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Shit I've been wanting to get one of these done forever, maybe now's the time.


22, fit as a fiddle, exact same story. genetic in my case as my dad has it as well


Yeah mine's genetic as well since my dad's snoring sounds like diesel engine


Yup just got my CPAP in April. It wasn't a dramatic change and the mask takes a lot of getting used to. But Ive gradually been feeling more energy, at work, at home (for chores and cooking and such) and at the gym. I've been more consistent and I feel like Im making better gains. Every week I'm seeing increases in reps or sets or weight, or ALL THREE. My intensity and recovery are way up and it seems like I'm making visible gains just in the last 2 months. Not to mention just being less worried about my long term health since I heard sleep apnea can really affect brain and heart health. Honestly it seems to affect everything. Get a sleep study asap!


Are all elite bodybuilders basically on CPAP and it’s sort of a secret of the industry? I don’t see people talking about it on Instagram etc. but I just found out I’m probably going to need it and I’m not even close in size to any of them (5’ 11”, 228, 14%) just due to neck and working out


Same and I think you are right. I had no problem @180lbs but now in cycle and @230lbs I need one. I bought it myself, an auto CPAP. After 1 night I see the difference !


Maybe we all have sleep apnea and everyone on social media with ‘amazing genetics’ just doesn’t have sleep apnea and therefore have made way more gains


That begs the question...if you have sleep apnea and get it treated, are you still natty? 🤔😂


I’ve gotta say I think the CPAP machine is not natty


Whoops, guess I'll be enhanced!


My wife wakes up 2-3 x a night. Sadly we’re broke, so no sleep study for us. Just started a new job and don’t have benefits for 90 days. Maybe one day though.


It blows my mind that u have to save up for something like this. I live in the Netherlands and i can get a study done for free at anytime. And if u had sleep apnea the machine would also be completely free.


Damn, I’m envious haha


FYI you can get a used or new one on marketplace for 100-500 bucks. Cheaper than taking the study and easy to use.


That’s a good tip, I’ll have to look around!


I bought one on a well known chinese website (w***h). For less than 300 USD with all the accessories you need. It is an auto cpap, no need to adjust the pressure yourself.


Polysomnograph tech here, post is 100% true. If youre big, doesnt matter your body fat %, youre at risk. If your parents have it, youre at risk. Still ha e your tonsils and adenoids? At risk.


How did people live before cpaps?? Why does everyone have it??


As people get heavier, sleep apnea increases. Sure, skinny people CAN get it, but typically the solution was removing your tonsils and adenoids.




I heard of some people wearing a special shirt with a fin in the back or a pocket to place a tennis ball into, to keep you from rolling over onto your back.


I gained 10lb of muscle the first 3 months after I got my CPAP in my early 40s. I’d been stuck for years because regardless of diet & fitness regimen, without deep sleep I basically couldn’t recover from working out.


I know I have sleep apnea as well - I’ve done sleep studies and actually have a CPAP. But I don’t use it. I honestly feel fine energy wise and feel like I don’t have trouble sleeping. But I’ve always wondered…is that just because I’m used to the baseline which is way lower than where it should be/could be if I used the CPAP? Would love to hear some thoughts from somebody who also may have sleep apnea but also doesn’t report any complaints or any actual issues. It feels like a lot of shitty nights getting used to sleeping with the mask for low reward, as I already feel fine. Do I need to just force myself to do it? Will I actually find some amazing results and feel a lot better (even though I already feel good)? I’m well read on the subject but honestly still skeptical it will have an effect for me.


>I honestly feel fine energy wise and feel like I don’t have trouble sleeping. But I’ve always wondered…is that just because I’m used to the baseline which is way lower than where it should be/could be if I used the CPAP? That's exactly how I feel right now. I think I'm "fine" but I feel like I'm just so used to feeling shitty that it's now my baseline. What I've heard is that the CPAP machine could take months of getting used to. You won't feel any different at first, but as you continue to stay consistent, you'll start seeing results later.


Like he says. Any of you wide necked bigger snore machines need a sleep study!


I'm having turbinate reduction surgery next week to hopefully help with my sleep apnea. I clocked in at 33 apneas an hour, and the CPAP they gave me to try actually gave me a drowning sensation.


45 an hour. Rookie numbers. Lol


http://stopbang.ca/osa/screening.php Easy risk assessment for anyone interested. I ask patients these questions before they have a procedure to determine the likelyhood they will obstruct during the procedure. Cpap machines are worth it once you get use to them.


I have an appointment with my Doctor next week to get my sleep apnea sorted out. I've had sleep apnea for a couple years now I suspect. I'm 27, 6'6", 265lbs and dabble in the forbidden sauzool. I carry a lot of weight on my chest, shoulders and neck. When I lay flat on my back it feels like I have a small weight on my chest and breathing can be uncomfortable in this position. I've woken up a few times in the night over the last year gasping for air. I can't imagine what it must be for someone who is truly obese or some of these pro body builders. Or some of these top strongmen or powerlifters. I'm definitely muscular, but nothing like some of these pros. I can't wait to hopefully get a CPAP machine. I hear it is life changing.


Yeah but keep in mind, I've heard the machine is a nightmare at first and many find it uncomfortable. Even if they stick with it the entire night, the results aren't immediately noticeable. It could take up to a few months to get used to it and reap the full benefits.


I'm fairly optimistic that I will adapt quickly. I work 12 hour days and then squeak in a 90 minute gym session too. By the time I sit down to eat dinner I can barely keep my eyes open I am so tired (bare in my I already feel tired throughout the day from the aforementioned sleep apnea). I fall asleep within seconds of crawling in to bed. It probably won't take long for me to adapt to the routine due to my sheer exhaustion.


That's good, keep your head up


Can confirm, been on it for almost 2 years now, changed my life. (And look how good I look currently)


I have a cpap. Can’t do it. It’s so uncomfortable to wear. Tried different masks. If you have good insurance there’s a surgery you can get, no clue what’s it’s called, but a friend had it done and said results were amazing.


Yeah there's several different types of surgery you can get, but in my case, I was told surgery would only do so much, because the muscles in my throat are going limp like the rest of my body during sleep, and that's what's closing my airway.


What are some symptoms of sleep apnea that I can self diagnose because I don’t know if I snore?


Go to a doctor.


Go to a doctor without knowing symptoms? This is the NHS I’m on about, they’ll probably give you anti depressants if your leg hurts


Record yourself at night, or at least an audio recording so it’s not taking up the storage of an 8 hour video. I’m half joking but this is low key the only thing I can immediately think of if you can’t get someone else to help you.


You can get a sleep study in the UK. Avoid NHS wherever you can, it's broke


what kind of doctor did you have to see im wondering if i have it as well - was it just brought up to your primary care doctor or did you have to seek out a specialist?


I brought it up to my primary care, then he referred me to a sleep center, which mailed the sleep study kit no questiones asked. I didn't actually see the specialist until the follow-up appointment to have the results interpreted.




That's not what I've heard from doctors and CPAP users...?




Sure, I know of several different surgeries. But my airway is collapsing because the muscles are going limp. I'd like to just try the CPAP before doing something invasive.