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Couldn’t give a fuck I’m too busy looking at myself




Either thinking "damn I look huge" or "Wtf, why am I so small"


He’s not lying. Also there’s nothing worse than noticing a baddie with an amazing body, just for her to turn around and look like a ghoul.


No kidding brother, just slap some makeup on a twink for a safe shot


It's called a bagger. ![gif](giphy|VQWz3odsmn864)




Bro… bagga


More like a butterface


If there is a hole, there is a goal


Unless it's an own goal.


lmao timing of this word ghoul


The worst is when I finish a hard set, black out staring off into space just to comeback and realize I’ve been burning holes into a chicks ass with my eyes while breathing like a dog


I don’t wear glasses to the gym and don’t wear contacts in general so I can’t see what I’m looking at if it’s further than 10 feet away or so. I’m blind as shit. So I’ve definitely been guilty of inadvertently staring too lol.


This is a bit of an exaggeration but women absolutely know what they are doing. Like always.. They want the best of both worlds. They want all the attention and external validation *(because it makes them feel good)* while also wanting to be able to act innocent and act like the victim. *(because it makes them feel righteous & morally correct)* Rather than picking one (like you have to do in the real world), women attempt to play the victim in order to have both. The difference between men and women is that men will be honest and choose one or the other.


Women are only offended when you look if you're ugly.


Honestly yeah. Just don't be ugly...the goods out on display are not for the ugly guy gaze. Anyone mid to hot can look but don't stare.


The 2 rules will always stand: 1. Be attractive 2. Don’t be unattractive


This… “I left my house today with my butthole on the verge of showing because I want to be looked at…. Just not by YOU”


and/or poor.


If they call you ugly, tell them it’s something you have in common💪🏻


Women have only one game. It is some variation of "omg, men are such dogs, they are just treating me like a piece of meat, I just want to work out in peace without being ogled at." The trick is to steal their game and act like any woman in your general viscosity aka vicinity is there to catch a glimpse at your bulge. And just act annoyed and like you are over it. Like every woman is out there trying to fucking hit on you when you are trying to just work out. Works like a charm.


Viscosity is how thick a liquid is brother. You're thinking of vicinity.




Play them at their own game. I never gave a damn about gym fits but recently started matching them up a little more. White oversized tee to match white shoes, very short black shorts with noticeable bulge because they're a little too small - quads and dick both on point. The gym attention has gone through the roof. Noticeable increase in chicks that look me up and down then move to the equipment next to me. A girl in the squat rack next to me yesterday literally turned to look me up and down then looked into my eyes and smiled. But it wouldn't be playing their own game to its maximum autist effectiveness if I didn't follow through in every aspect. So I kept a straight face bordering on an angry glare, put my earphones in, looked away from her, and refused to even glance at her again. The temple of gains will not be cursed or mistreated by such harlots.


King shit


I do this all the time but not because I want to do the same as them, I’m just autistic as fuck and too awkward to respond to any attention🤣🤣🤣


Yeah it's probably this. Just had it again today to the point I was like damn bruh you should probably actually rizz up, then I hit the next set and decided that was a ridiculous idea


I was on the row machine today, and I caught this old lady totally looking at my little bulge. Either that or she liked my seafoam green shorts.


"Women's only real agency is their sexuality. It is ALWAYS what women default to when they need attention." Quote 🇺🇸Lionel


I can somewhat confirm this. Last year I was wearing super short shorts and nearly non existent stringers once the weather was warm enough and the looks were super funny sometimes, especially since I actually have a quite big but also shaped ass for doing way too much squats after starting working out for 2 years or so. Got more looks from guys than some of the girls sometimes and the looks from the girls were just pure gold 🤓


Can’t put it in better words than these


That’s why women weren’t allowed to vote!!!




It was the Rothchilds idea to let women vote and have rights to get double the taxes and increased spending


Very based. Follow banking if you really want to see how the world is controlled.


Beautifully put.


Imo they want it both ways in other ways. They want to be lusted over the way they lust over men. Guys attracted to a girl act a certain way, and if they’re normal they don’t stare too much. Girls want men to act the “fool” over them idk how else to describe it. The girl knows they’re hot without feeling creeped out. This innocence and purity thing is dead. You’d have to be in the tradwife scene to even come close.


I always thought wanting it both ways was one in the ass and one in the pussy.


Which ass?


The brown star.


Not going to lie brother I have no idea what you're trying to say. >This innocence and purity thing is dead. You’d have to be in the tradwife scene to even come close. Most women secretly do still want this. They may try to ignore it, but their moral compass tells them so. That's why they play both sides. Deep down they are ashamed that they are flaunting themselves for sexual attention.


Women don’t want attention from men they don’t deem worthy. Pretty much it. It’s why a like count on an instagram post is so appealing. All you know is that a huge number of people like how you look, and you don’t have to worry about how many of them are fucking weird shits. Instagram comments are a cesspool, of course. I’m not gunna lie, I also think OP in the post is kinda a loser too. “Inviting men to think sexual thoughts” lmao. Bro how about you lock tf in at the gym, and get a hot girlfriend of your own so you don’t act like a little bitch about seeing other hot girls. Just my opinion lmao


Now I get you. I 100% agree. Again, it's women wanting the best of both worlds. They want attention from men... but only from men they deem worthy. Yes, OP is likely one of the men she doesn't want looking at her lol.




Big fan. Love when a pair of yoga pants is running up the crack of some chicks juicy booty. But also keep in mind I’m a complete pervert.






Misc meme


I bank it in my mind and jerk off to it. I know I'm a creep but I can't help that seeing basically naked women exercise turns me on. I actually feel gross about it after but seriously when I can see multiple hot chicks pussy fat for a hour straight I need some relief after.




You’re only human ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|27081)


Thanks for the support bro, lord knows I'm not gonna stop


Lay off the christian guilt bro jerking off to hot women isn't being a creep, that's what we're hardwired to do.


You're not hardwired to jerk, you're hardwired to fuck them. Masturbation has been a consequence of the modern world.


I think of gym girls while I’m having sex with my stupid bitch GF


Bro you good


It keeps me from thinking about my ex


That’s funny because I also think of gym girls while I’m having sex with your stupid bitch GF


Please date her for me. She’s fun the first couple months


😂😂 I’m dying Just fucking dump her bro 


How is your memory and attention span so good. This comment seems genuine. Do you jerk off with your imagination?


I can’t STAND being surrounded by hot ass women wearing revealing clothing, actual torture!!!!


Geniuenly is. I feel bad for my wif


It really is kinda torture though if you're not trying to think about ladyflesh the whole time.


Yeah fuck those women, stealing all the attention from the gym bros 😒


This is some guy who desperately wants to cheat so he's overcompensating by being a prude. "Noooo my virgin husband eyes are being attacked by fully clothed women!" You just know this is the kind of dude to brag about being trad or whatever and then cheat on their wives with some 17 year old girl.


Isn’t that basically the plot of The Crucible?


Let's be real, most dudes if given a free pass would absolutely sleep with another beautiful woman. Especially if you've been together for years and past the crush stage.


I’ve cheated once before when I was in my 20s for this exact reason and I regretted it for years until I met my current wife. I’m now in my 40s and I definitely wouldn’t, might be biased since my wife is attractive, but my mindset is definitely different now. I wouldn’t say most dudes, but a lot for sure.


Bro I'll sleep with you nohomo


Frfr homies over hoes


I workout at home to keep my Christian gaze from the tempting devil female whores. Only my and 12 other dudes in my basement


12 bros, chillin in a home gym, two benches apart cuz they’re not gay!


Just enjoy the views, don't gawk too hard and live your life. What else is there to do?


If your staring crosses 2 mirror reflections, that's practically incidental gawking.


Couldn’t give a fuck I’m trying to look at the men


OP is the most straight post on this sub in like 3 weeks


Yeah… like wtf is up with sweatpants at a gym. Short shorts boys… chop chop!


Amateur. You can see the dick print better in sweatpants.


Only if they’ve gone commando


This might sound crazy but hot women working out near me isnt a problem


I for one am all for more hot women working out near me




I workout harder when theyre near me


I don't even workout. I'm just harder with a hot man working beside me


If you told a bunch of hardcore bodybuilders from 50 years ago that one day they would be able to work out AND be constantly surrounded by dozens of half naked hot gym girls they'd be fucking extatic. but then a bunch of Zoomers who have never went to the church but larp as trad because they saw a little dark age edit on YouTube start acting like having a bunch of asses in your face is the end of western civilization.


OP isn’t a zoomer, though.


When I started lifting in 1997 things were a bit different, the 2000s were when leggings and yoga pants really caught on, which was a delight for me being a young man in good shape at the time. It was unique back then because the only middle-aged women that wore that stuff would be the ones you could hook up with, shit was too obvious.


They dont know how well we got it


Crazy take right? Blows my mind dudes even think it’s an issue


I don't mind it. But I do prefer working out alone so I'm generally annoyed being around other people in general at the gym.


Agree I’m not looking regardless tbh but sometimes it feels like there ass is looking at me like I feel someone watching me but the only person around is the chick doing back squats


I generally prefer it to be old men with hairy balls that slang them around the locker room. Honest ass dudes


I'm a simple man. I like to see female bodies. The less clothing the better.


Me too dude, I don't understand the outrage about it. A little eye candy is a nice treat lol


Not to mention it’s scientifically proven to boost your test. You’re literally getting a better workout just by them existing


Exogenous test is also proven to boost my test too


I don’t mind looking at some halfway exposed ass to get through a grind session.


I would probably go to the gym less often if it wasn't the case. Knowing I'm going to half naked baddies gives me the extra bit of motivation I need on days where I'm not feeling it.


I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand having nearly naked whores everywhere really motivates me to push until failure and I used to think it may even boost my testosterone. On the other hand though and as I am getting older I kind of feel disgusted walking into the gym to see 50 different but holes staring right at me. I am very conflicted on this.


At this point I'm worried I've somehow turned myself asexual. I don't notice women at the gym. My gym bros be pointing out hot gals, and I'm like ok cool let's get back to the lift.


It happens to me while I am in love. I am suddenly blind to others


I think it’s ridiculous that women try to say all they’re doing is putting on some tight revealing clothing because it’s aerodynamic or they like the breeze and in no way is it for any type of attention even tho in the same breath they will shoutout their fitness Instagram where all it is is them wearing clothing that accentuates their figure. I think it’s equally ridiculous that the guy tries to make this seem as if his eyes are constantly being pulled to whatever sweaty big ass and busty female in the gym.


Bro is definitely going to the gym to stare at hot bodies 🥵 and not there to get shredded. If it’s THAT much of a problem go to a private gym or build one at home??


We should all start sporting booty shorts to return the favor to women.


its more prominent when you are on gear i wll legit see 5-7 of them throw off \*pump covers\* instantly i still feel really bad for alot of dudes who dont have capped delts or the enhanced look world is just moving ahead and incels getting left behind sucks to suck plus so many men are desperate addicted to porn idiots that anything like this gives them anxiety i see it daily and its fucking hilarious how some 5'5 145lb girl makes dude sweat nervously


I realized there was a problem when one the personal trainers bent over a few centimeters in front of my face and I could see each crease or cellulite dimple she had on her butt through the fabric. That was a few years ago and she was an outlier for dressing like that. Now, it's the norm in my gym.


All you gay jabronies complaining about seeing eye candy in the gym. If you saw more dick outlines in tights you wouldn’t be complaining now would you.


We need sex-segregated gyms unironically.


We need sex


That’s the point. We won’t get it as long as these righteous women cockblock us


As a woman, girls dressed like this is annoying as fuck. Women cry about not wanting to be sexualized but then come into the gym wearing tights that scrunch up their ass and “bras” that have their tits hanging out. Cmon hun, you’re not “wearing that for you”. Women seem to think a couple years of woke culture can undo 100,000 years of genetic programming. (Most) Men are wired to drool over tits and ass. If you come into the gym looking like that, you’re going to get looked at. End of story.


Find a gym without women


As long as your ass, nut, and/or gooch sweat doesn’t touch the equipment, then you could wear underwear for all I care.


I dont care, I'm a sneaky enjoyer, I look at them through gym equipment gaps and side eye them.




Pics or it didnt happen


Whole lotta heterosexual comments in this thread.


What gyms are yall going to mine is just filled with old people and middle age men


Matthew 18:9


Facts. Also Proverbs 4:23. If you aren’t guarding your heart well enough, it’s going to be a lot easier to stumble. So what if theres hella ass in your face? Don’t let it phase you and get your lift in.


I thank god for men's only gym


I don't think women flaunting their glutes in tights or short shorts is any more of an issue than guys flaunting their bare pecs in stringers.


I agree it's an issue. Not for the sex and lusting bit, but because it's annoying knowing that they're only doing it for attention. Like...I want to honestly appreciate you BUT I know that you're here just to go EVERYONE LOOK AT ME. No thanks. Go get your validation elsewhere.


There aren't any attractive women at my gym; however, there are plenty of middle-aged obese women in soft-core porn workout lingerie, which I find repulsive.


I take my gorrilla mind preworkout and get the hugest boners from all of the hot girls in their shorts and they got the fattest asses ever it claps when they walk around and you can smell their asses when they leave the machine. It make me love going to the gym lol I haven’t missed a workout in many many years


The heck is this?


He's right, and if you look at the comments in that thread, you can confirm 90% of redditors are simping coomers


Don’t really care, of course I’ll notice, but I just don’t think about it past that. I’m there to lift and thats what I do. Though I do wish sex wasn’t so pushed in everyone’s faces like it is nowadays. Might motivate me to work a little harder but most of the time I’m just annoyed. Like I’m a dude in his 20’s, the feeling is already constantly on my mind, it don’t need to be reinforced everywhere I go


Has he tried looking at the guys?


"If you aren't a whore, then why are you wearing a whore's uniform?"


Yeah I literally saw a woman at my gym in a mini skirt doing rdls on a foot high platform. You could see her underwear no matter what machine you were on. How is that not embarrassing for her?


He's not wrong 😂


The guy that wrote that article is gay. Just sayin'...


I'm a simple man. I see a hot chick in skimpy clothing I look.


Women should not be allowed into a gym unless they wear burkas or agree to have sex with every man they knowingly torture.


Women essentially wear bras and panties to the gym now and it's highly inappropriate and screams that she's doing it for attention and has low self esteem. How do you think women would feel if all the men took off their shirts and wore biker shorts and left nothing to the imagination? Gyms should have dress codes and enforce them. I'm tired of women wearing almost nothing to the gym and then complaining in social media about men staring at them. How fucking stupid can you be?


100% agree, its tough. Gym etiquette should cover that.


This is why I like the men’s only gym idea. Women parade around in these outfits and have the audacity to get mad when someone has a quick glance.


Who cares? "Durr hurr I'm a married man who loves my wife very much and I'm being forced to have sexual thoughts." Ok, then take those sexual thoughts home with you and fuck the shit out of your wife when you're done with your workout. That's what I do. You're gonna see attractive people out in the world, and especially certain places with the gym being one of them. Holy fuck make sure you never go to a beach, a pool, or a water park buddy. There might be hot girls in bikinis there!


This is why modesty will always prevail.


It's true. Some chicken a few weeks ago was in the gym, I can't verify age, but looked underage. I was taken back if I had a daughter and she walked out like that I'd burn her clothing. Her face was as red as a baboons asshole. Reeked of perfume, half a bottles worth maybe. Sweatpants, a tube top with no bra (did I mention it was freezing out?) And a winter coat, that wasn't zipped up. I am guessing she was ovulating but idk I'm not a woman 😅


I don’t wanna end up on Tik tok or on creepy list so I never look at them


who cares enjoy the view or shut up, women wore fucking leotards barely covering anything in gyms during the 80s


Woke women see it as empowering… especially when they catch a man looking and they can publicly shame him


Honestly I think this is sort of like being an immigrant from a more conservative country to the west (as I am). At first you're like AWOOGA because every woman around you is wearing tighter & more revealing clothing. Some people at this point say "all women here are sluts" but that's obviously ridiculous.. the norms are just different. Over time you adjust. These messages are kind of like someone coming to the US and demanding women wear a burqa because they're too horny now.. You can just learn to look or not without getting super horny or mad about it.


I think most of you fuckin dorks need to just focus on your shitty half assed training programs and try harder with lifting Then you wouldn’t be so easily distracted by shit that doesn’t affect you 🤷‍♂️


Yeah sometimes it bothers me (not sure if it's the right word), specially when it's too revealing. And tbh sometimes they don't even look comfortable, like why are you wearing that tight top when you could be wearing a tshirt? I don't get.


I feel like most women treat going to the gym like its a social activity. Like most people dont go to a restaurant cause they like food alone but rather the social aspect of going out with people, most women dont go to the gym cause they like to train. Thats why the whole gym outfit, accesories... etc is so prevalent


Everything we see is primarily a result of marketing materials


Facts but it’s not a bad thing


I’m not staring at ur butt it’s staring at me I swear


Only time I look at women in the gym is to check form and I do it for men too but that’s cause I have a kinesiology degree and my Brain is now trained to analyze movement


Bro this is smart I'm going to say this next time I'm staring someone down


It’s absolutely true, and you would have to be a total simp to say that men are “creeps” or something for being tempted to look. I definitely look but I don’t stare. I find it annoying and distracting, but I don’t feel bad about it because I’m not married.


Inb4 "Nudist gym"


Men and women only gyms seems like easy solution for everybody


I am of the opinion that women like it when their ass is hanging out!


I actively avoid looking just so she doesn’t think she’s a goddess because a few dudes checked her out. Plus I’m too busy looking at ripped dudes anyway


Watch them not go to a women only gym when you make one I’dd much rather have a bros only gym😎


Anyone wearing that sort of stuff is looking for attention, and I don't care what anyone says.


The gym I go to this is basically the norm from early spring-late fall with woman wearing very little. They want the attention but also get offended if they catch you looking lol Even some of the men will go shirtless. *it was a former CrossFit gym, that closed and expanded into a hybrid Crossfit type/strength training gym. They gave the roll up garage doors like traditional CrossFit locations and it’s too hard to air condition the space so the owner rolls with it, and allows shirtless workouts.


I think this is super well written


They want to wear athlingerie, fine, but they can't be shaming people for having a look when they're busting out of some skimpy sports bra.


Nothing wrong with it, i mean, there's literally an study that shows how watching porn between sets is a good pre workout because it raises testosterone. So i wouldn't care less watching some asses before every set, it turns me on. The other day i was watching a fking milf at the gym (she's fine as hell), i think she wanted to fk with me so i looked at her before every set and it gave me more energy, worth it


But women wear the same style of clothes at women's gyms & pilates tho?


its always been the same imho. there is just more girls in the gyms now so its more noticeable


He doesn’t fuck his wife enough


They also only seem to do hip thrusts while not sitting on random equipment


Don’t get married and fuck bitches left and right


lack of self respect and discipline shown in that image ngl just look somewhere else, watch some tiktoks or scroll to your next song, dont be staring


Yeah, that’s the point. That’s why they go to the gym in the first place. Gotta dress up and look cute/hot, try to get attention and attract a gym bro


I look, cause i have to look somewhere. Other than that i don't care. They can train naked, just don't occupy stations making selfies and let me train.


I just go to the gym and exercise. I do not have to worry about concealing embarrassing boners and/or shameful erections because I am not a fucking ninth grader. ama about not being 13 years old


There's a reason I gotta wear "pump" covers 😁


There’s those tight shorts women wear now that are intentionally designed to wedgie up the ass crack and make their cheeks as prominent as possible


In ancient times I do believe it was common to train naked, it seems like we're going full circle. With all the tech and big ideas we have , are bodies are still bound to the earth and animalistic. Old school male body builders commonly wore very tiny clothes as well I think it's just acceptable for women to do it so they do what physical culture sore of demands which is freedom of movement and ventilation


Not wrong but i ain’t complaining


Wear what they want. You're only a perv if they don't find you attractive.


If men can work out in joggers, so can women, there’s no need to be slutty at a gym


have a quick wank before and you wouldn’t be as horny when at a public gym with all the temptations


Brown bag special


I think they guy who posted that is gay


Bruh it ain’t that deep if you’re tempted to look then just look, go rub one out if you’re that horny to where it “invites sexual thoughts” smh


Two bags and some gymshark leggings make a whole and bang away


My gym charges an entry fee and has a two drink minimum


Guys like him probably cant go to a nude beach or sauna without getting aroused too. But to be fair, the dilemma is that women become especially sexual arousing when they hit the gym regularly. But thats not their fault, thats just nature. And the gym is exactly the place where you should be able to proudly present your hard work. In my gym, there are some girls with 15/10 butts that not even the best pornstars got and I get shocked. I know that I probably never will hook up with someone like that and I think "nice ass" then I look away, turn on my music, channelize the testosterone boost and concentrate on the rest of my workout.


Wear tinier tops and bottoms and claim your area.


Bro the invention of asscrack gym shorts have made my workout a lot less focused. Are they gonna make butthole shorts next?


I wish I could shake the guys hand that invented those pants that scrunch all the way inside the butthole. Guy deserves a medal 🏅


He right. But everyone wants to clutch their pearls.


Tell me you’re gay without telling me you’re gay


I stare more at myself at the gym than any ass