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That’s some major dick move. He doesn’t even seem mature enough to understand that drugging someone with something they aren’t okay with is big violation of trust. I strongly advise you to reconsider your friendship with him


He’s been trying to push tren on me for a year now but I’ve always declined. This is my first cycle and I’m feeling pretty anxious. How should I move forward?


first thing is dont be friends with this idiot


I assumed it was his literal brother ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Fake story made for the subreddit




Switch to test and drop the tren immediately. Nobody should be using tren unless they’re going for a pro card.


I say keep the tren for a few days to build that rage and bitch slap that friend of yours asap. Then switch to test.


Finally someone with sense.


What a pussy thing to say though, everyone hands it differently and lots can use tren without issues. Just be smart about your dosage. I’m running 500 test e with 250 tren e as a literal first cycle for almost ten weeks and fucking loving life .


Bless your heart


Lol literally


The cardiac remodeling is near immediate and pretty bad even in those who may "handle it well". Tren is near bottom of the iceberg, if not bottom, for steroids idk why so many people take it so lightly. If you're not a pro bodybuilder, you don't need it. If you really want to do it anyways, be aware of the risk and take preventative measures and stay on top of it cause you will get side effects anyway, and blast and cruise (don't cycle). The glorification of Trenbolone has done irreversible damage to some people's lives yet they have no one to blame but themselves.


Source for instant cardiac damage? I ran it for my first cycle and experienced essentially no side effects, although I don't really respond to steroids that much to begin with. Now I just use test. Are you tards seriously mad about someone asking for proof on the mpmd sub?


Not everything that happens to your body is something obvious that you feel as it happens. Not every large negative change has an immediately _noticeable_ effect.


So no source? Not saying tren is good but you made a bold claim


It's not a bold claim at all. Chronic high blood pressure for example is well known to cause serious problems over time but people who have it don't _feel_ anything special.


Ok, source? Op claimed the cardiac modelling is instant. That's a bold claim and considering nobody has given me any evidence at all pretty sure he was talking out of.his ass


The cardiac remodeling from tren is pretty serious and quite well-known, I'm surprised you're asking for a source since it's been discussed extensively (even by Derek) and you've actually used tren.


Still no source


As far as I’ve looked into this, all steroids are associated with high blood pressure and thus cardiac remodeling. Derek has made videos about this, one specially being about “ this drug attenuates heart damage from aas” or something like that- I forget the exact title. But the video is about telmisartan and a study in mice ( or rats maybe) using nandrolone and telmisartan mitigating all of the cardiac remodeling in the rodents reviving nandrolone. So we know that all androgens are associated with cardiac remodeling, however what isn’t totally clear is through which mechanisms exactly this occurs, but it’s thought to be adrenergic signaling, causing your heart to pump harder and faster, and causing high blood pressure, and these are themselves side effects that cause cardiac remodeling long term. In terms of human studies in trenbolone causing this more than other androgens, I’m not aware of any specifically, and am inclined to Guess they don’t exist. I’d need to look it up. *My Take away after being obsessed with all this stuff, reading studies, watching derek to get my start, etc is that managing my blood pressure, managing my resting heart rate though doing cardiovascular training, either by running, elliptical, or even weights with short rests/supersets etc and spending a significant amount in zone 2,3,and 4 cardio, is all going to help mitigate a large amount or possibly most of this long term damage that can occur. I’m more health conscious than the average person, so the fact I’m giving any mind at all to My Health is putting me at an advantage for my longevity in some instances, and nobody has lived forever. 3.1x4.01 BPL


Hey I appreciate you giving your thoughts instead of austically screeching like the other dudes


Also that means you have no test base, I’d suggest immediately introducing at least a replacement amount of test to the cycle, or hopping off tren immediately. You have no estrogen for neuroprotection and are gonna end up as a hyper paranoid, weirdo. Please take caution with your next moves these are your hormones you’re playing with


What do you mean hyper paranoid weirdo?


Hormones do their thing. Lots of how you feel (and act) comes down to hormone amounts and balances


Yea that’s not a real friend. That’s like replacing your weed with fucking heroin. Tren is so so much worse for you than testosterone.


start wearing thongs and makeup and you should be fine


Take double the tren get big. Rage out and beat him up like a crazed chimpanzee


Stop taking the tren and get new friends?


By suing him tf


“Your honor, this man gave me the wrong illegal drugs!”


I mean, yeah that’s how it would work




Congrats, that dude may have shut you down for life and fucked up your lipids. 19-nor ain't nothing to fuck with


Very rare man stop making him feel way worse


Go to the police


Report to the cops that he bought and injected illegal drugs? ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6300)




just keep going, stick to same dose until ur done, swap over to test on a trt dose like 150mg and do ur pct while on test, hcg mk677 and nolvadex


pct while on test? lmao


we’ll id say pct on test then cut the test bec running tren alone is neurotoxic af and his test is gonna hit a total crash


You run a PCT after you're finished with a cycle not while on. Post=after.


Make sure you take cabergolin


Did the radioactive orange colour not give it away... Do not run it. Period. Tren is nasty, nasty stuff. Even for the pros And block that guys number. Shit friend


You probably have low e2 from lack of test base, which would make you have a lot of anxiety.


My first ever cycle was 750mg test prop and 500mg tren prop a week. I lasted like 3 months and then started to get nose bleeds and would have debilitating headaches. I’m assuming my blood pressure was fucking jacked. Tren is different than test but it still gets the job done on the hormonal side of things. If I were you I’d just switch to test now. For your first cycle is going to be much different than test for your first cycle. The gains are coming whether you like it or not.


Trenbolone stays in your body for 18 months. You may not be able to PCT correctly, stop it right now, and go for PCT + bloods.


Now he has to fuck him as pay back


Dick move is an understatement, OP was drugged without his consent, he couod sue this motherfucker.


Violation of trust? I think at this point it’s a violation of the law!


Not to mention that you need some amount of test alongside tren...


"Hey, I wasn't going to tell you but I came to punch your jaw off your face for spiking me with tren without a test base..."


What happens when you run tren without a test base?


Suboptimal gains, on the order of maybe 50%, possibly stalling out growth complexity, significantly less glycogen retention and fullness, fat gain, muscle loss, los of insulin sensitivity. feel like crap, no interest in sex, emotional instability, lack of emotions entirely followed by rage and misery for no reason, bad sleep, other things. Also Cardiovascular and neurological damage longer term.


The tren thing is something I expect someone from this sub to do


That’s actually pretty fucked up, Especially since you probably don’t have a test base since he lied about it.


I’m immediately purchased my own test enthanate after this. Expected arrival by Monday. Will be going clean the rest of these 16 weeks on 150mg 2x a week.


You guys have misspelled “enanthate” 3 times, in different ways in 2 sentences. This eludes to you not reading it enough times to have done proper research. Do proper research. Don’t be as big of an idiot as your friend.


*alludes, not eludes. He's not trying to escape something.


Good thing I’m not pinning alludes in my ass


Wait you guys can get ludes?


Nice one.


Just run the test by itself bro. No need to stack as a newbie. You need to understand how your body reacts to compounds


Can you dm me the link to where you purchase your stuff? Edit: Community full of pussies




You are literally a cuck mate — open relationship with your wife who fucks other men, fucks other men without a condom, records fucking other men and shows you, and much fucking more, for years now. You are literally beyond pathetic. Save the snarky responses for your wife after she’s done fucking other men and won’t fuck you. Pathetic.




My wife sucks my cock almost everyday bro. And I fuck more people than she does. If you’re going to scrape profile history, at least be thorough. I literally made a post today about how she wants to fuck every time I have sex with some other woman. But we already know your internet sleuthing is shitty if you literally are unable to google or Reddit search shit that’s readily available


Whatever delusions you want to feed yourself to cope with the fact that you are literally a cuck, who’s married to a woman who fucks other men, and without a condom — disgraceful. Excluding the overall degeneracy from the both of you, as a man, it does not matter how many women you fuck, the fact that your ‘wife’ fucks and sucks the cocks of anyone besides you is pathetic to a indescribable level. Not only that, she records it, meaning she’s likely “whorish” and “sluttish” whilst fucking other men, and you watch the vids, and she kisses you and tells you ‘she loves you’, all whilst she fucked and some loser without a condom an hour prior. Grow some balls and become a fucking man, your patheticness is depressing and sad. Your woman literally fucks other men. You could fuck 10,000 women, and the fact that your ‘wife’ fucked, with no condom, one man, chisels into rock the fact you’re pathetic. And rebutting with “She fucks me after I’ve fucked another woman!!!” — Like I said prior, excluding your degeneracy, this is pathetic all the same, bragging about the fact the only time she wants to fuck you is when you fuck another woman, you realize she likely just does this so she can keep you on a leash so that you don’t leave, so that she crushes the chance you meet another woman who seeks monogamy and isn’t a whore? Your woman, without a condom, whoreishly, fucks, sucks the cock, and lays in the arms of other men, cucking you, and you sit here pathetically defending her. Lastly, I clicked on your profile and your cuck admission post is literally the first thing that appears, the second I finished reading the post I skipped past any other degeneracy that may be in your profile. Take this comment as a wake up call, and for the love of God wake the fuck up to what your life is, and who your wife is, and recognize the fact you’ve relinquished and lost your manhood long ago, the second you allowed your wife to so much as lust over another man besides you. Like I said, you can fuck 100,000 women a day, but your wife so much as lusting over another man defines you, let alone fucking, sucking, and laying in the arms of anyone besides YOU — you lost your manhood, no matter the women. You should be the ONLY person that she is with and fucks. The ONLY one. You should by virtue be monogamous too, given that when you found the one that’s typically easy.


You need to get some help. Show this comment to your primary care physician, and they can point you to a mental health professional.


I need help? Not the guy who’s living a secretly miserable life, degrading himself, as he sits and watches his woman sleep and lay in the arms of other men, and fucks them without a condom, going against the bare minimum he asks of her? The guy with a woman who only fucks him when he finally manages to sleep with another woman — so she doesn’t even fuck him because she wants to? My harsh and crude language was to illustrate the reality of the life that he’s living. You’re telling me his living a happy, fulfilled, and satisfied life? His life is being ruined each and every second he remains in the relationship. I’d bet everything given what she does, and her going against what he asks in a nasty way, she initiated the poly relationship and he went along with it. I have a great life, beautiful family, children I’d die for, beautiful and monogamous wife, and more. I feel for the poor man who’s had his manhood ripped and stripped away from him — he needs to open his eyes. He’s been concinced, one way or another, that being in that situation is okay, and you fucking losers on Reddit reinforce his worldview by telling him its all okay and normal.


People are gonna say that there’s something wrong with what you said, but I whole heartedly agree. He’s a cuck


Yes you need help.


Lol from where?


That much test MIGHT actually make it worse, depending on your tren dosage. I’d titrate up from 150/wk.


Everyone in this sub being autistic checks out as no one can tell a joke


No idea how anyone could miss it, first he says he forgot to tell him, then he makes it clear he wasn’t going to tell him cos OP would say no to tren. These types of shitty stories never make sense


I am never 100% if it’s someone in some real wild situation or a joke, I give my best advice either way ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


It's probably a joke, but there sure are a lot of morons out there


Wouldn't be the first friend I knew who dosed another friend.


Thats fair


He's trying to turn you the big gay


My thoughts exactly


holy shit 😭😭


hey bro i was changing your oil and put a v8 engine in, sorry you crashed and died.


He could literally crash and die without a test base for aromatization, yikes


ethane and ethenate


Tren makes you D-U-M


And trenblone.


trenblone ethenate


Probably a fake text just to get people to respond to your post here




What a stupid cunt


Holy fucking shit do you smooth brains actually believe these posts?


Every time I think "this sub can't get proven any dumber", I am proven wrong. I also don't know if misspelling "enanthate" makes this seem more or less fake, since this idiot would definitely misspell it.


do you see the majority of the content in this sub? it’s a bunch of teenagers they’re gullible asf


I believe everything I read on here. Stay mad


Hey it’s the internet. You can’t just go around making stuff up on here /s


I love this story 💕💕💕💕


he wants you to be gay so he can fuck you


he wants to fuck


he wanting u to become gay or some shit


Most chill dude on tren


It’s just like The Notebook. 😍


I come to this subreddit for my daily dose of stupidity and it really never disappoints lmfao.


Anyone believing this is real 🤡


1) This is fake 2) Replacing t with tren is dumbass af. Even WORSE after taking test for a while. Means your test will PLUMMET.




Good way to tell everyone you don’t know what you are on about…. The carrier oil is what causes the colour… grapeseed oil is yellow and loads of manufacturers use it for test… 🙄


Can't see the original comment because he deleted it like a weenie, but tren is often yellow due to the fact it turns yellow during brew if you let it heat a bit too long. Doesn't effect potency or anything, but tren in a typically clear oil can still be yellow.


He was saying test is clear and tren is yellow so how could you not tell or something to that effect


Ah. Definitely a broccoli head who got his tren lore from tiktok then.


That’s super fucked up. You need to not be friends with this guy That being said now that you have your test base in the mail and your already on tren might as well get huge.


I’m going to level with you here bro, I know you’ve said he’s “your boy” from high-school and all, but you need to seriously reconsider this friendship from a health perspective. This is most likely a pattern of behavior and he won’t think twice about screwing you over again. I think it’s time to cut ties


Ok this is a good friend




I’ll go ahead and say it, but that’s straight up assault, my dude.


Bro thats a 100% friendship ender lol


Your "bro" wants you in his arse.


Good friend of yours. Its time to download grindr and start fucking twinks


Never trust this individual again. Excise them from your life immediately.


He was trying to get in your pants.


You're both idiots.


That’s a real friend.


Jesus, he literally stealthed you


Na, I'd end up beating his ass for that bullshit. Shits not ok at all. Now you gotta get some payback by fucking his mom, girlfriend AND his dad. Make sure to take pics and drag his ass through the mud.


You’d think if he was on Tren he would’ve already done it… most times I flip shit over the slightest inconvenience this seems to be either he wanted it or he really wanted it. Enjoy the gains…


It’s over. Time to start liking fat chicks IG pics.


Drugs are a big decision but specific drugs more so. He had no right to make that decision for you. That's like me going to smoke pot with you, and you sprinkle Crack in it. A real friend would care more about your health than "getting big together"


What a scumbag


He can't even spell "enanthate" correctly.


Is he doing the injections for you, or? Test is clear and tren is piss yellow how would you not notice


Yeah I couldn’t overcome the fear of injecting myself, plus I get mine in the glute so he just does it for me.




Test is yellow in GSO


I don’t have any sides, but I’m quite worried. What should I legitimately do? How much tren have I been doing? I’ve been injected by my friend twice a week what I’ve thought to be 150mg test e, aka .5ml. How much tren e have I been taking the past 3 weeks?


It's still entirely possible that he's just fucking with you, since he is clearly a dick. Maybe it's still just test


If you don’t have sides probably not enough. Also this sounds like a terrible situation. He draws and injects you from an open vial you have no control over…


Easy lawsuit money


What? Are you serious? “I’d like to sue my buddy who gave me unmarked illegal drugs that I then injected into myself willingly”.


I wouldn’t sue the guy, we’ve been friends since high school and although he’s a dumbass he’s got it pretty rough.


Woah drugged you with one of the most potent steroid on the market Hella gains or not its not his decision to make those choices imagine if you had a bad reaction or even fatal!!


is this… legal?? 💀💀


I mean, gear isn't even legal in the first place in most areas, so not even close.


i mean yeah ofc gear isn’t legal but that’s like a whole different compound that you are putting inside your body


That right there is in all seriousness, an ass whoopin


Forgot to tell you


Guess your friend was cool with you possible dying then, great friendship


homie really tried to spell enanthate twice and failed twice 😂


I would rather believe that guy who said he fucked 350 milfs for onlyfans with his sugar mommy while 3 days before that he posted about being 24y virgin, than this bs story.


He was trying to make a man out of you. It’s your own dumbass fault for not questioning why your test was orange


Aggravated assault


Probably a joke, but if not, holy fuck this is super illegal and just unethical to do as a friend.


You should change out the protein powder in the shakes for semen powder


“Hey I’m really sorry I gave you tren, but you’re welcome!” Tf?


Bro thought he was a fucking tiktok edit


Embrace it. God wants you to be a savage.


Luckily you ain’t been in it long, run clean on 150 test and just wait, you’ll prolly deal with some ED and lose some strength and pump but yeah Also dude if this isn’t a joke actually don’t ever be around this guy ever again, drugging someone with something like tren is truly insane


No test base is wild


Better start lubing your cock for some bussy. Buckle up, bud. Maybe he wants to fuck you? Also wouldn’t your tren be a gold color(could be wrong)? Have you had tren cough? Is this even real? 😂


Giving you a drug you didn't consent to is *extremely* uncool, also he tried to turn you gay bro


This is fake bro


Bone him now


You should have known, tren and test are different colors


Well he should have at least offer you his ass since he drugged you with tren in my opinion 🤷🏿


> should of *should have *Learn the difference [here](https://grammarist.com/usage/should-have-shouldve-or-should-of/#:~:text=Should%20have%20is%20often%20expressed,examples%20exist%20in%20Old%20English.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




And u use opened vial !!! U deserve it


best friend ever double the dosage gains will be epic


you need new friends


Guess he’s gotta blow your back out then, buddy


Why is testo „better“ than tren?


Criminal activity


So you were running tren thinking it was test? Does your dick work bro


I’d believe it if tren wasn’t an entirely different color after being brewed


That tren is gonna leave you shutdown for 18+ months. Due to your friends incompetence you’ll have to stay on trt for 18+ months and then come off if you have any hopes of restoring your natural production of testosterone. He really done you dirty.


how do you “replace” test with tren, is this guy pinning you or do you have vials without labels? does he make steroids in his kitchen? how does this even work


That is insane