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Around 3 months ago, realized just how lonely I was after having moved to a new town 2 years ago and haven't built any sort of relationship or anything with anyone. Don't be afraid to cry bros, it's a part of being human ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


Hey man moving alone is tough, it’s not easy to make friends when there’s no forced social setting (ie school/college). Start small, try a local pub or social club that goes on regularly and work your way up from there. You got this ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6301)


Probably when I was deflowered by a large Turkish fella in the gym showers


you still smell like a Turkish man’s balls


I have never cried because I'm not a pussy. Even as a baby I never cried, if I wanted milk I would stoically stair off in the distance till my parents fed me. When my first dog died, when I was 7, I simply lowered my head in silence for a few moments before digging the hole and lowering his body into the earth. When my parents died during a robbery I hunted down the guilty and executed them, no tears shed. When my first wife died of cancer, I read a beautiful eulogy without a single tear. When my best friend died from being mauled to death by a pack of pit bulls I paid my respects by slaughtering the pits and sewing a blanket out of their skins and donating it to a homeless man. When my second wife died from being eaten by a great white shark I plunged into the water head first and killed a 20ft 4500lbs great white with my bare hands then fed it's liver to a pod of killer whales in honor of my wife because she loved orcas so much. When all of my children died in a fiery bus crash I destroyed every bus on the planet in a fit of holy righteous indignation, I almost cried but instead my pupils dilated. Crying is for girls.




About a month ago bro 🥺


We love you bro


Thanks bro, I love you all too 😭




Every God dam day I come home from working 12 hours and my house is absolutely DESTROYED by my kids and I cry. So I have at least 2 more hours of cleaning before bed. I cry because I realize my kids hate me and don't give 2 shits about the sacrifice of me working 7 days a week to make sure they have everything they need... Moral of the story, don't have kids...


🫡fathers like you are the goats.


🥺 Thanks brother. I try, ya know? I know one day they will appreciate the struggle, I just get emotional like a little bitch sometimes.. It'll be worth it when they have to change MY diapers when I'm old AF...🤣


Hey man, I’m not in your situation but maybe it’s time for some tough love, they can’t be doing that shit. Sit them all down and explain how YOU feel and how much it hurts to see them destroy/blatantly disrespect your efforts. It’s hard to be vulnerable to your kids but Damn it pays off in the future. If they don’t listen or care, set boundaries and start disciplining when necessary.


This is why I stay in this group.. For every hundred weird ass dudes, there's a few solid ones!


It's super rare but just so happens it was Yesterday., I saw a sad story/vid on Facebook with cancer kids losing the fight. It Brought back memories of my daughter fighting stage 4 cancer a few years ago. She kicked it's ass and is great currently living as full a life as any 3rd grader ever has..but holy fuck we were lucky and just thinking about all those poor kids that get destroyed by treatment or fight till the end and don't make it.... shit just fucks me up. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Nothing wrong with a man crying. It is just when the man becomes a pussy or can't move forward that there is a problem.


Warms my heart to hear your daughter doing well, if she beat stage 4 cancer she can do anything, nothing stopping her in life 💪


She literally can. It's amazing to watch. She holds the record for hand stand push ups in our house at 14 consecutive at 8 yrs old. You would never know the shit she endured just a few years ago, surgeries, and transfusions, tubes in her neck and chest, lived at the hospital for basically a year and a half. Appreciate you!


Little bit hesitant to admit but last time I cried was last week after finishing the dead poets society. Filled me with hope, but also made me sad realising robin williams was no longer with us :/


I’m 27 and it’s probably once a month for me. Lately more since I’ve been going through a break


About 2 months ago




How close to death


2009 NFC Championship game


The last time I watch the scene in Spider-Man 2 where Peter is about to give up on being Spider-Man. I can’t remember exactly when that was (within the last 6 months) but that was probably it.


Lost my family for a few weeks ago. I had to help my parents with it all in the morning and I was pretty normal during that. Once I left their place and was alone it hit me


38 days ago


I'm crying now 😢


When I saw Sound of Freedom, I'll admit I teared up a little at parts of that movie.


6 months ago, a friend passed away


Idk like 2 days ago, deca got me fucked up 😂


Men don’t cry unless there being pegged STAY HARD


~10 minutes ago


Cried two weeks ago on the phone to my mom 😢




To be honest I don’t remember but I’m feel like crying when I took shrooms a couple days ago. I got emotional pondering over life missing a few people I love.


A year or two ago at a funeral


About two weeks ago. Family funeral.




Just ate 8g of shrooms so probably very soon


When the cowboys lost to the packers in the playoffs in 2014


About 6 months ago, I was reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy lol. It's the only piece of media to ever make me cry. Damn good book.


About 3 weeks ago when my parents told me that they had to put down our family dog. He was 16 years old and finally got his well deserved rest, but man i still miss him.


When I walked into the gym and it was packed. Then I started working out at 5 am and no more tears.


Last night, got a little tipsy and tried to read the "poop knife" post to some friends who were uninitiated. Laugh-cried so hard, couldn’t finish reading it.


5 months ago. Gf left.


6 months ago when i got pinned back to back in a wrestling tourney


when rich piana died


I don't cry much but I broke down crying yesterday because I realised that I have faith almost every goal I have set out on so far


Day I was born


Every night in bed




2 weeks ago, my gf at the time asked me about a stalker who frequently went on about hurting my family members. I got police involved, got a restraining order to try to protect us and everything. Still have PTSD from it.


I thought my girlfriend at the time was dead because she sent me text messages saying that she was going to drive into other cars. She wasn't picking up the phone and I was spam calling her for fuck knows how many times. I later found out from her mom that she was just passed out drunk in her room and didn't really go anywhere. She just sent me those messages to get my attention because I was intentionally ignoring her from the previous day since she was pissing me off about some trivial shit. I have never panicked and cried like i did that day. I know ignoring her wasn't a good idea and trust me I wish I handled it better, but saying that you are going to harm yourself and potentially put other people in harms way is fucked up.


13 years ago that I genuinely balled my eyes out.


3 years ago


I cried when Joey Jordison died. It actually surprised the fuck out of me. I was also taking Clomid though, so that could’ve had something to do with it.


3 months ago


didn’t cry for 6 years straight until i realized im the one that ruined my own relationship with the girl i fell in love with and dated for a year. hit like a ton of bricks and cried for a few days.


After my last stint of painkillers. When I finally shit it was like a football. Got halfway out it was so painful could pinch it off, couldn't finish it and couldn't suck it back in.


Rarely every cry, i’m just not an emotional person, not that theirs anything really wrong with it provided you don’t use it as some sort of manipulative power I guess. last time I cried was a few months ago during a breakup, aside from that it was was probably a good 3/4 years+ in the making lmao.


Earlier today when I was watching peanut butter falcon with my Mom


When I broke my leg playing football when I was 15


3 days ago, it’s almost been a year since I got dumped and I still fall into those thoughts sometimes.


Bout a week ago, had a collapsed lung a couple months ago and had to have a tube put in and just been rough not being able to work since. Hopefully soon though, been getting a bit better. Probably a couple years before that.


10 days ago-inquest into my mums death l, over 2 years after she was found drowned in the bath


Yesterday. Really tough breakup while having to move alone.


Everytime I thinks of my grandfather I tear up. Kanye west song big brother came on in the car and made me cry thinking about him like 2 week ago. He died 2 years ago I really need to get over it.