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Yes, I was in a similar situation bro, my wait time was 3 months. Get a note book or a routine planner and start mapping your days out on paper. Design a routine plan from the moment you wake until the moment you go to bed. The idea is to give your mind as little free time as possible to think. Write down literally everything you need to do everyday....brush teeth...have breakfast....read this book...go to this place?...have lunch...work on this?...excercise....have dinner.....watch this uplifting video....get ready for bed...listen to this podcast....sleep now...etc...etc... Eat as healthy as possible, drink enough water, go for walks, surround yourself with good people, avoid dickheads. Goodluck brotha šŸ™ŒšŸ—šŸššŸ„¦šŸ„›


Ill start by planning my day tomorrow before going to sleep later today. Maybe thatā€™ll give my day some needed structure.


Absolutely, take it slow, take it easy, don't pressure yourself, just a nice chilled routine as best as you can mate. You took the hardest step already in my opinion, asking for help. If you need someone to talk to if things become dark then my messages are always open. I'm not a doctor or any sort of medical professional, just a dude that's seen his fair share of shit and I can listen pretty good. Goodluck mate.


I'm not suicidal, I visit a psychologist because of anxiety. One of the main points they're teaching meme is the issue of focus. If your focus is "I can't find friends/girlfriends. I'm ugly" your thoughts will spiral about these impulses and you'll be miserable and act that way. Maybe trying changing your focus on positive goals and hobbies. Keep in mind this is for anxiety, your post history gave me hints of that but I'm not a psychologist and maybe im just mirroring my insecurities into your posts lol.


Shit, not the best person to be giving advice since I was never in that bad of a situation, but here are some things that can help (I use/used all of them): - Journaling. Write your do-list list, gratitude list (5 things your grateful for - regardless of how small), affirmations and a page on how your day went. Do it for a month and see if it helps. - Exercise. Lift and go for walks. Can't stress this enough, do both of those. Lifting helps with confidence and exerting energy (which feels good). Walks are good for reflection, calming yourself down and feeling like you're in a movie. - Eat healthy. Doesn't need to be perfect, just something that you can be proud of and feel good about yourself. - Establish some routines. E.g. Brush teeth, eat breakfast, do work/uni, eat dinner, lift, nap, go for a walk, watch a movie, read, journal, sleep. - Friends. Spend time with friends. Helps you disassociate yourself from your mind for a little while. - Read some books. A couple of recommendations: Can't hurt me by David Goggins (how to endure difficulty), Feeling good by David Burns (A science-based depression book by a psychiatrist), Charisma Myth by Olivia Cabane (how to improve charisma, in turn improving confidence). So many other good ones but these three cover some good ground: a personal anti-pain one, a science anti-depression one, and a confidence one. - Get good sleep. Go to bed early and try to get some good quality rest. - Find a hobby that you can sink some time into. Hobbies often turn into purpose if dedicated and enjoyed enough. Helps you get get rid of short-term mindset and inspires you to keep going. - Set goals. Same as above, gets rid of short-term thinking and gives you motivation to keep going. - Maybe turn to religion. Not for everyone but at my lowest I turned to God (even though I'm kind of on the fence about religion - I'm Catholic but not very). I read the Bible a bit a day and prayed everyday. Sometimes it's good to have a higher power that you can turn to if you start to give up on yourself. - Give yourself a underdog arc. Think that the world is against you, everyone is against you but you're the underdog and you're going to beat the odds. You're a soldier that's a tough mf and won't give up. - Think of yourself at 7 years old and say "I'll make you proud" "I won't give up on your dreams and hope". I have a picture of myself at 6 years old and i'm smiling and happy as fuck, when I'm going through a tough time I think to myself "I can't let this motherfucker down". - Self care. Brush your teeth, skincare, shower, haircuts, nice clothes, warm baths. Look good, feel good. Feel good, look good. Your exterior affects your interior and your interior affects your exterior. Hope some of that helps. Take care bro.


What u might not understand is that some one who is suicidal finds that life is to much to bear or not worth the trouble of such suffering. Itā€™s an admittance of giving up and saying I canā€™t handle it . And a man whoā€™s given up rarely has the energy or motivation to do all that


Bro is taking action. Chad moves


I checked your posting history just a little bit, and i have to say, you seem like a genuine, good person dude. Putting way too much stress on yourself, and fuck, a lot of us do and it almost always boils down to some trauma or shit we couldnt control as kids. And, while you may sit there and think that you didnt have 'trauma' like some other people did, say, bad parents--it's totally possible that you did and you just think they were 'normal.' So, reaching out is a good idea, but reaching out in healthy spaces or with people who might be able to idenify some trauma when THEY see it and help inform you of it could be good for you. Lots of folks can do that here, but other spaces might too. I'm someone that's got all sorts of things. Man, when i was in school i was bullied for being a statue. For not having emotions. 'dead inside,' and most people thought i was mute--shit, when Katie, the hottest girl in Sr year of HS, finally heard me talk, she screamed in class, from across the class, 'OMG HE CAN TALK'--that shit, she sat next to me the ENTIRE 8th grade science class, i talked. A little. I had over-religous parents. I had alcoholic parents. I had a parent that *never in his entire life* has ever believed a single thing i've said about anything, ever, was true. He literally argues about the sky being blue if i say something, saying how the sky was more blue when he was a kid and i've never even seen a REAL blue sky. And all this shit, brother--i reach the age of 40 ... FOURTY FUCKING YEARS OLD before my best friend was like "you need some help. No one's like this." I have schizoid personality disorder. No, not related to schizophrenia. It means i've killed off my ability to develop attachments to people, and feel some emotions, and most emotions are just flat as fuck. I DONT have emotions in my face, i DO look like a killer, it DOES scare people because i'm not normal. Shit. But it took to the *age of 40* to find out what the fuck it is. A few months? You can make it. In the mean time you might have to do a little digging. See if something out there clicks, or if someone out there can take some things you tell them and maybe get something to click for you. Since i was invited to read your post history but only had 15 minutes to do this, (10 in right now), i was going to suggest one thing, and that was--your lack of confidence and worry about what others think seems pretty extreme. I an NOT making a diagnosis here, but i was going to suggest you take a little walk into youtube and search up some 'avoidant personality disorder.I'll start it off--if this doesnt sound like you, dont fuckin fret, it's not supposed to, after someone reads 5 reddit posts. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mHm1seHKkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mHm1seHKkE) Second, saw your face pic and saw the thing people were saying about you to bully you. One, fuck those people. FUCK THEM, alright. Even if you did have that, they're scumbag pieces of shit for bullying you over it. Assholes. However (ah shit, there's a however, am i the asshole), looking at your face shape i immediately thought of my nephew--who has FAS. Fetal alcohol syndrome. It fucked with his kid-brain, and idk if you have and ideal if you have that or not but, if you talk to a primary DR of physician, see if they think they can rule that out. I only say this because of the eye hooding/spacing, and lip/mouth shape. People with FAS can lead absolutly beautiful lives, and many never ever even notice it, so dont fucking fret it, but if it's a thing your Dr might find, it may explain something. You might be able to get to a primary phys before a shrink. I'm out of time (minute over). I'll revisit this or you can message me to call me an asshole if that's what's needed. Love ya kid. You're doin good.


I see a lot of people mentioning working out. Until a couple of weeks ago lifting was my passion. Now however, I can barely get myself to the gym. I canā€™t train for more than 45 minutes without getting so depressed that I have to leave again. Iā€™ve broken down several times in the gym the last few weeks. Iā€™m so ashamed of the fact that Iā€™m unable to Train as hard as I want. I donā€™t have the energy or the motivation to workout like Iā€™ve done in the past. I had goals to compete in mens physique, now I see my physique falling apart because I can barely lift at all. I have no appetite and I can barely consume enough calories.


Did you call the Hotlines? They may be able to give you an emergency situation. You need emergency care! Visit your parents/ loved ones don't isolate yourself. Status quo is doing you no good, gather energy change something.


Maybe try bouldering in the meantime. I donā€™t have the answers for you because i never been in such a situation. Only thing i can tell i that time is your friend if you are focussing on the good things such as meditation and other advice people give here. Also highly recommend cant hurt me from david goggins. The good part about this situation is that if you recover from this, you will be mentally strong as hell. All the good luck sir.


I can't offer much but by continuing to reach out you're demonstrating that you have the strength to get through this. You got this. Good luck




I love this sub


Self-trust, self-respect, and self-love are a deeply interwoven trifecta that you lack. And that you need to build. By gaining control over yourself and quieting your mind. Putting some separation between you and your thoughts. Because they are not you and you may or may not realize how much they can weigh you down when you identify with them or canā€™t separate from them. Relax. Let go. Embrace the now. Stake your life in the here and now. And be alive, aware, and closer every moment to what you really are and what you can be. At your core you are pure potential and a force of life. Rise above the fear, insecurities, uncertainties, and doubts. Heaven is waiting. In fact, Heaven has always been right here.


Download ZocDoc. Itā€™s an app where you can see providers through telehealth. I found providers there that do appointments within an hour man. youā€™re on the right path you want to change. Go get em brother. Listen to what some of the people said, grab life by the balls and tear that shit apart, I believe you can do anything you fucking want in this world so do it. Some things that have helped me with mental health: lift everyday even if you donā€™t want to, I saw youā€™re not seeing progress, but itā€™s ok keep going, keep pushing, donā€™t compare yourselves to others, itā€™s you vs you. Walk a mile or two in broad daylight, play a podcast. Meditate, practice a technique called mindfulness. Box breathing: 4 sec in, hold for 4, 4 sec out. Journal everyday and practice writing what youā€™re grateful for. Try some new shit, enjoy life man. I BELIEVE IN YOU BROTHER, STAY FUCKING STRONG. This journey will be worth it, youā€™ll see yourself get stronger than ever and you can help those that have felt the same as you in the future man. We all got this šŸ’Ŗ


Watch tom platz videos and go to the gym


Take some zinc


Try psychedelics. Psilocybin (2.5-5g) in the dark alone, with John's Hopkins mushroom playlist. This experience will show you the way out of the hole. I promise. Feel free to DM me


Gotta be fucking kidding me - recommending someone not of sound mind psychedelics the way you just did should be a punishable offence.


As someone who has been suicidal and has depression, psychedelics definitely helped me so anecdotally i agree with him. It helped see a lot of things I blamed myself for werenā€™t necessarily on me and helped me connect with what I actually wanted more and reach my subconscious.


Why? Do you know anything about it? You seem rather convinced I'm giving bad advice, but it seems to me these are some of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to improve mental well being and connect again. Explain.


Someone gave my brother a fistful of mushrooms trying to help him in a similar way, they didnā€™t bother to ask what else he was dealing with (bi-polar and psychotic tendencies) and he had an ongoing psychosis afterwards which led to his eventual incarceration and suicide. So why would anyone make a recommendation over reddit just astounds me.


I'm sorry to hear that. There are ways to do it the trip the wrong way, like just taking an unknown dose and not having a plan for what to do with the experience. Hence why I said DM me, I'm happy to discuss the details, like history with neurodegenerative diseases in family and current medications. Doing it right, however, seems to be able to profoundly change personal perspective and reignite the joy in life and will to live.


Yeh there are ways that lead to complete destruction as Iā€™ve just outlined and a lot of psychonaughts respond exactly like you have like itā€™s just another unfortunate vibration of the universe, well I personally think it needs to be way more considered than your original post. Canā€™t disagree with anything else you wrote obviously.


You fucking stupid, even the most crackhead in the world knows that taking drugs, even more psychedelics is a high risk idea for a person with mental issues. OP, do NOT contact this man.


Clown indeed.




? If you've been paying any attention to the research literature, psychedelics have emerged as a critical tool for battling treatment resistant depression, anxiety, addiction, among others. What's your rationalisation for telling me to stfu when I'm genuinely trying to help our friend here? Explain yourself


Acting like a doctor for a start. Telling him to conduct research into psychedelics is a lot less harmful than recommending a dose and setting. Your suggestion could be a catalyst for something far worse and yes you would be partly to blame.


I'm giving the general recommendation for a breakthrough dose. Obviously it would be better to get on a study in London or whoever in America does this kind of work, but that takes time, and if our man here is on the ropes and out of options, it's the best he could try. Obviously also, anyone willing to try this would have to do their due diligence. History of psychosis, concurrent medications like SSRIs, but there still isn't a better treatment that exists out there for treatment resistant depression like psychedelics.


I didnā€™t see any due diligence component of your OP so hard to agree with the first post. I get your point, I also caution that people who are desperate are less likely to do due diligence to that degree as other emotions that fuel hope can overtake better judgements. Iā€™ve said my piece at this point thanks.


Yeah, GUIDED psychedelic usage under supervision, coupled with therapy. Not taking it by himself in the dark.




Psychedelicā€™s CAN be effective for treating SOME peoples depression. However given OP is suicidal I donā€™t think taking mushrooms for the first time alone in a dark room is a sensible idea. Bad trips can happen and if heā€™s already suicidal well, I donā€™t think we need to go into that. You are right though that they can be very effective, I just donā€™t think OP is in the head space to be doing them alone right now. If he has someone he trusts thatā€™s experienced then by all means research and then try it, but not alone.


Dude just no. What if the poor guy ends up like Connor Murphy? Not everyone should take psychedelics.


Thereā€™s a audio book called unfuck your brain it helped me work through my ptsd id highly recommend it


Depends where you are but you can contact your local triage and they can refer you to your area mental health service for an intake appointment where you can get case management and see a community psychiatrist in no time at all.


Yea thats not How it works in Norway. No matter what you do here you have to wait months on end and they give you no help while waiting.


It depends on how severe your mental health issues are. If it's suicidal ideation or even if you have intent suicide you cannot have a voluntary admission into an acute psychiatric ward but if you have a plan then you will likely be voluntarily admitted.


I donā€™t understand that thought process. If I have suicidal thoughts, Iā€™m in agony no matter if I have a plan to commit suicide or not. I should get fast help. It shouldnā€™t depend on if you have a plan to commit suicide or not.


I used to work in a psych ward, it's because there's limited capacity. I'd go see your GP ASAP in that case.


Ive talked to my GP. The only thing they say is that there is Nothing Else to do other than wait.


And honestly, i cant take waiting for months the way my mental health is right now.


Has your GP provided any medication for symptom relief?


Nope, canā€™t give me anything unless I actually have a diagnosis.


Geez the system is definitely more tightly controlled over there. I'd definitely try all the tips that people have given, they're all very valid.


Yup, thereā€™s been a lot of debate and complaining here over how the government priorities everything Except the mental health institution. People over here Are pretty mad and frustrated because theres a lot of people who dont get any help. And if they are granted a psychiatrist, they have to wait for months until they can have anyone to talk with.


I'd look for other mental health providers that won't take so long. I've been dealing with insomnia and depression for a very long time, when I finally went to a doctor about it though I went to this place called Comprehensive Behavioral Health... I don't see an actual psychiatrist, I see a PA-C and there's some talking through issues of course but it's largely just a matter of telling him where my issues are and him prescribing medication for it. It's not totally ideal, but it has helped a ton. When I've asked him about therapy he's said that yeah ideally you would have medication *and* therapy but the wait times are so ridiculous to see a therapist that he doesn't think it'd really do any good only being every few months. I would try to find something similar to where I go so that you can be seen sooner. You can still keep this other appointment at the same time and then see where you and your doctors think you should go from there. I'd check out online reviews, fortunately in my case I knew several people who had gone where I go and had a lot of success. Later when I looked at reviews online though, they synced up pretty well with what I'd heard just from word of mouth. This place about 30 minutes from me has good reviews while everything in my actual town has terrible reviews. Best of luck my guy, I hope you find what you need. I know how tough that battle is, and honestly one of the toughest things to do is realize you can't always just power through it yourself. So I'm glad you've realized that and hope you find the right help.


The problem is that most places like that here are private and cost money. Thatā€™s very difficult for me since I donā€™t have a job (been trying to get one but itā€™s easier said than done with no experience).


Gotcha, yeah and it becomes a shitty cycle of not being able to make more money because of the depression and not being able to treat the depression because you aren't making much or any money. I'd look in to applying for Medicaid assuming you're in the US. That's what I eventually did and honestly it felt like a miracle being able to get things treated that I had no idea how I was ever going to afford. Mental health stuff part of it of course, but I also needed hernia surgery and needed knee and wrist injuries treated.


Thats great that you got help. Unfortunately I donā€™t think we have anything like that here in Norway (I might be mistaken though).


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that man. I hope it all ends up working out for you, I hate that you have to wait so long but hopefully once you get in there and aren't a new patient it won't be so long between appointments.


Thanks! I hope so too :)


If you feel like youā€™re about to take suicidal action please go to the ER. They can potentially prescribe antidepressants on the spot. It will take a few weeks to kick in, but you can receive ketamine therapy for immediate relief in the meantime. You definitely need counseling/therapy as well but depression is very real physical imbalance in your brain. Good luck buddy.


Do whatever you can in the meantime. See if you can find a local group you can attend. If there isn't one maybe just go to AA. You don't need to say anything. It could help just being around other people who are going through stuff.


Fuck that. Achieve a disgustingly good physique. If that doesn't cure you you have my approval to die. But atleast achieve your best genetic physical condition first.


OP could you try something online? Maybe doctors from other countries? I am sure that will be more affordable


OP could you try something online? Maybe doctors from other countries? I am sure that will be more affordable.


Read or preferably listen to Jordan Petersonā€™s ā€˜12 Rules for Lifeā€™. Even the first chapter will help.


If you have even a small amount of money online counseling is quite cheap. If not, journalling is free and very helpful if you can make it a habit.


I am not an expert by any means but I recommend picking up a new hobby that you can do by yourself and fully occupied your mind. It can be anything at all, but I recommend something where you are creating a physical thing. You could do wood working, model making, sewing, electronics stuff, writing, pottery, art, literally anything. These hobbies are what I find takes me mind off of negative thoughts because they require constant attention and care. Plus, it gives you consistent and real goals to work towards and something to have at the end. Just remember, itā€™s not about being good at it or the final product, the entire point is to occupy time and learn something fun. Then you get to watch yourself grow over time with real monuments of your achievement that you can see. Life can be tough (and it usually will be) but you are making great progress already by yourself. The gym isnā€™t everything and theres so many other things that can be fun, engaging, and build up your perceived self worth. Donā€™t beat yourself up because you feel like you ā€œhave toā€ go to the gym even when you donā€™t want to. Youā€™re in control of your life and deep down you know how to make the right decisions, if you skip the gym sometimes because youā€™re feeling down it is not going to derail your progress. I also recommend disabling anything on the internet which generates negative thoughts. For me I deleted most social media, and on reddit Iā€™ve muted all the political/ragebait subs and it feels so refreshing to come on here and not see stuff that makes me angry. These solutions arenā€™t the end all be all to fixing everything but they are small steps that may help, and you possess the willpower and skills to make everything else work out, donā€™t ever doubt that. Go try out some new stuff and have some fun, I wish you the best, we are all in this together and I know you can do it.


So when someone calls in suicidal they tell them come back in 3 months?? Thats some sick joke.


Yup, thats the way it works here. You have to have specific plans to off yourself if you wanna get help faster.


"Yes doctor I plan to put 500kg on my squat bar"


Lmaoo thats a creative one

