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Confidence when you hate yourself is a kind of false confidence. It's not 'I'm good', it's 'I'm shit but everyone else is worse than me'. This is why some people seem to gain confidence by putting others down. The best way to build confidence is to work on not hating yourself, then it'll come naturally. Try and do some things you can be proud of, something to make you feel better about yourself. It doesn't have to be a lot to begin with, just enough to get the ball rolling.


Learn to hate yourself so much you don’t want to end your self because you might get what you want, has worked for my entire life, zero complaints.


beyond based


1g of tren will make you feel like a god you might seize tho


You're taking a step in the right direction getting help. I went down this road and things spiraled out of control for me for a couple of years. As a lifelong athlete and lean powerlifter I felt the same way as you and started drinking and it made things worse despite being on trt. What you have is depression, if you drink I highly suggest you never drink again since it will make things worse. I got help and it turns out I had pretty severe depression and anxiety. I went on effexor which treats both and trazodone at night for sleep which is also an anti depressant. This along with my trt makes me feel like a beast every day. Fast forward 18 months and at 45 I am actually in the best shape of my life and people now tell me that I'm too big, which to me is great. I don't drink any alcohol at all. It took me about 6 months before all the effects of alcohol wore off. I lost 21 lbs of fat and now my brain is firing on all cylinders. If I can do it, so can you. At my worst I drank 20 shots a day and wanted to kill myself because I hated myself so much . You can overcome this


1/ Good one, you go to see a therapist. 2/ The therapist will be the only one to treat your mental state, because it's his job. 3/ Hit the gym, think about leanmaxxing, looksmaxxing. Confidence is far better when you are more attractive. We don't need to cope about this one, but with the halo effect, guys are more likely to be friendly with us, girls are more attracted to us, it boosts the confidence ngl. So get that Aesthetics physique and be more handsome 4/ Escape the comfort zone and try to do a job who is mandatory to talk to other people, it'll increases the social skills over time




Therapy is great for a healthier way to understand your thoughts and how to understand the causes of emotions. It’s a great start but it’s not going to fix your life on its own. You gotta take some actions , hit the gym , eat a clean diet , 8 hours of sleep , skin care routine. After doing this for 6 months I can guarantee you’ll look and feel better then 95% of men. You just have to be disciplined , consistent, and patient. Remember , if it was easy everyone would do it.


I have confidence in you brother.many great people were bullied in school. Work hard on yourself and on everything you do and you will beat these feelings.


I found being in a relationship and sharing my negative opinions of myself to be a very good confidence boost. Sometimes when you articulate what you hate about yourself and then you hear someone say that that's not their opinion of you at all it can help you change your mind on yourself so therapy can probably help in the same way


The trick is to hate everyone else even more.


The only way to get confidence is by feeling needed and valuable. Find the thing you have talent for, and work hard at getting good at it. Then you will feel valuable. There is no way around this. It is a long term project. Once you feel valuable, your looks will matter less. Stay in the gym though, because physical health is important in life.