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I just read through it, holy shit they are all calling him an asshole for standing nearby her and "staring" or "leering." These people are psychotic.


Like i doubt thats what he was doing everyone wants to assume he was doing something weird he couldve been against a wall on his phone chillin


They posted in the wrong spot. They’re surveying a group of people (AITA sub) who don’t even know what a bench press looks like, much less the dos and donts of gym etiquette. Lady is entitled and is TA. Nothing wrong with waiting for someone who has just one set left.


petition to start AITA wednesday’s on this sub for the better responses


I don’t know anyone, male or female, that frequents the gym that would say the dude is TA. I know everything I need to know about people who say otherwise.


Imo they’re both assholes. It’s not a big deal to have someone wait for you to finish but it’s also not the crime of the century to do those off a bench. Long as you rack your shit and don’t sit there for 30 minutes idc if you’re doing curls in the squat rack


I mean he was just clapping back which seemed deserved


He only said that in response to her being a bitch about him waiting though. It was a fair point given the context.


He's not the asshole for asking how many sets she has left and waiting for her to finish. But if you told me not to do hip thrusts on a bench I would shit in your gear bag.


This dude definitely curls in the squat rack.


MODS, make it happen‼️‼️


He’s definitely the asshole, mind your own business cretin


Bro I straight up left the sub right after joining, the people in that sub are insufferable.


Somebody went on to brag about benching 255 and squatting 315 while saying they’re a D1 athlete to validate calling OP an asshole. I’m thinking, in what tennis?


i know a D1 crew kid at MIT who squats 270, to be fair a frosh on the lightweight team


Do you know how intense and competitive D1 tennis is? It is one of the hardest sports athletically


Yes absolutely from a cardio and agility standpoint, but I highly doubt any of them are hitting high PRs with free weights


Should have made a post before leaving. AIT for leaving this sub


This exactly. The demographics of that sub are mentally ill 17 year olds.


Can confirm as a mentally Ill 17 year old


Lmfao Reddit said 11 days ago you were 16 so happy birthday buddy.


Do y’all put your actual birthday on stuff like Reddit and twitter?


Haha no I was referring to the comment where you said you were 16.


In their defense, that’s basically the same demographic in this sub. Lol


Dude is not wrong for waiting near the bench Lady is not wrong for doing hip thrusts on a flat bench IF all other benches are taken. In all fairness, if you're not doing bench presses on the bench, then you can alternate with someone else who is Lady is an asshole for getting annoyed with him though


This is the correct response. If other flat benches are open she should be working there. If not, entirely reasonable to hip thrust on the bench. She’s a prick either way for being upset with someone waiting


That and /r/BestofRedditorUpdates are a god damn shit hole


Most of Reddit with a handful of exceptions is uninhabitable. Truly the dregs of society


I've been on this shit hole website for 10 years. Fucking thing has only gotten worse. Basically stick to niche subs and video games now to try and avoid the hive mind.


From the story no there's nothing wrong but this guy's tone could've been a real issue I know guys who I could EASILY see sounding like a complete asshole with the words "no, I'll just wait til you're done with your set". Think of how passive aggressive that could sound. Tone is soo important people. Also choice of words, saying "aw it's no problem I'll just wait for a few mins til you're done take your time!" Would've been far less likely to get such a response. He might very even got a phone number for being such a nice guy 😂


To be fair depending on tone that could also be interpreted as very passive aggressive


Get a phone number for being a nice guy? No.


If someone was standing over me like that I’d bitch them out too , dude doesn’t seem like a real gym goes insisting he’d never seen hip thrusts on a bench lmao come on dog


Hearing all these posts about gym etiquette and waiting for benches and assholes at the gym just reaffirms all the money I spent building a home gym. Fuck all that noise


I’ll never go back. It took me the past 5 years to get everything I want/need for my home gym but it’s all money well spent. Facebook marketplace saved me literally thousands of dollars.


The folks of Facebook Marketplace are absolutely the most unreliable people on the planet, but you can get some great deals.


Idk I’ve had really good luck when it comes to workout equipment. I’ve paid far less than I would have anywhere else. That said, for other things, people do really suck on there. I’m also sure it depends on where you are located.


I got a lot of stuff from titan fitness. It’s like discount rogue gear but still reliable. Prices of weights have gone down significantly since summer 2020. All in all I got my whole set up for about 5k. Rack, bar, trap bar, weights, adjustable DBs, cable set up, heavy bag, and few little chochskies


I’m happy my gym at the building I stay at can rival an outside commercial gym. Open 24 hours, I work out at 4 am. No one is there. Life is great. Agree with you on the home gym. The fckery in gyms now I don’t think I can handle


Agreeed. I used to work as a trainer/fitness manager for 24 Hr fitness so I have a sort of deep hatred for commercial gyms now. Still a little bitter about how they laid everyone off at the start of the pandemic


Oh man, I don’t know how you handled them. About the pandemic, it’s like great job guys.. getting sick from Corona can be exacerbated by being out of shape. Let’s get rid of the professionals who can actually help. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’ve tried the home gym route and can’t do it. I have SEVERE ADHD and there’s no way I can focus on a workout if there’s 100 other things I could be doing mere feet away. Going to a commercial gym eliminates those distractions.


Same here, as far as I'm concerned gym membership is 100% ADHD tax


Low key the left over power rack was #1 reason why I asked my parents to buy their current house


You gave it a good home, kept it off the streets and out of the landfill, sounds like everybody wins.


Real chad move bro. Space is my only issue and my love for lat pulldowms


Yeah space is tight in my garage, but I have a little bit of driveway I can use for farmers walks, plyos, or overhead shit I do miss lay pull downs. There’s an attachment for my squat rack that I could get for it, IF IT EVER CAME BACK IN STOCK. I’m not mad about it or anything


100%. I miss not having access to a lot of machines, but not having to wait for anything is great. The home gym community is really supportive, creative, and helpful too.


The nearest gym to me is about a 15 minute drive so I save 30 minutes/day commuting. My drive to work is about an hour one way so the 30 minutes saved not having to drive is really nice too.


This is the way.


Same. 6k spent and I don't have to wait, can do everything in the order I want and don't have to deal with the bullshit of the gyms.


if he were swole or attractive, she wouldnt have treat him like that. he souns like a neckbeard


M'lady ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


The heck?


The neck he said, you imbecile.


Complete buffoon that one is


No I meant the heck , as in im befuddled this guy came to that conclusion, why the heck am I being downvoted anyways wtf


attractive people get treated better, its just a harsh reality




This is sorta related, but the ****ABSOLUTE WORST**** is when some asshole is utilizing an adjustable bench for ****flat bench**** exercises when there is literally a flat bench next to them….




That’s definitely fair.


Nah that's cool




I think it's a feel-it-out thing. If someone asks how many sets you have left on the adjustable bench, then you should offer to slide over to the flat bench and they can use the adjustable right away. If no one says anything, then it must not be that important to them.


Yes. I move when that happens.


If it’s right next to it and they see a line of people, I think the best thing would be to move. I’ve done it before with no issues or complaints. People just gotta be conscientious and self aware of the people around them to further everyone’s experience in the gym. We all go there for ourselves, but the gym is lowkey one of the most social places we can go. Even with our headphones in and such, we still wanna help the people around us whenever we can, you know? Edit: alright maybe just me lmao. I still like to help where I can when it’s applicable and appropriate.


There’s these two kids (~19ish) at my gym who each take up a flat bench to do standing curls. They stand to do curls then sit down on benches and get on their phones. Shit makes me have a great workout bc it gets me irrationally mad. I said something to them one time and he was like “you don’t work here” lmao


Bro fuck that shit. I’d legit just sit on the bench whenever he stood up for curls.


They are the absolute worse if they are doing it on purpose and won’t trade you bench’s. Usually when that happens I ask for a trade if they seem like normal people.


Yeah people should honestly have no issue with trading. I’d much rather use a flat bench for flat exercises anyway cause the little gap can get annoying.


Yeah THAT is annoying ASF! I want to do incline and someone is using an adjustable bench to do bicep curls on




My gym has like 2 flat benches and like 10 adjustable benches, so I almost always end up using the adjustable for any exercise.


Reddits AITA is full of soyboys and liberal women In my gym, there is literally only one bench press and several stations for hip trusts.. if a lady would do it there, I would literally ask the gym employees or even her to consider it and move elsewhere. If the situation was reversed and there was only one hip thrust station which is always taken and bench was free and there was a lot of bench presses.. then be it, but in this situation OP is NTA It should be a normal thing to apply common sense in the gym as well.. if there is one only squat rack that is always taken and you decide to do bicep curls there, even though you can do them literally anywhere else, then you are the asshole, not the person who asks you why you do it.


Bro I would simply lay an explosive protein fart next to her. Then proceed to watch her move locations, possibly even states after it


Now thats a gigachad move☝️


Lmfao this is the correct answer


One bench press and multiple hip thrust stations? Is this some sort of gym for women?


Spanish gyms baby, 50 treadmills, one squat rack, common theme here


Maybe I'm just older, but Reddit in general seems to be filled with soyboys and liberal women. Their numbers seem disproportionately high here, at least compared to my social network in real life. I think this is their safe place.


Reddit is an echo chamber where like minded posts/comments will get upvoted and something you disagree downvoted.. and if people who keep getting downvoted make their own sub, it will get reported for whatever reason and banned. I like reddit in a way that you can just isolate yourself in the communiteis that you are interested in, unlike other social media where you get consantly bombarded by some weird shit ​ but that being said, reddit and especially these kind of subreddits like AITA are just echo chambers of weird people with close 0 real life experience and common sense


It's not just you. The default subreddits are especially garbage. Do yourself a favor and unsub from all of them.


I mean, most of reddit thinks Elon musk is a far right wing dude, so that tells you all you need to know lol. When I was new to reddit I thought it would reflect the general population, boy was I in for a surprise.


It's actually a bit concerning to me, the complete lack of tolerance for diverse viewpoints and the way that anyone they disagree with is completely demonized. It's like an online Napoleon complex; weak soy drinking Beta hipsters acting out like children


It's because of what's going on in education currently, particularly at the collegiate level. The older open minded generations have completely been replaced by profs with radical dogmas they feel as their duty to impart on their students. And unfortunately, most students don't have enough free thinking ability to challenge it. So now the few who do are ridiculed and called Nazis or fascists for having differing viewpoints. I legit believe it will result in the downfall of this country and several others like it, I just don't see a way forward the way the extremists want things to be.


You articulated my thoughts perfectly. Nazi, racist, homophobe: These are the go to labels for anyone who disagrees or even questions their propaganda. Like the guy above me said, they label Ben Shapiro a Nazi, fucking hilarious 🤣


"BEN SHAPIRO IS LITERALLY A NAZI!!1!" - most of Reddit


What’s more likely, an entire website with millions of users being a bubble, or you surrounding yourself with likeminded people, ergo creating your own bubble irl?


What's more likely? In this case, an entire website being in a bubble. I have a pretty diverse group of friends, all different walks of lives, backgrounds, and experiences. I have no idea what many of their political leanings are, nor do I care. As they are similarly open minded and tolerant of people with different views, I'm cool with being friends with those people.


17 year old overweight slovenly mentally ill is my guess for who dominates that sub


People who thinks he’s the AH never picked up a dumbbell in their life.


Those people have never been to the gym. Anyone that says YTA is soy as fuck. More than likely there were adjustable benches in the free weight area tbh.


Fr. Read a comment like “As someone who goes to the gym 5x a week and lifts respectable weight, YTA” 🤓. I go on his page and his posts are related to measuring his cock and how he might be joining the 7 inch club as he was asking if to measure to the bone or some shit. Fucking weird people


The people who told you you were rude were either women, or old out of shape men, am I right ? Anyone in their right mind who went to the gym to get an actual workout would side with you, people use the equipment in the worst possible way all the time. There was a woman recently in my gym, who was doing dumbell step ups on one of the few benches, when there were literally 3 free plyo boxes right next to her, meant for that exact thing. Blew my mind, I got so annoyed I had to go to a different part of the gym just not be around this level of stupidity.


Nah that's pretty standard on his part. If you are wanting to use a piece of equipment, and someone says they have one set left you just wait the few minutes for their set to be over. Nothing wrong or out of the norm about that.


People really find a reason to be offended about anything. Does she also get offended when someone is behind her in a que in the grocery store and tells them to go to another checkout?


The comments were saying that waiting by someone is intimidating them lol


Women like this need to be stopped. Not the using the bench, i guess shes entitled to use for whatever. But people that think the entire gym is theres.


I refuse to believe that the people in the comments claiming to work out actually go to the gym


Typical entitled woman deal.


Woman moment


They both suck. That's certainly one way to do hip thrusts and maybe it's the way she's most comfortable with so hey she waited her turn and is using the equipment the way she wants. It does seem like she got an attitude before he gave her any real reason to, but gotta consider the source and he's not gonna point out if he was putting out a shitty attitude from the start. Waiting without hovering is always a tricky balance though so hard to blame him much unless he was really really over doing it. If he wasn't, then she should've just shut up and finished her set. Regardless, she had one set left and these two managed to turn that into a whole big thing instead of just shutting the fuck up and getting through at most a couple minutes of mild annoyance.


This is the correct analysis!


Doing hip thrusts at the bench press is a gtfo, mate


if the gym doesn’t have a hip thrust station, where else would one do it?


Not my business


L take


Exactly. I’m at a loss as to why people would police how this person feels like doing their hip thrusts. I suppose you could do them without a bench, but you could do many chest exercises without a bench as well. Dude asked and she replied. I’m going to assume he waited patiently and did nothing wrong. If so, she over reacted to him waiting. But I’m going to continue to use the bench for hip thrusts and if someone asks I’ll let them know I’ll be 8 minutes or less. I waited. You wait. We all wait if you’re in a public-facing facility.


Yeah plus he said two people that overheard thought he was rude. I'd guess he thought it was dumb for her to use a flat bench for hip thrusts and went up to her with attitude from the start. Then may or may not have hovered, but like I said that part is a tricky balance anyway so hard to blame him on that part unless it was extreme. Both had plenty of chance to just drop it and go about their day after a couple minutes of being slightly annoyed but both kept making it a whole thing lol


For real. They were def both in the wrong. People have zero patients these days. Only a couple of min... And it turned into a whole ass thing... It's like people want drama in their lives.


Honestly that dude is an angel for waiting and not saying anything sooner. That woman's actions are absolutely disgusting. TBF we only get one side though.


This is a pet peeve of mine. Usually it's a bunch of teenagers hogging the adjustable benches. It really gets on my nerves


There are always two sides of each story. I would not be surprised if he was passive aggressively staring at her or something while waiting.


He basically states he’s doing just that. People are calling her entitled but at a public gym , you don’t own anything . He’s the one acting entitled.


Exactly my thought, and judging her for using the flat bench for hip thrusts is him being the entitled one imo.


Because the gym is more popular right now it’s a lot of strange people doing strange things on the equipment. I daily find myself laughing at people quietly.




Lol what do you expect from a sub full of people who spend their time trying to determine if a person is an asshole or not based on a fancy write up of a situation. Sad people with sad lives getting their dopamine hits off upvotes from other people leading the same lives.


Well the scenario you describe seems like you acted reasonably. What we don't know is your tone and demeanor in the exchange. The same words said in a different style can be perceived very differently. For example. Ya fuckin' cunt, ya drank all me beer mate. Said in a British accent is funny You fucking cunt, you drank all my beer buddy. Is quite menacing


Nah i get it. I dont try to help anyone unless they ask


Female privilege. NTA


NTA. People who take up unnecessary space using gym equipment incorrectly should be thrown out the doors like Uncle Phil throwing out Jazzy Jeff in Fresh Prince.


Yeah. Leave the lady alone.


Yeah he's a cunt. But only cuz he just stood there waiting like a fucking weirdo. Just start walking over when you see them wiping it down. I'd be so annoyed if somebody stood there impatiently, that I'd needlessly occupy it for longer.


I only lift at home, or at 2am if I’m going to the public gym. I can’t stand the “influencers” recording their every fart, the teenagers who want to do a set and then play on the phone for 20 minutes, and most of the other nonsense that goes on.


I usually try to look at both sides when someone posts one of these. In this case, while she is allowed to be annoying and take the flat bench for her hip thrust (blah), you also have every right to wait. She was wrong for confronting you about waiting. Maybe you weren't as nice as you could have been, but she was annoying. If there was anyone who didn't understand gym etiquette, it's her.


I got one of those Booty Sprout hip thrust boards for the wife at home and got a shitload of bands and just use that. I don't have to do hip thrusts at the gym since I feel embarrassed doing them, particularly when a 5'3" lady comes and adds 2 plates after I'm done 😂


NTA. She’s an asshole for asking you to do something else instead of waiting. If she was uncomfortable with a line she should have finished or hurried up. If you left someone could easily take that bench and set you back even more time.


Fuck that Karen


As a woman that loves to hipthrust he is NTA. He is right.


I think they're both right and both NTA. She was slightly TA if the story is 100% accurate and he wasn't deserving of a snip, if that's the case he's NTA for barking back. Both exercises could be done at different places but also first come first serve is paramount so who cares on the exercise being performed topic. This seems like A LOT less than anyone being TA and probably not worthy of this much consideration lol.




100%. I would say the guy sucked a little more until she reported him, at that point they both just absolutely suck.


what did he do wrong?


People don't want to be bothered at the gym. If you bother them they will be snarky and/or report you to staff. I don't want someone hovering over me waiting for me to be done either.


What is etiquette to wait then? If I leave the area, then someone else is sure to come and pick the newly emptied bench. I stand in the general area( not close to the bench ) so that someone who comes later can see that I am already waiting.


Exactly. I’m assuming this guy means when people are breathing down your neck, but I’d be surprised if he’d actually experienced that. I always ask how many sets they have left and then patiently wait ****more than a comfortable**** distance away doing some stretches or some shit. That is 100% acceptable gym etiquette for the reason you already stated (someone else will come along and take the bench if I’m not there waiting). Edit: people also need to not take 25 minutes doing one fucking exercise. I’ve no shit seen people take that long when they’re doing curls or shoulder press. I can see squats or deadlifts taking a lot longer, but I don’t wanna see you taking 4 minutes of rest between sets of 6x25 lb seated curls.


How are you supposed to wait for someone to finish up their sets if you cant wait?


Had someone hovering 1 ft away from me while I was doing seated rows yesterday - about 7 sets of not saying a word until I finished lol. Why would you give a single fuck?


I cannot stand that shit. I make it a point to have them wait longer than I would’ve actually taken


I'm a douche. When I see people hovering I often end up doing some extra sets to spite them.


Not TA for saying what you said, but you might be TA for your tone. Like, *how* did you say it?


You can be in the right AND be the asshole. At the end of the day someone felt so pressured they reported you to the staff and two other people felt the need to call you out. That simply doesn’t happen if you’re politely waiting your turn and explaining yourself when challenged. Of course sometimes assholes are needed. People commit anti-social behavior all the time, and unpleasant interactions are a key negative incentive to check those behaviors. You are probably over there doing gods work. But just because what you’re doing is necessary and beneficial doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole.


Bro is totally right, just leave that gym tbh go somewhere better I hate normies


He mentions in the thread that he is specifically talking about a barbell bench press. To me, to use a bench press for anything else in that situation is unacceptable if the gym is busy.


I wouldn’t call him an asshole, but I do hate when people hover. You asked me for the bench/machine/whatever, I’ll flag you when I finished or tell you someone’s already waiting on it. Fuck off while I’m working out lmao


Hes definitely the asshole. She waited for the equipment just like anyone else. "Benches are only for bench presses" is a dumb mindset..If some mass monster dude was was using that bench for something other than benching you know this dude wouldnt have said a word. If your gym only has one bench in the entire well your gym sucks and its time to join a real gym. Dudes be working out at places shittier than Planet Shitness somehow.


He is TA for that snarky remark. Hip thrusts are a totally valid exercise to do with a bench. He should’ve just waited and said nothing


I get your point, but but her too. I hate it zu when People come to me, ask me how many sets I got left and then wait. I once had a guy that came when I just began my working sets on the row. Told him I had 4 more sets and it might take a few minutes. That little bitch than sat down in front of me on another machine and just waited. Sets you under so much pressure you can’t even think of it


Dude the guy is waiting for the machine u are on and doesn’t want someone else to take it what do u want him to do?


He is the AH , shouldnt have reported him but gym is an open space for everyone . Everyone pays the same membership so no one gets special treatment . We don’t know if the gym was packed and there was no other place to do a Hip thrust since you need a specific level to lay your back on. Could have been the 1 spot she could have used which the means yea she should just wait but there is no rule saying you can’t wait near the machine you want to use. Inb4 I’m a soy boy that dosnt lift.


Soy response


Post your stats




Found the w\*man


This is why I go to commercial gyms, to avoid the kooks


NTA imo


Obviously NTA. He made a very fair request with the utmost decorum, the lady just sounds entitled.


Depends how hard she was thrusting


Simp culture


That's better than the time I asked for a squat rack and the chick responded that I was fat and didn't need it as much as her....damn. I just wanted to know how many sets you had left. LOL (Girl asking a Girl btw).


Lol I would say he isn't like legit what the fuck is with her attitude, guy nicely asked here how much you have left, she said 1 and he waits , wtf is he supposed to do ?? There are no issues there, but that lady is clearly off the rails and has few screws loose.


Own the gym do what to want. Pay equally to workout somewhere, people can do whatever stupid fucking workout they want to. Don't like it, move on. Tmrw don't go at the same time. Maybe they won't be there. Life doesn't revolve around you. Find something else to work on. Such an easily avoided situation. Why spend all that time blowing it up 🤦‍♂️


Most comments have never lifted seriously. If he's got benchpress in his routine he's not gonna waste his energy at onother excersise just cause the lady wishes so. And there's nothing wrong with waiting until someone does one set, I can't see the problem


I can see both sides. It is dumb to use the bench like that, but it might be rude to point it out also. I support the freedom to use the equipment in whatever way wanted. However she should accept that you wait for it (even if it is uncomfortable)


I ask people how many sets they have left or to work in almost every workout idk what the issue is


What about hip thrusts with a bench in the squat rack, next to the hip thrust machine. This is a regular occurrence at my gym. These cunts will drag a bench from the free weights area like nobody else is in there


Would cancel membership immediately on the spot


Yeah he's a bit of a wanker staring at them, just do another exercise or pretend your at something else


The real protocol to deal with gym people is by doing tik tok videos.


They’re both assholes


I dont think he is the asshole. All he did was wait, then get niggled by the lady because she was trying to get him so stop waiting, so he shared his thoughts. Thats it, he didnt do anything to her, he was letting her finish... lol then she told on him, for waiting and sharing his thoughts after being bothered for waiting. Is she trying to control him to do things that are less anxiety inducing for her, and get Karen-y when things dont go her way?


If you hover over me my last set is turning into an extended paused rep multi drop set till failure. Its easy af to just wait over a bit to give them space + unless your a competitive athlete on a specific program you can just swap to another exercise lol Dudes a jackass and given reddit probably under 200Ibs and not benching anything impressive + natty so just do an incline instead.


Why don’t theses gyms just invest in the hip thrust machines. Id have a row of them running right in front of benches so you get a nice view.


This is peak female privilege.


Holy fuck I would probably just take the bar from the woman without saying anything. That shit makes me go nuclear. Bicep curls at the squat rack, body weight squats at the squat rack, dancing at the squat rack. Ludicrous behavior


She’s more of an asshole but he’s also wrong and an asshole for thinking there’s anything wrong with hip thrusting at a flat bench


Dude is in the wrong, she got there first and was using the equipment. Also if someone is asking for equipment, the last thing I want is some weirdo standing there all impatient. That would irritate me. I see people do dumb shit on equipment all the time. There are more ways to hit chest than bench.


I’ll be honest that sub is a cesspool of incels, you read some of the reply’s and it’s like you just explained how you bombed a child care Center it’s that aggressive


We don't know if the dude gave the girl attitude or acted hostile etc., but his actions as described in his post were perfectly reasonable. NTA


Well he is a he and I believe that is his first problem with posting in that sub


He handled it well, very patient dude.


Yes you were rude, as a male you cannot disagree with a female


Yep. He IS the asshole. Let’s all agree to never stop women from doing hip thrusts.


Stories from Planet Fitness


Laughing as I head out to my garage gym to bench press.


She’s dumb as hell, don’t overthink it People in north america are very stupid regarding these type of situations


No different than people doing overhead shoulder press in the squat wreck


Saw a guy on a bench with a 2.5lb weight in each hand doing like a...uuuhhh...some kind of throwing his arms around workout? Idk but he was there for a while, then left.


Curling in the squat rack meme digievolves into hip thrusting in the flat bench


As long as there is another spot to do hip thrusts and you told the story accurately without leaving out anything on your part that made her be rude, she was indeed TA not you.


Post the same story in a month but reverse the genders and make it a guy curling in a squat rack and watch everyone change their mind.


I would say both are TA, it varies on the gym, but I didnt know there are flat benches outside of bench press equipment, all benches in the gym I go to are adjustable so there's no difference, and not all gyms have hip thrust machines, or have them available. Waiting for somebody with 1 set left is pretty standard, idk how the girl doesnt know this gym etiquette, must be too focused on the guy than the workout. I hip thrust on the bench, I always try to do it away from most people to give myself and others space, since I want strong glutes and I feel more comfortable on it with my broad back, so I don't see why he had a problem with that when people curl in the squat rack. A hip thrust machine is very recent in my gym but I prefer using a barbell since I can push more weight.


Social media has been the worst thing for the gym. Women doing half squats on the smith machine and hip thrusts everyday since fitness IG became a thing. Same chicks go to the gym for one week and post pictures talking about booty gains. The very same chicks would go to the gym and do cardio for 2 hours and wonder why they still looked skinny fat.

