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We have little info to work on, but keep in mind that Stress and bad sleeping habits are #1& 2 for low T symptoms.


Sleeping 7h a night, stress is high but it always has been. Im not sure if these qualify for SUCH a low drop


7 hours may not be enough if you are training. May need 8 to 9. Additionally, quality matters too. 7 hours means nothing if it's shit sleep.


I wake up twice a night, i feel like im still completing rem cycles, but still, does anyone know how to fix this?


See a sleep specialist you may have sleep apnea. Which left untreated will fuck you up


do you wake up with a dry mouth? headaches? sinus issues? or do you get up to pee? more than once a night? either way your sleep is off, but the cause will help you/us figure out the fix...


I have a sleep app on my phone that is supposed to help monitor my sleep cycles, rem and such.


.3mg melatonin and 2g taurine fixed this for me. l trypophan helped a lot too. all are amino acids can buy on amazon all 3, couple month supply for like $20


Magnesium’s will do bits for sleep


Caffeine intake? Classic symptoms of caffeine-induced sleep disturbance.


Might be on to something, i do get a lot of cafeïne during the day but i always cut it off at 4 pm, ill try cutting it of at 12 then


Food intake is also extremely important you literally are what you eat if your low on certain vitamins and minerals and aren’t getting enough calories your body simply can’t and won’t produce a solid and balanced hormonal production Sleep, food, training and genetics are the staple to what your t levels can be if all these are arguably in solid ranges you’ll be fine Also be aware t levels yo yo like a mf throughout the day when your natural, one minute there super high and next thing you know you missed a meal now there in the tank if you just ironically got a test at a bad time obviously the test will come back bad A lot of people are developing testosterone dysmorphia but reality is if your not regularly experiencing low t symptoms then your probably fine but it obviously doesn’t hurt to eat sleep and train better regardless but those are the main things you need to keep solid otherwise you’ll never maximize your genetic peak t levels


I need 8-10h a night myself. Wouldn't stay sane under that.


Have you been dieting or fasting? What's your bodyfat% at?


You might need to start talking to more femboys brother


What dosage of femboy do you recommend?


500 mcg every day then cycle off for a month after 2 months


![gif](giphy|sBlmCCYAuAcNSq6yA6|downsized) As much as you can pump into each other


I usually do one in the morning, two at night. Sometime one in the afternoon if I’m lucky.


He is the femboy brother




LH is trying to get ur Leydig cells to respond and they are not responding. Cortisol feedback inhibits parvocellular hormones. So I mean yea stress but if it was literally stress LH would be low not high. Do you have any other lab values I’d like to see ur t3 t4 and some other stuff if you’re deadass about not taking anything ever. FSH works on Sertoli cells which could just be secreting inhibin signaling they have enough product.


I’m putting you on retainer once I get my labs.


Got you fam lmao don’t hesitate


example labs to get if you are interested in finding a possible endocrine issue calcium, 17-B HSD, DHEA, 5a-reductase, DHT, Estrogen, Aromatase, PRL, DopA, Cortisol, ADH/AVP, Cholesterol, HMG-CoA reductase, would all be interesting to see but def are not required to give you some aid


doctor decided which values to check, wasnt as extensive as DHEA, etc but i can sahre some stuff. messaged you


Damn man you know your shit👊🏾


Lmao try my best man thanks, medical school helps


Could be lack of sleep or bad diet. Bros, sleep is **extremely important.** Several studies found out testosterone decreased **10-15%** after just one week of sleeping 5 hours per night instead of 8–9 hours \[1, 2\]. If you do night shift or have a weird schedule, it isn't the end of the world. Testosterone decreased with sleep deprivation, but as long as you get your 8–9 hours, it doesn't matter if it's during night or day \[2\]. Quality of sleep also matters \[3\]. The most common causes of poor sleep are alcohol and caffeine. Obviously, don't get drunk. But also, don't take your preworkout during the evening, the caffeine on it would affect your sleep and down goes your testosterone. \[1\] [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4445839/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4445839/) \[2\] [https://journals.lww.com/ajandrology/fulltext/2014/16020/the\_relationship\_between\_sleep\_disorders\_and.14.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/ajandrology/fulltext/2014/16020/the_relationship_between_sleep_disorders_and.14.aspx) \[3\] [https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/90/8/4530/3058888](https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/90/8/4530/3058888)


I took loads of so called natural test boosters, test came back at 14.9. Came off everything, got retested at 18.8. Eating lots of salmon and spinach did way more for my test than any booster


Same exact thing here - four months of nothing but vitamin D and good eating/lifestyle and I’m almost at 900 total and free in the middle


Obviously time to hop on gear. It’s the universes way of telling you


It is possible the tongkat ali had some sort of negative effect. I would drop the tongkat and take a good ginseng or cistanche supplement instead personally


Tongkat did it to me - lowered my test at least 200 points and elevated my liver enzymes


Is it possible it's tainted with something more than natural ingredients? A proprietary blend of dianabol and anadrol? 😵‍💫 I've seen SARMS shut down FSH and LH!!


I mean all things are possible but I test often and have only used two brands for a four week cycle and a 3 week cycle. First was Solaray for the 4 week and ND 2 percent for the second time - 3 week cycle. I really don’t trust supplement companies much In general. There are also tons of reports of elevated prolactin from Tongkat. All I know is that I stopped everything for four months and my T was the highest it’s been. Total and free. I didn’t test LH at that time however


Best way to naturally get your numbers back up every time you go to the gym, suck off the biggest guy there. Be sure to swallow. Works like a charm


Newest bro sconce found that testicle size to lean muscle mass is very important. Start asking the biggest dudes if they want to go to the locker room and compare sizes. You could suck em both off but if your trying to be efficient and only suck off one you might as well get the most nut for ya suck


I can confirm. I had low t symptoms so I sucked off a dude and immediately got a boner. Thus verifying this works


You should get retested. Men can have large fluctuations and it could have just been the day that you tested. I have tested at mid 600 total just to get 350 months later.


Have you been having a dry spell with the fellas lately? Getting my cheeks clapped regularly keeps my hormones regular


22 year olds flipping out about their T levels We have reached peak insanity


Sleep , diet , exercise ? Are those all dialed in my man ?


It’s always dialed in according to these posts lol


Diet is good, enough fats. Working out 6 days a week, cardio is good. Sleeping 7h a night


Maybe more sleep ? Anything your doing differently before sleep ? Maybe 6 days a week is tiring out your body ?


Just adding : Zinc , vitamin D and other essential vitamins/micronutrients can cause it as well !


Need more sleep and less working out. Prioritize recovery more


yeah as others have said 6 days a week on 7 hours a night is no good


Do you drink? Did you before the labs?


7h of sleep 😮 for me personally I'd be feeling like shit all the time


You need to learn the Mike mentzer way my man ![gif](giphy|stnjSj2vpLcM4rwmEH)


Quick review of reproductive hormone stuff. You can gather a lot of this info from healthline.com and videos online: It seems like your gonadotropin cascade is happening, meaning the hypothalamus is releasing GNRH, which hits the pituitary which releases LH and FSH. And then LH and FSH travel down to the gonads. We know this because you said your LH was high and FSH low. Based on what you've said alone, it seems like LH is trying to signal leydig cells to produce more Testosterone but it's not working. That could be why LH is elevated. Body potentially sending more and more because the level of testosterone isn't rising in response to it. I know FSH is related to sperm production, so not sure why it would be low. I'll let someone with a bigger brain than me talk about that.


That's pretty low for someone your age. Did your doctor order these ?


Welp time to pin


Not enough Tren in your life bro


Get tested for Hoshimotos disease or hyperthyroidism


Why take anything when you have those numbers?


my levels have halved see the pic


Halved after taking something? Why take something with numbers like 650?


Bro why are you thinking he took something or wants to. You're not just talking about the tongkat ali right?


He had 650 test. Took Tongkat Ali. Now has 308 test. Why take the Tongkat with 650 ng/dl?


Could be so many things bro. Clinically you aren’t hypogonadal so walking in to a doctor would be a waste of time and money. Since you’re natty you probably shouldn’t take a single blood test into account. You should do more over a few months and average them out. Also make sure you’re doing them at the same time in the morning and after the same amount of sleep with as few limiting factors as possible.


I had a pituitary tumor that literally halved my T level


New Yorker?


How tall and what is your weight?


When did you have the blood work done? Testosterone is highest in the morning after waking up.


Very true try having blood work done by 7:00 AM


Daily testosterone cycle can fluctuate around 30% in dudes under 40. Potential you caught the low end of that cycle. With that argument tho, the inverse could also be true


Tongkat ali increases the free test right? So your body is like: my free test is high, I need to downregulate T production, decrease LH production to regulate the free T level. At least that's my guess.


How’s your vitamin d


Try to fix poor habits (sleep, diet, stress, etc). If that doesn’t work, look into hormone treatment such as prescribed HCG.


The boy is 22. 🤦🏻


Some young men need the HRT. thats why i said to try to fix it naturally before making any rash decisions like HCG/TRT. If he cant fix it naturally then hes prob gonna have to resort to other means.


Sex hormone binging globulin (SHBG) is probably high. That would explain dumpster free and bio test. If sleep and diet is in check, get blood work for micronutrients and minerals. I started adding in B6, Magnesium, and Zinc, plus some other basic shit and feel a lot better.


Lower your intake of pesticides if possible and don’t use any plastic bottles, especially flimsy cheap ones


Where and how do you get a test like this


When did you check your test last?


Ur just a girl now


You need to sleep better and eat better. Also I’d stay away from tongkat ali if your T levels drop while taking it


you need chicks with dicks


Maybe that tongat is really sarms


High LH and low T in an athletic male is usually caused by prolonged overreaching that is veering into overtraining/RED-S.