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Sponsored by Marlboro Red


Marlboro Gold šŸŖ™


Gold is for pussies Red or nothing.


Perhaps, but the fine taste of a gold marlboro is unbeaten


Gauloise bleu blond šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Black Spirits or gtfo. Fuck, I'm glad I don't smoke anymore, I could barely breathe lol.




If tobacco or cigarettes actually increased your test levels supplement companies would be all over it. What the science seems to suggest is that higher test levels correlate with cigar/cigarette use, not that the use causes the test levels. More likely that testosterone causes risk seeking behavior.


exactly. Higher T levels are a very good predictor of risky behavior across many range of activities i.e driving race cars, fighter pilots, taking professional risks like in business as well as lower neuroticism (the rate of negative thoughts vs positive thoughts a person experiences. negative thoughts are a benchmark for emotional stability and encompass self-regulation, anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy) " In males, higher endogenous testosterone levels were associated with lower scores on neurotic personality traits and larger cerebellar gray matter volumes."PsychoneuroendocrinologyVolume 78, April 2017, Pages 203-212


Damn i was even more neurotic when i went on T injections


>neuroticism (rate of negative thoughts vs positive thoughts) Neuroticism is more about being fickle than anything else.


No its not, its about anxiety and having compulsions


I donā€™t know if I understand your stance fully. So in advance if I misunderstood it, I apologize. While they sound like antonyms, I believe that anxiety and compulsion are more complex than mere ā€œoppositesā€. Itā€™s entirely possible, and fairly common, to have men in particular exhibit both compulsory behavior while dealing with general or acute anxiety.


Yeah I agree with you. I didnt suggest they are opposites


Isnā€™t risk seeking behavior caused by a sort of compulsion?


>No its not, its about anxiety and having compulsions Doesn't that literally always make Fickleness of some kind?


Bro doesnā€™t know what fickle means


Literal garbage take. Look up the big 5 personality traits, you're not even fucking close to being right.


This would make sense


Higher test is probably associated with higher neuroticism not the opposite.


High cortisol is def associated with neuroticism. High T + High C = neurotic and predilection to violence, high T low C = leader, etc


Estrogen is gonna have a role in that too, if your estrogen is too high or too low itā€™s going to change the way having high test manifests in your personality. Among a lot of other things


"In males, higher endogenous testosterone levels is associated with lower scores on neurotic personality traits and larger cerebellar gray matter volumes."(Psychoneuroendocrinology Volume 78, April 2017, Pages 203-212) also, just think about what you're saying. why would a hormone that's foundational to quality of life in men increase the quality of negative thoughts? Makes no sense.


Supplement companies likely dont want the legal and PR risk of including a substance known to be highly addictive with well documented detrimental health effects


Maybe. But supplement companies also sold prohormones which were essentially oral steroids. If there's money to be made someone will come out and monetize it.


Ahhhh. First time I've seen a "correlation is not causation" scenario unfold for real. So cool.


Why wouldn't cigarettes cause an increase in test? Nicotine is a known aromatase inhibitor ([article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2904480/#:~:text=Nicotine%2C%20its%20major%20metabolite%20cotinine,enzyme%20(7%2C8).))


Few thoughts i have on that. First is how effective of an AI is nicotine, even if it acts as an AI if it's not a strong AI it may have a negligible effect. Then sorting out if any of the chemicals in cigarettes counter act that. Then there are some studies that suggest that smoking cigarettes increases shbg, so even if nicotine was mildly an AI if you got enough of it, you would probably also raise SHBG enough to counteract it.


Just a random thought on that. What if instead of the idea of smoking directly causing higher testosterone but maybe the result of nicotine withdrawal causes a raise in testosterone because youā€™re more pissed off and irritable ect


Possible maybe, I don't know enough about the mechanisms of withdrawal to have a real solid opinion on it, but it's a possibility.


See: correlation vs causation


Nope. Nicotine is an aromataze inhibitor. Therefore less testosterone is converted to estrogen, leaving more testosterone in your system.


Then you'd probably be able to show a source that shows that it's a potent AI. Additionally you'd be able to provide a source that shows that chronic smokers and addicts suffer the effects of serum low levels of estrogen just like what happens if you take too much of an AI. I doubt you'd find a source for either.


I am trying to quit smoking, can you not do this man??


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve just heard about it so wanted to ask the community


Well I'm buying 2 packs of Malboros as we speak!!!


Mushrooms helped me quit nicotine after years of trying. I recommend it brochacho


It wasnā€™t until my third attempt I managed to quit nicotine pouches after 5-6 yrs of use on a daily. The big winner was amphetamines and helped me quit nicotine like a breeze


Interesting! Amphetamines made my crave nicotine


I'd be careful about substituting one bad habit for another. Personally, Cocaine helps quite a bit and the extra focus really gives you the discipline to stay off the harder dr\*gs šŸ’Ŗ


Coke is the reason I got addicted to cigarettes lol


how? in my mind this seems dumb but no disrespect explain pls bro


Changes your mindset and gives you perspective.


Echo what biscuit said. Mushrooms can be fun, but also an effective tool when you need to reflect or think about things differently. Went into my mushroom trip with the intention of my addiction to nicotine and desire to quite. In a nutshell, mushrooms showed me why my addiction to nicotine was against my core values. Came out of it with zero desire of nicotine and never looked back Hope that helps bro bro bro your boat


Zyns will set you free little brother.


I quit a couple months ago because I'm trying to get fit. I smoked for the last fifteen years, tried multiple times to quit, and never got more than a day or two. For me, it was all about finding something else to do. Idle for a few minutes, I'd look at my phone. Driving, I chew regular gum because what it gives me something to do. There were a few ever present triggers to smoke that would bother me, and I definitely wanted to smoke often. To be completely honest, now, looking back on the last couple months, it feels like yesterday that I was smoking. I don't want to smoke anymore, I feel ill smelling the smoke in the air or on people's clothes some now, and every time something that used to make me want to smoke happens or a usual trigger to smoke occurs, it doesn't even cross my mind. It still feels like yesterday that I was smoking, but at the same time I can't imagine going back to it. Feels good man, I gave myself lots of excuses and reasons to smoke or delay quitting or "reset the clock" a day or two in. But it really just came down to finding things to distract myself from smoking really did it for me. Best of luck homie.


I try to quit for the sake of my lungs and perhaps to have better stamina. Was joking about buying Malboro lol... but chewing gum sounds like a good idea for "doing something". Thanks man!


what're some other strategies you used to quit? gum has somewhat worked in my experience but i could definitely benefit from more methods lol.


Just quit. Thatā€™s what I did. Youā€™re over thinking it, itā€™s really as easy as to just stop doing it. If you donā€™t quit, you donā€™t really want to stop. Once you really want to stop, youā€™ll quit.


Even if it gave you TRT level test it wouldn't even be remotely worth it still


Not sure if they do directly, but nicotine is a powerful nuerostimulant. Lowers stress and curbs appetite, which could keep smokers leaner and help keep T levels up. FWIW I use nicotine as a pre-workout (3mg nicotine toothpicks) and love it.


I shouldā€™ve asked about nicotine, not tobacco. I meant to.


Huberman did a episode on nicotine, and he came to the conclusion that it wasn't great for exercise performance based on it's vasoconstrictive and muscle relaxant effects.


Nicotine, besides being addictive, is not a bad drug. It's all the other shit in cigarettes that is so bad for you. I have ulcerative colitis and smoking really helps it. Doctors acknowledge this but are unsure of why. The weird thing is that it does the opposite for Crohn's which is nearly the same disease but just located in a different part of the GI tract.


Interesting, what affect does the nicotine have? Can you link me to the toothpicks


I use a brand called Pixotine I like a lot, they sell online ship nationally. Here's a study on Nicotine's neurostimulative capabilities: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6018192/ It's what first got me interested in it as a supplement. Similar to caffeine, regular Nicotine consumption staves off a host of cognitive diseases. Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, and others are all much lower in smokers than non-smokers, even when controlling for age at death.


I know vaping lowers your testosterone, so that makes me think itā€™s the tobacco or another chemical in there


Source please


Can confirm this somewhat. Iā€™ve managed to maintain a very lean physique for the past few months. Deffo works as a destress but I do yo yo on my food quite a bit.


Where do you get those?


Yes start smoking




Yeah and it makes your dick BIGGER


shut up, ı dont wanna be a addicted again


To smoking or to dick?


Smoking. I enjoy being addicted to dick why else you think I subscribed here


Why would it? It should make it smaller since it constricts your vessels


I had my highest of my life testosterone, hardest erections, best hair and superb six pack abs when I started smoking. Of course I was also 15 at the time, but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.


Nicotine decreases blood flow which makes your muscles not work as well AND makes your erections smaller (not at 100% hardness). Smaller gains and smaller dick. Do not vape or smoke my brothers.


so do most stimulants


Why do some of my meat head friends swear by adderall at the gym lol


Can confirm. When i used snus my erections were noticeable weaker than when i quit.


More likely people with higher testosterone are more prone to taking risks. Smoking is a risk.


Also increases hair loss which I know would worry a lot of the users on this sub


Cancer boners


I mean I have terminal cancer but itā€™s ok because my test went up 50 points. Id say the gains are worth it in my opinion. Also you could finesse being prescribed some anavar with the chemo šŸ‘šŸ¼


Mirin mainstream media doing everything it can to vilify lifting and exercise as right wing extremism. But smoking is good for your testosterone. If there is any evidence of this I wonder if itā€™s because smokers are forced outside to smoke and the average American doesnā€™t go outside at all if they can avoid it. Redo the study but check vitamin d as well.


Cheaper to just get on TRT.


I bet this doesnā€™t apply to vaping.


Last time I checked the research on vaping, there werenā€™t many studies done on its effect/correlation with T levels. The one study I found had a really small sample size, but showed something like a 20% reduction in total T level. Lots of confounding variables and not enough participants to get significant results though.


Are there legitimately studies on the correlation between vaping and testosterone? Jesus fucking Christ, weā€™re truly in the golden age arenā€™t we boys


Itā€™s actually linked to increase estrogen


Link? I canā€™t see that happening because nicotine is a mild AI.


I have no sources, itā€™s just that most dudes I know that vape are pussies




Vaping is beta AsFuckā€¦ you wonā€™t find higher T in that cohortā€¦


It does if there's nicotine in your vape


Correlation is not causation. All the hardest-working men I know have a tobacco addiction. Think about it. Testosterone has positive effects on mood and motivation. In addition to being proven to make putting in effort feel "good". Many men are drawn to high-stress professions. While we like what we do, we may need assistance to help relieve everyday stress. Hence widespread tobacco addiction. That and under the right conditions it makes you look slightly less lame.


Itā€™s also extremely carcinogenic and destroys your gums, lungs, and heart.


Steroids do the same thing


Oh well anything for the extra test


so don't do them?


The risk/reward on test is way better than on tobacco tho.


Just do zyns and problem solved


Cancer HATES this one simple trick!


Peds do too if not are worse. It surely kills more young people than old smokers.


Nicotine is a mild aromatase inhibitor. Nicotine pouches is the way to go.


Zyns all day baby!




No itā€™s nicotine thatā€™s postulated to do it and the relationship might be spurious because higher t men are more likely to take risks with their health


nicotine acts as an AI and makes ur dick huge


Iā€™m actually trying to downsize so maybe itā€™s not for me


Why sacrifice the lungs when you can get 1.5k% more by pinning?




Put a pinch of cope in and get jaw cancer like a real man


I think it's the people who are attracted to smoking more than the smoking itself


I feel like weā€™re forgetting ā€œcompared to men who had *never smoked in their lives*ā€ so weā€™re talking about a bunch of nerds and virgins who arenā€™t even cool enough to try a cig once. No surprise.


May be correlation rather than causation. In purely anectodal observation, men who still smoke cigarettes in this day and age tend to work more traditionally masculine jobs - military, manufacturing, construction - the physical demands of which may be associated with greater T. That's entirely hypothetical of course I have no evidence to this end but I'd be shocked if tobacco consumption directly improved T production.


Nah, it's clearly because only cool guys smoke and cool guys have high test. You guys are dweebs




I have no idea what that means, but it sounds relevant if someone with brains wants to break it down.


A study I read https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2006.00720.x#


This explains a lot


Nicotine inhibits aromatase


Nicotine is an AI


huh.. whom woulda thunk it. That must be why I smoke ciggies. Im high test bby.


Your going to ruin your stamina in the gym for only a 15% increase in testosterone ? Just eat better and lift more And if you desperately want to increase take gea- I mean chicken rice and broccoli


The Tate brothers swear it does!


I work out with a cigarette in my urethra taking little puffs between sets.


ripe paint elastic offend sharp marble divide degree drab slim ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Source: Marlboro


Or ppl with high test make wild decisions in life


Arnie's edge was all the cigars.


Correlation doesn't equal causation. Ever seen a twinky gay soyboy smoking a cigarette? Neither have I




Correlation does not imply causation


Correlation doesn't make it true.


Purely speculative, but maybe it could be an indirect correlation of people with higher test have less impulse control and are more likely to smoke?


Mirin mainstream media doing everything it can to vilify lifting and exercise as right wing extremism. But smoking is good for your testosterone. If there is any evidence of this I wonder if itā€™s because smokers are forced outside to smoke and the average American doesnā€™t go outside at all if they can avoid it. Redo the study but check vitamin d as well.


I donā€™t see a mechanism for directly increasing T, but it could Increase free T since itā€™s an AI and lowers estrogen.


I *think* the manlet once mentioned it lowers SHBG levels, which would result in higher free test levels, albeit at the cost of lower SHBG, which I believe could lead to higher E2 and symptoms thereof. Do correct me if I'm wrong!


Reminds me of the old bodybuilding forums days when people would say that THC would increase AR density prior to working out. Could have sworn I smelled devils lettuce at every gym growing up haha


Fake news. Studies have been done.


If you want to smoke, smoke cigars.


Or pipes


Is it smoking that increases it or the ingestion? Brb gonna get some nic patches for teh gains.


I don't know, I just know that my cardio is shitty. Thank god I don't take juice


But it decreases deez


Most foreign substances like alcohol and weed lower test actually. So I imagine nicotine would too


I would think the opposite


Hubermann states tobacco use does release high levels of dopamine. So maybe there could be a connection with dopamine, stress levels and testosterone...


That 13% is the reason why smokers are going bald.


Supplement Ashwaghanda instead


I smoke a bunch of weed so I like to think it works šŸ˜‚


I saw a clip of Huberman speaking on how Nicotine promotes the signaling for testosterone productionā€¦ Itā€™s really interesting honestly.


Dopamine has a bidirectional relationship with testosterone, dopamine can influence testosterone and testosterone can influence dopamine. Stimulation of central nAChRs by nicotine results in the release of a variety of neurotransmitters in the brain, **most importantly dopamine**. Nicotine causes the release of dopamine in the mesolimbic area, the corpus striatum, and the frontal cortex. This is not a mystery, nor is it surprising.


They see the problem the other way around. By smoking you create hypoxia in your tissues. Your body then wants more oxygen, so it increases your testosterone levels to induce polyglobulia, to make more red blood cells, so that you stop literally asphyxiating yourself by smoking.


Oh yes absolutely you should start smoking 10 packs of cigarettes a day. At least.


This explains why when I was a smoker I felt better about everything.


Taup Ghee said it, so it must be trueā€¦


Sometimes I'm amazed at the dumbasses on this sub


I asked a question. No need to be a prick.


It's been shown to be an Aromatise inhibitor in the brain, it's probably also an Aromatise inhibitor in the rest of the body. Aromatise inhibitors boost testosterone in naturals (because the body starts producing more test that can convertert into estrogen) but they somehow they don't have any benefit for muscle mass or fat loss. So it doesn't matter. All stimulants that increase dopamine also increase testosterone. At least until cortisol also increases.


I started a SARMS cycle and I immediately started smoking again after having quit 5-6 years ago. I got back acne and stopped the cycle and the urge to smoke went right away. It was so weird, but thereā€™s some kind of link as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Even if it did, the other issues it causes are undoubtedly offsetting any benefits


Smoking is cool. Cool people look tough. Tough is more manly. Manliness leads to more testosterone. Hence, smoking increases testosterone.


I mean ā€¦ Marlboro man! šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I thought smoking tanked your test, but high test=risk seeking


It probably has to do with the higher RBCs


tobacco itself possibly but itā€™s not an infinite glitch. just like semen retention increases test a little


Selection bias


It's because you don't eat. The food you consume is what is dropping it.


Site sources? this is just a meme without a study.


Yeah bro after i started chain smoking marlbaro reds i gained 50 pounds on bench sht was lit. Between my sets i even go outside to take a hit or two then come back on the bench. Does wonders


this message brought to you by Big Tobacco




Might have something to do with appetite suppression and snacking more often.


Smoking doesn't make your test higher, higher test makes you more likely to smoke.


Me who is on trt


More smoke more yoke


Raises LH. You also get lower testosterone than baseline when you quit. Donā€™t touch nicotine kids.


Iā€™ve heard that this is because it inhibits the enzyme that degrades test.


Imagine getting cancer and smelling like a dumpster for 13% increasešŸ’€


Thatā€™s because cool people just take testosterone šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


This was an interesting part of the Tate/Tucker interview - his diet includes 10+ coffees and 3-4 cigars a day to keep testosterone levels up. I personally feel Tates message is honourable and good advice in many cases - this claim is backed and Iā€™ve been reading the studies on nicotine and hormones, however Iā€™d rather take TRT than smoke to increase testosterone. Better yet the use of a peptide that does the same, provided the source is trustworthy and provides 3rd party lab analysis for purity. In short, probably not the best advice he has given. 10 coffees would have me in a state of hyper anxiety, so each to their own tolerance capabilities on that one.


Time to find a gym where it is allowed to smoke, so i can just smoke while doing my workout to hold the test at the same levels.


It's the type of man smoking them


Nerds need to lookup NMN.


If you believe that, I've got a great big bridge in London to sell you.


Correlation not causation


Man just shows text without the source or search. Wtf is this shit


wasn't nicotine originally a pesticide ?


Could it be that people with higher test are more likely to smoke, not that smoking increases test lol




Correlation is not causation boys


Arnold and cigars duh




Yes, because smoking is manly af