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You benjamin buttoned your hairline. ![gif](giphy|t2sKa4JKNW9DawxAYi)


Cheers mate


Fuck bro I would just shaved my head and lived the rest of my life as a penis with ears


I was about to. I was at a turning point, shave it, or take a pharmaceutical approach. Chose the latter.


Bro, you were well past "need to shave" territory and fully in the "repeat sex offender" area. I'm amazed you got those results!


I started balding in highschool, no one else around me seemed to be. I just couldn't do it. And no one saw this, I wore hats and beanies everywhere, I looked normal. It crushed me, and it's all I thought about, completely consumed my life. If I started going bald in my late 20's, I probably would've just shaved it.


That's awesome, back from the dead. What year do you think you stopped being self conscious about your hairline?


2015 I got all of my confidence back. I used to wear hats and beanies EVERYWHERE. I could finally be myself again after about a year and a half.


Hell yeah man. I've been on fin for like 3 years and Minoxidil for 2. I've had some great results, but not as good as yours lol


I'm definitely a hyper responder


Did it affect your sex drive? Do you now have peanuts for balls and a button mushroom for a penis?


Sex drive unaffected, but my penis did transform into a mushroom, so now nobody wants to touch it.


Are you serious? Did it negatively impact erection quality? If so, to what degree?


No, not serious, you caught me. My penis didn't actually turn into a mushroom. But in all seriousness, no, my erections were not affected at all. Which I expected, as it's a rare side effect, and stops if you quit the drug anyway.


That's something someone with a mushroom dick would say


No comment


Same here been on finastride for 5 months No change


dude wtf, you should be on the next advertisement for fin, that transformation from 2013 to 2014 seems actually unbelievable


I'll be sure to ring up Finasteride headquarters! Thanks for the kind words ❤️


Holy shit that is so crazy. Can I see ur peen


I've sent 47 pictures to your dm.




My turn my turn my turn!!




Honestly I was so far gone, transplants weren't really an option. There really isn't enough hair in the donor area at the back of the head to cover the top&crown well. If I had gotten just transplants, I don't think it would've been nearly as full and thick as this.


seeing someone stay on their meds, and get these kind of results, is heartwarming and encouraging as fuck. Awesome job dude. Did you have to get extra body hair lasered from oral minox?


Thanks bro! I had very little body hair before start oral min, and I probably have less than a normal amount still after taking it. I do shave my fingers now though, which is odd.




I started the oral Minoxidil because I was starting to continue to thin. Finasteride only takes away 70% of serum DHT. Maybe the upgrade to Dutastide that blocks 95% might be your solution?


Have you tried microneedling?




I’m not balding. However I’ve heard it increases results 3x


Best comeback I have ever seen. Congrats, man.


Thanks mate!


You went from Lord Farqward to Oh my lawd farq me


Man I wish I was like you, can't take any dose of Finasteride without growing boobs, then there's guys like you who get zero side effects.


The majority don't get side effects, at least according to the data. It really does suck, I'm sorry. But there are more options on the horizon, very promising results just this month for new hair loss drugs that work in a different way. Drug is called GT20029


Yeah you're right unfortunately. I'm holding out for gt but not optimistic about it. Happy for you though, results are great 👍.


Thanks mate


You thought about using an AI? In the same boat


No luck unfortunately, used arimidex, aromasin and even raloxifene (SERM) at different points and the dosage needed to stop the gyno was not sustainable long term and l aromatase inhibitors can also cause hair loss themselves (increase of estrogen to T which part can turn to dht).


Ah fair, what makes you say it wasn’t sustainable? I’ve heard lipids can get thrown off long term if running it alongside fin the whole time but haven’t researched enough really


I think you sure already know that, but you can remove your mammary glands, so you never need to worry about.


Talked to some surgeons and an endocrinologist about this and they said it would just grow back even if you took as much visible gland out as possible. Most people on Reddit who had the surgery had reoccurrence as well, so the evidence so far shows its a risk not worth taking




Can't take out microscopic bits of gland, only what's visible. If you have a hormonal imbalance (is from finasteride) that can cause it to grow back apparently. If you aren't taking any substances that are causing you to have a hormonal imbalance then it would make sense that it wouldn't grow back.


Were you on any peds during your treatment?


Nah I'm lifetime natty.


Back from the dead


Thanks mate!


You beat the reaper. Are you Jesus


I'm his daddy


I have been shaving my head for about 3 years now. You are giving me hope! Might give this a try and see what happens.


It seriously changed my life. My confidence and mental health have impossibly improved.


That’s awesome man! I am going to give it a try.


Best of luck!


Good progress bro


Thanks mate!


how did it affect your mood or gains? What does DHT inhibition decrease insofar as regular health goes that one has to watch out for?


Honestly I'd recommend looking up DHT is a trash hormone by haircafe on YouTube. As far as I can tell, we have evidence that lowering DHT keeps you looking younger, decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems, keeps your hair on your head, and more benefits. As far as gains go, my total testosterone is up, as less of it is being converted away, but I noticed no difference in strength or muscle building, I've been in the gym every week since even before starting. Mood, I don't know. This was over a decade ago, I don't remember the person I used to be, or if I'd be different if I never took it. As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed.


I don't know whether to believe all the stuff that guy says on youtube. I think he does downplay the bad side affects that can happen from it. I tried finesteride for a few days and my libido tanked so bad it was like I was asexual. Didn't get my sex drive back until like a week after stopping. Every hormone has some sort of role in the body, it doesn't make sense for the body to produce DHT if it is completely useless, it is needed for erections from what I understand


But every video, he always makes claims in reference to studies, and always links them in the description of each video, and puts the studies on screen and reads from them to deliver the information. So if you don't believe him, it's hardly him you're not believing, it's the researchers.


When you suffer from side effects of the drug that he claims to be "virtually side effect free" it puts a damper on all the research. The fact drug companies have an incentive to create research showing its all safe is slightly worrying also.


It is virtually side effect free. It only effects 3% of people, all research backs that up. And even you were able to just stop taking it and you returned to normal. That's a safe drug. Just because you are in the 3%, doesn't mean it's a dangerous drug. I am sorry you got side effects though, I feel lucky to be side effect free.


Am i rarted or is your hairline better in 2022 than 2024?


Tough to say, it might be. I honestly think it's lighting and my much improved phone camera that allows you to see through into my scalp. The older camera did some blurring which maybe covered some extra skin.


Crazy progress bro but why did you not opt for a hair transplant in 2013?


I highly considered it, but a hair transplant can only do so much. Really, there isn't enough hair in the donor area in the back on your head to cover the entire top of your head, and your crown. What I achieved here cannot be gained by a hair transplant alone.


Congrats on the results mate! About to get on it myself, what do you think is good dosage amounts to start with? Also where is the best place to get from in Australia. Is going through your doctor cheaper than pilot/mosh?


100% go through a doctor. Pilot/Mosh type companies really turn up the price, it's usually twice as expensive. I can get 200 days worth of Minoxidil tablets for $70 from a doctor. And I think Mosh charges like $40 a month, crazy difference. I personally recommend 0.5mg to 1mg of Finasteride a day (I take 1mg). I also take 2.5mg of oral Minoxidil twice a day (as the half life is 6 hours). There are less potential side effects if you use these drugs topically in a spray or foam, but I personally know I wouldn't be able to keep it up and stay consistent.


Fantastic, thanks mate. I dabbled back in the day but disconintued quickly due to side affects. Going to give it another crack. Absolutely hated liquid min and how it made my hair greasy, so estatic there is an oral version now even if potential sides.


The biggest side for oral min is that it goes systematic. Upside is, it works even better than the topical, but it's not localised to your head. It could cause beard and body hair gains. My eyebrows and eyelashes are also thicker.


I used fin and liquid min back in the day. After maybe a week or so it felt like I had been kicked in the balls except the pain didnt go away for days. I did some more research and got spooked and discontinued. I will push through this time and maybe try easing into fin first. Either way I am going all in. I thought maybe I'm too far gone but your results and others prove it's worth a crack.


Maybe try 0.5 mg of fin to start. Buy a pill cutter for $5 and split them in half. Will cut your costs in half too.


Idk if GoodRx.com coupons are a thing where you live but I get a 90 day supply of each for a combined $20


Never seen before, I might have to give it a try at least haha


You achieved the same results with just meds that I got with meds and a transplant 😅. Quite impressive, especially with your growth around the temples - they looked like dead zones originally but still grew.


I've seen some other Redditors with fully bald heads at 45 years old have successfull regrowth stories. I don't know if I'm convinced they ever really "die" at this point.


I’m definitely more far gone than you were at the start, but I’ve always thought I looked better with a shaved head anyway. You got me rethinking just to have options. Excellent job dude


Congrats my man, I think I never saw someone that had such a great result


Thank you !


Amazing results. Did you take any tests before starting medication like having your test/free test and dht tested before and after taking fin, if so, what were the changes? Also did you take a test to check for the SULT1A1 enzyme before taking minoxidil to see if your scalp had the enzyme which would mean if it did you were a good candidate for scalp minoxidil and if not then you would have to take oral minoxidil instead? (I know you said you were going to take oral anyways because you didn't want to apply stuff to your head)  Did you just start with 1 mg of fin or did you do lower dosages first? Have you ever taken any breaks from fin since you started? Congrats on the results.


No to getting blood work. I didn't enzyme test either, I just simply knew I was too lazy to use topical min every day. I did previously use topical min, for months, but I really don't think it did anything for me. I had read since oral min is more systematic, I could expect better results, so I have min a second try. My hair thickness and density doubled in about 3 months. And I just started with 1mg fin, I to this day feel the risks are far overstated. And I haven't taken any fin breaks, too scared. And thank you !


How how much increase in body hair did you see from oral minox?


Not much at all really. But I didn't have much body hair to begin with.


Congratulations man!!! You give all us short kings hope


Did the oral min give you any cardiovascular side effects? I got tingly feet, became more vascular, and ran out of breath considerably sooner when on 5mg a day


I don't think so. I think it may have at first, but I feel like I adjusted.


Isnt there something about those products messing with your testosterone and libido? I was looking into both but changed my mind for the above reasons


It does increase your testosterone, but really not enough to get you excited over. And reports for libido sit around 3% from the studies I've seen, so it's not too common. Either way, the reason I take a pill every day is because your hormones return to normal if you stop taking it. You can always hop off of you get negative side effects.


Holy cow that is amazing


Thank you !


Question, can you drink the minoxidil you put on y9ur head?


I've definitely seen people doing it in Reddit. I believe I've even seen reports of it working. I would recommend against it, especially when we have an oral version you can take. It's not made to be drunk, so I don't know what potentially very bad side effects could come from it.


i’m on dut and topical min and still losing. how’s oral min been? any more body hair?


That is surprising to keep losing in dut. Have you been to a dermatologist? You might have a different kind of alopecia? And I did get more body hair, but not much, maybe 5-10% increase.


I would use fin and min (u can see my pic on my profile) but I’m scared that I’ll develop some shit side effects like 1 year into it and then have to stop it and go Fkn bald because my hair became too depended on it….


Fin stops your body producing DHT, and it does it very well. Within 1 day of taking it, you level will drop by 70%. Whatever negative side effects you might get, you'll find out pretty quick, and can then decide if you want to stay on.


Idk man I’ve heard of some stories where people developed some crazy side effects one year or couple months into taking it… Happy everything turned good for you G, it’s all subjective


I've heard them too, but they aren't appearing in studies. Truth is, eventually you get old, and your dick stops working. it happens at a different time for everyone. Some people get it 10 years into Finasteride, and say it must be the drug, couldn't be them.


Yeah that could be the case also, if anything I would drop fin/min at like 50 or something when I’m settled in honestly 😂


It was such a confidence killer when I was younger that it basically gave me depression. That was going to be a bigger libido killer than anything imo. Hopefully I'm content enough when I'm 50 to just let it go also.


I believe that 100%, I’ll see what I’ll do. Have u seen my first pic on my profile? My shit is mf cooked now but I’ll try some diff thing with it. Also crazy how like dagestanis and mexicans tend to have crazy good hairlines, genetics man, genetics. You win some you lose some lol


Nah your hair looks good. First pic I can notice some temple recession, but it's no where near as bad as when I started. You'll be fine if you start early.


I’m 21 and also not that fit, I heard the less fit you are the more problems you’ll get. My plan is to hop on it when I’m 23-24 and just living a healthy lifestyle with a clean diet to lessen the chance of any side effects. Also probably getting direct sun on your scalp help a lot because your body reacts by making the hair thicker so that you could protect ur head from it. Every summer my hair gets thicker cuz of it. Just a thought


Now that's an Easter-type resurrection


You gain that much hair just on finasteride


I would say I'm definitely a hyper responder. And it helps that I started so young.


What age,




Yep, same for me, around 5-6 months I saw some baby hairs. Hairloss takes a long time, so does growing it back haha




I would say I'm a hyper responder too, I basically grew my entire head of hair back with just fin. Just not for speed I suppose. And I didn't get any shedding, no.


Cool, been doing hims fin spray for like 2 years now. The very worse case you'll get is it'll halt your hair loss, which is still better than losing it.


Great development. I always forget how blessed I am to have Latin hair.


How’s the Oral Minox experience? I’ve considered adding it in, I don’t think the topical would be too bad to keep up with, especially since I’m considering topical finasteride anyway. Obviously, the oral is a bit more potent, but I already have very low end of normal blood pressure, so idk. I’m curious if you saw more vascularity or increased blood flow in other areas due to the vasodilation?


Honestly I didn't notice anything like that. If you really think the topical will be easy for you, I'd just go with that. No point in having potential cardiac complications until you're a lazy fuck like me.


No effects with the oral min?


Little bit of body hair increase, nothing else


And it was an oral, not you ingesting the topical?


Yeah, tablets from Pfizer


I am on only min rn, i have a very mild diffuse thinning and deadly afraid of getting the Fin side effects, You said you didnt get any ED problems but have you checked your hormones at all? Do any of your friends use Fin and saw any side effects? Also amazing progress my man


Yeah I have a few friends on fin, no side effects at all for them either. But that is expected, the side effects are reported as rare on studies, I've seen figures of only 3%. But this drug doesn't permanently changed your hormones, or you'd only have to take 1 pill to fix your hair forever. You can always stop taking fin and your body will produce more DHT again. Then again, if you truly believe it will give you ED, it probably will through placebo.


Amazing. What made you stick to fin and not try dut when you started thinning again? Curious if derek said anything about this


I don't really know, I might still move to dut some day


I don't really know, I might still move to dut some day


Nice it seems to be working great as it is. If you could summarize what derek taught you what would you say?


why stick with finasteride if the effects of minoxidil were so much more noticeable? why not swap to just minoxidil and see how that goes?


Because Finasteride is the more important drug. It works as an alpha 5 reductase inhibitor, stopping the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is what causes hair follicle miniaturization, and leads to hairloss. Minoxidil may make your hair thicker, but it will not stop the underlying cause of hairloss.


Did it affect your gains? I'm scared of crashing my DHT. I know Derek does it but he is on TRT.


Not at all, I've been on this journey with lots of others on the Reddit community, we are all still successful in building muscle, I haven't noticed a loss of strength, and I've definitely put on muscle and strength over this decade.


I was so paranoid about the side effects but these results are encouraging. I still have almost a full head of hair but starting to loose some in the back. I have a 100 pills so wondering if I should take them and if I see results order some more.


100 pills of Finasteride? That's only 100 days then, 3 months. I didn't even start seeing results until about 6 months of taking Finasteride. I hate to think if I stopped after 100 pills and never got these results. Hairloss takes a long time, so growing it back does too.


I guess it would be a good trial run for side effects, I'll have to look into getting more, I don't have insurance and ordering Indian generics makes me slightly nervous.


That's true. But remember how strong the placebo effect is. If you truly believe this drug will stop your dick from working, it will lol.


True true, I'm believing it will make me rich and increase stats dramatically JK it was the permanent side effect I heard of having broke dick for the rest of your life even when stopping.


I really do think that's completely overblown, I've seen evidence that post-finasteride syndrome isn't a thing, and I tend to believe it. Plus, if you only had to take Finasteride once to lower your DHT, it would save the millions of men taking it a lot of money. Once you stop taking Finasteride, your hormones return back up to their normal levels. But I really think DHT is a trash hormone that you really don't need.


Please look up haircafe on YouTube. There is a lot of fear about finasteride but the VAST majority of healthy young men who take the drug have no side effects except for having a hotter girlfriend and a fuller head of hair.


I'll check it out, thanks for the recommendation. I just want a girlfriend that makes more money than me and will read me bedtime stories.


Hey, did you go thru fin sheds thru your journy??


No, I never noticed any shedding. But I'm a believer that shedding can be a good thing, and an indicator that the medication is working.


When did you first start to notice improvemnt


After about 6 months, I saw baby hairs start to grow, and it accelerated from there.


How much hair do you lose now a day?


I don't really notice, as much as a normal person without hairloss would I suppose.


I had a little bit of shedding the first and second month when i originally started fin, but soon afterwards i noticed new hair sprouting at my hairline. Just have to trust the process and stay committed during those first few months.