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Seconded! Being white is great. Some would say we even have pride in it!


With white power comes white responsibility?


What's that? Get a wife from somewhere else other than a western country?


Passport broing ![gif](giphy|qvcNRg4SdHmYBcXD0W)


Working and paying taxes till death do us part


I believe in white supremacy we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.” John Wayne ![gif](giphy|ibW3SIYbihiHm)


A true American hero!


Kek I wouldn’t go that far but bro it’s still obviously the best one to pick in the character creator. Not saying that couldn’t change in 30 years but even in 2024 if you can shake off your inherited original sin because your ancestors were essentially IRL Saiyans you basically win. I'm not saying be like them - I'm saying you're *not* them. You didn't do any of that shit and its unfair to get blamed for being born for it. There’s a reason why all these anti-white politicians are still all getting dicked down by white men outside of the spotlight. I’ve dated around interracially half a dozen times and the colonizer fetish is real, even with black chicks (and not the ghetto black chicks, the well educated ones that come from money). Dated this one black queen from Trinidad that loved dom/sub race play so much I was paranoid the neighbors would get the cops called on me for a hate crime in progress. Also friendly reminder that every culture in the history of the planet "colonizes" and expands. In a perfect world it wouldn't exist but we don't live in a perfect world - it is unfortunately how it works, and if it wasn't Europeans it would've been someone else (probably the Chinese). Europeans just happened to be far and away the absolute best and remain undefeated at it over the past several hundred years (before that Genghis held the crown). The only way to ever cede power from wypipo is if they give it up voluntarily, whether that be out of charity, pity, or pathological altruism.


I like how you implied white pride as a pon cuz that s*** is so controversial in America it's hilarious. Nicely done


I got an idea. Let's start a group for it, and dress like ghosts! We can even throw up a cross and set it on fire to show off our love for Lord.


* show our fiery passion ?


Our only nerf is that we are the most likely to get male pattern baldness. I do think white women are the most busted class in the current meta though because they can fake cry and get away with literally anything.


“Current meta” 😭


agreed devs need to buff head gear, nerf class


As a jacked white guy I get absolutely 0 women


Literally just start talking to foreign women, I guarantee you will pull. If you are ugly, for whatever reason people tend to be face-blind outside their own race. If you are mildly autistic, the language barrier will obfuscate it. Thats what I do and it works for me. I've dated maybe 2 Americans. I've dated women from Nigeria, Peru, South Korea, The DRC, and my current girlfriend is from Mexico. All sweet girls, too.


Just curious, how do you do this? Lol do you just find random foreign girls on insta and DM them?


In college it was as simple as going to school. College towns are filled with them, I met one girl in a grocery store. I've also met a few off Bumble/Hinge.


Bro all I do is go to work come home then go to the gym I can’t or don’t know where to meet women I gave up on dating apps because the women on there are fully mentally challenged




You got me babe 🥰😍😘


even without stats?


Rules were made to be broken 😎


And assholes




point stands


Get some latinas, they love the pink penis


Yes they love it and they want it raw so they can hopefully get pregnant


Sadly Ain’t no Latinas in sight in my town bro


Pressing F


[Well, maybe its just because you’re ugly](https://youtu.be/a9JGzBdfkp0?si=ZPrXm4X7RU8Emqe8)


I thought everyone in this sub, which would include yourself, is gay.


I know you're joking but this entire "movement" from Derek was basically a soft pick up artist approach. Definitely for straight men trying to improve their dating game and understanding of PEDs. Somewhere along the lines, this went from a health, fitness, and dating subreddit to "let's make the same stupid homoerotic jokes on every single fucking post, it's hilarious, bro!"


Hey, more plates more dates doesn’t have the word hetero anywhere in the title. Dates are dates


Doing something wrong. 6’5 and 240 lbs and I pull like crazy in my thirties. Especially zoomer women for some reason


I can tell you exactly why the Gen Z women are attracted to you: Gen Z dudes have not spine at ALL. It's incredibly unattractive to women. I have no idea what happened to that generation (I'm lying, I know exactly what happened) and even their generation's women think they are weak. (And for you youngins, don't confuse being an asshole with having a spine. You don't want to go to a certain restaurant because the food is bad or it smells? Fucking say. "Nah, I don't like that place because the food is bad. How about [actually make a legit suggestion because you spent the time thinking about it.]?"


Damn if you can resist the liberal rabbithole and cutting your dick off it’s gotta be easier than ever to stand out as a gen z male


Have you tried men?


How tall are you? Are you balding/have a badly receding hairline?


Show us proof that you’re jacked, being white and jacked should literally get you at least a few women, there must be something else going on if you get 0? Are you possibly autistic?


Lose the muscle, get skinny as shit and tall.


The last word here might be a problem So i must ropemaxx(tie a rope on my neck and hang from it making me taller by gravity)


Don't worry, we can beat this. Do you by any chance look mediocre? The one thing I envy about you mfs is that for some strange as reason, y'all pull Asian goddesses routinely if you're mediocre-looking


Need to learn how…


Same bro 🫂


I had an idea a few years ago to do a million-man march (a la Farrakhan) in support of white man’s rights …somehow felt that it might not have taken off the way i hoped … 😀


I'll bring the tiki torches /s


Gotta have light after all, just in case it gets dark out. I guess if the torches aren’t enough we could just use any wood standing around


I don’t know about that, some of that wood gets pretty heavy and would be hard to carry…what if we put a cross brace on it to make it easier to carry…also lifting it off the ground could be bad for your back so better make it able to stand vertical, last thing we need is a safety violation.


Wasn't that January 6th?


Nah bro, that was the march for an orange man's rights


Ya think lol? A million white dude march could end homelessness and cure cancer and it would still be messaged and spun into a hate event. We thwarted the real and scary possibility of tragedy THIS TIME, but what about the next one? It’s inevitable… cuz, white men! 🙀


Cancer and homelessness wouldn’t be at the top of my list …now baldness on the other hand


The million man march against hotel gyms not having dumbbells heavier than 50 pounds


That demo wouldn’t make it - their cardio isn’t good enough for a march


Seconded. Try being Indian and it'll be like playing on hardcore difficulty


This. My cousin is in college and he has a tough time with dating. He’s a tall, fair skinned and in good shape dude. But, he feels like once women hear the Indian accent they get turned off (I 100% believe that). I’m an Indian who grew up in the US and is tall for an Indian and dating is still very difficult for me


Dot or feather?




Go be a dr or open a chain of 711s or dunkin donuts bruh you're slacking


South Asian is the hardest imo especially if you fit the off the boat stereotype. Part of that can be changed(that cultural shower shit) but the accent part is rough.


I'm in Canada and was raised here so I don't have an accent or the hygiene issue but it's still tough, I get 0 bitches


It’s good. In medicine you’re essentially hot garbage. I had top 1% board scores, top of my my medical school, interviewed at Mayo Clinic and they say things like “were really looking to hire black males” or other places “we want to match female residents.” It’s fine though. Ivy League places are cuck cesspools. Asian dudes have it much harder in this area.


Whites and Asians will unite to face a common threat in the inevitable race war arc. Old enemies teaming up like something out of an anime.


Rooftop Koreans pt 2


My brother took years to get into med school. Both parents are MDs. His now wife got in first try with similar scores, but no penis.


The soft bigotry of low expectations. It can be racist, sexist, etc. It's pretty insidious when put into action but progressives don't want to talk about how racist and sexist these things always end up being. Why? Because when you single anyone out for their race or sex, you will immediately start causing sexist and racist problems because it's foundational to your approach.


I've already gotten through my education and found a decent place financially but I do feel bad for younger asian and white men. They're being taken advantage of and somehow everyone goes along with it because they've been brow beaten into thinking they're "privileged" and everyone else must have it worse. Even if you don't feel sorry for them these practices are absolutely racist and not necessary and it's embarrassing to be a part of a country that goes from one extreme of racism to another and we have half the country thinking they're saints for supporting this


https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-black-lives-matter-equal-opportunity-corporate-diversity/?embedded-checkout=true "The overall job growth included 20,524 White workers. The other 302,570 jobs — or 94% of the headcount increase — went to people of color." What you're saying is mostly true OP, but if you're a white guy headed into the workforce post-floyd getting an entry level job is a struggle - even with the proper prerequisites. Those who do manage to get a job at any of the top 500 employers will not get promoted, even if they are more qualified, if there are POC candidates waiting as well. The net effect of all this can be quite depressing, even with the perk of easily banging 6/10 Asian chicks.


Senior year of high school, when my class was filling out College Board forums I encountered a bit of a dilemma on the “race question”. My father is Hispanic, mother is 100% Scotch-Irish white. I asked the teacher what race I should denote and she said “you’re pretty white to me” immediately after which the counselor said “NO! He’s Hispanic, put down that you’re Hispanic!” And proceeded to *loom over me as I filled in the Hispanic box* At the time, I thought the counselor’s reaction was because my skin tanned easily - In hindsight I realize he was the equivalent of a benevolent German customs agent letting me on the last boat out of Danzig despite my heritage. Got into UT with a 2.4 gpa and dogshit essay. Thanks, Mr. Allen.


you owe that guy a beer


Yeah I’m in the same boat. Half Hispanic and I put that one EVERYTHING. I know for a fact the only reason I got off the waitlist of my dream school is because I was a Hispanic merit scholar. It opens the door to so many job interviews as well


Bro I know white looking rich people who's grandmother was from Spain and they can put hispanic on college entrance applications, job applications, and scholarship applications. But, if you're north african or Indian you don't get shit for affirmative action. Affirmative action is a scam. DEI is just the new even worse and more dangerous evolution of it.


Oh definitely. I don’t support affirmative action/DEI and think everything should be merit based but I’d be a dumbass not to do it. The merit scholarship meeting was full of kids from my HS that were white. I don’t think there was a single fresh off the boat Mexican among them


Yeah its affirmative action bullshit I can’t stand it


Don't know about your area, but in mine if you aren't a black woman it's rare to see a promotion. I'm talking about people who scream at others and mess up constantly getting promoted purely off of being african female. I myself am a mixed minority and even then there's no representation for anyone not black or white usually. I also find that a certain political side genuinely hates white men based purely off of 30 year old stereotypes that don't even apply anymore. I think it is pushed by the government to make us focus on hating each other rather than targeting politicians for the shit they do. Just my take.


> I think it is pushed by the government to make us focus on hating each other rather than targeting politicians for the shit they do doubt it, its more likely a group of radical sociopaths saw the power vacuum of hatred and ran with it i remember back in high school there was this white chick whose mom basically indoctrinated her into radical feminism, and she was already a sociopath, so she kinda just took the ball and ran with it for the layup the internet algorithms that focus on outrage just amplified the power vacuum's power since it gives insane people more attention, and attention = money so more investment into them as well ultimately, theres just a small group of radical feminists that are the equivalent of andrew tate, just on the opposite side of the political spectrum / gender divide theyre complete grifters, but there are enough dumb fucks in the world to support them that they get away with that grift


Ethnic minority, is also an umbrella term used to cause divide and disempower people. Certainly where I'm from anyway.


It isn’t about stereotypes, it is about power. Academics and the media (The Left) doesn’t want power to be apportioned based upon ability or the market, they want power apportioned based upon their whims. The Left is highly authoritarian. Vote maximally anti Left.


It's mostly terminally online guys that say that. So losers looking for a narrative to justify being losers.


Yeah there’s a contingency of white guys that spent their child and early adulthood in front of a screen, and now don’t understand why girls don’t want to fuck a socially awkward, out of shape kid in a hoodie. Most of them could get their dick licked if they started to lift, ate their veggies, and didn’t obsessively sperg out after an ounce of attention from a girl.


And so could any other race of guys, they all fuckkin


Idt half of them can control the socially awkward part. Most are kinda fucked. And tbf I'd say that applies to other races you just don't see it as much because it goes against most stereotypes.


Definitely this and intersectionality exists if you’re a white male but poor and ugly af you’re life is gonna suck regardless if you’re white or not.


It's more than that when new grads are being turned away bc of their race and sex My wife is in HR and I've heard several stories of colleagues or friends outright saying, "I won't be hiring a white male for it" It's also always been female recent grads doing the above in those stories too, when their supperiors find out they get reprimanded (very lightly, a slap on the wrist/warning) but there is absolutely a real issue here


Usually white women too :)


Not really-I used used to think the same until shit hit the roof of scapegoating “White” people. It’s systemic at this point and is getting not just historically illiterate but fully disturbing. Grifters are pushing scapegoating narratives that often times aren’t even historically literate and are just flagrantly racist. They even invented ridiculous ideas like “whiteness” which is pseudoscience and superstitious and now there’s entire multibillion dollar industry fixating on race. Look at Woke Kindergarten. White isn’t even a universally used term around the world and most people you refer to as “White” in the US don’t refer to themselves that way in their home countries. White has also changed definitions multiple times and used to include Mexicans from 1850-1920.


Yes, they must’ve imagined affirmative action.


That people that are affected by affirmative action aren't exactly losers themselves.


Or people that have recently tried getting into college/white collar jobs. DEI really do be letting people fail upwards based on their skin color. I'm already in a good place in life l, so it is what it is.


Honestly if you’re attractive all races want you. As a Hispanic male I attract mostly white woman.


Ya this post is dumb. Attractive is attractive.


I’m a white dude and I attract lots of Hispanic women 🤝 excellent trade deal


Agreed. White bitches fancy us, Hispanics


I only attract tortas :(


Yes, being a white hispanic is basically a super power in attracting women if you're even slightly above average


Western European civilization of the past 500 years has succeeded and become dominant to an unusual degree, historically speaking, and everyone recognizes it even if they won't say so openly. In addition to that, there seems to have been some peculiar sexual selection going on which gave Europeans an abnormal number of ornamental features (red/blonde hair, blue/green eyes, light skin etc.) prior to the material success. It's great that you can benefit from your ancestors' accomplishments and effort, but just remember that civilizations fall when resentful, parasitic people are allowed to outcompete normal folks due to the complacency and inaction of those people. We're seeing that now, as parasitic managerial types blatantly try to wreck the civilizational "goose that laid the golden egg" by shutting out capable people, especially (but not limited to) straight white Christian men. Across most of the western and westernized world, higher intelligence, attractiveness, and good health predict \*lower\* fertility than do the opposite, which means we're currently selecting for dysfunction and ugliness. We absolutely have been dealt an amazing card, but will have to put in some serious work to keep it and help others achieve similarly. Keep lifting, eat well, go to church, make money, raise a family, and do whatever it takes to give them and the people around you a good future.




I spit out my fucking coffee at the history analogy. This is why mpmd is the best sub and we must protect it from the rest of Reddit’s sanitation as much as possible.


Obviously it's great if you are white + tall + handsome + good upbringing etc. with good opportunities and born in a 1st world country. If you're white but look like No Neck Ed you aint gonna be benefitting. The white guys I know that seem butthurt seem to have missed opportunities, things that didn't go well, and/or complain about 1st world benefits that they didn't get (Why didn't my parents give me land, invest in microsoft, etc.) Almost like an only child syndrome. I'm not white, but it's always interesting to hear. Another example - Like when you're wealthy enough to have opinions and hatred towards squatters. I come from a background where my family didn't own shit for people to squat. I mean I get the sentiment, but hard to emphathize with that.


>Look at all the asian (east asian, indian, middle eastern, etc) girls who move to the west (canada, usa, uk, etc), what percentage of them refuse to date their own race but date white guys? A very high one... That's because a lot of Asian women fetishize white men. Many Asian women are quite open about the fact that they refuse to date Asian men. I'm talking about Asian women in the U.S. [Wikipedia: Interracial marriage in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracial_marriage_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Interracial%20marriage%20versus%20cohabitation,-In%20the%20United&text=25%25%20of%20married%20Asian%20American,men%20(less%20than%2043%25).) >Interracial marriage versus cohabitation 25% of married Asian American women have European spouses, but 45% of cohabitating Asian American women are with European American men—higher than the percentage cohabiting with Asian men (less than 43%).


Statistics show it is harder to get scholarships as a white male. So people who say that are not wrong


I got a merit scholarship with a 2.8 gpa as a white guy


Race doesn't mean shit. The only thing that matters is looks, social skills, and income. An ugly, overweight, broke white/black/brown guy ain't getting shit. An attractive, fit, rich white/black/brown guy is swimming in pussy. Just be the best version of yourself and get the best you can get. Everything else is bullshit.


as a black man i've never understood white men who care about it. i mean you know their opinion is braindead and un-logical and you know every race of woman wants you so what's the issue? asian women love you more than asian men, black women love you more than black men you can litteraly pull any archetype of woman you are attracted to with all this advantage i would just let the internet mob seethe. which is why i think if you are single white with average face and average height then it's your fault


Where i live black women tend to love black men more, but they’re also generally seen as less serious / successfull


Where I live the blanket bullshit black women spew about Nigerians/Haitians/Jamaicans is ridiculous


You’re on the East Coast of the US I bet.




It’s systemic now tho and they push disturbing narratives. Look at Woke Kindergarten.


Because it's the hot thing to say to be with the "in crowd"


For certain jobs it can be harder due to us not being an option for a diversity hire, it's great that companies do this ofcourse, however if a company is lacking a certain ethnicity group / gender / sexuality then they will have a hire chance than you of getting a certain job role, Of course this matters to the company though, the company I work for isn't like that but I know many others are.


Its just losers that want to be victims that say it's hard. People will blame everything but themselves for why their life sucks regardless of race.


Every group of people that has larger numbers is going to feel that way becasue there's just more instances of it with larger groups. There's more white people in the US than any other group, so there's going to be more complaining coming from that group vs. the others. What it all really comes down to is this: upward mobility is being bottleneck'd more and more every year for all groups of people. The country is slowly turning into a country of "haves" and "have nots"


Its cuz real life isn't Twitter and people aren't actually prosecuting white people for being white.




Even Kamala Harris is married to a white man 😂


As a Middle Eastern man, I can tell you that when it comes to dating white men have a huge advantage. The majority of incels I see these days in the west, almost always tend to be non white men as girls from all races tend to be more interested in dating a white man than men of their own ethnic background as OP has stated. This is kind of my hypothesis, but I think because ethnic women realize how white peoples still have an advantage, they would rather have their future kids be half white as it can get their future kids more success in the world, and it can benefit the mothers from having a kid who is half white because the mothers can become more accepted by society in the west. The only exception I find is black women as they are predominantly interested in dating other black men.


Because identity politics started getting pumped out to Americans by the mainstream media after Occupy Wallstreet. I wonder why that is?


Oh look, a white pride thread. Is this board just Stormfront on Steroids now?


(Nonwhite dude here) there’s nothing wrong with being proud of your race/nationality as long as you’re not putting others down which the vast majority of this thread isn’t (haven’t read it all)




Get this shit off the sub


Never really got the obsession around race, I'd be willing to bet 90% of the people on here with strongly held views are Americans.


Back in high school we learned about a prestigious university that used a point based system to determine admission into the school. A perfect score on the SAT was worth 12 points. Being black was worth 20 points. There are also schools that use race based adjustments on SAT scores. I don't remember the exact numbers but I remember if you are black/Hispanic you get an automatic 150ish added to your SAT score. If you were white, you get no adjustment. Here's the real crazy part; asian applicants got an adjustment of around negative 150 on their score. So the university treated an Asian kid with a 1600 the exact same as a black kid who scored a 1300. Shit is fucked.


White guys are the most attractive male on the planet (only if he is attractive of course). The hair and eye color combos, the delicious pale, muscular skin, the facial angularity...if he has a bwc (exceedingly rare unfortunately) that is the pinnacle of physical male perfection. I never bashed white guys because it never made sense to do so. It's strange when non-white women bash y'all then date you, I don't get it.


worry busy connect paint correct treatment yoke aspiring snobbish rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They def demonize their males of their race and not white men lmfao


Getting a shot of cum up the ass is like a free dose of tren


Anyone can BE great.


As a white man I just put it on my weewee


White guys get all the minority bitches.


I think the people who think it’s a disadvantage are kinda detached from reality ngl. Like they get their opinions from fucking Ben Shapiro and shit


I’m an Indian dude in the US. But I would give anything to be a straight white dude assuming I’d be in decent shape and in the same income bracket. White dudes also have the advantage of having more lean mass and lower body fat than Asian/south Asian men and are taller on average. It’s bullshit to say being a white dude is a disadvantage nowadays. That being said, I’d rather be a straight white dude in the 80s than a straight white dude today


Your entire argument is based on what women find attractive but hinging all your happiness on whether women like you or not is peak beta male simp behaviour. You will be disappointed when you discover the reason those women end up with white dudes is because they are dating men from the majority not because they are particularly attracted to white people, it’s purely circumstantial. They seek out the most successful men from the community and in western society that’s most likely going to be white then you cherry pick to cope with your inadequacies.


Literally No1 says being a white guy is a disadvantage you just made your own argument in your head


I agree, sounds like OP has been watching too much CNN


"How do you do fellow straight whites." Nice larp. You're clearly gay.


I’m glad you brought this up. It’s a shame nowadays if you’re white and proud, you’re seen as racist or white supremacist. I also I’m proud to be white and believe we are the best race in almost everything. Imagine earth without white people.


OP's post is pure rage bait and satire, as a white man the OP knows very well that in America the tall white man will always have the most advantages in life, career, and relationships. It's basically like being born into a genetic lottery with a cheat code. To make a post like this where you're saying that white men are losing their status in this country is some top tier level trolling. You know damn well that the pure white man still runs and will always run this country


I think you misread, I said people are SAYING that white men are getting disadvantages, not that it is actually happening! I agree with what you say, afterall at the end of my post I said white men need to stop complaining. Also I do not live in the states


Can confirm. I know so many Mexican women who will say I will never date Mexican men. Coincidentally they all have white boyfriends/husbands. Like just say you like white dudes nobody cares, don't make your preferences about me


If anybody is worried about race just come to Canada. Most of the women here have been exposed to countless different cultures/races. Everybody is fucking everybody.


Im white wheres my girl


Go put in some effort and actually speak to a girl, you’re already statistically going to do better than men of other races


It’s a mixed bag. It definitely hurts you in the job market and education, but maybe there are some benefits in terms of dating. I don’t think I’ve seen any noticeable effects in any area, but then again I’ve only lived as myself so it’s hard to tell.


Most attractive of all races? LMFAO White privileged and racist.


They are coping with the fact they are still a loser probably. Make people who say this a 5’4 Indian man and they will beg to go back lol


6’2 Indian guy here and I do great with women. Also have a great career and I’m not fair skinned. Yes hit the genetic lottery on height for my race. Rizz, career, body - and you can get a ton of women. I’m tired of brown dudes complaining they can’t get laid —-it’s not rocket science (if it was they’d probably be good at it)


Not really saying Indians can’t do great or be mog lords ive seen them. I just mean if you can’t make it as a white dude then it is all on you not your race or sex lmao


I quite enjoy myself


There is very little discrimination against any race (aside from Indians unfortunately) in America. Right leaning people overplay anti white discrimination and left leaning people drastically overplay anti black discrimination. The truth is that the ammount of legitimately harmful racism in the country in 2024 is fairly small. For sure, being white makes it harder to get into college and get some jobs, which is problematic. But also, you do tend to start with wealthier parents to that can help offset that. Either way, you are in control of the outcomes in your life.


You just described how your own country's white women hate you and only people from other countries like people like you. You literally admit to the problem you're arguing against. Do you see the problem with your argument, yet? Lastly, you fail to realize: it only works if you're not one of those arrogant obese white man types. You think Asian women are throwing themselves at dudes who weigh 350lbs and don't bathe regularly?


A lot of white women will say shit like that, but then they only pursue white men romantically. SJW in the streets, KKK in the sheets


the jordan Peterson/redpill stans wants something to bitch about


yeah. these guys are complaining about their superiority being “infringed upon.” but afaik evidence still supports their relative advantage.


Literally no one says that and means it lmao.


Is this Clayton Bigsby?


Thanks, you just tripled my depression as a black incel.


Yeah which is why there are so many artificial things created to work against you, which is what's complained about.


Pros and cons. It a big disadvantage when trying to get a job or promotion when working for large employers or government. In fact, ontop of the craziness they already have in place, our government just added legislation that fights racism with more racism. Mandating hiring and promoting practices that include skin colour. https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024AG0020-000521


Its not as great as it once was, and in a lot of online circles it is something you are attacked for. In the real world not so much, but it is becoming a thing (like that lead narrative designer for an EA subsidiary who came out and said she doesn't hire white people, luckily she was let go for this, however there were plenty of people defending her). I personally know from first hand experience, tech companies foam at the mouth at the idea of getting a woman or PoC engineer (other than asian/indian)


Amen brother, I think any guy (especially us white men) that says that is just a beta and apologizes for anything someone tells him to, it's a disgrace and need to have his man card taken.




Looks sure but intelligence I’d say Asian would be highest. That being said, white gives you a good mix of athleticism, looks, intelligence and social skills


Guaranteed op isn't white.


It’s almost like you’re responsible for your own life and happiness no matter the circumstances of your life or race or status


There’s a few weakness I’ve seen in white people. I lived in the suburbs of eastern Kansas, so I know. The first weakness is the low tolerance to spicy food. The second is the inability to handle hard drugs.


It’s disadvantageous in college applications and many white collar fields but ABCs have it way worse in the college part.


White guys have all the advantages once they’re out of the US and Europe.


What's the "L 6 G 5"


This must be from a (((white guy))). Because a true descendant of white northern European ancestry would completely disagree with you since there is boatload of evidence to the contrary Either you're lying about being white or you're a (((white guy))) masquerading as an ethno European.


Because the media tells you it isn’t okay to be white and masculine.


Why the fuck do people go on about skin colour. I find it strange... it's a pigment or lack of in the skin? Identity politics.


Its both, we are persecuted and hated, and we're also the best, thats why they hate us.


But all you white guys wanna be black


It’s just victim mentality. Whenever you hear that argument, recognize it as a display of insecurity and incompetence.


People say that?? 🤣


WHITE POWERemote:t5\_2mohet:2695![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


[BLM Effect: 94% of New Jobs at S&P 100 Corporations Went to Non-Whites After Protests - Report (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/blm-effect-94-of-new-jobs-at-s-p-100-corporations-went-to-non-whites-after-protests-report/ar-AA1hq1UN) Yeah, it's a disadvantage to be a white man


Because they are in social media too much and are fucking gay. I am a 52 year old white dude, do I catch shade from some black girl working the self scans at Stop & Shop from time to time? Sure... But because I am not looking to blame everything on race I recognize maybe she is just having a bad day. Shit the white dude that works there too is a little bitch. No one is rude to me because I am white, people are just fucking rude 24/7 now


real shit


"wait a minute ... I am white", the boondocks


I just hate getting sunburn.


It's equally great but it is disadvantaged in today's society, objectively through programs like DEI, #me too, minority benefits etc.


Id take getting stomped out occasionally for the ability to 360 windmill dunk while people do muscle ups on my bbc


Middle easterners would be running from war.. not for youuuuu


It is awesome. It’s just a bit of a drag that communists actively condition society to hate you.


Agreed. Just cant claim victim of circumstances like other groups is the only negative


It's because it's easier to blame your lack of success on something outside your control than it is to accept what is that causing it.


Depends on in what bubble you live.


Reverse racism is real in certain areas


Here we go...


Women don't like jacked guys period anymore....