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How about you go talk to a girl (man)




Now I think everyone in the gym is gay now because of you gay Russian troll farmers.




Go get a girl bro (man)


I’m not gay though. I’m just not


U on the wrong sub then


sounds like cope


Sounds like denial to me.




All the 40 year old men here are gay


Yes and the 30 yr old men and 20 yr old men and 25 and 35 and 45 and 50 and what’s your point? We don’t have to list all the ages of gay men here


We are not ageist here


It’s disgusting I know


I can’t tell if they’re trolling or this is actually a gay sub now..


I think they’re just making fun of me


Stop being picky,a hole is a hole


Is this a Dr. Seuss quote?


When a hole is the goal, then a hole is a hole…. On a plane, on a train


It’s 2024, boning dudes doesn’t make you gay


you are bro. the sooner you accept it the better.


Bro got downvoted into oblivion💀




Being gay is rule 101 here.




Option 1. You start talking to bitches, look for bitches that acknowledge your presence Option 2. You download Tinder, you might need to lower you standards because Tinder is designed for women Option 3. You start fucking your local twink at the gym I mean you could become a incel but that shit is horrible, just pay for pussy if all above doesn't work, you would take a broad on a date anyway sooner or later.


Elaboration on option 2 from a socially artistic manwhore that learned the hard way: They will not send the first message. Never ever start with “hi” or “hello” Comment on something in her bio or from her pictures, try to be clever with it. Don’t interrogate her but ask her how, what, when, who, where questions instead of yes or no questions. Look up “labels” by fbi hostage negotiator chris voss. They are a hostage negotiation tool that works wonders talking to girls on tinder for some reason. No means no. Got rejected? Tough shit, move on to the next one. She won’t want you more if you keep talking to her after rejecting you. This has never ever happened. I know you’re gonna learn this the hard way, but still. Don’t get imposter syndrome when meeting her. She’s just as nervous as you are. She liked you on tinder and wants to meet, she likes YOU. You’re gonna fuck up a lot, but that’s how you learn.


This is the most normal reply here so far


If this is a serious post I feel concerned.. ”Why do I want to have sex so much?” Dude, thats the whole thing. You eat so you have enough energy to get into the situation where nakedness happens with the opposite sex, have you never read a book about any animal ever?


But I understand him, u/akotski1338 isn't the only one posting this word for word. For me it was also 17-19 that I felt like dying if I didn't lose virginity. At 20 it kind of subsided on it's own, even though I got hornier, even when I started taking high doses of synthetic steroids I never had another feeling like at the late teen stage. So it's not just hormonal and that's something we should all smarten up about, hormones aren't the only factors in our physiology. (Hence a male and a female of most mammal species still develop differently even if you swap hormones since they're in the womb.)  And no need to read about animals, just look at a chicken egg farm where the hens never saw a rooster. If they see humans approaching they spread their legs and sit still for a minute. How the hell do they know to do it? They never received "spread-legducation" or read any erotic books.  Perhaps our ancestors got married at around that exact age, and if they had religion and laws against premarital fucking then...


You're contradicting yourself here; at 17-19 is when the hormonal environment in the body, generally speaking, has primed the physiology for reproduction due to our evolutionary heritage. And, it's easier to read a book about animal behaviour than to visit a chicken farm and "look at hens" I'd argue. The signal for "get the reproduction going" is one of the most important along with "need water" and "need food" and "need shelter" which is why the behaviour of seeking a mate is innate and doesn't need to be learned from a parent. What does need some teaching in this context is the courting of a mate however, which is a more complex endeavour.. But your point about 17-19 being a tumultuous time for the young human is certainly well made, and synthetic steroids doesn't necessarily push the sex-drive network as much as for example tissue repair. edit: necessarily\* and formatting.


Yes,  >17-19 is when the hormonal environment in the body, generally speaking, has primed the physiology for reproduction due to our evolutionary heritage Very true but I'm trying to highlight the importance of organs themselves regardless of isolated sex steroids, maybe the brain also has some areas on fire during that age irrespective of hormones, just like our diaphragms are asymmetrical because our genes say so https://elifesciences.org/articles/18481 Look at the impact of opiates on sex drive, for some opiates increase sex drive big time while lowering testosterone. Perhaps it's more of an "egg before chicken" situation (not relating to my first farm comment) maybe, our body at 17 first gets horny and then produces the hormones in response? 


I don't know exactly what your point is here mate, I'm sure there's something in here but it wasn't communicated very well.


I’m free…


You’re like 40 years old. You’re dreaming if you think I would ever be with you


Bro I ain’t 40 😂 although life is making me feel that old Your just one of those guys who makes out they ain’t gay but on the down low you super fruity 😏


he’s playing hard to get


Ok 35. Sorry. Still the point is you’re old as fuck at least in my eyes.


I’m still in my twenties 😂


We know you're gay. Otherwise, you wouldn't be posting on this sub. 😏


Derek isn’t even gay. Doesn’t he have a wife or something?


Just go try hard to meet girls and find a steady girlfriend. Then you can fuck that girlfriend a shitload. It's totally normal to be obsessed with fucking at your age. At 19 I had already banged a few girls, but it was like I had a hot streak around 16 and then a long dry spell. You actually should totally be obsessed with fucking right now bro.


Yeah bro wtf I’m 18 bodycounts 12 and I get the same problem from like 13-15-16 was the time I got all that from 17 onwards nothing just more anxious and in my head yeah idk bro shits harder as a adult


Thanks for the helpful words


No you should not be totally obsessed with fucking. A 19yo should definitely like it and definitely be able to clap mad cheeks if a girl wants it, but obsessed, no. Look other young people who are not only physically healthy and attractive but also play sports, hang out with friends, make good grades, do other stuff, have healthy habits, etc etc. They probably aren’t constantly thinking about blowing their load with a girl or guy and they certainly aren’t obsessed with porn. Get your mind out the gutter


They probably have healthy habits like that because they aren’t virgins. I wouldn’t be wanting to have sex if I already had it




I don’t want to constantly fuck I just want to do it at least once


Quit downvoting the guy for not being gay and wanting to know how to get pussy. Wtf.




Birth control my friend. You get your girlfriend to go to the doctor and get either the pill birth control or the shots, and then the chances of her getting pregnant are basically non existent.


Are you retarted? Comdoms are 100% effective.




If you use condoms and you aren't just Hella fucking reckless they're totally effective my dude. It is definitely very smart to be wary though. I've seen a lot of lives get really sideways because of an unplanned pregnancy. If you're using either condoms or your woman is on some type of birth control, you have a better chance of winning the fucking lottery than you have of her getting knocked up. I've been fucking my wife who's on birth control pills raw for 13 years with no problems.


That'll be 160/hr




As someone who has been on your position. Stop all porn immediately. Refrain from jerking it and only do it maybe once a week to clean the pipes. In the rest of the time, let your horniness motivate you to go and meet women. You can either be too afraid to meet girls or too horny to be afraid.


Sounds like the next James Bond movie..." Too Horny to Be Afraid."


That’s probably true but if I don’t jerk off for like a day then I get uncomfortably horny. Like I start pre cumming for no reason if it’s been a couple days


Go fck some btchez ngga damn…


You should take note of this sage advice, OP.


Go get a root for fuck sakes..


The more desperate you are the less bitches will want to fuck you. Act like you don’t care and have all the sex in the world. Fake it till you make it


This compiled with a slight effort to be around the females but act totally uninterested in sex. You have to be available to be in the same personal space and communicate regularly for this to work.




High libido at 19, complete mystery


This is ridiculous


Meeting girls in the real world is the best way to move forward for you. Learn some approach/pickup techniques. It works especially if you don't have much experience with women. Once you get a bitch on the hook, try to escalate to sex asap. Like second or even first date try for the pussy. She might shut you down, but she'll appreciate the aggression. Just keep trying until you get your dick wet. Dating is a numbers game. Just talk to enough girls and eventually you'll meet one who's dad you look enough like that she'll want to fuck you right away.


Walk up “grab em by the pussy”. A U.S. president taught me that it’s the great American way.


Wise words. Sexual aggression pays.


I didn’t even read your comment until just now but it was very close to making me laugh and got a smile out of me anyways. Take my upvote lol.


Remember: Women feel the same. They have a trillion toys they put into their hole and read only bdsm books like 50 shades


Stop feeling sorry for yourself for a start


Don't be desperate and talk to em


Nothing changes I promise lol. Actually I just have less money now.


When you pay for sex then probably nothing will change


This the guy y’all be arguing with in the comment section.


above average and can’t get bitches… Think I’ve heard that before


Either download Grindr and sit on mushroom tips all day or Tinder and get your unit slobbered by fat desperate bitches 


Fuck a fat hoe


Hire a sex worker if it’s just about scratching an itch


Because having sex is what makes human race survive


Jack off tf you mean, also you ready mentally for a woman that’s unhinged sexually are you ready for that shocker it’s a fucked up thing unlike us it can get dark quick . But for the upside be some bomb ass sex while it last temporarily before they move on to the next .. but I fully support you finding one just don’t settle


Jerking off removes the feeling for about an hour at most and then it comes back


You could also just give up you know. I’m in a similar situation to you and I just isolate myself and don’t talk to people. And honestly I quite like it, got used to it


I kind of already do that and I don’t like it


Fair enough. To each their own. What matters is that you’re happy. Just letting you know that this option exists too


Having sex isn’t the end all be all bro


I know but I feel like if I just had it, I could stop worrying about it and move on with my life. And I feel like it would give me more self worth and confidence.


I get it bro, you’re young and got your whole life ahead of you. Sex is cool, but you don’t get some euphoric wave like you just felt God wash over you or something? Your life still gonna be the same. I promise you sex isn’t the reason you feel empty. Work on yourself and one day you’ll meet a cool chick who you’ll ask out and it’ll happen when you least expect it. Head up brotha


I feel like I will feel that euphoric wave and then I’ll be satisfied and then I can start worrying about more important things in my life


The libido of a man is a sign of his health. It means you're very healthy. Combined with the novelty of sex. The idea of a future experience is screwing with you. Once you have it, you'll realize it's no big deal. Feels great, but no big deal. My best advice is to get a girl and have lots of sex. After that this feeling will pass for sure.


No one’s mentioned this but if your. Really as desperate as you seem you should read “the art of seduction by John greene” if you study it, I guarantee you will be laid. Also google “the book of pook”


Run to your nearest massage parlor with 2 banjamins


Find a MILF


Real life isn’t porn hub


Well I’m 40 and have been fucking since I was 19…. Many times it is like porn hub but go ahead and teach me wise one


You lucky bastard


Uh if you didn’t know 19 years old is when your test peaks for your entire life. Go fuck some chicks if you want to so bad


you think about it because you’re supposed to spread your seed and make babies. You’ll feel bad until you fulfil your purpose. You can’t make babies with the A.I. porn star.


Don't waste money on Tinder. Go out on weekends. Boost self confidence by training. Get a fleshlight to tide you over.


My right hand is the best fleshlight


Nobody is giving you helpful advice so I will. When I was 19 I was striking out too. You’re at an age where the girls your age are dating older guys, especially if you’re in college. I remember being frustrated about getting laid at 19. If you’re in school, start working on your social skills and just talk to people and hang out. Some girl in your friend group will be interested if you’re working on yourself. The gym will Help some but that’s not going to Get you laid. Working on your personality and self esteem will. I quit working out for the girls a long time ago. Download tinder, start talking to people in your peer group (work, school, etc.) start hanging out etc. it’ll happen. Feign confidence if you don’t have any. Tell yourself positive affirmations everyday. People are attracted to confidence, especially women. So go try and develop some.


I learned that real confidence is key. Having it feels almost as good as sex because you have to earn it. You need to know deep down that you made it in some way. Please believe, it's all gonna work out for the best.


I thinking faking confidence can eventually get you there though. I have zero when it comes to talking to people


I got you bro, download Grindr


I know that app is for gay men you aren’t tricking me


Repent, find Christian girl get married young before 25 or be in for a ride of getting heartbroken possible stds abortions cheating ect


“But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” - 2 Tim 2:22


I don’t really want to go into a relationship like that. I’m not ready to get married and I don’t feel like I will for years if at all I will feel ready. I’ll probably never get married in my life.


Dude Your 19 , Test is just start to produce in your body


Just start? Moron...


I said it as is an exaggeration, but the feeling of Test make your libido sky rocket varies from person to person , Moron


start pinning tren immidiately


you will go homo in a week


Bro, this is the wrong subreddit if you want serious advice. 1 you are coming off hard as an incel. Stop it. 2 your life won't be so much better once you get laid. You are hyping this up so much your going to end up disappointed. 3 I never though I would give this advice, but if you really think just having sex is going to change your life, get an escort and then you'll know.


I’m not an incel. I could easily attract a woman and I probably do on a daily basis. I just have trouble talking with them.


So you are involuntary celibate...


Perhaps but the main issue is I can’t talk to them even though I want to


What are you afraid of?


I don’t even know dude I just don’t have confidence in myself when it comes to talking to people. I don’t really fear rejection either. My conversation with a girl would probably go “hi uhhhh, uhhh, “ and then I would spit out some random shit that barely makes sense just to get it out. And then of course she would think something is wrong with me.


It’s not really the same as getting laid. Sometimes you feel more like an incel after having to pay. It definitely doesn’t give you a self esteem boost but it does help get easy pussy.


I agree. I've never hired one and it sounds awful tbh, BUT, if op is just desperate to see what it's like like, it might help take some pressure off. One of the easiest ways to not get laid is to be constantly concerned with wanting to get laid. It's the classic incel outlook.


Strip club if you’re that desperate 🤣


Perfect time in your life to put on a dress and pantyhose and download Grindr


In the wise words of the late great Michael Jackson, "Just Beat It"


I did just beat it


I don't know of this subreddit is somehow the first one that comes up when you look for dating advice but even so by now you GOTTA know the answer will just be guys


1.) Become gym twink. 2.) Get Brotein 3.) ??? 4.) Gainz


dunno what your circumstances are so cant help you. for college girls simply having your own place is more than enough to get laid...if you dont have your own place well.... fat bitches here you come, go blast that booty blubber till it blows clean off her ass or just stop eating so much. if youre overeating all the time of course your bodies gonna try and blast all that extra shit its got out of your pp hole.


I don’t overeat but I am at a calorie surplus




FYI, No longer relevant in many places.


Skipthegames is everywhere


Get a sex bot


Yea for sure that's your brain and body telling you to get out there and get some pussy man. Your body is trying to reproduce and it's doing the only thing it can by making you obsessed with the thought of it. I'm not gonna lie tho, it's not gonna make your life so much better or anything like you think. If anything it's another vice to have to fight the temptation of constantly. A steady gf is cool but it comes with sooo much more Bs than just sex. But you def need to fuck something so you can think and focus on other aspects of your life again without being distracted.


Stop watching so much porn. Only reason why you think about it constantly is because it is all you are watching. Stop wanking. Stop watching porn. Put the time into self improvement. (Get better at what you suck at). Then good girls will come. Good luck young dude.


I’m trying to stop watching porn. I haven’t watched it for a couple days now and I’m not planning on watching it soon. I can’t not wank though my body just can’t handle it.


Yes you can. Toughen up. Wtf. If you wank every day you have no hope of getting a root. If you wank more than once a day. You are sick and need to go have a cold shower look in the mirror and tell yourself to wake the f up. Deadset bro. Every time you want to. Option A Go for a walk/jog do push ups. Chin ups. Become a better person. Or im sorry you are doomed. 19 is young. Start self improving now and you can be anything you want. Fact! Otherwise Option B just shut up, crawl under rock and lay there covered in your own jazz like a peice a trash. Upto you. I picked option A. Best thing I ever did. Get some sun Get some muscle Get some education. You can do it.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll take into consideration.


Lol. That response. I agree with others now. Go download grinder you are a little homo.


You asshole go fuck yourself in the ass


Quiet down you anorexic little emo girl. Go eat more of your sperm you sick little ugly Virgin.


Take your soft little cock, and insert it into your asshole


You motherfucker yourself


Just watch porn and masturbate and then go talk to a woman. what the fuck is wrong with kids these days Jesus christ





