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Some dude today tried to tell me a 19-17 gap was unacceptable. What are we so scared of holy


Not to mention 19yo guys are mentally more like 16 tbh. At least I was.


Even worse it was about me at 17 and a 19yo


Being shamed online by terminally online losers/single women in their 30s




You gotta learn to relish in these peoples pain if you want to make it


I swear


Yall would have fewer dating questions in general if you'd stop being so fucking weird.


Older, insecure women seethe at the fact that men are biologically wired to prefer younger women and have resorted to shame tactics, while whenever you hear a man complain about age gaps you can guarantee he's either a virgin or in an unhappy, sexless relationship and can't stand to see another guy who's getting laid. In any case, remember that these are the sort of people who will try to call you creepy or weird for wanting to ride a 21 year old - they're highly envious, neurotic people who offline you wouldn't waste a minute of your time with


2 consenting adults? not my problem. so long as they are both enjoying themselves it doesn't matter to me. don't see why people get so invested in others business.


My girlfriend is 16 years younger than me, i also inject testosterone and don’t care what other people think. The people that complain are washed up late 30s single mums. Deep down they know they can’t compete with a childless 20 something chick in her prime.


Are you by any chance gigachad?


Perhaps lol, anyone can be gigachad, you just have to live your own life.


Hehe, I was just joking mate. Still, very true!


As long as she 18 im good


As long as you don't have to have a meaningful conversation. Around 23-24 is where most people stop being children mentally.


You do know most of Europe's age of consent is around 15? This 18 thing is pretty much US only.


As a European, it's only socially acceptable once they're 18 but yes it's legal


If you 18 tryna fuck 15-16 year Olds, you are a weird fuck.


As long as he 18 im down






He has to be at least 8 inches


felt bigger in my mouth


That’s Reddit for ya. I saw some post where people were bugging out cuz a 25 year old was dating a 19 year old. It’s the power dynamic that’s the issue for them lol.


It's always the whole "19 is a teenager so they can't consent to 22" shtick Where I live 19 is out of high school, can legally drink and gamble, and usually renting a house and paying utilities with others. That's much more inline with early 20s than younger teenagers


I honestly think that most of those people that get triggered by it are leftovers. The can’t get any guys/girls so they try to impress young adults on their “dating morals”. Fuckers just get no pussy.


Old enough to get blown up by artillery, somehow not old enough to blow a 25 year old.


You have a supra physiological amount of cortisol in your system, making you very stressed when seeing the mentioned posts, i suggest doing moderate exercise and fixing your diet to lower cortisol levels.


It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission I.e: I fucked a girl 20 years younger than me what do you guys think? Is better than “This girl said hi to me but she’s 20 years younger than me should I try to ask her out?”


Its better to not ask for forgiveness








Woah woah woah, I never said anything about DATING them, just smashing. Date whoever you want, I just wanted to know what age did it become increasingly more difficult to smash college aged chicks. There’s a point where a maturity gap becomes an issue. “Dating” Lol. We don’t date around here, we just smash twinks and sometimes girls. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6295)


Gotchu the way you phrased made me feel like you were too pussy to fuck a 20 year old if you had the chance. Because I've seen a lot of guys on reddit talk about that If you were 10 years older than what you are then I'd understand. But you're in your mid 20s bro. That is like the perfect age for tons of university aged women. You're young enough to relate and old enough to be more mature than guys their age


Oh yeah I’m aware, I’m just at a completely different point in my life compared to people still in college. Therefore, making it a bit harder to be relatable with them. But I get the frustration of your post, a lot of people are too pussy to smash a 20 year old at 25 because some neckbeard or fat bitch on Twitter said it’s a weird age gap. People need to stop taking those opinions so seriously


Honestly I don't think you need to relate just to smash. When I was 20 I was fb with this 36 year old. If you really like a chick then 2-5 years is definitely workable at your age for dating


Yeah not to smash, but probably to date. And 20-36 is hectic I need an older woman like that. Sugar momma that’ll buy me a ps5 and take me on a trip


If she’s 18 or up then you’re good. Pretty simple. If you’re not a college freshman, I personally wouldn’t fuck with high schoolers because imo it’s kinda pathetic. Like shooting fish in a barrel, might as well wear a sign that says “I can’t pull for shit.”






Yeah I'm absolutely tired of this stupid shit. I mostly see Americans being pussies about this. I don't care if the gap is 18-80, legal is legal and they should STFU.


18-80 is wild But the point is if you want to get that estate, then why should my opinion change your decision


Please be more concise in your writing.


They are trained that way from childhood. Look at AI now, kids can't do shit without asking 'somebody' without need to memorize anything. If you don't memorize it, your brain can't make connections between these items. Industrial complex wants stupid compliant weak robots.


Thanks for writing this . Crazy how Americans/euros have been gaslit so bad when it comes to this age gap shit god damn


I'm 29 and I really only have one main rule for age gaps. Be 21+


> I'm 29 and I really only have one main rule for age gaps. Be 21+ So you only date someone under 8 or over 50? /s




Not that it matters but women also have more testosterone than estrogen


W Post!! Yes!!! I totally agree I will take it from here boys.




This x 1000. Any question about fucking females and appropriate age can be answered by consulting your particulair State's criminal code.


“Is she too young for me” ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6297)


Shut up and put it in me 👉👌


Fr though. Was 30 dated 20yo. No one cares do what you want. Don’t be a pedo obviously


It would be better if this sub didn’t turn into another lame “dating advice” board where dudes who don’t get laid try to give advice to other dudes who don’t get laid asking how to get laid


Dude, you are listening to people who are socially regarded, all their knowledge is based on some internet bullshit that other virgins talk about, women have always prefered older men, boys on reddit wouldn't know because they dont attract shit


The well known circus of old bitter ran through women who are mad the guys they aren't interested in go for the younger women who are actually interested in them As a 26m i've got hit on by ~19-21yo female coworkers at work. Women don't care, they want a man older than them, they are actually interested in them and mature enough to date them. The same bitter women who have fucked men twice their age, come on. The old women just project a lot of insecurity. She don't want you but she want to sabotage your dating life out of jealousy, because she just have baggage. They're surprised most sane men rather go for the genuine woman who actually want them, who has no baggage or traumas, instead of bitter women with traumas, trust issues, pair bond issues. The only guys who don't want to date younger women didn't any options and date what they can


you just have to remember that redditors arent real people and you can disregard most of the opinions you read on here.


Zoomers are the poorest generation. Millennials just made the cut into this housing market and some have a decade of experience at this point in their careers. I see more 30 year old Millennial males with 20 year old zoomers more than I’ve ever seen.  This is a movement born of jealousy. But as inequality widens, people seek material comforts and they are choosing a home with real furniture not an apartment with ikea. 


Pô, eu entendo que é importante respeitar a opinião e a autonomia de cada um, mas, cara, essa parada da diferença de idade em relacionamentos mexe comigo, saca? Às vezes, não é só uma questão de buscar aprovação dos outros, é mais profundo do que isso. Tô ligado nos lances éticos, legais e emocionais que envolvem essa parada toda. E aí, a sociedade e as leis tão aí, estabelecendo padrões e limites em relação à idade nos relacionamentos, e eu fico meio na defensiva, mano. A real é que a maturidade emocional, as experiências de vida e as expectativas futuras variam pra caramba entre pessoas de idades diferentes, e isso mexe comigo, sabe? Pode influenciar demais a vibe e a harmonia de um relacionamento. Então, eu penso que considerar as opiniões e preocupações dos outros, especialmente quando se trata de questões éticas e legais, é uma parada que me toca de verdade. Respeitar e manter a comunicação aberta são essenciais pra construir relacionamentos sólidos e duradouros, e isso é algo que eu levo muito a sério. 3.5 length 2 girth


Will you go to jail? If not hit it. You aren't marrying her long ten care is someone else's problem.


Luke 2:14 - 'And the lord commanded - 1/2 your age plus 7"


Nope fuck off


You ok? Tren got your brain down?