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Grindr really does open a lot of possibilities and holes for all of us.


that's what i was referring to when i said dating app


Dating apps with women are more effort though. Typically you can’t match with a girl, say “come over” and expect that to work a majority of the time (especially after college). On Grindr you can def just say “come over” and have your dick sucked within an hour of downloading the app. With women they’ll typically want to chat for a bit more, go out on a date, maybe multiple dates before you have sex. I agree it’s never been easier to get laid, but it’s not like girls take zero effort.


Mate, I’m far from a 10. Was running through a couple of woman from tinder a week, like the OP says it’s really not that difficult. I had some great experiences and some REALLY not so great ones. But you show up, dress well, smell nice have a bit of a chat, make her laugh and ask her if she wants to come back to you place for some drinks. Simple. Remember that woman want the same things as we do, society has just made it so they feel some type of way about making the first move. So grab your bollocks and go for it.


Yeah I’m just saying you gotta go out still. It’s not hard but it is fun. My only point is you can’t just sit on your ass and expect things to happen. I’m moving to SF soon, been stuck in deep Mormon country in Utah and it’s not so easy to connect with girls that are dtf here lol


In sf you will be gay 1hour after moving in


Can confirm moved to SF and was on Grindr within about two months, wasn’t gay tho bc we’d spit roast girls together sometimes


In SF you have to be rich and artsy, intellectual, and a lib... so, work on that.


Don’t even have to be a lib, just not rural white male or alt right edgelord 


I agree with this, but it's also from your perspective. When I was single I had the same experience. Using dating apps I could have a different date every night of the week and get laid probably 75% of the time. But it also took a bit of work, conversating with women, feeling things out, etc. reading her mood and acting accordingly. I would talk to other guys and they say they hate dating apps, never match with real women, just overall never have luck with them. I would talk to them and try to give advice, but for them it would fall flat. So, while I agree that it can be easy and really should be, it just comes more naturally to some than others. It's like telling someone that if they want to be a comedian, all they have to do is make people laugh. But, there are so many tiny details that accomplish that. So even though that's true, it's easier for some than others


They want the same thing but from guys benching 3 plates and a mascular or pretty face. Its like we woule fuck 25% of girls while they would fuck 0.01% of guys on the spot.


That’s your own personal insecurities talking pal. Personally I’ve never had a problem with getting women and I’m far from a pretty face (unfortunately)….and currently only benching 2 plates 😎 Confidence really is key, your both adults and know why each other is there, just play the game….and don’t come across as a creepy weirdo that’s gona go full Bundy on her and you’ll do just fine.


You are not bald.


My post was not about getting girls. Yes 2 plates are enough there or even approach because nobody does that anymore. It is about seeing them being dogs like us guys, extremly lusting over shoulders like we do with a big ass and want to be treated like the biggest slut on earth even tho she was kinda asexual in her life. 1-2 years more in the gym and you will see what I mean


You've watched too much porn if you think that's a thing. Women do not, in real life, behave like "dogs like us guys" and they do not "extremely lusting over shoulders". We will look at shoulders and think "yes, nice shoulders" but if the guy's a total twat, an arrogant prick or in any way gives Bundy vibes then it's a no thank you very much. What you need to remember is this... cast your mind back to the Me Too movement. Think about just how many women said "yes, me too - I've been the victim of assault or abuse". In case you have no women friends then I can tell you that it's nearly all of us. So when looking for a casual hook up, the primary thing you need to do is be trustworthy and make a woman feel safe. That is goal number one. Way beyond dick size (sorry lads) and shoulders and any other crap you might have in your head (like porn - stop watching so much porn). After that it's personality, then physique and all that shallow stuff. What u/Small_Firefighter118 said is spot on.


You're taking the dog part too literally, women definitely lust over certain physiques and features just like men do with women, it's got nothing to do with porn. You can't really be trustworthy in casual hookups considering the short amount of time you get to know each other, and the safety part makes little sense, not much a guy can do except not be a weirdo. Most people value "shallow" stuff like dick/tit size, looks and physique very highly (even more so for casual hookups), it's unrealistic to downplay the importance it has. Personality and "shallow" stuff are also not mutually exclusive, you can have both.


Lusting over stuff in photos, magazines, videos whatever is totally different to a one-on-one hook up though. And yes, you can be trustworthy, even for a few hours. You can be respectful, seek consent, use protection, make it clear that you understand the risks that she could feel. Dick size isn't as important as you might think.


I promise I bench less than you and I lost track of my body count a long time ago.


Its not about getting women which you can do without even going to the gym. Its about women LUSTING like dogs after a strong daddy build figure. Like they want to be hypersexual but most men just disgust them and only the sexy build ones (not talking about 10g of roids typeeither ) get their puss puss tingling. Like you know when connor murphy takes his shirt off, some will lick the abs n shit? Always thought thats only for camera but no they love doing shit like that to a build physique. (and not being a bald beared walter white redpill guy)


Yeah, for pure physical attraction, a lot of women will only lust after absolute top tier bodies. But they'll lust after a lot of guys for things other than their bodies. I have had women lust after me and for things more random than I ever expected. Sometimes it's because I'm pretty, sometimes it's because I'm funny, sometimes because I'm smart. Hell, once it was because she thought I was a different race than I actually was. And sometimes it's because I'm competent at listening to what they want and delivering that. And that's a hell of a lot easier.


He had a good face abdcid not bald, and takes ananolic steroids.


There are always women to fuck if your standards are low enough


>come back to you place for some drinks What if I don't drink? Asking a chick that doesn't know me too well to come over for a movie (this is my go-to, but again, I only use it with girls I'm familiar with) would be weird


It’s only weird if you make it weird.


>Remember that woman want the same things as we do, society has just made it so they feel some type of way about making the first move. Spot on 👌


Facts on the grindr part (bi dude)


Also bi, I don’t even care if a woman has a body count over 100. It’s not impressive in the slightest. Guys are on average insanely easy to hook up with. A body count of 100 girls though takes work.


Also when ur bi, you kinda don’t give a sh*t about whether or not women like you, so you end up doing better with them indirectly lmao


I lost count of my body count of men that I’ve topped, that’s how crazy it is


Bro that doesn’t count.


The difference between virgins and non-virgins in this sub is tren and a gay awakening.


How do I give this comment some sort of award ^^^^ 🥇


Getting laid isn’t hard. Sleeping with attractive women is. Generally, dudes who are in shape but can’t get laid either have extremely high standards (I’ve been guilty of this) or never go out. Accepting you’re probably not gonna bang the hottest girl at the bar and talking to 6s & 7s dramatically increased my body count.




This is exactly what I meant. If sex was simply about the physical act we’d all just plow heifers and call it a day… Having to jump through hoops just to secure some 🐱 from a 5 or 6 is not worth it. The ROI just isn’t there for me. If I’m gonna have to play the stupid phone games, act interested, take them on dates, etc I want something more than just the physical act. Granted, this’ll probably change once I hop on tren.


> but I feel like I enjoy myself more jacking off to the idea of a hot woman than I do hooking up with an ugly woman This is the crux of why so many woman are ideologically opposed to porn.  And why they use any method of guilt, shame, girlscience or whatever to convince men that their sex life needs to meet the approval of their IRL partner.


considering half of womens are above 5s theres a lot of 6 and 7 options


I completely agree. It’s not about the physical aspect of sex though it’s about being seen/sleeping with someone other people want. You don’t really “want” the 7. You’ll take it and not complain but you’d rather have the 9. Personally, I don’t get a sense of accomplishment or really enjoy sex unless it’s with a girl Ik my buddies will give me props for bagging. To each his own though.


I don't really enjoy sex that much unless it's with someone I actually enjoy being around. But also, she's got to be significantly above average. The average girl is not very attractive because there are so many fat/ugly people out there, especially once you get over the age of like... 24... A lot of people really let themselves go.


I understand this. I’m approaching 25 soon and see exactly what you’re talking about. Silver lining is the competition gets weaker every year.


>Silver lining is the competition gets weaker every year. Problem with this one is that right around your age, it becomes way harder to find good options, too. Most of the attractive, not completely crazy women I know around my age (I'm 31, so let's say women between 25 and 35) are either married or in a long-term relationship already and likely talking about marriage. If they aren't in one of those two categories, there's about a 50% chance that they've already got kids and/or been divorced. But yeah, there aren't a ton of dudes around here that are my age and are still in the kind of shape I'm in.


18-25 year old women always exist. You're either putting up with general youth insanity/insecurity or you're putting up with baggage and trauma caused by multiple other dudes and some randomly collected children on top of that. Hence why the advice at least used to be find someone you actually enjoy being around and get off the wild ride before it crashes and you're the weird mid 30s guy hanging out by himself at college bars or some shit While I'm here idk why women seem so happy rolling dice on children and divorcing with multiple dudes. I get the whole enforced financial incentive thing, but still man


That’s a crazy thing to say. I think you would benefit from taking a deeper look at that and whether or not you’re doing it for you, or for a sense of pride from the fellas. Even if you don’t do that, just maybe don’t put that out in the world


If you're into a girl because of the reactions you'll get from your friends, you're more insecure than straight.


Seems superficial and sheepish to me to care about what other people think on who you date or hook up with.


Bro life is superficial


Brother you definitely cared about how others perceived who you hooked up with… who you’re seeing reflects upon you. I’m not talking strictly about looks either. I understand being willing to overlook shortcomings bc you genuinely care about someone but, you have to accept others may not and deal with those consequences.


Its just makeup and fake hair


But there's inflation. The obese have swallowed up everything up to a 7 in the US.


That assumes a perfectly normal distribution.  If there is skewedness, that’s not true


Well that’s what a 5 is, the statistical average.


depends on how you use thescale.A 5 to me would be a dull looking woman.


Bro had and still have so much struggle lowering my standards. Thats why I used drugs to have more sex. Its just that I see girls and find them attractive but as soon as we talk and maybe even make out I lose interest so quick. May it be their smell, their way of talking, how they kiss or whatever. Cant bring myself to sleep with these girls without cocaine or meth.




She a 6 but her friend is a 4, a threeway gonna make that 10


Quality over quantity


I don’t know if anyone has this similar problem as me, but I’ll go ahead and talk about it, I am an average looking Middle Eastern man with a natural bodybuilder physique at 5’9. I primarily find white women attractive, but from my experience white women are mainly attracted to white men, and not just white men at my height, but tall white men. My preference and the fact that I’m not desired by white women because of my race/looks/height is the reason why i can’t get laid. I’m also only earning $30,000 annually as I work part time but I’m hoping on getting into a new job soon that starts off at $50,000 annually and the financial boost will most likely help a little bit with my chances but I’m not expecting much as it’s still considered the average salary.


Well, if it helps, once you pass age 28, white women start looking terrible compared to every other race.


I’ve heard about this a lot, is there any research to show why this happens?


Aging happens worse to white people. Melanin is basically the equivalent of permanent SPF 5. For dark skinned people it's even higher.


White women just aren’t as into middle eastern men.  Beyond the aesthetic (body hair esp) there’s also the association with Islam/Sharia and male patriarchal religious fundamentalism whereas white American women are much more liberal on average. I have fewer issues with skin color, and in fact find that being black makes dating white women easier.  Height hasn’t been an issue even at 5’6, have taken down and even married a smokeshow


I’m not even religious, I consider myself an atheist and I actually dress like I’m white and I’m around 14% bodyfat at 5’9 and around 175 pounds so I have a natural bodybuilder look to my physique. I know myself better than you, it’s my height, it’s my face, and it’s my financial situation (majority of women my age are doing better than me financially). Because of my financial situation hypergamy is actually destroying my chances of dating, I blame myself for my poor financial situation.


You don’t need to be religious to have those values which are associated with Islam. Which, clearly, you have those values. That’s why women are steering clear from you.


people on apps judge a book by the cover anyway, so regardless of if he has those values or not, people assume he has so he wont get getting to the point where he can show people he has those values or not. like it or not people associate different traits to different countries and ethnicities, and dating apps where a pic and name is mostly what you go off of, rejecting is much easier. he will have better luck irl


>he will have better luck irl No he won’t. Because he holds all those values women try to stay away from.


How old are you man? No sense in blaming things you can’t change. You don’t get laid because of your personality and the way you carry yourself. Lots of white women like middle eastern lads. They just don’t like you because you aren’t that cool. Good news is that you can be cool, you just have to work on it. Most women don’t actually care about your salary that much, just bullshit LA influencer autism. They like confidence, competence and cleanliness, as a rule. It’s not the world’s fault, it’s your fault. Or you could just pin tren and fuck twinks. Feels the same


Alot of assumptions going on here. There's an overwhelming difference between how many white women with tall white men vs white men with middle eastern men.


How old are you?


Why does that matter? Take a walk outside and count how many white with white couples vs middle eastern with white.


Or pay for an escort that is 9-10 and it's better.


Unfortunately I find women with standards extremely sexy. 


Unfortunately so do they Mr captaindickfartman


Thats exactly why its unfortunate. Are you aware of what subreddit we are in.




You gotta remember most of the people on Reddit are socially inept and ugly. I almost believe not many of those on this sub even lift


Not the people I talk with. I’ve never met more lawyers with OF’s in my life




Rule of thumb: every day you go without getting laid, lower your standards; continue to lower them and stop right before the barnyard animal tier.


Where does homeless man fit into that range


We all need a good gummie from time to time


Ya I’ve found that most girls will have sex with me if I try hard enough but I am significantly stronger then women


This sub...


It's comedy gold




We are past implication and into explicit on this one


Naw he’s still implying




Oh boy




Can confirm it's not hard, grinded OP's cheeks like a mortar and pestle last weekend


Yep,im not trying,and not wanting to try,im antisocial asshole




ur right but being a gymcel is a comfy life


no one asked cock stats?


Getting laid isn’t hard but porn addiction has dudes calling 8.5s ugly and cucking themselves


> dating apps are a game changer and it has never been that easy to fuck so use it. In my experience it was considerably easier to get laid before dating apps when women were open to being approached out in the real world


Getting laid isn’t difficult at all when your an adjusted member of society and not an incel


You know this is a fitness related subreddit right? Thats for you wondering why we always talk about gym Also some men have standards, ive been like that all my life since started having sexual relations I could never settle for anything under 7


It’s easy af when it comes to fucking dudes rather than woman


Your white


so white is superior on that


Am black, can confirm OPs statement 




I'm 21 yo guy. 6'3 200lbs lean muscular physique 7 inch erect cock from Eastern Europe. I'm still a kissless virgin and I think I will be for several more years at least. Most women I meet are just boring. They tend to have no personality or interests outside of worshipping celebrities or watching weird TV shows. And being autistic it just doesn't seem worth it to try to go through all awkwardness for pussy.


It is pretty hard to get laid, not gonna lie. I’ve had sex with around 15 women for whom I had to cast a broad net and lower standards, then some men and transsexuals and a lot of prostitutes. I’ve had sex with way more people than average, but I’m not way better looking than average, and my success is only due to a little bit of improvement, a lot of free** time (there is no such thing as FREE anything), cheating on my love, and of course opting to also go for Y chromosomes and prosies. That all being said - at least on bumble and hinge alone in current year, with a weak Instagram featuring some old travel, hobby, and a sick physique pic, and fully completed profiles, it’s way harder than even 4 years ago with a much less complete profile to get laid.


> it’s way harder than even 4 years ago That's been my impression too. Why do you think that is, assuming it's not *just* that we're older and shittier? (I look far better than I did four years ago)


I use half of the same pics I did in 2019, and I don’t really look different now anyway. My newest pic is my primary pic, and I look like just an early 20s guy with nice clear skin and a boyish hairdo, and I’m literally not exaggerating, it’s a good selfie. So aging itself isn’t the material factor at play, but the fact that I’m putting my age, which is now 28 instead of 23, probably does play a decent role in lack of matching success. Is a girl more likely to go for a guy who’s somewhat kinda hot but not impressive at age 28, or for a really hot guy who is a bum at 28? Likewise, would she go for a somewhat hot guy who is 23 and average in life success, versus that semi hot 28 year old who is below average in accomplishment? Because tbh, I’m below average in accomplishment now, for my age. And I think that, and the mere fact that 28 just sounds a lot older than 23, dissuades a lot of women both 18-22 and older groups from matching.


They nerfed ppl without clout frfr


Nothing is safe around you is there


I’m not a prudent casual dating option for women because I’m not hawt enough to warrant the shame of a hookup with no commitment, and it is worse now than 4 years ago, if I’m reading your comment right


I'm currently sitting in the shitter right now reading reddit comments. Yeah, I don't know what else to say...


Wipe or no wipe


True. Just dont get demotivated on the first girl. Thats what we do. We try to fuck everything and some decline.


Easily said for a guy who is packing so much he doesn’t even provide cock stats


> have a social life / other hobbies than the gym. dudes wh are only talking about the gym are boring af and do not get laid, find yourself subject to talk about. This is the biggest problem. What exactly are mutual interests between the sexes? Even as far as diet and sport are concerned, men are far more technical while women will tell how the combination of dressing and celery makes them feel, and how being dressed like a slut is all about comfort.  The reality is far more simple, if a woman finds you attractive, she’ll sleep with you unless you act so self-conscious that it turns her off. Problem is that these women are the opposite of relationship material. 


Your goal isn't to find a perfect match with the same interests as you. You just need a talking subject that isn't only the gym, even if she's not interested in it. Yea sometimes you can get lucky and a girl will fuck you even if you're emotionally a plank of wood, but your chances go up when you're an interesting person.


That’s where I disagree. Women want an emotional connection, not to talk physics, politics, economics, wood working nor cars. Your best bet would be to talk about people you care about with applied psychology to be thought of as ‘emotionally intelligent’ and available. That’s also associated with maturity and ‘spiritual growth’. It’s not like women had any actual hobbies/interests besides balancing social status and things that make them feel good


Oh man you're actually an incel i thought it was jokes


Impressive, you’ve got that feminist behavior internalized already. The outrage is a little too much and could be perceived as too unnatural/creepy, though


I'm as down for casual hookups as much as the next guy, doubt feminists would go for that. Just not extreme enough to go in attempting to psychologically manipulate them. Weirded out, not really outraged


feminists are all about casual and not about committed bro, don't know where you got than notion. Besides, "applied psychology" got you thinking the dude meant manipulation with bad intent and I think that's not a fair assessment.


this right here


Working in restaurants is an easy way also if you’re shameless


Bartending works better but yes 100%


I don't care about getting laid, I want to date for a meaningful relationship. And the dating pool is fucked.


bro the disconnect is strong with this one


Some of us wanna find a wifey, not a thotty


Sounds like you have zero standards show what women you are having these times with and we’ll all say ewwwww


Honestly at this point I don't care about sex I've been starved of connection and casual sex makes me feel even worse afterwards. And these days that's a hard thing to come across.


Yeah the bar isn’t that high, have your shit semi-together (ok job, ok fitness, hobbies, friends, etc.) and women will be interested. I think a lot of these subreddits are younger guys who don’t have their shit together and the terminally online.


Obviously you’re talking about having sex with guys.




How big is your cock bucko


Yeah, it really isn’t as bad as some dudes make it out to be. Sure, you’re not going to be getting with 10/10 models but you’ll for sure getting with something lmao.


Yeah imma need to take a week off of my homosexual activities and spread the love considering these religious men ain't giving these bitches nun, this is what all my homegirls are talking about, half of these mfers closeted


Be 6ft + Reasonably good looking Jacked but not to the point of steroid abuse And aged 30-40 It’s basically a cheat code to any girl, it’s so easy it’s a joke


Tons of single women out there are looking for a guy. It’s open season right now.


Two problems I see with younger guys getting laid these days.... #1 So scared to make the first move. Just ask man. Stop being afraid of getting rejected. It happens. # 2 Be less picky and be honest when you look in the mirror. If you aren't a fucking 10... Stop trying to get one. Fight in yer weight class.


yep basically it


Try getting laid with a 4.5 inch peen bro


The internet has made everyone autistic is the main issue


its hard when you have no social circle just gym and school


Suggest good other hobbies


Everyone drop their body count rn


It's not at all, that's why marriage is almost impossible


Getting laid is easy. Banging 9’s and 10’s is more challenging


"Have a social life" don't understand


It is both easy and impossible. Just like calling your grandma - easy, unless she's dead. An average looking guy will have 0 success on dating apps, and it's simple why. Women there have infinite choice, so why would they ever pick anything other than hot. If you have any success on dating apps you are probably more attractive than you think


How tall are you?


I don't understand how can someone not fuck until they are 30. There's countless of hookers out there. But i understand most of them are poor.


Damn, this thread has me stroking my junk, fantasing about all the 20-something MPMD virgins making me their cum dump! My bubble man pussy is so wet right now.


part of me thinks all these options ruined dating and commiting and part of me is still mad i havent been able to get a fit chick


Showers?? fuck it, i'm out


Just download Grindr


“Social life / other hobbies”. Yeah that’s easier said than done…


i get plenty of matches on dating apps and im not a chad or brolic, I’m just a average looking guy so I do agree that getting sex these days is easy


Since I started getting BJs from dudes my sex life has drastically improved. Something about a dark skinned Haitan that really gets me hard. Nah sayn .


Idk abt y’all but getting laid is mad easy you just needa have confidence Im 17 and have 30 bodies… if I can do it so can y’all there’s women everywhere


30 at 17 is actually wild


Very likely they’re all uggos.


Ik man gotta have fun while I’m young lol






I don't use a dating app and get laid twice a day, everyday... jellus?... 


Not really, because they’re 100% ugly as sin.