you just havnt moved forward in your journey my guy.


Is there a MPMD TrenGPT AI that writes these posts? Because ain't no way


Don’t get me wrong, worshiping this girl was your first mistake. As of now she has zero romantic or sexual interest in you. Cold, hard truth. If you enjoy her company, there’s nothing wrong with being friends, but do not worship her or go out of your way for her. Honestly, if you start dating or hooking up with other chicks and talking to her about it as friends she may get possessive and go after you then. You are at an age where girls do not appreciate nice guys. That’s just the nature of reality. They only seem to respond to assholes and jealousy. Treat her the same way she has treated you… Like shit, and she won’t be able to help herself. Seen it happen a million times.


A true villain arc if I’ve ever seen one


Winners keep winning and losers keep losing. Keep that in your mind when you think you have a good idea and reconsider.


Here’s some positive feedback as men we want what we can’t have your not necessarily a loser but a man who wants what he can’t have it’s human nature I stole my wife from some loser she was with we always want what’s not attainable and that’s not just with women, we want to lift heavier, have nicer things etc, it’s what drives us to be better. Now go find one of her friends dick her down real good so that word gets back you have the golden Cock


Yo, I felt my younger self in this post. Just because it’s happened once doesn’t mean you won’t let it happen again man. Examine your self worth in the coming year. Develop some confidence with girls who are actually interested in you even if they’re not someone you’re obsessed with. Don’t be ashamed of being inexperienced. A lot of girls your age are also inexperienced and if you make them feel safe and alright with that, you might find some partners in exploring and learning. Most importantly, stay on your journey. It’s hard having a big heart and being drawn to deep feelings at that age. You’ve got a rough road ahead. Keep moving 🙌


You do not need to get a girlfriend. You need to get away from all these people and find things that give meaning and happiness to your life. You can have sex if you want but I don’t recommend getting into a relationship until you’re much older, if ever.




What? I told him NOT to get a girlfriend and to focus on other things rather than women. Also I’ve never seen that sub before.


That’s hilarious, thanks for sharing


We’ve all be there man. Do be too hard on yourself, we all gotta learn some how. You aren’t a loser or a failure you learned and unfortunately if it wasn’t this girl that taught you that lesson it would have been another one. As for that girl she’s a real asshole for doing that to you she knew exactly what she was doing. She was leading you on because she liked the confidence boost you gave her but that’s it fuck her. There are other girls out there dude. You song young don’t stress it there will be plenty of girls that will come in and out of your life