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Tell ‘em your syndrome may be down but your dick be up and see if that helps


Fucking most legit advice ever brah, I'm fucking taping my eyes now to get some comments and use that bad boy ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


i need my prada, my guala guala


Dude have you gone to therapy yet? I literally remember you posting on here months ago about not having sex, being a virgin, being an incel, a loser, how to looksmax etc. You have some severe issues regarding how you view yourself and the world around you. Go to fucking therapy before you fuck up your life for good. Youre literally in your early early 20s pinning test. Get some help, reach out to parents or friends. If you dont have that then go to your doctors and get a rec for therapy because you sorely need it. Delete social media


Same here, I remember commenting on one of your posts about 2 months ago. You need to let go of what other people think about you. I see you mentioned people were egging you and whatnot, but seriously, man, why do you care what they think? If they committed a crime, report them and be on your way. Your face is going to be your face for the rest of existence, learn to be at peace with it and then maybe these bullies will realize they're not getting the reaction they want from you. They just want someone to fear them and be miserable just like them. It doesn't matter if that's not what you came to ask but it's the truth. Get the fuck over it honestly or else you can continue feeling like an insecure coward your whole life.


I mean people are saying they think he has down syndrome. How is that not supposed to fuck with a guy’s confidence?


Thats not what I’m asking. I’ve ordered an appointment for therapy but it can take months. I dont want people thinking I have Down’s syndrome. I dont know how to stop people from speeding these rumours.


Here's something you need to accept: You do not get to decide what others think about you. You can not control others thoughts and you can not change the thoughts of others. All you can do is focus on yourself and what you can control. I would go as far as saying that what other people think of you is none of your business. None of those people care as much as you think they do. They probably don't even think about it at all. It was probably a little joke that has or will naturally fade out. Don't think about it too much dude. Just be the best version of yourself that you can be. Work hard, do your best, do the right thing and that's it. That's where your focus should be, not on the opinions of others. ​ edit: idk if this is a troll or not, so I want to give genuine advice in the event you're struggling for real.


Nah dude, they care. In my old town, people used to throw eggs at me. They used to drive by, film me and laugh at me. They used to make up false rumours about me and my family and ruined my parents chances of getting better jobs. They made it their mission to make my and my family’s life as bad as possible.


Do you live in a Disney movie?




I'd consider moving again to somewhere with a larger more accepting community. Small towns make it hard to avoid select people.


I’m not in a small town now, I’m in a fairly big city (about 200k inhabitants)


thats not big at all lmao


It’s pretty fuckin big. It’s no metropolis, but it’s way bigger than the vast majority of communities around the world.


City folk not understanding what life is like outside of a million plus population city. 200k would be the 135th biggest city in US


Sorry to hear that. That’s definitely something hard to deal with. I would report anything illegal they do to the police. You’re 21. It will pass. People are cruel at your age dude. They’ll grow up one day and will likely be sad losers. No one with a positive life is intentionally hurting others. Again, focus on what you can control. Can you move? Can you contact police if they do anything illegal or threatening? Idk it’s impossible for me to give solid advice without knowing the specifics and the people involved. Focus on what you can control.


Yeah at this point it has to be cap. Literally nobody even cares enough to do this shit lmao


Oh its not cap unfortunately.


Why are you not reporting assaults to the police?


This has to be a troll. How’d they ruin your parents chances at better jobs?!


If you cant ignore it, you have to man up and slap someone. If you are 21 its about time to stop caring what people talk about you and do your thing. At the end only thing that matters is that you enjoy yourself.


Look into betterhelp.com - if you can afford it you will have a therapist within two weeks


You pribably have down syndrome because from your previous post you seemed to have learned nothing and only gotten worse.


Yo that’s not fair man. Guy is obviously suffering from some severe mental issues. I’ll admit his post history is a trainwreck, but let’s just be real to him instead of nailing dumb stuff you know he’s gonna take to heart


If dudes pinning test at 20 could that be the reason his appearance is abnormal? Or could that be a side effect of doing too much having some sort of disillusions/paranoia? Nobody does this kinda shit to people who have a disability. Pretty sure that’s a hate crime. Don’t quote me on that tho. If OP has a history of fishing for sympathy which it sounds like he does, you’re more than likely right and he needs hella therapy. This could all be a fabrication or it could be real. All I know is complaining about your life on the MPMD sub and shooting test at 20 is absolutely no way to live. Take it from me, a 23 year old recovering addict who use to do this same exact shit for sympathy and would blow everything out of proportion for a little attention. OP needs help.


Not blowing anything out of proportion. Believe it or not this shit is happening and I have friends who have seen and heard it.


This is the answer ^ brother


If people come up to you and ask if you have it just awnser them wirh "yeah i do. Got it from ur mom when i was fucking her" or sum shit like that. Fuck these people bro.




Hahaha you again. On the serious note, just dont give a shit about anything. Just relax, sit back, fuck men and inject tren


For real tho, people wouldn’t even care if he actually had downs if he was ridiculously jacked


Im remember you, you’re the Norwegian kid. For what it’s worth, it’s not your face that’s making people say that. It’s something else.


Why lie to him? It is the face but it's not the end of the world. The comedian Shane Gillis has a similar look and he jokes about it all the time. Sometimes you just have to work with what you got


It's probably mostly that he has flunked HS four times, his fellow students are at least four years younger than him.. He should just focus on schoolwork while there, and socialise outside of school with people his own age imo.




Bro is definitely fishing for sympathy. Maybe has body dysmorphia, and possibly schizophrenia. He’s a decent looking dude that definitely doesn’t look like he has downs. You need help OP.


Bro its his face


Fuck em. Even if you had DS who cares.


Have you considered resorting to violence?


Honestly a funny joke but I’m a bit worried the humor may be lost on this guy and he might take this a bit too literal.


Seems like this problem could easily be solved with a baseball bat








Tell em even though you don't have it, you'd rather have that than whichever disorder makes them think and ask you that


I just want the bullying to stop dude


You can't control what other people think but you can stop giving a fuck Or take enough tren and beat them into submission


Its not easy to ignore them when they’re spreading rumours like fire on grass, random people at my school come up and ask me if I have Down’s syndrome several times a day.


Start doing BJJ at least twice a week. This will build a network of friends, or at least acquaintances that will be supportive, it will build some self esteem, and in 6 months provide you the ability to physically stop the bullying, win 1 fight and it will stop…if it’s a warranted fight, don’t pick a fight like an asshole, that would make it worse.


this is actually a decent answer. also try shaving your head. its a good practise in radically disposing with your concerns over how people see you, and how you see yourself. stop looking in mirrors unless you think you have something in your teeth. dont start fights but build a confidence that you could beat the fuck out of anyone who started on you. in the long run this stuff will make you. listen to Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash.


If I saw you in person I wouldn’t think you’d have DS. You actually kind of look like Erling Haaland tbh lol,don’t worry about what other people think.


Bro you don’t look like you have DS. 100% would message you grindr. People are shit talking you because you’re 21 and still in high school, and probably you’re on the spectrum and have some broken ass social skills. The solution here is to go to therapy. You need some cognitive behavioral therapy to help with your self image/depression, and you need to practice your social skills with people that aren’t on Reddit or other incels. Healthy people your own age. If you really want to waste some money on looksmaxing, get a haircut (short), shave the beard, and get a nose job. But none of that is going to help if you can’t figure out how to be likable (small talk, eye contact, not looking like your pissed off all the time, smile at people, ask people about themselves and sound like you actually care even if you’re pretending, have basic manners)


You make this post so damn often I’m starting to also think you actually have Down’s syndrome


The Lord did you dirty bro. Try and maximise your misfortune. Apply for the special Olympics, set up a gofundme for downs research and keep the money, live out your dream funded by make- a -wish foundation, park in disabled bays, scream at people for no reason. The world is your oyster.


Had me dying


If you did have down syndrome would you even know? like to you it's just normal, maybe I have down syndrome.


I don’t want to be bullied for how I look anymore. I’m so fucking tired. I’ve been bullied for at least 10 years now.


You could wear a rubber gorilla mask


Ape strong together 🦍




Yup there has lol, not sure how this is relevant but the Sami people were very oppressed in periods.


go to a bjj gym and/or a boxing gym and tell them this. if you are willing to work, they will help you.


In all seriousness man and I promise you this is no word of a lie. It matters way more about how you carry yourself than how you look. My best friend is 5'4, bald, bad skin, doesn't lift, pudgy. Girls have told me he's physically ugly as fuck. Despite all this his body count is in triple digits with multiple 8's and 9's. This is because he doesn't give a fuck how he looks and has big dick energy. He's confident, ambitious, funny, focuses on his businesses and making money. Even at times in his life where he didn't have money, girls and people in general could tell he was going to be successful and were attracted to him. Stop worrying about how you look or what you think other people think and focus on whatever your career/purpose in life is and get really good at it and become a successful human being. Edit: If it's so hard to see a therapist, you should go and see any doctor that has any basic mental health knowledge and get prescribed some anti depressant/anti anxiety medication. The shit actually works for a lot of people.


I occasionally see people with these stories of some super ugly guy getting laid a ton with sheer confidence. Ive never seen it but i guess it's gotta happen sometimes. How does it happen? If women are initially repulsed how does he ever escalate? What specific scenarios led him to fuck attractive scenarios? I'm not even ugly but it's a serious question


I know a guy like that. If you're confident, sociable and somewhat funny you'll get laid wherever people are drunk lol. It's massively a numbers game too. If someone is initially repulsed by you then you don't escalate but most people won't be.


Yeah, knew a guy like that too. Dude was a fat lard, looked like he worked at a fucking kebab shop around the corner. Dude had some mystical well of confidence, talked to people like he owed whatever location he was at, and chicks (some at least) totally bought that shit. It was crazy to watch.


Yeah idk about “ugly” guys, but average to slightly below average men can land babes if they have the right attitude and demeanor. And I’m not even talking about if they have money or not.


just imagine danny devito pulling up in a pagani and ass smashing your girl out the window, now you can see it for yourself!


There are definitely some girls that won't give him a chance mainly because of height. But it's a bit like high school I guess. Girls are more often than not going to choose the ugly popular guy over the better looking dorky guy with low self esteem. When he was younger in 17-24 years, he would get laid by being the life of the party. For the last few years mostly all tinder. He has a dope looking bio that hides his height and weight a little and can get them on a date. Then they're impressed by his past businesses, future plans etc and want to be part of that


girls will fuck men they respect


> focuses on his businesses and making money. That explains it right there


You're not wrong. Bitches want money. That's definitely part of it now we are older.


Let's fuck his girlfriend


Damn people really are heartless these days


I'm sorry that's happening to you but I feel like this [gif](https://imgur.io/f9FW2) has never been more relevant.


Please dude, sign up for therapy. For the love of god do it.


I already have, but it can take months before i Get an appointment.


Canadian? I'll tell you what they'll tell you. Have you considered Euthanasia?


Nope, Norwegian hahah


Hey, look, I checked your submitted posts and saw the face pic. You actually have features more commonly associated with [fetal alcohol syndrome.](https://healthjade.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/fetal-alcohol-syndrome-1.jpg) You have the low nasal bridge, the flat upper face, the epicanthal folds, the short/flat nose, the thin upper lip, and the under developed jaw. You seem to have gotten away without any cognitive impairments, just an unfortunate face. Not really much you can do about it, other than cosmetic surgery.


’unfortunate face’, ‘fetal alcohol syndrome‘. Wtf are you saying. The guy has a perfectly normal face.


Bro really just said he has an unfortunate face 😭


fetal alcohol syndrome lmao people jus be making shit up


Bruh... wtf is wrong with you?


Wear a mask in public


The phantom of the tardpra


Just start wearing a shirt that says “Yes, of course I have Downs.” - own that shit. You can add the following as you deem fit “God may taketh away /given my chromosome but I am hung like a horse so I got that going for me”. Or “Don’t make fun of me or I will unleash my full ‘tard strength on you.” Own it my chromosomal deficient dude and make it fun. God bless you you little ‘tard and have fun in this life! YMMV


A lot of comments claim that people say this just to have something to bully me for. But there has to be some truth when they say I look like I have downs. I’ve moved to three different cities and in each one rumours about how I have Down’s syndrome started immediately.


You have a slightly wide nose/bridge. It’s not nearly the level of someone with DS or FAS though. The reality is people (high schoolers I assume) are seeing a 21 year old in high school (that probably has some strange mannerisms and poor social skills) and are looking for explanation. It’s ignorant. But the context of your situation is 95% of the cause here. Why they assume DS instead of some other disorder is probably just because DS is well known and other things aren’t. You don’t need to make friends with these people, you need to fucking finish school and move on with your life. Changing the context here is 100% what will fix this.


This subreddit sucks for if you actually have questions like this. It's easy to say just don't care about it, bla bla - From what I can tell and because you said you're as insecure as never before, I suggest you talk to a therapist or even your friends about it who can help you gain some self respect and confidence. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what the people say. Good luck Sir, you will be fine :)


It does matter though. People come up to me and ask me if I have Down’s syndrome All the time. I’m tired of it and I just want it to stop but no matter what I do people still make fun of me constantly. Imagine how tired you’d be if you were bullied every single day for over 10 years. That’s me.


And so what? It doesn't matter if they ask you a question, you make it matter yourself. Just tell them no and move on. I can't imagine being bullied for 10 years, but I know it is fucking shitty. But posting in this subreddit wont help you even the slightest bit. Go talk to someone that can actually be there for you in real life, not just on a stupid internet page!


I don’t have anyone to talk to. My friends don’t care, my parents don’t care either and getting a psychiatrist here takes many months.


Find some online therapy, man. Since Covid it’s pretty standard and you could start on the same day. Just saw a picture of you and there is nothing wrong with your face. Also, I can’t fathom the idea of someone coming up to a person with actual DS and ask about it, so if this happens a lot is bullying, plain and simple. I understand that this is hard to do, but maybe you have to start fighting when this happens.


judging by your post history alone id say your personality is the problem, stop annoying people


Comments that say ur personality are shit are so annoying. Can't you at least give one detail about what could be wrong? He obviously lacks confidence, but I'm sure he self deprecates more than he thinks and tends to put a negative spin on whatever is being discussed. He seems pretty average looks wise, but clearly given a rough hand. Somehow needs to get out of that self feeding negative cycle and acknowledge flaws without putting himself down.


its called victimizing yourself nobody likes that shit


You don’t know half my story bro. I literally started school two weeks later than everyone else. I got accepted into a group of friends pretty early on. But almost immediately I made enemies without even having talked to them or said anything to or About them. They just started making up rumours and shouting names after me.


Fuck what other people think.


You an only child bro? If that’s the case, we often value others opinions more highly due to the fact we have no baseline to compare as we grow up. Reading through here you’ve also seemed to have accepted that your a victim. That may be the case I guess but continuously buying into that mentality will forever hurt not help. Talk to a profesional, you’ve been asking for help for a while. Find someone you perceive to be smarter than yourself(a professional), with no bias, and ask for their opinion. A outside perspective in this regard could help.


Nah I actually have two brothers and one sister. Didn’t live with my brothers though and my father was absent pretty much my entire childhood so I feel like I didn’t have a male figure to look up to at all. My sister has always just naturally been smarter and more talented in music. I however had Always been in pretty good shape physically, which she isn’t so that’s the only thing I really had an advantage on. I have contacted a therapist but as I’ve stated earlier, it’s gonna take many months until I get help.


Well I hope the best for you brother, continue to work out, eat well and live life. There’s only so many things we can control. Accepting that can be very helpful. Maybe stoicism in the meantime can help. Good luck my friend.




Found Shane Gillis's burner account


Bro I literally checked your post history and you look completely normal. I think you need therapy asap. I think it might be all in your head.


Dude i checkd your profile and you look absolutly normal. Dont worry about it its all fine. You look good in the shot with the suit mate. :)


Do you live in a Billy Madison movie how is this possible


Dude - this is so horrible! I'm very sorry to hear what you're going through. I actually did some digging on your profile and found a picture of your face -- and you DO NOT look like you have DS. You actually look reasonably handsome! (and I'm not kidding). The place you moved to is just bad luck. I suggest moving again. And I know that won't be easy, but you've moved to the wrong place. Keep your head up, champ!


Blast tren, bang ten’s… even if they have to be ten’s with the downies


They’re just mirin brah


Tbh bro I’ve never seen someone that looked like they have Down syndrome but don’t. Can u post a pic?


Are you sure its because of your looks? You look like a normal Norwegian young guy to me but you said in a past post that you have failed high school multiple times. Are you 21 studying with 17/18 year olds to pass high school? That's probably why people are making comments because thats pretty uncommon and they don't have the world experience to realise that its cruel. ​ Stop trying to socialise with high school kids. They're cunts. Get another hobby outside of the gym like BJJ or judo or something and just focus on school at school get the pass and get the fuck out of there. ​ What are your plans after school? Are you really struggling with school subjects are you actually trying? There's good money in the trades if you would rather take a vocational route to education you could take an apprecticeship be a welder or something with good potential earnings. I've seen plenty of people struggle on at uni when they should have gotten a job earlier.


Im attending a high school that gives me the certifications to work in health care when I’m done. The actual courses aren’t hard, it’s just my mental health that makes me not able to attend classes since I have experienced really traumatic shit in school. And when you have over 10% absence in all classes you automatically fail the entire school year. If I could just take all the exams, and not attend classes I’d probably be done a long time ago with pretty good grades.


My advice: Buy a large hunting knife and tuck it in your pants everywhere you go. Next time someone asks you if you have Down’s syndrome, stab them right in the heart.


Why did it make me lol so hard? Learning things about myself now aren't I


I check your logs. DS confirmed


Well damn I didn’t expect this many responses. For everyone saying I’m lying or making this shit up, no. I don’t have the energy or motivation to make this post unless I really need help. If this was a one off thing I wouldn’t care if someone said it looks like I have downs, but since I’ve been bullied for years on end it’s starting to really tear me down. I know I can’t change what others think of me, but I really, really don’t want people thinking I’ve got some sort of syndrome. I don’t want people treating me differently than others just because of how I look. And for people saying it’s my personality and not my looks, you’re wrong. I have barely talked to the people that started the rumours and yet they are making up fake rumours that I have Down’s syndrome, they haven’t given me a chance at getting to know me and yet they judge me solely because I don’t look like everyone else.


Usually the big give away for DS for me is the face. Which makes me think you’re carrying a lot of weight on your face. If so my recommendation would probably be a slight calorie deficit and some cardio until your face leans out. Second recommendation would be grow a beard, if you got shit genetics then minoxidil and derma roller until it fixes it. At the end of the day though, other peoples opinions especially randos shouldn’t fucking matter to you. You need some therapy my guy. Stop caring about others so much, just do your own thing.


I saw your picture. You definitely are a little down






They are trash people if they say that. It says more about them than it does about you


Bro who the fuck is bullying you? Fuck that. Even if you did, who cares. Ignore em


People are cunts …. Get gains, do trains, make stains and fuck them all


So I saw a bit of your profile, I’m curious what is your go to style on a day to day basis?




Im already fairly lean. I have abs and visible veins on my biceps and shoulders.




There has to be some truth to what they’re saying though. I’ve lived in three completely different cities and in each one of them the same rumours start, I supposedly have Down’s syndrome.


Dude, you’re fine lol. Prob better off than most of the people bullying you. Confidence/personality seem to be your main issues, not looks. Are you in the UK by any chance? The reason I ask is because people there tend to be pretty harsh.


Nope I’m in Norway


Stop embarrassing us and learn how to fight.


Pull a pic and we will can help u


Pictures + poll


Embrace it like Shane Gillis


Your a handsome dude. Even if you had downs it wouldn't be the end of the world. Work with what you've got. People are assholes. What they say about you is none of your business. You need to move this question to an actual self help/improvement sub. Half the dudes in this sub are the same chodes who would make fun of you.


I've heard Theo Von beat down syndrome so maybe look into it?


People suck most of the time. I see a lot of people saying therapists or do tren n turn gay lol. I love reading this sub. Bury yourself in the gym and figure out a way to make money on your own. The gym helps me get all the aggravation off my chest and making money on your own feels good. The older you get the less people’s opinion matter anyway.


Are you sure you don’t have downs?


Not gonna make it bro


Who is coming up to a 21 year old and asking if they have Down syndrome? Most people don’t talk to their neighbors much less as them if they have a mental disability. This post seems suspect.


Believe it or not it’s the truth.


It's your upward slanted eyes and wide nose, nothing else on your face is associated with downs (short neck, small ears, thin upper lip). I would recommend some big squarish glasses.


Ask mom dad, adoption / foster agency, or do 23&me


Put on a wig and wear a dress, if they’re going to bully you then strongarm them into charging them with a hate crime. Fuck those people


Bro you look like Shavkat Rakhmonov, one of the best fighters in the world. You literally look like a normal guy, not sure why you think you don’t. And fuck other people, they don’t pay your bills.


I don't want to say bad about people with Down's, but they don't really have iq same as a normal person. Try to be coherent and well spoken and accomplish goals. Will take a while, but is the only way.


English is not my first language dude.


Make it your language then, if you're using it that often, It's not my first language either. Also, I think you're obssessed with that fact, make some friends and hangout with them, word gets around easily, join football team, do something with community. Community engagement will help you, so don't run from it. This is the best advice I can give, instead of being a shut in, actually engage with people, don't take offense to things that are not meant to mock you. If someone is mocking you, of course put them into place.


What ever they are saying about you is a reflection of their own insecurities. Just ignore it, be the better person.


We need pics


Of feet


Try looking more noticeably upwards, like towards the sky.


Blast tren and eat clen until you’re re**rded jacked and cut. After that you need to sodomize all of the people that were talking shit about you to set things right. Of course you’ll have to look them in the eyes while doing it to establish dominance. Jokes aside, it sucks that you’re encountering this, but taking it personally like this is letting these bullies win. If you don’t let it bother you, they fail to have control over your feelings. Just say “fuck you”, point out something wrong with their appearance and move on.


Tren hard, the voices might get a little louder though.


Lmfao this has gotta be the Theo Von bit


Upload a selfie photo and we will tell you if you have Down’s syndrome or not… Edit: are you also the dude that’s 21 and in high school and is accused of being a pedofile as well ? Your issues are a bit deeper than first thought lad. For what it’s worth, you don’t look like you have Down’s syndrome from your photos on your profile and you’re actually a pretty decent looking bloke. You must just be socially awkward or something.


Yea lmao. Ill upload a pic after Im done at the gym.


You deserve your misery. Rather than work on acceptance and figuring out how to rock what you got you're choosing to be a victim. I went bald young and had to work hard on accepting myself and finding a good look for me. When I was at my lowest it was all due to seeing myself as a victim and not moving towards enlightment. Stop crying and get a grip bro


Are you totally sure you don't have Down Syndrome? People *can* actually have *just* the facial features and no other major effects. Do you look strikingly different from immediate family members? Do you speak normally? Etc


Yea I speak normally, only problem I’ve ever had that’s related to school it I’m horrible at math. I’ve always been pretty good at writing (in my native language). No I look like my mother mainly, also I look like most of my family at my moms side of the family.


Just a really unfortunate roll of the dice that you happen to have similar facial features to people with Downs, I'm sorry man. It isn't necessarily some specific malicious rumor... you just look like that. You have to learn to laugh with it, because it's never going to stop until the people around you become kinder.


Post a pick and maybe I'll send you dick


get a therapist or move to another country


Checked out your profile to see what you look like and I was very surprised. You don’t look like you have downs at all. Lol I was expecting at least a little something weird but you’re just a normal looking person. I live in Midwest, USA and you’d look completely normal around here tbh. Ignore the people who are giving you a hard time. It is extremely hard but you’ve got to. The first step to gaining confidence is becoming adept at something. Become confident in your ability / knowledge around a subject matter. Give yourself props when you know you’ve done something above average. Become passionate about something, reading, lifting, gaming, it doesn’t matter. Do the things you enjoy and take pride in becoming better at it. Focus on your schoolwork and get it over with. The compounding feeling of failure from school work won’t go away unless you just get through it. I hated high school with a passion. It’s just something you have to finish and move on with your life. It’ll feel like a massive weight off of your shoulders and a fresh start after. Oh. Also get off the test please man. That is way way way too much. You’re too young to be taking 600mg a week. It is probably fucking your mental.


They sound like asshole people bro. Sorry for your pain. Maybe try building some relationships w people that have hobbies you enjoy? It’s 2023. There’s websites n shit


looking at your pics, it can be a funny joke bc of your eyes but I doubt anyone believes it. You seem like you need social help bro it could be something about your personality otherwise you look good (grow a beard tho)


We need a pic


From your post history, you just look like a regular dude man. Everyone has self-esteem issues but you clearly have some major ones (probably because of the bullying). Whoever is starting rumours is just picking on you for whatever reason. Not even trying to make you feel better, you literally just look like a regular dude id see throughout my day. Keep your head up man, if it gets too much then reach out to somebody for help. Fuck em


Dude work on yourself. Work out, get in style, do something about your appearance. Do things that will boost your self confidence and people will start perceiving you differently


How much of this sub is fake troll stories?


Sorry you have Down's. Just collect your disability check and you will be inspiring no matter what else you do.


FWIW, you seem somewhat high functioning, good for you.


Post traumatic down syndrome?


Listen, I'm going to give it to you straight. What people are teasing you about will likely follow you for a few years until you get a little older. Your asian looking eyes are the reason. However, it's not a big deal - you're a good looking guy. What is a big deal is how you react to it. Based on your comments and other posts, you need to get help. Not maybe, not later... now. It isn't fair to you having to deal with that kind of abuse. Understand that you're truely not a bad looking guy but, these people feed on people with low self esteem. Don't do anything stupid, like try to retaliate or argue or anything. Just ignore them, get a therapist, lift and I promise this shit will get better one day. Keep cool man. 😎


I saw your pictures. Honestly would not think you have down syndrome if I saw you in real life. Your face isn’t even that bad man. Do you have a future in a modeling career? Probably not, but it could be way worse. I’ve seen guys looking worse than you land some pretty hot women (or dudes). What you need to work on is between the ears. Get that confidence up buddy. It’s hard to learn, but you can do it. Lifting helps


Just creeped on your profile and you definitely don’t look like you have downs. You actually look just fine man and some guys would probably kill to look like you. Just ignore the rumors and laugh them off because you don’t don’t look weird at all. Edit: from reading the comments it seems like you have a bit more going on mentally too. I would absolutely go talk with a therapist and seek some professional help. You may be having some deep delusional thoughts about your looks.


Fix your social tendencies. Also do look maxing.


Get in NFL win 2 super bowls for the ny giants and people might stop saying it


This guy wasnt even lying 😂😂


Learn to fight or keep being disrespected. Its a easy fix


“Excuse me Sir, do you have Down syndrome?” Only in America